The Fraud of "Saint MLK"!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
With the annual lionization of cultural Marxist god "Saint MLK" here, I thought I'd provide some further exposure of this charlatan "Mike" King (communist, womanizer & apostate)...

Martin Luther King Jr. EXPOSED!

Complied and edited by David J. Stewart

Martin Luther King Jr.'s real birth name was Michael King Jr. Although his father later decided to rename Michael to "Martin Luther" King Jr. (after martin Luther the reformer), there was never any legal name change. Michael King Jr. was born and died as Michael King Jr.

Christianity Today promotes Communist Martin Luther King Jr. According to Christianity Today, "No Christian played a more prominent role in the century's most significant social justice movement." This is tragic! Few Christians are aware of the evils of Martin Luther King Jr. --King was an IMPOSTER as you will see clearly in this article. To no surprise, Christianity Today also promotes Witchcraft.

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Christian. King propagated a social Gospel of ecumenism (which is still strongly followed today by African Americans), but King certainly did NOT preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist Preacher. Many of King's doctrines were way out in left field. He denied the bodily resurrection of Christ and believed that spirituality could be gained through "religious experience" as he termed it.

3. The "social justice" which Christianity Today praises was nothing less than a continued Communist conspiracy to destabilize America. This "social justice" has spawned feminism, homosexuality, gay-marriage, abortion, and a host of other evils in America. Freedom without moral restraint is no freedom at all and can only lead to certain bondage. The social justice which King propagated was not just a fight for equality amongst African Americans, but was largely a campaign to morally bankrupt America. Communism found a willing servant in Martin Luther King Jr. Today, America is largely Communist. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Karl Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have been fulfilled already in America. For example, the 10th plank called for the creation of a public school system. The 5th plank called for a central bank. Communism's ultimate goal is the total destruction of America's sovereignty, economy, land ownership rights, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and Christianity.

"The New World Order is full of empty platitudes about "peace" "tolerance" and "human rights." But in light of the NWO's murderous Communist (and Fascist) pedigree, these platitudes are no more convincing than if Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer uttered them." -Henry Makow

Martin Luther King was a Communist!

Some people claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Communist, even though he did everything possible to promote the Communist's agenda. That's like saying that Hitler was not a murderer because he didn't actually do the killing. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist! Martin Luther King was affiliated with 60 Communist Fronts. He openly incited violence under the banner of "nonviolence." King led a bizarre sex life which included acts of shocking perversion. On Jan. 31, 1977 Coretta Scott King obtained a federal court order sealing for 50 years 845 pages of FBI records about her husband, "because its release would destroy his reputation!" Still a cowardly, spineless Congress voted to make King's birthday a national holiday. This is should be an outrage to all Christians. The King Holiday act must be repealed!

The life story of Martin Luther King is shocking and disgraceful from beginning to end. He was born with the name Michael King on Jan. 15, 1929. In 1935 his preacher father, "Daddy" King, decided to name himself after the great Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He announced to his congregation that henceforth he was to be called Martin Luther King and his son Martin Luther King, Jr. "Daddy" King never bothered to have this act legalized in court. Thus, his son's real name is Michael King! The holiday should actually be called "Michael" King Day!

It was not some "right-winger" who had King's office and hotel rooms bugged. This order was signed by then U.S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy on Oct. 10, 1963. Evidence proved that King was under the direct orders of Soviet spies and financed by the Communist Party. The Kennedy tapings continued for 5 years and also developed shocking revelations regarding King's sexual practices.

African American, Bayard Rustin is a former organizer for the Young Communist League. He spent 60 days in a California jail on a 1953 conviction for performing lewd homosexual acts in public. He also served 28 months in prison for draft evasion. Today Rustin is paid by Jewish organizations for use of his name as a "signer" of ads urging "Black-Jewish Unity." He was King's secretary and advisor from 1956 to 1960. During this period Rustin attended the National Convention of the Communist Party in 1957 as an "honored observer." King called him a "a brilliant, efficient, and dedicated organizer." It was Rustin who introduced King to a Soviet spy named Stanley D. Levison. He was a New York Lawyer and vice-president of the N.Y. Council of the American Jewish Congress. Levison's job was to launder the $1million subsidy Soviet Russia gave to finance the U.S. Communist Party. Levison proved important financial, organizational and public relations services for King. After King's death his wife, Coretta Scott King described Levison's role as, "always working in the background, his contribution has been indispensable." Levison wrote an obituary for King and described America as a "nation tenaciously racist... sick with violence...and corrosive with alienation. The civil rights liberation struggle is the most positive and rewarding area of work anyone could experience."

The money which the Soviet Union funneled to Levison came from a Jew named Isidore G. Needleman. He was a KGB secret police agent who fronted as an officer of AMTORG, the trading company in New York City which buys U.S. goods for shipment to Russia. There are so many Jews in the Communist Party the FBI hired two Jewish brothers, Morris Childs and Jack Childs as spies planned inside the Communist Party. For 30 years, Morris Childs was formerly a member of the National Committee of the Communist party and once served as editor of the Daily Worker. Childs reported that after the death of the Jew William Weiner, who was treasurer of the Communist Party, it was Stanley Levison who took over this vital post.

In 1945 the International Labor Defense and the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties merged with the Marxist inspired National Negro Congress to form the Civil Rights Congress (CRC). The CRC was led by an open black Communist lawyer by the name of William L. Patterson who defended minority hoodlums and left wing radicals. King knew, respected, and worked with Communists including members of the Communist Party USA. He was an admirer of Ben Davis, a fellow native of Atlanta who was elected "the first Communist Councilman from Harlem." He certainly admired William L. Patterson, a Communist leader nicknamed "Mr. Civil Rights."

King Pictured With Three Top Reds

The photo to the left of King is extremely important as it identifies King with Carl and Ann Branden. They are lifelong Communist Party activists out of Louisville, Kentucky. Both were leaders in SCEF, Carl Branden was convicted of criminal sedition in 1954. He and his wife purchased a home for blacks in a white neighborhood to incite racial violence. Later they were charged with bombing the same house to win sympathy for their cause and to raise money. Ann Braden today is a founder of the Atlanta based "Center for Democratic Renewal" which smears Conservative patriots.

Below is a Photostat of an SCEF (Southern Conference Education Fund) check to King signed by Dombrowski and Benjamin Smith, who was a registered Foreign Agent for Fidel Castro.

Photo of King at Communist Party Training School

On this page is the photo taken Sept. 2, 1957 of King attending the Highlander Folk School which the Communist Party operated at Monteagle, Tennessee Identified in the picture is No. 1 King, No. 2, Abner Berry, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and writer for the "Daily Worker," No. 3, Aubrey Williams, Communist Party agent and president of the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) a red front organizing blacks in southern states. No. 4, Miles Horton, head of the Highlander Folk School King was listed on the schools' letterhead as a "sponsor."The Highlander school was financed by the Julius Rosenwald Fund. At one time Rosenwald headed Sears Roebuck Co. He spent $22 million financing civil rights groups. His daughter Edith Stern continued to give money to the SCEF and Highlander Folk School after her father's death. Her husband, Alfred stern of New Orleans, fled to Russia just before he was to be arrested on spy charges.

Communists Promoted King

A number of communists who left the party have reported they were ordered to do all within their power to support King's activities. A black woman, Julia Brown, was a Communist in Cleveland for nine years. She said"

"We were told to promote King, to unite Negroes and Whites behind him, and to turn him into a sort of national hero . We were to look to King as the leader in this struggle, the Communists said, because he was on our side. While in the party I learned that King attended a communist training school, that several of his aides were communists and that he received funds from Communists and took directions from them. He was one of their biggest heroes."

The U. S. Congressional Record of March 30, 1965 quotes Karl Prussian, an FBI counterspy inside the Communist Party as swearing: "At all of these (Communist Party) meetings Rev. Martin Luther King was always set forth as the individual to whom Communists should rally around... King has either been a member of, or willingly accepted support from over 60 Communist fronts... King accepted support from communist fronts , individuals and organizations which espouse communist causes."

"Reverend" King was a Sexual Pervert and Tyrant

One of King's closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy acknowledges in his autobiography that King had a "weakness for women" and indulged in extramarital affairs. The Bible calls those "extramarital affairs" ADULTERY! "Reverend?" I think not. Yet, tragically, professed "Christian" African Americans still reverence a shameless adulterer. King lived in open abominable adultery and made no apologies for it. He was no better than openly homosexual entertainer Elton John. No immoral Communist should have a national holiday celebrated in honor of him. This is a clear indication of how apostate America has become.

It is widely known that King was a womanizing adulterer. Under the order of U. S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, the FBI wired King's offices, and hotel rooms from 1963 to 1968. These tapes notably records his transactions with communist agents, but also wild interracial sex orgies which included acts of perversion. King's aids would use tax exempt money donated to his southern Christian Leadership conference to hire White prostitutes to perform sexual acts with him. King often would use two prostitute at the same time. These shocking tapes were ordered sealed for 50 years by U.S. Federal Judge John Smith Jr. on January 31, 1977. In other words we will not be able to learn all the gory details until the year 2027. some 90 congressmen, led by the late rep. Larry McDonald, urged Congress to find out what was on these tapes before they approved the disgraceful King Holiday Bill. A cowardly and spineless Congress voted 338 to 90 approving the King Holiday.

Still, many have been able to learn some of the shocking incidents recorded in the King tapes. Washington's old Willard Hotel was the scene of King forcing White women to drink "black Russian" and performing sexual acts with him. In Las Vegas King's aids paid $100 each to prostitutes to join him in orgies. In New York city King got drunk and threatened a young White girl working for civil rights to submit to his strange sexual tastes or he would jump from the 13th floor window. She succumbed to prove to loyalty to King. In Norway, King was nude when stopped by police while chasing a woman down a hotel corridor. In Los Angeles a dentist supporter of King was outraged when he discovered his wife engaged in weird sexual acts with the civil rights leader. King was forced to flee the city after the dentist threatened to kill him. This escapade was taped on February 20, 1968. The following April someone else would shoot King. Is this the kind of man we want to hold up to our children to be honored as a national hero?

It has been well-documented that King was a serial adulterer and womanizer. Here is an account of just one nightâ€â€￾the night before his assassinationâ€â€￾as recounted in Ralph Abernathy's 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. (Abernathy was a close friend of King's and was with him that night).

King gave a rousing speech ("I've Been to the Mountaintop");
King then had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM
King came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman.
In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied.
When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

King Finds religion, but Not Jesus

Tracing the evolution of his religious beliefs in a sketch written at Crozer entitled "An Autobiography of Religious Development," King recalled that an initial sense of religious estrangement had unexpectedly and abruptly become apparent at a Sunday morning revival meeting he attended at about the age of seven. A guest evangelist from Virginia had come to talk about salvation and to seek recruits for the church. Having grown up in the church, King had never given much thought to joining it formally, but the emotion of the revival and the decision of his sister to step forward prompted an impulsive decision to accept conversion. He reflected, "I had never given this matter a thought, and even at the time of [my] baptism I was unaware of what was taking place." King admitted that he "joined the church not out of any dynamic conviction, but out of a childhood desire to keep up with my sister."

Martin Luther King may have had a religious experience, but he didn't find Jesus. King admits that he was "unaware" of what was taking place. Going to church to keep up with his big sister is nice, but it is NOT salvation. King had Churchianity without Christianity, religion without Truth.

King Denied the Bodily Resurrection, Virgin Birth, and Deity of Jesus Christ

In the same sketch, "An Autobiography of Religious Development," King wrote that, although he accepted the teachings of his Sunday school teachers until he was about twelve,

this uncritical attitude could not last long, for it was contrary to the very nature of my being. I had always been the questioning and precocious type. At the age of 13 I shocked my Sunday School class by denying the bodily resurrection of Jesus. From the age of thirteen on doubts began to spring forth unrelentingly.

While it is widely believed that Martin Luther King, Jr. was committed to the "Christian religion," he was far from it. He denied some of the most fundamental components of historic Christianity. He repudiated the doctrine of the deity of Jesus, and he rejected the concept that the Lord was raised bodily from the dead. King disdained the New Testament affirmation of Christ's virgin birth, asserting that the early Christians devised a mythological story to account for the moral uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth. His theology has been profusely documented in The Christian News Encyclopedia.

1. In his paper "What Experiences of Christians Living in the Early Christian Century Led to the Christian Doctrines of the Divine Sonship of Jesus, the Virgin Birth, and the Bodily Resurrection," MLK thought that in order to understand the true meaning of orthodox creedal doctrinesâ€â€￾like the divine Sonship of Jesus, the virgin birth, and the bodily resurrectionâ€â€￾the literal element needed to be stripped away in order to uncover the true experiential foundation beneath it.

MLK believed that doctrine of Jesus' deity developed due to Greek philosophical influence and because the early church saw him as the highest and the best
MLK believed that the "virgin birth" was unscientific and untenable; like divine Sonship, this doctrine developed as a way for the early church to indicate how highly they valued the uniqueness of Jesus.
MLK believed that the doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus was an attempt by the pre-scientific early church to symbolize the experience that they had with Jesus.
2. Read in light of the above, it is clear to me that in the paper, "The Sources of Fundamentalism and Liberalism Considered Historically and Psychologically," MLK is self-consciously identifying himself with classical theological liberalism and rejecting the doctrines of fundamentalism.

MLK praised theological liberalism. In addition to the denial of the doctrines of divine Sonship, the virgin birth, and the resurrection, MLK points out that there is also a denial of Scriptural inerrancy and the doctrine of the fall.
MLK scorned theological fundamentalism. MLK seems not to believe in the direct creation of the world by God, man as being in the image of God, the historical account of Adam and Eve, the person of the Devil, the Fall, hell, the Trinity, the substitutionary atonement, and the Second Coming.
3. In his paper, "A Study of Mithraism," MLK suggests that the doctrines of the early church grew out of the Greek mystery religions and cults which flourished at that time.

4. In an interview with Time Magazine, MLK seems to indicate that it was at Crozer Theological Seminary (the setting for the term papers quoted above) that he saw that the ministry was a framework by which he could express his philosophy of social protest.

King Was NO Baptist Preacher, and Certainly NO Christian

"By the time King entered Boston University, he was learning how to use his theological training to enrich his preaching and, in the process, return to his roots as a Baptist preacher." -source

Martin Luther King was a heretic, NOT a Baptist preacher. The Baptist faith has certain distinguishing distinctives, you can't just call yourself a "Baptist" and become one. Doctrinally, King was a false prophet. The following information clearly reveals that Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist and certainly NO Christian.

At Crozer, King was introduced to personalism, a philosophical school of thought that had developed in the late nineteenth century at Boston University and other American universities. After reviewing a text by Boston professor Edgar S. Brightman, a leading personalist theologian, King reported, in an essay for one of his classes, that he was . . . amazed to find that the conception of God is so complex and one about which opinions differ so widely." King conceded that he was still "quite confused as to which definition [of God] was the most adequate," but thought that Brightman's personalist theology held the greatest appeal. Its emphasis on the reality of personal religious experience validated King's own religious experiences. King reaffirmed his belief that "every man, from the ordinary simple-hearted believer to the philosophical intellectual giant, may find God through religious experience." His reading of Brightman led him to discover his own spirituality:

"How I long now for that religious experience which Dr. Brightman so cogently speaks of throughout his book. It seems to be an experience, the lack of which life becomes dull and meaningless. As I reflect on the matter, however, I do remember moments that I have been awe awakened; there have been times that I have been carried out of myself by something greater than myself and to that something I gave myself. Has this great something been God? Maybe after all I have been religious for a number of years, and am now only becoming aware of it."

Brightman's explanation of religious experience convinced King that he could experience God's powerful presence in his own life without the benefit of a sudden religious conversion.

What a bunch of heresy!!! Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Christian. How can someone call them self a "Christian" and be confused on the definition of God? The Bible clearly defines Who God Is. Jesus Christ is God! (John 1:1-3,14; Revelation 1:8). King believed that God could be found through "religious experience." John 14:6 declares that the ONLY way to God the Father is through Jesus Christ, NOT religious experience! Listen friend, the Word of God proclaims "Ye must be born again (John 3:3). It's as simple as that. All the religious experiences in the world never saved anybody. In fact, religion is the worst thing that ever happened to this sin-cursed world. So which religion is the right one? That's an easy answer...NONE of them! Salvation is NOT found in any religion, but in a Person --The Lord Jesus Christ. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke much about "religious experiences," but rarely a word is ever mentioned about the Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible proclaims a simple Gospel of salvation ONLY made possible by the blood of Jesus Christ. Thus, eternal life is a free gift from God to those who will simply believe upon the name of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:13).

Martin Luther King Jr. was a sinister minister, a Satan-inspired imposter...NOT A CHRISTIAN!

***MLK Exposed Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great link Dixie! Thanks for posting the article.
Jul 14, 2007
Thank you for this information Dixie. One time I had an argument with two otherwise intelligent guys who were saying that Martin Luther King should be canonized as a Saint in the Catholic Church. They falsely believed that he didn't commit any sins, and that he was the source of more good in the world than any other person in the 20th century. I told him that it was rediculous because MLK was simply a spokesman for a cause who sinned just like anyone else.

While there are vastly many different Christian beliefs, I'm sure we can all agree that Martin Luther (Michael) King, Jr. did not proclaim Christian beliefs. Many people who claim to be Christian idolize and worship him. I think as Christians it is our duty to go to our churches and tell people that Martin Luther King is not a Saint, and is not a good person we should emulate.

If we can get the truth out about this man, we can hopefully get rid of the status that's been given to him such as the terrible holiday.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I've heard the horrible details of this charlatan's life over and over. Most likely, the stories that have been released are mild compared the actual truth of this monster of a man.

King's story in many ways reflects that of the "black struggle" here in know, just empty words and victimization until it comes time to be a good and decent person. This articlefails to mentionyet another Kingtransgression, as it was later discovered that King plagirized his PhD paper. Therefore, his "Dr. King" title is notvalid. Thisclaim pretty much summarized his entire life:dishonesty.

His wife must be very proud of her drunken, adultorous, abusive, violent, cheating "husband."

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The fact that the federal government felt the need in 1977 to seal its surveillance tapes on MLK from the American people for 50 years speaks volumes about his character.

Only 18 more years to go for those keeping count at home.

Here's another good article on MLK by the late, great Samuel Francis, originally published in American Renaissance:


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Don Wassall said:
The fact that the federal government felt the need in 1977 to seal its surveillance tapes on MLK from the American people for 50 years speaks volumes about his character.

Only 18 more years to go for those keeping count at home.

Yeah, they couldn't possibly be hiding anything now could they? Yet our so called representatives voted to honor this piece of trash with a holiday.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Don Wassall said:
The fact that the federal government felt the need in 1977 to seal its surveillance tapes on MLK from the American people for 50 years speaks volumes about his character.

Only 18 more years to go for those keeping count at home.

Here's another good article on MLK by the late, great Samuel Francis, originally published in American Renaissance:


Knowing your hero has feet of clay has a way of destroying the mythology surrounding him.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
January 19th is a great day!

Robert E. Lee day is an unofficial Southern holiday observed on January 19 of each year. The day is a day of remembrance and celebration. Remembrance of a man who gave his utmost for a cause, and put duty, faith, and service above all else. Robert E. Lee day is a day that all Southerners say, "Thank you, General, for all you did." January 19 was Robert E. Lee's Birthday.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Deacon said:
Great information to absorb and pass on to the others.

That is just what I did! I expect to get a few ticked off replies to the email I sent out.
Oct 24, 2005
I thought they sealed the tapes to save the reputation of the prostitutes. They have family, too.


Sep 9, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
Deacon said:
Great information to absorb and pass on to the others.

That is just what I did! I expect to get a few ticked off replies to the email I sent out.

Yeah, you should be careful regarding the saint known as MLK. You would get death threats if you'd imply that MLK was a sinner.

I try to talk about the god to my sister and she immediately tries to shut me down because she would rather not hear about it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Deacon said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Deacon said:
Great information to absorb and pass on to the others.

That is just what I did! I expect to get a few ticked off replies to the email I sent out.

Yeah, you should be careful regarding the saint known as MLK. You would get death threats if you'd imply that MLK was a sinner.

I try to talk about the god to my sister and she immediately tries to shut me down because she would rather not hear about it.

So far, I've only received one negative reply, while I've had5 positive replies. Hey, that reminds me of a Doors song.
The negative reply couldn't argue with any of the facts, but that person hasn't agreed with me on much lately and I think they just had to lash out. Pathetic how some people won't open their eyes. I think we'll have to shake some people to get them to wake up. Hmm, that reminds me of a Steppenwolf song.
Oct 24, 2005
When MLK was alive, it was well known that the FBI was bugging him. Jack Anderson would mention this once in a while.
There were a number of ribald jokes about MLK's lovelife. I won't repeat any, but the punchline was about why he was call "Tiny."
Then they sealed the tapes. Makes you wonder if he was tiny.


Sep 9, 2005
Haha, I was just banned from a forum for preaching against the almighty MLK. It was a topic that said MLK was among the top 5 greatest Americans that ever lived. I argued against it and was subsequently banned.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Interesting site, Don. It sure is funny how far some brainwashed whites will go to protect something they know nothing of.
Oct 24, 2005
For argument sake, lets pretend that MLK was not an adulter, a communist, and was a good christian. What is left. He made a few good speeches and he helped get a civil rights bill passed. In another words he is just a lobbyist. Hardly the qualifications of a great man wh deserves a national holiday.
Thomas Edison contributed more to American, yet he is not honored with a holiday. Maybe in the future this holiday will just fade away.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
screamingeagle said:
Maybe in the future this holiday will just fade away.

Not a chance until the U.S. "achieves" full-fledged "Idiocracy" mode.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
there is some damn good reading on this thread.

keep up the good work, gentlemen! however, as Anton Chekhov said, "Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."

share this with others, so that the truth will be spread.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
This ties in with both Michael King, Jr. and Barry O, but this is what EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) personality Fr. John Corapi has to say about it all. This coming from a man who is supposed to be representing the Catholic faith, mind you. He would be in better company with the likes of Revs. Warren and Lowery.

We have passed the threshold into one of the most important weeks in American history, and a convergence of three very important celebrations reminds us of it. Monday we celebrate the remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, who worked so heroically and tirelessly to insure that all men and women might share in the American dream equally. Tuesday we celebrate the inauguration of the first African American president, Barack Obama. That an African American can be so elected is indeed a cause to celebrate. However, thursday we pray and do penance on the anniversary of the most infamous court decision in United States history, Roe v. Wade. All three are related.

Dr. King fought long and hard and suffered many things that all men and women in the United States of America might enjoy those truths that we hold to be self evident: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He was an American hero for so doing. This week we should rightly celebrate the fact that an African American can be and has been elected President of the United States. This is surely progress, both political and moral.

This all being said, it has to plague the conscience of any thinking person that in this country there is yet the most immoral and deadly form of prejudice and persecution imaginable against the most innocent and vulnerable class of human beingsâ€â€￾the unwanted unborn. No matter what advances this country makes, moral, economic, social, or technological, so long as that blight on our national identity remains, all else will ultimately pale into relative insignificance.

God is not a disinterested spectator in the affairs of man. He knows every child by name from all eternity. He loves each one with His infinite love. God's holy Catholic Church teaches that abortion in a single case is homicide. I assert that if this is the case, and it is, then the 50,000,000 homicides through abortion that have taken place in the United States since Roe v. Wade constitute genocide. God will not favor such a country, regardless of any other progress. Unless this outrage against God and humanity is stopped very soon, the United States of America, and in turn all of the Western world, will realize the death wish that it has manifest for several decades.

Every Catholic, Christian, Jew, and all people of good will and right reason must pray and do penance rigorously and daily from now on for the defeat of this heinous evil we call abortion. If we fail, then Western society as we know it will soon collide with a disaster it will not survive.

May God have mercy on us.

Fr. John Corapi


Nov 23, 2008
Outstanding Article, keep posting dudes!

Martin Luther King, Jr. called for equally among all men and women. But today, that call has transformed into call for black racial pride and superiority. BHO's electing and inauguration will without make a lot of Blacks and WIGGERS go CRAZY from now on.

Don't be surprised if he is praised every now and then, in every Black Church, and every liberal news media in the country.


Apr 13, 2005
Oddly enough, one of the people we have to thank for chopping MLK down to size is his closest friend, Ralph David Abernathy (mentioned in the original post) whose autobiography,And the Walls Came Tumbling Down detail King's sordid encounters. Do not forget to reference this or everything said about MLK will be dismissed as "racist lies."

MLK and his pals sometimes engaged in group sex with women, which was picked up by the FBI microphones. One encounter had King mocking his own "mountaintop" speech reference. Another captured a woman telling King that he shouldn't be having sex with her because he was a reverend, to which he responded, "I'm just a n i g g e r tonight."Edited by: Bronk