The Fraud of "Saint MLK"!

Oct 24, 2005
If Hispanics take over MLK day will disappear. He means nothing to them.
Now that we have a Black president, what do we need MLK day for anyway?
Oct 24, 2005
Gov Blago of Illinois is comparing himself to MLK. I do not see the comparison. Blago does not look like the guy who would punch a prostitute. Patty wouldn't let him.


Dec 15, 2005
MLK II, sounds like a tank doesn't it?, was a true demagogue in every sense of the word. The real tragedy of MLK worship is that so many blacks(and whites) now idolize him. They've now associated Communism with equality under the law. The left has also hijacked the legacies of many black "paleoconservatives," around pre-1960. Despite popular belief, many of the so called "civil rights" activists were in fact right wing. Booker T. Washington is the only one that gets recognition because his Tuskegee Institute was so successful in its heyday.

The poster boy for the "caste system," the guy that supposedly proved black athletic supremacy, James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens, would have loathed the myths that have formed around him if he were alive today. He was more or less "right wing."

Another black who I'd consider "right wing" would be noted author Zora Neale Hurston. When the MLK company launched all their "diversity" programs, her work was allowed to drift into obscurity because of them. Only when the establishment could hijack her legacy, did they allow her work back into the schools.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Freedom said:
The left has also hijacked the legacies of many black "paleoconservatives," around pre-1960. Despite popular belief, many of the so called "civil rights" activists were in fact right wing. Booker T. Washington is the only one that gets recognition because his Tuskegee Institute was so successful in its heyday.

The poster boy for the "caste system," the guy that supposedly proved black athletic supremacy, James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens, would have loathed the myths that have formed around him if he were alive today. He was more or less "right wing."

That's assuming their views would have remained frozen in time while U.S. society itself moved ever leftward. John F. Kennedy was considered a liberal, yet his views would be considered "right wing" today. JFK would most likely have changed with the times just as Teddy Kennedy always has.

Similarly, considering that he was basically a communist, MLK would also now endorse quotas, affirmative action and the rest of it.

None of the civil rights activists were considered "right wing" in their time. The "civil rights movement" that began in the 1960s by definition is a very left wing, Cultural Marxist one. Your supposed "right wingers" from today's perspective were merely adopting the most "extreme" (left wing) views that they thought they could foist on American society at that time.

Booker T. Washington could be considered a conservative, but his views were much different from any of the civil rights activists. He was not a "civil rights activist" as such did not exist until much later on. Booker T. Washington is considered an embarrassment, an Uncle Tom, by the civil rights movement.


Dec 15, 2005
Well, JFK had a really really weird presidency, particularly because of his father's bizarre influence. Oh, btw, I'm pretty sure JFK was an America Firster and wrote a thesis sympathetic to Neville Chamberlain; talk about apostasy. Joe was made ambassador to the Court of St. James despite hating English people except for Nancy Astor. So JFK's views were pretty messed up to begin with. Also, I think his assassination specifically caused a move towards the left, taking note of how Goldwater got the crap kicked out of him.

That aside, I'm accusing MLK and his cronies of hijacking other people and labeling them "civil rights activists."

Don writes, "Your supposed "right wingers" from today's perspective were merely adopting the most "extreme" (left wing) views that they thought they could foist on American society at that time."

No, definitely not the case for Hurston and Owens. Richard Wright, Langston Hughes, and W.E.B. DuBois were all compensated handsomely for their Communist sympathies. Hurston died in relative obscurity for her right wing views.

Jesse Owens repeatedly denied the myth that Hitler especially snubbed him despite news videos teaching it all over America. He even said, "Hitler didn't snub meâ€â€￾it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."[quoted in Triumph, a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap.] It would appear that FDR thought that Owens was not an American.

He took a lot of heat for opposing the "Black Power Salute" too. That was in 1968. By 1968, there were plenty of Communist sympathizers in power that would've embraced Owens. Heck, if Owens had embraced the "Black Power Salute," as a symbol of black athletic supremacy(which many view it as,) UC Berkeley would've made him a professor.

They didn't consider themselves "civil rights" activists. They were retroactively declared "civil rights" activists.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Freedom said:
Well, JFK had a really really weird presidency, particularly because of his father's bizarre influence. Oh, btw, I'm pretty sure JFK was an America Firster and wrote a thesis sympathetic to Neville Chamberlain; talk about apostasy. Joe was made ambassador to the Court of St. James despite hating English people except for Nancy Astor. So JFK's views were pretty messed up to begin with. Also, I think his assassination specifically caused a move towards the left, taking note of how Goldwater got the crap kicked out of him.

That aside, I'm accusing MLK and his cronies of hijacking other people and labeling them "civil rights activists."

Don writes, "Your supposed "right wingers" from today's perspective were merely adopting the most "extreme" (left wing) views that they thought they could foist on American society at that time."

No, definitely not the case for Hurston and Owens. Richard Wright, Langston Hughes, and W.E.B. DuBois were all compensated handsomely for their Communist sympathies. Hurston died in relative obscurity for her right wing views.

Jesse Owens repeatedly denied the myth that Hitler especially snubbed him despite news videos teaching it all over America. He even said, "Hitler didn't snub meâ€â€￾it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."[quoted in Triumph, a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap.] It would appear that FDR thought that Owens was not an American.

He took a lot of heat for opposing the "Black Power Salute" too. That was in 1968. By 1968, there were plenty of Communist sympathizers in power that would've embraced Owens. Heck, if Owens had embraced the "Black Power Salute," as a symbol of black athletic supremacy(which many view it as,) UC Berkeley would've made him a professor.

They didn't consider themselves "civil rights" activists. They were retroactively declared "civil rights" activists.

JFK's views represented the liberal wing of the Democrat Party of that era. Owens did refute the myths about being snubbed by Hitler and how he was treated at the '36 Olympics, but that didn't make him a member of the America First movement or otherwise a "right winger." Like Joe Louis and a lot of other black public figures of the time, he was well-mannered and apolitical. A lot of blacks opposed the fist-clenching at the '68 Olympics. George Foreman responded by waving an American flag in the ring after he won his gold medal.

Richard Wright, Langston Hughes, and W.E.B. DuBois were all compensated handsomely for their Communist sympathies.

Your original post claimed "The left has also hijacked the legacies of many black 'paleoconservatives,' around pre-1960 [sic]," specifically mentioning Washington. What does that have to do with Wright, Hughes and DuBois?

Do you have any examples of how "MLK and his cronies[hijacked] other people and[labeled] them 'civil rights activists'."


Dec 15, 2005
Yes. I've got to study for a few tests, but give me time and I'll produce a bunch. Here are some very cursory examples.

Starting with just wikipedia:

The article "In Search of Zora Neale Hurston" by Alice Walker was published in the March 1975 issue of Ms. Magazine. This article revived interest in her work.

Alice Walker and Ms. Magazine are about as Communist as you can get. Oh, and Oprah's been endorsing Hurston's work. If Hurston saw Obama's politics, she'd be fuming. It is indisputable that Hurston was an America Firster. I'm pretty sure she even called FDR's "arsenal of Democracy" the "arse-anal" of Democracy, or something to that effect. Communist beatnicks in the 1950s effectively blocked her literature because of her campaigning for Robert Taft. Now, she is considered a "civil rights" activist.

As for Owens, my memory is less vivid, but I know for a fact that he was politically involved with right wing causes. He also praised German athletes, something that seems to contradict the caste system.

Wright, Hughes, and DuBois were all funded by Communist causes. They, in turn, largely wrote about African Americans from a Communist perspective. Here is one instance.

They viewed Washington like he was an inferior precursor to their Communism. Also note that debates were arranged between Lothrop Stoddard and DuBois, while they both advocated Communist principles.

Edited by: Freedom

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Freedom said:
Yes. I've got to study for a few tests, but give me time and I'll produce a bunch. Here are some very cursory examples.

Starting with just wikipedia:

The article "In Search of Zora Neale Hurston" by Alice Walker was published in the March 1975 issue of Ms. Magazine. This article revived interest in her work.

Alice Walker and Ms. Magazine are about as Communist as you can get. Oh, and Oprah's been endorsing Hurston's work. If Hurston saw Obama's politics, she'd be fuming. It is indisputable that Hurston was an America Firster. I'm pretty sure she even called FDR's "arsenal of Democracy" the "arse-anal" of Democracy, or something to that effect. Communist beatnicks in the 1950s effectively blocked her literature because of her campaigning for Robert Taft. Now, she is considered a "civil rights" activist.

As for Owens, my memory is less vivid, but I know for a fact that he was politically involved with right wing causes. He also praised German athletes, something that seems to contradict the caste system.

Wright, Hughes, and DuBois were all funded by Communist causes. They, in turn, largely wrote about African Americans from a Communist perspective. Here is one instance.

They viewed Washington like he was an inferior precursor to their Communism. Also note that debates were arranged between Lothrop Stoddard and DuBois, while they both advocated Communist principles.

The Caste System didn't exist until the late 1960s. I'd be interested in knowing the right wing political causes Jesse Owens was associated with.

Ialso see thatmention of the 1975 Ms. article on Wikipedia. Did it refer to Hurston as a left wing civil rights activist? My search doesn't find any such references. Your originalassertion was that "paleo-conservative" blacks have retroactively been made into far left civil rights activists by "MLK and his cronies." Was Alice Walker, who was 24 when MLK died, one of his "cronies"? Also, Zora Neale Hurston is hardly known except in certain literary circles. The public doesn't associate her with any particular cause. Edited by: Don Wassall


Dec 15, 2005
Alice Walker was one of his cronies or groupies, yes. The reason Zora Hurston is unknown outside of literary circles is because she is lumped in with Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and other black Left Wingers as a minor player in their movement. That's the way the school's teach her. I've even heard the name George Schuyler lumped in with W.E.B DuBois as if they were for the same cause, an absolute disgusting absurdity.

Owens was still active in the late 1960s when the caste system took hold. I'm pretty sure Owens had been affiliated with the Conservative Caucus before he died. Its founder, Howard Phillips, considered him a friend and patriot.

I've seen other info, but don't feel like looking for it.


Dec 15, 2005
Don, I'd be interested in knowing what you thought about what I've shown. I know it's not conclusive, but it's still revealing nonetheless.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Freedom, the above link didn't work for me.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Freedom said:
Don, I'd be interested in knowing what you thought about what I've shown. I know it's not conclusive, but it's still revealing nonetheless.

Considerable improvement over previous efforts. I'll give you a B+


Dec 15, 2005
Thanks. Well, you've got to remember that I'm on here for fun and enjoyment. I bet for a lot of the quarter of your life studying "America First" you were getting some type of compensation, or at least you considered it work. I'm not gonna usually produce up to scholarly credible standards for leisure usually. Occasionally, you might find a guy like Col. Reb whose truly dedicated and determined and goes above and beyond, but mostly we're relaxing here. It is a sports site and the section is Happy Hour after all. So I'm not gonna raid library books. On youtube though, I found other people who said there were black Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Oh, btw, I still wouldn't say JFK's views represented the Eugene McCarthy, Adlai Stevenson wing that pre-cursed today's liberals. It's really hard to say what his views were, especially because his father Joe was so enigmatic. JFK DID NOT VOTE TO CENSURE McCarthy and his family had connections galore to Joe McCarthy, just wikipedia it for a glimpse; I know it's accurate. He was definitely an "America Firster!" Just read his college thesis turned NYT bestseller, and look at his father's politics. He won the election in similar fashion to Bush over Gore. I'll sound like another conspiracy theorist but his father, Nancy Astor, and Galen Stone did some very weird things, I think having to do with State Street Bank. Joe hated English people but was made ambassador to the Court of St. James. Messed up stuff.

Not to mention the JFK also managed to film his military career with 1940s technology, a move John Kerry later copied.

Edited by: Freedom