The Eradication of Christianity!

Don't run from the obvious.

Christianity killed,slaughtered,massacred everyone who did not accept 'Jesus' as their savior.

under Charlemagne, a man who would eat during Lent would be put to death
the same punishment was given to those who did the funerlas of their relatives according to the pagan rite
the same for every man who refused to be baptized
Refrain from name calling. Keep in mind that the main posters in this thread are not going to convert each other, so discuss civilly for the lurkers and fence straddlers.
I dare any Christian to address the following post,and make a case validating the following:

under Charlemagne, a man who would eat during Lent would be put to death
the same punishment was given to those who did the funerlas of their relatives according to the pagan rite
the same for every man who refused to be baptized

And do not make Charlemagne look like a 'fanatic'.
He was doing so on the behest of the Vatican...hence,he was the first emperor to ever be coronated by the Pope:

Charlemagne reached the height of his power in 800 when he was crowned "emperor" by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day at Old St. Peter's Basilica.

So,Come on,do it..respond!:arms:
I've always liked Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology more than Hebrew mythology.


As a boy, I found the stories of Perseus, Hercules and Beowulf more fascinating than the stories of Jonah, Noah and Moses.

They call themselves 'Christian',and they have the official backing of the Vatican which is an authority on Christianity,if I may remind you.

Take responsibility for the actions of your kind!

I want the best for the white race,if we destroy the Jews on the way,its an added bonus.

Any arguments?


Are you a prude?

And more importantly,I answered it,here:

I want a 'white-ethnostate' with no jews and their lackeys(yes,'you'll') in sight.Where am I getting that?

No arguments about wanting what's best for the white race. We have common ground there. However, I don't see anything good happening for the white race since around the early 1960's and that's when liberals and liberal Jews started ridding us of being able to teach Christian values. That was the point of the thread. People who want Christianity eradicated are getting what they want and now we see some, I repeat some of the results and they are not good for our race and that's a fact.

As Old Scratch said the civil rights movement played a part in this also.

I don't worship the Vatican. The Catholic Church is not my God. My God is Jesus, not the church.

However, may I remind you what the Bible says once again about people who call themselves Christian,

Watch out for false prophets. They come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves..
Matthew, 7:15.

Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven...., Matthew, 7:21.

Yeah, maybe I'm a prude, I don't see anything wrong with a little modesty. If you ever get married and have girls, you might understand.
No arguments about wanting what's best for the white race.

To whom is your allegiance first and foremost,your religion or your race?

I don't see anything wrong with a little modesty. If you ever get married and have girls, you might understand.

I agree with you,I'm not a pervert.
However nudity,done 'tastefully' is what is 'tasteful' is another wholly different matter.

The rest of the matter of that post,I have already addressed.

Christianity promotes morals and has some 'wholesome' teachings,fine,I get it.

But it has made us accept Blacks into our society,given us 'jewish' names,promoted non-whites and at times stood for 'race-mixing'.

'Your church' may not be involved in any of the above,and you may stand for none of it.

But that doesn't change...they are 'christian' and have holy sanction,from the Vatican.....distancing yourselves from them is just you making excuses,for your religious affiliation.

Like it has been said:

The activity most characteristic of Christians,is to say that someone else is not a true Christian.
Refrain from name calling. Keep in mind that the main posters in this thread are not going to convert each other, so discuss civilly for the lurkers and fence straddlers.

I'm not trying to convert anyone. Only God can do that. Most will not convert. Most can't understand, because they are leaning on their own understanding.

Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles...
therefore God gave them over in the their sinful desires.....Romans, 1:22,

however, I do challenge anyone here to read and study the book of Romans in the New Testament and then decide where truth lies!

My point has been made about the topic of the thread and there's no denying the correlation whether your a believer or not. The topic has nothing to do with what happened to Europe. We can start a new thread about that if someone wants to.
I've always liked Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology more than Hebrew mythology.


As a boy, I found the stories of Perseus, Hercules and Beowulf more fascinating than the stories of Jonah, Noah and Moses.


That's the White man in you screaming out in Anguish.

Christianity is a religion of the,for the,by the semites/jews.
People who want Christianity eradicated are getting what they want and now we see some, I repeat some of the results and they are not good for our race and that's a fact.

our focus is not on getting christianity eradicated but on living like europeans
if christianity let us do that, then that's fine
if christians disagree with our policies, then they won't be allowed to have any position of power
if they try to force us to turn our back on our heritage (like they already did), then it will be war and possible eradication

but christianity in the west has been replaced with a secular version of christianity (human rights, all these things that you called secular humanism, and which are far more dangerous right now than christianity)
this new religion is in competition with the christian religion, that's why they want christianity eradicated
but they are not against christian values

it's true that christianity didn't teach that men could marry and have children with other men, so christianity is no longer adapted to lead the world where they want to lead it to
For anyone interested I believe this ( ) is most likely the very best Church/Ministry in America, or the world.

The late Pastor Peter John Peters was a true Christian.

A lot of you guys are miserably misinformed about what Christianity really is, who the people of the Bible really are, and how White men fit into that.
To whom is your allegiance first and foremost,your religion or your race?

I agree with you,I'm not a pervert.
However nudity,done 'tastefully' is what is 'tasteful' is another wholly different matter.

The rest of the matter of that post,I have already addressed.

Christianity promotes morals and has some 'wholesome' teachings,fine,I get it.

But it has made us accept Blacks into our society,given us 'jewish' names,promoted non-whites and at times stood for 'race-mixing'.

'Your church' may not be involved in any of the above,and you may stand for none of it.

But that doesn't change...they are 'christian' and have holy sanction,from the Vatican.....distancing yourselves from them is just you making excuses,for your religious affiliation.

Like it has been said:

The activity most characteristic of Christians,is to say that someone else is not a true Christian.

I don't consider Christianity a religion. It's my faith, not a religion, however, one can make anything their religion. Jesus came to save us from the abuses of religion.

My allegiance is to my faith, but I don't condone what many do in the name of Christianity, however, I would never say that someone else is not a Christian who say they are. Only God knows that for sure. God does tell us to look at how they act and what they do, but people do make mistakes and that's a basis for becoming a Christian, knowing you are sinful person.

Some call Christians hypocrites when they fail. But being a hypocrite is not making a mistake and being sorry for it or trying and failing. Being a hypocrite is someone who puts on a religious act for attention. Much like the Jewish Priests and Teachers of the Jewish Law in the time of Jesus' ministry.

Jesus being born of a Jewish mother and father, distanced himself from and was opposed to how the Jewish leaders were acting during his time on earth. He cleared the Jewish Temple several times in his lifetime of the cheating moneychangers.

You seem to ignore the Bible verses I posted. I know you don't like the Bible, but that's where you go to know what Christians should do. I don't look at what people do, I look to the Bible to tell me how to live like a Christian. I can say that Churches and Christians who accept abominable things like homosexuality is not Christian according to the Bible period. No queer can justify that anywhere in the Bible.
We don't need Christianity to have morality, for example to be monogamous and heterosexual.

I believe we've tolerated a lot over the centuries from Jews because of Christianity. The Romans before Christianity didn't put up with so much from them, they were seen as just another conquered people.

Ever notice how Jews thrive in Christian majority countries? They've done especially well in Spain before the inquisition, Poland in the 17th and 18th centuries, Germany in the 19th and early 20th century, Britain since the early 1900s, Russia since their revolution in 1917 and of course the USA, especially since 1900.

You don't see Jews being so antagonistic and destructive, nor having so much power in Japan, India, and China.
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I believe we've tolerated a lot over the centuries from Jews because of Christianity. The Romans before Christianity didn't put up with so much from them, they were seen as just another conquered people.

No question we have put up with WAY more from the so called "jews" because of Judeo-Christianity. Judeo-Christianity is not real Christianity.

Jesus condemned the Jewish leaders as "the serpent seed line of satan", and constantly warned true Israelites not to listen to them. He said "I am of my father in heaven, and you are of your father the devil". The idea of Judeo-Christianity really only became popular when TV came around. The damn idiot box in peoples living rooms is far more responsible for the evils of the world than any religion.

Real Christianity is all but eradicated already. In its place is "Judeo-Christianity" which is simply a politically correct cult of brainwashed blind people. Its crucial to understand the HUGE difference.

Real Christianity is politically incorrect. Which is why its being eradicated, and replaced with Judeo-Christianity.
People make of their religion what they want. For many centuries European "Christians" waged war on their enemies, accepted they were superior, persecuted other religions, especially jews, and had a very strong belief in their racial superiority over others.

Things have changed almost 180 degrees from then but the words of the bible are still the same. If Europe had continued to believe in Hercules or Thor, or some other god(s) they would now have Hercules as a bisexual anti-bully and Thor would be dating a black woman. The changes in society are the changes in peoples way of dealing with the world. Most change their religion to fit it.

To criticize Christianity for the moral failings of it's followers is like criticizing the zone defense for the NFL having too many black players. In the end it's about the people.

Societies without a religious background can be even worse, the early Communist societies in the Soviet Union and Maoist China were many times worse then anything pagen Rome or Christian Spain came up with. Not following God appears to be as bad or worse then following the Christian God which has not been done in western society in a couple of generations.

Being Christian, as well as being an atheist means so many different things to different people that the description is almost meaningless. What would you expect to get from a person who describes themselves as a "Christian", anything from a hell-fire and brimstone believer in a vengeful God, to a namby-pamby pro gay, abortion supporting, wimp.
I dare any Christian to address the following post,and make a case validating the following:

And do not make Charlemagne look like a 'fanatic'.
He was doing so on the behest of the Vatican...hence,he was the first emperor to ever be coronated by the Pope:
So,Come on,do it..respond!:arms:

Citing examples of 'Christian' behavior from the dark ages and insinuating that it has anything to do with the practices followed today is ridiculous. I actually would like a little Charlemagne-type behavior today.

Even though your repeated attempts to attack Christianity would seem to make you an enemy to the religion I will tell you what my priest told me: he said he liked young guys that brutally attacked Christian ideas, it showed they cared about the issue and would seriously think about it. Unlike the apathetic majority that couldn't be bothered to care about the larger questions.

And then after living life for a while, meeting the girl you fall in love with and marry, holding your newborn baby in your arms, having a hospital visit or two, maybe a tour of duty, burying your parents, those same radical atheist guys end up becoming the deacons that make up the heart and soul of many churches. So rant on brother.
The anti-whites are working to eliminate Christianity. Those who support white genocide are working to eliminate Christianity.

Overall they must consider Christianity to be a good thing for white people if they want to destroy it.

The anti-whites infiltrated Christianity just as they infiltrated education. Christianity is not inherently anti-white any more than education is.

Saying Christianity is bad for white people makes as much sense as saying education is bad for white people. It's the anti-whites that are bad for white people, not the institutions they infiltrated.
You lost me right there.

What Marxists?

Which Bolsheviks?

Call them jews,and maybe we can talk.

Calling them anything else is suppressing the truth.

You said something very close to "religion is the opiate of the masses" when you said Christianity was a Jewish plot to keep whites docile. I just asked if you would distinguish your comment from Marxist doctrine on the subject. What do you mean "What Marxists"? I mean Marx, from whom we get Marxism of the Cultural and other varieties. Marx was a Jew. Jews have always been at the forefront of advancing this pernicious ideology. Nobody is suppressing the truth, but that was a nice try at a dodge.

If what you say about Christianity is the case, why is Hollywood (a/k/a THE JEWS) so hostile to Christianity? If that is the case, why is the U.S. educational system, which has been overrun by THE JEWS so hostile to Christianity? Why is Marxism (an ideology of THE JEWS) so hostile to Christianity?

I hope that clears up my questions. If not, perhaps I can spell it out in a larger font. It's about the apparent contradiction between your theory of Christianity as a Jew plot, and the overt hostility shown by the Jews toward Christianity.

To summarize: 1) How is your criticism of Christianity different from that of the Jews? 2) Isn't there a contradiction between Christianity as a Jewish plot and the overt hostility shown by the Jews toward Christianity?

Any of the rest of you who are taking the occasion to bash Christianity, feel free to chime in on these questions.
I dare any Christian to address the following post,and make a case validating the following:

And do not make Charlemagne look like a 'fanatic'.
He was doing so on the behest of the Vatican...hence,he was the first emperor to ever be coronated by the Pope:

So,Come on,do it..respond!:arms:

Before I respond, I humbly request proof that Charlemagne did not allow anyone to eat for the entirety of Lent. I know times were a bit lean, but an entire population not eating for over a month seems hard to believe. How in the world did they manage to beat down the pagans and repel the Muslims on empty stomachs? I mean he literally put to death anyone who ate during Lent!

It might sound like I'm joking, but I'm not. Show me where Charlemagne banned all eating during Lent. That's exactly the sort of half-assed facts and flawed reasoning that lead to the conclusions on display in this thread.
So, Come on, do it..respond!:arms:
...which is the reason why I say that 'Christianity' and 'White nationalism' are incompatible.

Not Christian identity which I believe to be true Christianity and very compatible with white nationalism. Unfortunately the perverse Judeo-christian version is being "taught" at most of our churches today.
You said something very close to "religion is the opiate of the masses" when you said Christianity was a Jewish plot to keep whites docile. I just asked if you would distinguish your comment from Marxist doctrine on the subject. What do you mean "What Marxists"? I mean Marx, from whom we get Marxism of the Cultural and other varieties. Marx was a Jew. Jews have always been at the forefront of advancing this pernicious ideology. Nobody is suppressing the truth, but that was a nice try at a dodge.

If what you say about Christianity is the case, why is Hollywood (a/k/a THE JEWS) so hostile to Christianity? If that is the case, why is the U.S. educational system, which has been overrun by THE JEWS so hostile to Christianity? Why is Marxism (an ideology of THE JEWS) so hostile to Christianity?

I hope that clears up my questions. If not, perhaps I can spell it out in a larger font. It's about the apparent contradiction between your theory of Christianity as a Jew plot, and the overt hostility shown by the Jews toward Christianity.

To summarize: 1) How is your criticism of Christianity different from that of the Jews? 2) Isn't there a contradiction between Christianity as a Jewish plot and the overt hostility shown by the Jews toward Christianity?

Any of the rest of you who are taking the occasion to bash Christianity, feel free to chime in on these questions.

Precisely Awake in America. This is one thing I addressed in the opening post. The eradication of Christianity from the root began with it being taken from our schools led by a Jew named Steven Engel and liberal thinking parents. Jews continue to attack Christianity in all phases and in the lifestyles of the USA.

ThePhilosopher hates the Jews, yet it's the Jews who hate Christianity. This is why in a post on a different thread when he, The Philosopher began his vicious attack on Jesus, even calling Jesus a ******, I said to him he must be a Jew. He, ThePhilosopher has a lot in common with Jews concerning Jesus.

If the Jews were in bed with Christians, why would they want everything Christian taken out of every part of the American society?

Jesus once addressed the Pharisees, Jewish religious leaders, after he, Jesus, healed a demon-possessed
man who was blind and mute. The Pharisees said that it was only by the Devil that Jesus drove out the demons. Why would the Devil want to drive out the Devil? This recorded in Matthew 12: 22-28.
Again, why would the Jews want to get rid of everything Christian if they were siding with Christians?
Doesn't make since.
Before I respond, I humbly request proof that Charlemagne did not allow anyone to eat for the entirety of Lent. I know times were a bit lean, but an entire population not eating for over a month seems hard to believe. How in the world did they manage to beat down the pagans and repel the Muslims on empty stomachs? I mean he literally put to death anyone who ate during Lent!

It might sound like I'm joking, but I'm not. Show me where Charlemagne banned all eating during Lent. That's exactly the sort of half-assed facts and flawed reasoning that lead to the conclusions on display in this thread.
So, Come on, do it..respond!:arms:

4. If any one, out of contempt for Christianity, shall have despised the holy Lenten fast and shall have eaten flesh, let him be punished by death. But, nevertheless, let it be taken into consideration by a priest, lest perchance any one from necessity has been led to eat flesh.

7. If any one, in accordance with pagan rites, shall have caused the body of a dead man to be burned and shall have reduced his bones to ashes, let him be punished capitally.

(in ancient rome and in others ancient european civilisations, cremation was the way they did their funerals)

8. If any one of the race of the Saxons hereafter concealed among them shall have wished to hide himself unbaptized, and shall have scorned to come to baptism and shall have wished to remain a pagan, let him be punished by death.
Citing examples of 'Christian' behavior from the dark ages and insinuating that it has anything to do with the practices followed today is ridiculous. I actually would like a little Charlemagne-type behavior today.

charlemagne is worshipped by those who run the european union
maybe you know how bad the european union is

look at this for example:

a "charlemagne prize", award given in the same city in which he put to death every white man who wanted to follow the tradition of their ancestors
the first prize was given to the guy who said this:

The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-******* race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals [...] Instead of destroying Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of the future nobility. ( i think that the real translation was a little bit less violent)

and the "charlemagne building", the place where they plot their anti-white actions:
To summarize: 1) How is your criticism of Christianity different from that of the Jews?

2) Isn't there a contradiction between Christianity as a Jewish plot and the overt hostility shown by the Jews toward Christianity?

1)I intend to replace Christianity not with a mixture of Hedonism,Marxism,Ateishm and whatnot.

Whiteness will be our religion...but if we can revive the ancient traditions of our people(which Christianity has destroyed,on the command of the jew),all the better.

2)No,because like I said,Christianity has 'run its race',from a Jewish perspective.Christianity was created to destroy the White man(some will argue that it has indeed done that)...but today far more powerful weapons exist to destroy 'whites' outright genocide,like the one going on in Serbia...or 'forced race-mixing' which according to Sarkozy's infamous speech has already begun.
My previous statements still holds true:

Christianity has had a thousand years to try and perfect itself.What has it done,except failing constantly?

You can tell me today that you are a Christian,but what does it tell me about you?


See,you'll amongst yourselves cannot decide what it is.

Oh,and everyone else is not a true Christian!

The Vatican is the highest authority on Christianity,but amazingly you'll distance yourselves from it!

Of course,my other statement too,still stands true:

The activity most characteristic of Christians,is to say that someone else is not a true Christian.


A)2000 years later,you as Christians,haven't perfected your own system yet.

B)Everyone else is not a true Christian!

FFS,grow a backbone and take responsibility for the actions of your kind...they are your kind,not 'whites'.
Your allegiance is to Christianity and Christianity only.

You'll amazingly concede that 'jesus' was indeed jewish,but you'll believe in his sanctity!

Porn,filth,scat,race-mixing,wars,usury,blood-libel aside,now jews are known for their 'piety'....amazing indeed.

Why do you'll worship Jesus the jew?
Ah,because,Saul of Tarsus,another Jew has said so.

“As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.” – George Orwell
My previous statements still holds true:

See,you'll amongst yourselves cannot decide what it is.

Oh,and everyone else is not a true Christian!

The Vatican is the highest authority on Christianity,but amazingly you'll distance yourselves from it!

Of course,my other statement too,still stands true:


A)2000 years later,you as Christians,haven't perfected your own system yet.

B)Everyone else is not a true Christian!

FFS,grow a backbone and take responsibility for the actions of your kind...they are your kind,not 'whites'.
Your allegiance is to Christianity and Christianity only.

You'll amazingly concede that 'jesus' was indeed jewish,but you'll believe in his sanctity!

Porn,filth,scat,race-mixing,wars,usury,blood-libel aside,now jews are known for their 'piety'....amazing indeed.

Why do you'll worship Jesus the jew?
Ah,because,Saul of Tarsus,another Jew has said so.

“As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.â€￾ – George Orwell

The Philosopher, you're really misinformed about Christianity. You're making false statements. I like the discussion, but please be honest.

Please read. One only has to go to the Bible to learn what a Christian is. Christians don't decide among themselves, that would be a problem, because of our imperfection.

Christians know what it is to be a Christian, however as I said some will say they are, but really aren't. I don't say that, the Bible says that, The Bible, I repeat, The Bible. I have given you scripture to prove what a Christian is, however, I guess you refuse to read the Bible.

I'm not going to make comments about a subject I know nothing about. It sounds as though you've never read the Bible, so how can you comment on something you seem to know nothing about?

Jesus was born from a Jewish family in name only. Jesus did not practice the Religion of the Jewish leaders of his time. He spoke against it. Jesus" ministry was in direct conflict with The Sadducees and Pharisees.

Have you read the Bible?