The Eradication of Christianity!

That is because they are white.....nothing else.

White men built the Church,the church did not make white man.

Precisely,Christianity has had a thousand years to try and perfect itself.What has it done,except failing constantly?

You can tell me today that you are a Christian,but what does it tell me about you?

You could be a black,a ******,a pedo,a race-traitor,a sodomizer,a drug lord...anything.
This,after 'Christians' have been given the opportunity to try and define themselves over a millennium and more.

In fact,just as it was during Roman times,the more degenerate,the more 'low' a human being is,the more he and Christianity have an affinity towards each other.

The more 'wretched' he is,the more accepting of Jesus 'the savior' Christ he becomes.

It is godless religion run by jews and pedophiles,and adhered to by slaves,degenerates,whores,*******,criminals,social outcasts and geldings.

The whole scam of this 'religion' is inclined to make geldings of what were once men.

The Eradication of Christianity!

- It can't come soon enough.

Men like you, ThePhilosopher who sit behind a keyboard and trash something you know nothing about.

It's obvious I'm Christian, I'm white/pro white, married and have children. It's obvious I disagree with your definition Christianity. Somewhere, somehow, someone has misinformed you about Christianity. You don't have to agree with it, but how can you call Christians ******* criminals, pedophiles, etc.?

We know nothing about you. Are you afraid to tell us? Are you married/ Do you have children? No that's not possible, because you act like a child. Validating nothing you say! All you can do is hurl insults to people you nothing about.

Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus was a ******/pedophile or approved of such? Nowhere.

The question is, what are you talking about? The answer is you don't know.
Men like you, ThePhilosopher who sit behind a keyboard and trash something you know nothing about.

It's obvious I'm Christian, I'm white/pro white, married and have children. It's obvious I disagree with your definition Christianity. Somewhere, somehow, someone has misinformed you about Christianity. You don't have to agree with it, but how can you call Christians ******* criminals, pedophiles, etc.?

We know nothing about you. Are you afraid to tell us? Are you married/ Do you have children? No that's not possible, because you act like a child. Validating nothing you say! All you can do is hurl insults to people you nothing about.

Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus was a ******/pedophile or approved of such? Nowhere.

The question is, what are you talking about? The answer is you don't know.
It's obvious he knows nothing about Christianity. He said so himself. He says that he learned all that he needed to know about Christianity from Nietzsche, who knew nothing about Christianity apart from his own prejudices.

Jesus cautioned about wasting time dealing with individuals such as this, Matthew 7:6, (from the KJV,which will make some here happy) "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
Men like you, ThePhilosopher who sit behind a keyboard and trash something you know nothing about

Yeah,your real name is 'Carolina Speed'.....we know.:lie:

It's obvious I'm Christian

Your stupidity is proof enough.

I'm white/pro white,

Debatable,to say the least.

Somewhere, somehow, someone has misinformed you about Christianity.

Yes,everybody from Celsus to Nietzsche must get a life,right? :spit:

married and have children. It's obvious say you are married and that you have five children.:icon_rolleyes:

We know nothing about you. Are you afraid to tell us? Are you married/ Do you have children?

Follow the Soccer sub-forum regularly,to know about the above,okay?

Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus was a ******/pedophile or approved of such?
You can take my word for it.:rockon:

The question is, what are you talking about?


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Why has no one replied to the following yet?

and remeber that many europeans were killed for refusing to believe this, for example:
it explains the aggressive tone some have when they talk about christianism

Why no retort to Jaxvid's statement below?

.... fits to some extent to Christianity. It has been powerless to prevent the world we have today. And has become, in fact, a tool to continue on the road to further degradation as it has been taken over by the same evil people that have worked to further the slide into degeneracy.

What happened to those allegations that I was a jew?

(On which I had my say here:

It's obvious he knows nothing about Christianity.

Oh yeah?

You,Carolinaspeed and Whiteathele33 know the whole Bible off by heart,right?

So why don't you'll stop arguing with me and be good Goyim/Christians(same thing)

and turn the other cheek
ThePhilosopher is obviously just trolling this site, trying to upset people.

I don't believe in the Bible, but I would never go so low as to insult and ridicule those who do. Most of my relatives are Christians.

He could discuss it in a more reasonable and respectful way.
ThePhilosopher is obviously just trolling this site, trying to upset people.

I don't believe in the Bible, but I would never go so low as to insult and ridicule those who do. Most of my relatives are Christians.

He could discuss it in a more reasonable and respectful way.
I'm a descendant of Pagan warriors on my paternal side so I have never had much use for the bible but when things like this happen I can see why people are at least curious about miracles...
Philosopher, you are violating the guidelines on flaming, religious slurs, and profanity. If you cannot discuss this subject civilly, don't discuss it at all.
The whole point to this thread was to show ThePhilosopher, that Christianity is being eradicated at least from the public. It began in schools in 1963 and started by a JEW named Stephen Engel in 1958. Since then our country has declined both morally and financially.

He, ThePhilosopher hates *******, criminals, Jews, etc., but since we've eradicated Christianity out of schools, there's more homosexuality,un-wed mothers, crime, abortions, std's, etc. Now is this soley because we quit teaching our children Christian values in public school, it's my belief that it is, it sure is coincidental.

ThePhilosopher says why am I arguing? There's no argument. It's a fact and ThePhilosopher has yet to comment on the my opening point to this thread.

I have no problem discussing some of his points, however, again, he has no answer or an HONEST answer for my opening statement of this thread.

ThePhilosopher doesn't seem to understand he's getting what he wants, the eradication of Christianity, but he's going to see a lot more *******, crime, un-wed mothers, financial decline, abortions, etc. in the future. If something doesn't change, it's going to get worse. We haven't seen anything yet!

ThePhilosopher calls me an idiot, but yet he believes that everyone who "CALLS" themselves Christian are really Christian.

ThePhilosopher, read closely, TRUE Christians do not support homosexuality. I guess all you can do is sit and call Jesus a ****** without any validation.

That's fine. It's easy to trash someone you've never met!

Again, I'm not arguing, I gave you the facts and hang on, you're getting ready to see more moral decline than your mind can contemplate! When Christianity is completely eliminated from the public, we'll have only ourselves to blame.

Good ol' Secular Humanism.

On a side note: One thing I can agree on with ThePhilosopher is, some Christians are too passive, however, I'm not one of those Christians.
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The whole point to this thread was to show ThePhilosopher, that Christianity is being eradicated at least from the public. It began in schools in 1963 and started by a JEW named Stephen Engel in 1958. Since then our country has declined both morally and financially.

He, ThePhilosopher hates *******, criminals, Jews, etc., but since we've eradicated Christianity out of schools, there's more homosexuality,un-wed mothers, crime, abortions, std's, etc. Now is this soley because we quit teaching our children Christian values in public school, it's my belief that it is, it sure is coincidental.

ThePhilosopher says why am I arguing? There's no argument. It's a fact and ThePhilosopher has yet to comment on the my opening point to this thread.

I have no problem discussing some of his points, however, again, he has no answer or an HONEST answer for my opening statement of this thread.

ThePhilosopher doesn't seem to understand he's getting what he wants, the eradication of Christianity, but he's going to see a lot more *******, crime, un-wed mothers, financial decline, abortions, etc. in the future. If something doesn't change, it's going to get worse. We haven't seen anything yet!

ThePhilosopher calls me an idiot, but yet he believes that everyone who "CALLS" themselves Christian are really Christian.

ThePhilosopher, read closely, TRUE Christians do not support homosexuality. I guess all you can do is sit and call Jesus a ****** without any validation.

That's fine. It's easy to trash someone you've never met!

Again, I'm not arguing, I gave you the facts and hang on, you're getting ready to see more moral decline than your mind can contemplate! When Christianity is completely eliminated from the public, we'll have only ourselves to blame.

Good ol' Secular Humanism.

On a side note: One thing I can agree on with ThePhilosopher is, some Christians are too passive, however, I'm not one of those Christians.

I said - 'I'll stay of this' and I'll stick to it.
One more thing, aimed at no one in particular, many people say Jesus (Christianity) = Jew = jewish supported. The Jews HATE Christianity and have been trying to eradicate it for almost 2 thousand years. Of course, this fact is lost on many evangelicals who are rabid in their support of Israel.
I said - 'I'll stay of this' and I'll stick to it.

OK, but no one advised you to stay out of it.

Don simply said if you can't discuss it civilly, then don't discuss at all.

It is a fact that since Christianity is being eradicated, there has been and will be more moral decline in this country!
One more thing, aimed at no one in particular, many people say Jesus (Christianity) = Jew = jewish supported. The Jews HATE Christianity and have been trying to eradicate it for almost 2 thousand years. Of course, this fact is lost on many evangelicals who are rabid in their support of Israel.

semites are known for infighting
sunni vs shia islam, orthodox jews vs non-orthodox jews, zionist jews, anti-zionist jews, etc etc
the fact that jews hate something shouldn't be what define us
let's be more white-centered
Let's see what has happened since prayer and Bible were taken out of schools in 1962.....Are we better off, did our children become intellectual giants? How's our left-leaning PHILOSOPHER TYPE, Jew-run country doing morally and financially?

Teen pregnancies up 187%
Pregnancies among girls 10-14, up 553%
STD's among students went up 226% in 12 years following 1963.

Abortion became legal in the early 70's and we've killed 40 million babies since!

SAT scores declined for 18 straight years, until the private and Christian school explosion. The Private/Christian school student averages 100 points higher on the SAT than the public school student.

Divorce rates up 300%, 1 in 2 marriages now end in divorce.

Single parent families up 140%

Crime rate up over 500%
Illegal drugs are out of control.

The country is 16 trillion dollars in debt!

Jewish owned media and film industry constantly spew out their hatred for all things Christian!

...and what about legal drugs? There's more drug stores on our neighborhood corners than ever before. There's at least 4 drug stores on the corner of my neighborhood! People are depressed all over this country. They need a pill for this and a pill for that!

I think ThePhilosopher said we need to eradicate Christianity from the root, well A Jewish led group of parents did just that in 1962, by starting with our children.

I sure can see how we're better off by destroying Christianity in our schools!

We've told our children over the last 50 years that obeying their parents, or not to lie or steal or cheat or to marry before having sex, or not to murder, etc. is not important.

No, we've seen what has happened when left-leaning liberal Jewish Philosopher types have told us what's best.

How's that going for this country?

The whole point to this thread was to show ThePhilosopher, that Christianity is being eradicated at least from the public. It began in schools in 1963 and started by a JEW named Stephen Engel in 1958. Since then our country has declined both morally and financially.

That also coincides with the civil rights movement, the 1965 immigration act, and a host of ideologies and academic disciplines birthed by the Frankfurt School. I think that these things have a lot more to do with it than the absence of Christianity in public schools. Have you ever heard the phrase, "correlation DOES NOT imply causation"?

In fact most or at least a lot of Christian congregations now support most of the ills affecting our nation and society such as interracial marriage and homosexual "rights." Do you know of any protestant churches that turn away non-widowed single mothers? So what does the absence of Christianity have to do with this stat: Single parent families up 140%?

One more thing, aimed at no one in particular, many people say Jesus (Christianity) = Jew = jewish supported. The Jews HATE Christianity and have been trying to eradicate it for almost 2 thousand years. Of course, this fact is lost on many evangelicals who are rabid in their support of Israel.

They despise Christianity, yet they exploit it to push their goals. The two --revulsion and exploitation-- are not mutually exclusive.
That also coincides with the civil rights movement, the 1965 immigration act, and a host of ideologies and academic disciplines birthed by the Frankfurt School. I think that these things have a lot more to do with it than the absence of Christianity in public schools. Have you ever heard the phrase, "correlation DOES NOT imply causation"?

on the other hand, by killing every "witch" that were responsible of birth control in the european world, early christians dumbed down the european population by criminalizing the eugenics that made us european so strong and intelligent

As for female sexuality, witches were accused, in effect, of giving contraceptive aid and of performing abortions:
They despise Christianity, yet they exploit it to push their goals. The two --revulsion and exploitation-- are not mutually exclusive.
Excellent point. Subversion is often preferable. Hence "christians" and churches that embrace things such as homosexual marriage.
That also coincides with the civil rights movement, the 1965 immigration act, and a host of ideologies and academic disciplines birthed by the Frankfurt School. I think that these things have a lot more to do with it than the absence of Christianity in public schools. Have you ever heard the phrase, "correlation DOES NOT imply causation"?

In fact most or at least a lot of Christian congregations now support most of the ills affecting our nation and society such as interracial marriage and homosexual "rights." Do you know of any protestant churches that turn away non-widowed single mothers? So what does the absence of Christianity have to do with this stat: Single parent families up 140%?


Good post, but I don't understand where you guys say a lot of Christian churches support interracial marriage and homosexual rights. I'm obviously from N. Carolina and attend a Baptist Church where it's an all white congregation and there's no way our church would accept homosexuals into our congregation period!!!!! The day that happens, I will leave, but that day will never happen in our church!

Where are you guys from that allow homosexuals into their Church? I'm not talking directly to you Old Scratch, because I believe your atheist or agnostic, but where do you get this information? I promise you there are no gays and lesbians allowed to join our Church!

To answer your question about single parent families. The traditional Christian family consists of a man and a woman and Christians preach abstinence until marriage. I think before the 60's more people waited to have sex before they were married. Taking Christian values out of school, there was no one to tell children it was better to wait until they were married to have sex.

However, if a young girl gets pregnant out of wed-lock, of course our church would not turn her away. She's made a mistake, we all do. As Christians we realize we all sin, but we try not wallow in sin. Christ died for our sins. That's a basis for our faith.

Our church supports a crisis pregnancy center to council girls/women who get pregnant out of wed-lock, but in no way advise them to get an abortion. They're are advised to keep their baby or seek adoption options.

Now, correlation/causation, I understand, but it sure is coincidental that these things seem to skyrocket when we told our children choosing between right and wrong is not important, don't you think?

Why do you think Private/Christian school students score almost 100 points higher on the SAT than public school students with a smaller budget to work with? Student SAT scores declined for 18 years straight after Bible was taken out of schools and yes forced integration played a part in that, however, I can't prove it, but I'm sure blacks that attend private schools score higher than blacks that attend public schools.
To answer your question about single parent families. The traditional Christian family consists of a man and a woman and Christians preach abstinence until marriage. I think before the 60's more people waited to have sex before they were married. Taking Christian values out of school, there was no one to tell children it was better to wait until they were married to have sex.

The causes for the destruction of family values and societal norms are a lot more multivariate than taking prayer out of public schools or whatever, and not teaching creationism. Things like feminism, birth control, the welfare state, free love etc plays a lot more into it I should think. There are all kinds of scumbags with handfuls of "baby mamas" and "baby daddies" that profess Christianity that pump out more of their foul brood without consequence thanks to Uncle Sam paying our dumbest citizens to breed, many of them wore "promise rings" and went to Church every Sunday and every Wednesday besides.
The causes for the destruction of family values and societal norms are a lot more multivariate than taking prayer out of public schools or whatever, and not teaching creationism. Things like feminism, birth control, the welfare state, free love etc plays a lot more into it I should think. There are all kinds of scumbags with handfuls of "baby mamas" and "baby daddies" that profess Christianity that pump out more of their foul brood without consequence thanks to Uncle Sam paying our dumbest citizens to breed, many of them wore "promise rings" and went to Church every Sunday and every Wednesday besides.

Feminism, birth control, free love, etc. wasn't as prevalent in 1962, was it? Those movements skyrocketed in the late 60's/early 70's, almost 10 years after Bible and Prayer were taken out of school.

What is your answer to why all these things just suddenly happened?

Again, why do students who attend private/Christian schools with a lower budget score almost 100 points higher on the SAT than public school? Teaching discipline to students and right from wrong has nothing to do with it?

If I were an atheist or agnostic, I wouldn't care if a school was telling my children not to steal, cheat, lie, curse, that being a homosexual is an abomination. I would be glad my child was getting an education while learning values. If I didn't want my children to be Christian, I would tell them they have the right to choose to believe in Jesus or not.

Why not give them that choice?

I didn't mention anything about creationism! But again if I was atheist, I would think I would give my children the choice to believe in a creator or not. My own kids have that option now, however, I do tell them there is a God and he did create everything, whether they believe or not is a choice they have to make!
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I think Carolina Speed and Old Scratch are both correct in their analyses. The misdirection and/or eradication of Christianity is part of a long-standing agenda that achieves its goals through gradualism, and one of its goals has been to demean and diminish Christianity and its traditional views and morality. As that has succeeded, a tidal wave of anti-Christian viewpoints and lifestyles has taken hold and replaced the old-time tried and true virtues. True Christianity is now more or less a sizeable remnant and can't be restored until the much larger mass of liberal and "judaized" Christians reject liberalism, cultural communism, and the idolization and worship of a racial-religion that means to reduce Christianity to little more than a historical footnote.
Allow me to further level-set on a key point here. Self-professing "Christians" who bear no "fruit" & live worldly (especially embracing wicked cultural marxism) are very likely "false professors". I can 'claim' to be the King of Siam, but that doesn't make it true...unless i have/show proof.

"Easy believism" is a relatively new doctrine, that (too often) takes the emphasis away from repentence...which is emphasized throughout the entire Bible. I very seriously question one's salvation if they live in habitual carnality (lifestyle wise). A true (Biblical) Christian will seek/pursue a sanctified life (thru the Holy Spirit via Christ)...& grow to disdain worldliness. If one isn't in a perpetual repentence (from sin), then they may not truly be saved. I personally question the legitimacy of the so-called "carnal Christian". One cannot be fully surrendered to the Lord with 1 foot in the world (compromising).

Also, remember that a Christian should bear 'fruit' (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, humility, grace, etc.) as proof of his salvation (& interdwelling of the Holy Spirit). Perhaps not all or most of the fruit (all the time), but some of it (most of the time). In addition, the Christian will pursue holiness (to honor & glorify God). :)
OK, but no one advised you to stay out of it.

Don simply said if you can't discuss it civilly, then don't discuss at all.

Now,this is bang out of order!

Do you claim to have the transcript of every conversation Don and I have had,maybe over other modes of communication?

What do you know about whatever it was that Don advised me to do,over PM?

So do us a favor and make not such tall claims.
American Freedom News