The election

Anchorman II the Anchorman who hits on his camera men and hits the gay rub and tugs........
I had lunch with some friends and acquaintences, we talked about politics and the Presidential election. Mostin the group would be considered conservatives, some moderates, and a couple lefties, but all of us are very angry about the Mexican invasion.To a man, we are all stunned by recent developments. We don't even have one single candidate willing to carry water for us on this most important issue. How could this have happened?All the commotion that was stirred up last year against - amnesty -was for nothing?All up in smoke?Barring some unforeseen event, we are left with Hillary, Obama, McCain, and Huckabee. Unbelievable!
Bart said:
...How could this have happened?  All the commotion that was stirred up last year against - amnesty - was for nothing?  All up in smoke?Barring some unforeseen event, we are left with Hillary, Obama, McCain, and Huckabee.  Unbelievable!

There is no way in hell that this circumstance in which we find ourselves is a naturally-occurring one. I, ALL of my friends and many aquaintences are Ron Paul supporters. Others I know (with one self-hating exception) are / were Thompson or Romney supporters. NOT a single McCain supporter, not ONE. And only one Obamination (of over 30 people). Paul consistently performed well in polls, many people are/were seriously supportive of his campaign, not some bullsh*t "stop Kerry, vote for weakling Bush" way but SERIOUS, Paul-or-no-one support.

I cannot believe that so many, who are passionate about ending Bush's democracy-at-the-expense-of-soldiers'-lives experiment, ending the illegal and legal invasion by nonwhites, passionate about returning to the Constitution, would turn around and support the most disgusting Republican nominee to ever sicken me with his presence.

I do not buy it. No one I know will vote for him; we'll write in if necessary. There is something hideous behind this, the real face of the plutocracy behind a thinning veil (we know who was instrumental in creating this plut/kleptocracy and who remains most powerful in it - I don't need to say who; let us just say thanks to that "select group" Mr. Foxman may soon see a day in which firearms are illegal for us goyim.)
I listened to a campaign message left on my answering machine by John McCain. He reminded me that "he was a proud conservative in the mold of Reagan, was a supporter ofShrub'stax cuts, will secure our border first, and then lead the party to smaller government." Sure Johnny, I believe you.
So-called "conservatism" was fatally warped by the Big Lie that Ronald Reagan was conservative in anything but rhetoric. A life-long admirer of FDR, Reagan's administration was marked by the greatest expansion of government spending ever, along with budget deficits far greater than anything that had occurred previously. I was a huge supporter of his and was thrilled when he won the 1980 election, but as soon as I saw that his administration was staffed with the same CFR types and Israel Firsters that every other administration has had, I became dedicated to helping build a nationalist political alternative to the two-party scam. Talk about futile pursuits in a brain-dead country.

Now Reagan has been turned into a saint, an icon of limited government. Just shows once again how this country is run through lies and illusions.
Don Wassall said:
I was a huge supporter of his and was thrilled when he won the 1980 election, but as soon as I saw that his administration was staffed with the same CFR types and Israel Firsters that every other administration has had, I became dedicated to helping build a nationalist political alternative to the two-party scam. Talk about futile pursuits in a brain-dead country.

You're preaching to the choir, Don. I remember when Reagan was giving his Saturday speeches, before he became a standard bearer for Conservatism. They were pretty good. But, after he took office it was the same ol same ol. His rhetoricgreatlyexceeded the results we had anticipated.
Ronnie wanted to balance the budget but doggone it the Soviets were ready to attack! We had to have both bread and bullets. Plus he was asleep at the meeting where they decided on the budget.
For someone who doesn't place much credence in conspiracy's, the timing of this report seems real fishy to me.

McCains Downfall?
It's curious that McCain is running so far ahead. Don't you find the media people against him interesting? Rush, Ann Coulter, Pat Buchanon, etc. are there any conservative commentators that like the guy? When was the last time a Rep nominee was so disliked by so many talking heads. Even Dole who was a sure loser was passionately backed by these people as at least Dole has some cred with them. But McCain? He doesn't have many friends in right wing media (that I can tell). I have never seen that happen before.
I think McCain's been a media darling all along. The timing of the Vicki Iseman scandal is suspicious. The NY Times, who by the way now employs Bill Krystol, had this story ready to release at least a month ago. If they had released it McCain's campaign would be over by now. Releasing it now just gives McCain time to recover before Novemeber with the aid of America's short term memory problem. The Times did him a huge favor and McCain knows it.

McCain is an unscrupulous career politician who was originally financed and convinced to run for office by none other than banker Charles Keating. With this Iseman scandal hitting the headlines, it is the first time anyone in the mainstream media has even mentioned the Keating 5.

Is there any doubt that this scandal is true? Check McCain's history with cheating on his wife with blondes. I'm tired of hearing this American Hero BS too. A lot of people came home from wars and didn't demand to be called a hero. The guy was an Admiral's son so he got to fly planes just GW did. Big whoop. He got shot down and was a prisoner but was lucky enough to survive because he was an Admiral's son. He has never had a job outside the military and politics in his life. He's an elite spoiled brat at the age of 72.

Sorry if sugar coated this next time I'll tell you how I really feel about him.
Some of the conservative talking heads actually disagree with amnesty and McCain-Feingold, among other idiotic bills McCain has foisted on the American people.

The liberal newspapers like the NY Times endorsed McCain precisely because he was the LEAST conservative candidate running as a Republican. They were hedging their bets. Now that he has been nominated, those same liberal newspapers will turn against him because they are really liberal Dem supporters anyway.
White Shogun said:
The liberal newspapers like the NY Times endorsed McCain precisely because he was the LEAST conservative candidate running as a Republican. They were hedging their bets. Now that he has been nominated, those same liberal newspapers will turn against him because they are really liberal Dem supporters anyway.

The newspapers and media in general may be liberal, but above all they are israeli firsters. I keep hearing about how the media is against the war and then I keep reading about how well the war is going particularly since the surge. The truth is,of course, that the surge has been a complete failure. There there have actually been more causalities per day since the surge than before. WS, I think McCain will be the media's good ole boy. He is the one they trust the most to advance Israel's goals.
iraq casualties by time period
I just heard Michael Savage say something about a "guy who is left wing who is anti-Isreal." That was strange, even for the loudest and kookiest of the neo-Con radio microphone hogs.
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