The election

Tom Iron said:

This dialouge is way out of hand. Obama has as much chance of winning the presidency as my cat (not taking anything away from my cat). Let's be realistic here.

Tom Iron...

i disagree Tom. i really think he's got a shot. i know i NEVER ever thought i'd see the day a black muslim would have a chance at winning the presidency but im afraid that day has come. he won iowa for godssakes...IOWA!!!! how the hell does that happen???? who fell asleep at the gates on that one?? at this point i'll take hillary over obama. i'll take a white woman over a black muslim any day of the year. the reason im so worried about obama is that i dont see the GOP (my party) winning. i think the country is too fed up with Bush's administration and the peoples frustration is going to make them vote for "change". and whats a mor eradical change than a black muslim democrat with a kenyan father. the media is going to make this guy their black prince and you can bet your arse that if hillary or edwards go down first theyre going to kiss obamas ass looking forthe vice president slot.

everything looks like a go for this guy. everything. hes articulate, he's nottoo dark, he has oprah. the young people like him. soccer moms dig him. and he knows how to talk black to black voters and how to sound white in the prescence of white voters. i dont think huckabee can beat him straight up. romney might have had a chance if he wasnt mormon (most people see mormonism as a modern day hoax .... its probably not fair but its true). mcain is too old. and i dont know if giuliani has the charisma to beat him.

i'll just say this. whomever wins the GOP nomination.... we all have to vote for him. yeah i know ron paul's great, i understand that. i know republicans arent waht they used to be. i get that some people want to vote based on religious lines. i get all that....BUT save that stuff for another election. one where a black guy doesnt have a shot to win. this guy is a clear and present danger to our country's history and most importantly our future. this isnt al sharpton guys. this guy isnt going to f**k up and refer to New york as "hymie" town like jesse jackson did. he's smart, and our only hope is to be smarter. and that means being united.

if it comes down to Obama vs Joe Republican... vote for the republican!! if you vote for some 3rd party guy/green party/libertarian party you are only HELPING elect a black president. whats more important? voting to prove a point or voting to stop a black guy from becoming the leader of the free world??? whatever happens, if u dont vote republican againstthe option of Obama, then i hope u remember this post when a black president gets sworn in on the steps of the White House.
I just heard Petter Gemma of The Middle American News on the Political Cesspool radio show. Gemma stated flatly that Obama will win the Democratic nomination and the general election. Gemma said "Obama is too smart and savvy and nobody can stop him." He thinks in some ways Obama is like Ross Perot in projecting an aura of "Change."

Gemma also said that the election of Obama will "wake up White America." He is a believer in the "worse is better" idea.
johnnyboy said:
i disagree Tom. i really think he's got a shot. i know i NEVER ever thought i'd see the day a black muslim would have a chance at winning the presidency but im afraid that day has come. he won iowa for godssakes...IOWA!!!! how the hell does that happen???? who fell asleep at the gates on that one??

IIRC, wasn't the incumbent Jeri(7 of 9)Ryan's husband, whom she accused of dragging her to sex clubs and forcing her to have public sex? Jack Ryan didn't stand a chance after that.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
johnnyboy said:
i disagree Tom. i really think he's got a shot. i know i NEVER ever thought i'd see the day a black muslim would have a chance at winning the presidency but im afraid that day has come. he won iowa for godssakes...IOWA!!!! how the hell does that happen???? who fell asleep at the gates on that one??

IIRC, wasn't the incumbent Jeri(7 of 9)Ryan's husband, whom she accused of dragging her to sex clubs and forcing her to have public sex? Jack Ryan didn't stand a chance after that.

Did you just say something?
I've been searching the internet for articles about Obama. I don't think he is a Muslim. His father was a practicing Muslim, but headed back to Africa when Obama was only two.years old. His mother married another Muslim and they lived in Indonesia where Obamareceived a secular education until the age of six. He and his mother returned to America. From what I've gathered he hasn't practiced or embraced the Muslim faith since.

Now, do we really think a bona fide, devout Muslim would have been permitted to ascend as high as he has? He wouldn't have had a snow ball's chance in Hell of becoming a Senator much less the President if he was considered a theat to thepowers that be.

His remarks to the AIPACPOLICY FORUM should clarify any doubts. He knows who paid the band and dances enthusiastically to their tunes.

[url] php[/url]
Of course he's not going to admit to being a muslim. That would be political suicide to do so. The fact that he's non-practicing doesn't matter. He still was born and raised a muslim and should raise a huge red flag for any white American patriot.
Wikipedia has a sectionaboutObama's religious odyssey. Hewas baptized and is a member ofthisAfrocentric Christian church.

About Us

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

A theme of Obama's keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and the title of his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope, was inspired by his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.<SUP =reference id=_ref-123>[135]</SUP> In Chapter 6 of the book, titled "Faith," Obama writes that he "was not raised in a religious household." He describes his mother, raised by non-religious parents, as detached from religion, yet "in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I have ever known." He describes his Kenyan father as "raised a Muslim," but a "confirmed atheist" by the time his parents met, and his Indonesian stepfather as "a man who saw religion as not particularly useful." The chapter details how Obama, in his twenties, while working with local churches as a community organizer, came to understand "the power of the African American religious tradition to spur social change." Obama writes: "It was because of these newfound understandingsâ€â€￾that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and lovedâ€â€￾that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized."<SUP =reference id=_ref-124>[</SUP>
sport historian said:
I just heard Petter Gemma of The Middle American News on the Political Cesspool radio show. Gemma stated flatly that Obama will win the Democratic nomination and the general election... Gemma also said that the election of Obama will "wake up White America." He is a believer in the "worse is better" idea.

The worse is better idea doesn't always work.When the government forced integration upon us some thought that it would be a wake up call to the naive altruistic white folks.They continued to sleep.Then we witnessed thedestruction of our schools and erosion of standards. We snored. Many of our cities have become Africanized hell holes! Wesnored louder. Black rioters decimated and burned down sections of our communities and then beat white people like dogs in the street! We bought sleeping pills. With the help of Big Daddy goverment, Blacks and Mestizos are increasing their numbers at alarming rates. We still slumber. IF and WHEN whites wake up will it be too late?

Obama will probably be the next prez, barring somescandal. Let's face it. Blacks have been pushed by affirmative action into every area.We've been conditioned to accept it andhave now come to the point of demanding more.How many movies, televison shows, and commercials have featured the Magic Negro?Condi, Powell and Thomaspaved the way. The Presidency is the big prize for the multi-culturalists. The White House morphed into the Black House. That is the goal.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
johnnyboy said:
IIRC, wasn't the incumbent Jeri(7 of 9)Ryan's husband, whom she accused
of dragging her to sex clubs and forcing her to have public sex? Jack
Ryan didn't stand a chance after that.

That's right, it came out in the divorce papers. That killed Ryan, and the
Republicans brought in Alan Keyes as a carpet-bagger in Illinois, setting
it up perfectly for Obama.
Obama was born to a moslem father. That makes him a muslem- period. The only alternative is if he becomes an apostate, that is a moslem who turns against Islam. A apostate must be put to death. Is Obama a moslem or apostate? You tell me.
As for scandals, look up the name of his next door neighbor, Tony Renzo. You will get an eyeful.
After Tancredo left the field, we are left with losers, but Obama is the worst of the lot.
screamingeagle said:
Obama was born to a moslem father. That makes him a muslem- period. The only alternative is if he becomes an apostate, that is a moslem who turns against Islam. A apostate must be put to death. Is Obama a moslem or apostate? You tell me.

Okay, I will tell you. According to Christian doctrine he is a Christianif he is sincere. There are Christian ministers who were Muslims before being converted. Do you consider them to be Muslim-period? Orare you trying to say that according to Mohammedism, a convert would only be considered as an apostate in their eyes? If so, why should that have anybearing on the convert?
Talk about scripted. Where is bigunreal?

Clinton pulls off huge upset

What's funny is, this is a 'huge' victory for the Lizard Queen but she and Obama both picked up nine delegates.

And speaking of delegates, ever hear of superdelegates? The fix is in for Hillary.
This guy Muhammed, Hussein, Black, Osama or, whatever you call him, is a black nationalist. A muslim -practicing or not- belonging to an African cult "Christian" church. A church cannot be Christian and be exclusive to one ethnicity.

This is the guy who fudges with his pledge of allegiance, discrespects the flag of America, and won't wear the flag or hold it dear to him. This guy hates traditional values and Christianity.

I doubt the Democrats will put him up but if they did he would turn your county into something like South Africa if he could find enough mass stupidity amongst whites.
for those who spoke about things getting worse before they get better, just click this video link of Glenn Beck interviewing David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States. basically that means he is THE head accountant of all things federal government-related. he is THE book keeper.

here's a snippet of what was said by Walker: "We have already promised $34 trillion more in Medicare alone than we have in revenues to deliver on... Even if we balance the budget tomorrow, we still have this $53 trillion hold that grows $2 trillion to $3 trillion a year by doing nothing."

i will paste the full transcript of the interview below directly off CNN's website. it has a few typo's, but the message is still loud and clear. if people don't get motivated by this, then nothing will get them motivated, i'm afraid.

But first, welcome to "The Real Story."

If you name any of the real big threats that our nation faces, you are bound to find a large number of respected people who will argue that it`s really no big deal. There is one exception to this, one scenario that we face as a nation that virtually every expert agrees could bring America to its knees. And it ain`t global warming.

The "Real Story" is this scenario is already playing out. And no one from the political realm wants to address it. Tonight, we`re going to.

One week ago today, the first baby boomers became eligible for early retirement under Social Security. Hang on. Stay with me for just a second.

Over the next 20 years, another 78 million Americans will join them. The result is that every single household in America, your home, now essentially owes our U.S. government over $400,000 each.

That`s just to finance those two programs. What, you don`t have $400,000 in cash sitting around? Yes, me neither. You`re not really alone. And that`s the problem, our country is technically bankrupt.

Politicians try to confuse you with all these sorts of complicated numbers and formulas about our financial future. Hold on. You really don`t have to worry about. But it`s very simple.

The government works like your house works. Our government has promised far more than money it actually has or probably ever will have. "USA Today" has calculated that we would need to stash away $58 trillion -- that`s with a "T" -- $58 trillion right now in order to generate enough interest to pay for future obligations.

You may or may not have heard that our current investments total approximately zero dollars, because unlike Al Gore`s stump speech a few years ago, there is no lock box. There`s no dollars hid away anywhere.

Now, I am probably a lot like when you comes to this stuff. I mean, it puts me to sleep like that. But what woke me up was in a book that I was reading, I found something called "The Menu of Delayed Pain." I want to show it to you.

This basically shows the options that we have to pay for our future debts. For example, if we acted back in 2003, we could fixed everything by raising payroll taxes by 95 percent. Sure, not pretty, right?

But now in 2008, because of compounding interest on money we already owe, we have to raise them by 103 percent. And the other options you see there in the right-hand column aren`t much better, unless you happen to be -- you know, enjoying paying 74 percent more in federal income tax.

Unfortunately, the American people never got to see those numbers because they were pulled out of the 2004 budget, just a few days after then- Treasury Secretary Paul O`Neill, who had ordered the analysis, was fired. And why were they pulled?

To me, it`s simple. Because our leaders in both parties believe we can`t handle the truth. Well, you know what? They`re wrong. What we can`t handle and must demand stop are the leaders who refuse to tell us the truth.

So, tonight, I want to introduce you to somebody who`s completely different. Somebody who has no political stake in this game. He is not about left or right. He is not about anything, you know, Democrat or Republican. He is about right or wrong.

He is the head of the Government Accountability Office, the GAO, which makes him our nation`s top accountant. And while it is very atypical for someone in his position to speak out on stuff like this, he has finally come to the place where he says enough is enough, and he is bringing his wake-up call directly to you.

Comptroller General David Walker, welcome to the program, sir. It is really truly an honor to have you on, because you are one of the few brave people that will tell the American people the truth.

First of all, I want to make it clear, you were nominated to your position. You were put into your position by Bill Clinton. It`s a 15-year term, so you`re almost a Supreme Court justice in that way. You have got nothing to lose here.

DAVID WALKER, COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Well, Glenn, I`m in a professional position, not a political position.

BECK: Got it.

WALKER: I`m a Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton presidential appointee, each time confirmed unanimously by the Senate.

BECK: OK. Let`s just give a quick thumbnail of what is coming our way. You say by 2040, what`s going to happen?

WALKER: Well, by 2040, based on historical levels of federal revenue, we may just have enough money to be able to pay Social Security and Medicare and that`s it. Nothing else.

We face a tsunami of spending due to the retirement of the baby boomers that could swamp this ship estate (ph). Every year we don`t act the number goes up $2 trillion to $3 trillion.


WALKER: That`s twelve zeroes to the right of that 2.

BECK: David, we have a deficit now of $53 trillion. But, when you say a number like that and you don`t hear any politician really talking about it -- they`re all like, oh, well, it won`t make any difference -- put this into perspective for the average American. Wake the average American up on what that mean to us.

WALKER: That means that every American has an mortgage of over $175,000 each. Each household has an additional implicit mortgage of over $400,000 each. But unlike a typical mortgage, there`s no house to back this. And therefore, what we`re doing is we`re mortgaging the future of our country, our children and grandchildren at unacceptable rates.

BECK: OK. If we were a company and you were the comptroller of that company, we would be bankrupt now, right?

WALKER: We`d be out of business.

BECK: We`d be out of...

WALKER: But keep in mind -- keep in mind, the federal government has powers that the private sector doesn`t. It has the power to tax. But what`s going on is, basically by making -- by delaying tough choices, the default is much, much higher taxes than this country has ever afforded before and ever will...


BECK: And David, it is my understanding that if this isn`t taken care of quickly, there isn`t enough tax to be able to get -- you could take all of the stuff from all the rich, all of it, and there still wouldn`t be enough to cover our debt and our interest.

WALKER: The bottom line is, we cannot solve this problem through tax increases, we can`t solve it solely through restructuring entitlements or restraining spending. We`re going to have to do a combination, and the sooner we get on with it, the better, because as Albert Einstein said, the most powerful force in the world is compounding, and when you`re a debtor, it works against you.


Ron Paul is probably the only politician who is out there now saying stop all of this spending. All of this spending. Is there any reason that any of these politicians could believe that they can now go into the territory of universal health care and we can afford this?

WALKER: We have already promised $34 trillion more in Medicare alone than we have in revenues to deliver on. Some people say, gee, let`s offer more health care and we`ll pay for it by not continuing the Bush tax cuts. Look, that`s -- that won`t dial with our problem. Even if we balance the budget tomorrow, we still have this $53 trillion hold that grows $2 trillion to $3 trillion a year by doing nothing.

BECK: OK. David, what`s happening to our country right now in Washington is criminal. First of all, they keep three books, if I`m not mistaken.

You keep the regular budget, then you keep the Social Security and Medicare books. And then, isn`t the emergency spending also off the books? So, when they say we`re -- you know, we have a deficit of $9 trillion, or whatever it is now, the debt ceiling, that`s bogus in and of itself as well.

WALKER: Well, let me give you an example. For the year ended September 39, 2007, we had a cash-based budge deficit of $163 billion, which is what you hear coming out of Washington. But we spent every dime of the Social Security surplus. By that, I mean the government did.

So, the real operating deficit was $344 billion. By the way, these trust funds, they`re not real trust funds. They`re the trust the government funds.

BECK: Yes.

WALKER: If the private sector had trust funds like the federal government, somebody would be going to jail.

BECK: David, I would love to spend more time with you. Hopefully, we can do this on the radio, because there`s so much -- there`s so much more here. And if I`m not mistaken, if we were a company, our stock would be our dollar, and that`s why our dollar is falling.

WALKER: It`s in the tank.

BECK: OK. David, thanks a lot.

WALKER: Thank you.

BECK: And that, unfortunately, America, is the "Real Story" tonight.
I saw that interview live Jimmy C. Some very scary stuff that will catch up with all of us very soon. We all owe on average 400K a household. Our smoke and mirrors economic system will soon fall apart.
guest301 said:
Our smoke and mirrors economic system will soon fall apart.

I agree aragorn. Thanks for the info Jimmy! Gold and silver are going up out of sight, and the "dollar" is becoming more worthless every month. Someone better do something quick or we'll be ruined!
To Bart: In the eyes of Christians, You can be both Christian and Moslem. In the eyes of Moslems you can only be Moslem or an apostate. Like many politicians, BHO is playing both sides of an issue to get the most votes. BHO refuses to clarify this issue. All he has to say is "I am a Moslem," or "I find Danish cartoons to be funny."
(If you do not understand, don't worry about it. It is a complex idea, completely alien to those of us brought up by Christian values and by the values of Western Civilization. However, you do understand it better than members of the media.)
White Shogun said:

Here is a quote from the article: The candidate told the Monitor he doesn't buy everything his pastor proclaims, saying: "There are some things I agree with my pastor about, some things I disagree with him about. I come from a complex racial background with a lot of different strains in me: white, black, I grew up in Hawaii. I tend to have a strong streak of universalism, not just in my religious beliefs, but in my ethical and moral beliefs."

If a reporter had guts, they would ask Obama to be specific. What does he agree with and what doesn't he agree with. I'd like to see Russert challenge him point by point.LIke that would ever happen.The double standard on race in this country is sickening. A white candidate would have been skinned alive by the press if he belonged to a church with racist leanings. In checking out the website of his church, I found an interview with Louis Farrakhan. Ha ha. Where is the outrage? The fact is: there is not a dimes worth of difference between Afrocentrist Muslims and Afrocentrist Christians. They all be Black and that is the tie that binds.
i watched a very well made documentary today.

the final third of the movie has a lot to do with the motivating factors behind what is happening in the US today. money and control. and who stands to get it.

the first third is an interesting take on modern religion. the middle third is 9/11 truth stuff. both of which has been discussed at length in many threads.

but the final third is very informative.
screamingeagle said:
To Bart: In the eyes of Christians, You can be both Christian and Moslem.

Sorry friend, you can't. You can't be sort of Christain, or thinking about it. Better trudge, boy; better trudge.
Wow!John Kerry endorses Obama! I'm surprised he shafted his old running mate, John Edwards.


Quoting a black American hero in endorsing the man who hopes to be the first black president, Kerry told a cheering crowd, "Martin Luther King said that the time is always right to do what is right." Now is the time, Kerry said, to declare "that Barack Obama can be, will be and should be the next president of the United States."


Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
Wow!  John Kerry endorses Obama!   I'm surprised he shafted his old running mate, John Edwards.</font>


Quoting a black American hero in endorsing the man who hopes to be the first black president, Kerry told a cheering crowd, "&lt;SPAN id=lw_1200008467_5 style="CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed" ="yshortcuts"&gt;Martin Luther King&lt;/SPAN&gt; said that the time is always right to do what is right." Now is the time, Kerry said, to declare "that Barack Obama can be, will be and should be the next president of the United States."



Yeah that endorsement will get Obama about 30 votes. If Kerry did it just to get a good seat in the next administration he picked the wrong horse.
I forgot to add that I do not consider the church he goes to to be a Christian Church. It has received money from Kadaffy (SP?) of Lybia. I consider B. Huissain to be a Moslem.
Looks like all of the Kennedy clan are getting into the act. Maria Shriver is backing Obama. You would think it would be wise for her to keep her trap shut, being her HUSBAND is the Republican governor of Mexifornia.Actually it is not a surprise. Arnold pulled the wool over all our eyes, didn't he? He is about as conservative as Nancy Pelosi. His is endorsing McCainiac, who is best buds with that traitorous snake Edward Kennedy.

[url] rniaobamashriver[/url]

LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Maria Shriver -- wife of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and a member of the powerful Kennedy political clan -- on Sunday endorsed Barack Obama for US president, just days after her former-actor husband backed Republican John McCain.
American Freedom News