The defense of Vick

White Shogun said:
I wonder why these guys just didn't shoot these dogs instead of electrocuting...

They tried to shoot them, but they all missed! It musta sounded like New Years Eve with all those 9mm Glocks being emptied (in the general direction of the dogs).

Instead of standing with their pistols turned sideways, firing away, perhaps the boyz should have piled into a Caddy or an Escalade and attempted a drive-by on the offending pooches.
jaxvid said:
Iron said:
What's with the vitriolic attack ,i'm not talking to you Deus Vult but the moderator of the site.I believe you even reffered to me as an *******
But thats alright.Faceless communication over an electronic community makes it slightly more impersonal and dos'nt raise the hackles as much as if the insult was to my face.Did what i say offend you that much,i've never attacked anyone whilst on this site or put anyone on the offensive,i dont post pick no matter their views and only really post if i feel i have something relative to add.The post i made did'nt offend you that much,i'm inclined to believe you just took it on yourself to play the hard man and start a needless war of words.

Why dont you try and play the BIG man and use all your powers as a moderator and ban me after calling me an *******.

I didn't call you an *******, I said don't be "among" the a-holes" that are equating Vick's fighting and breeding of dogs with hunting. However after reading your last post it is apparent you ARE among the a-holes so you can forget my good advice.

Right on, Jaxvid. He's so among 'em he fits right in with them.
Thrashen said:
"That Jason Whitlock has written a LOT of articles that make a ton of sense this past year"

This is too true. Jason Whitlock, unlike the cornucopia of young, black, sportswriters that were handed jobs in America, is actually HONEST. American blacks can call this man a "race-traitor" all they want....but they're only angry with the things he writes because they are all truths (and the truth hurts). I've seen Whitlock on ESPN many times, each of which he seems to be completely against the "thug" and "hip-hop" culture in which most of professional sports seem to adamantly pander to. His position on the matter is that the so-called "men" who live this foolishly empty lifestyle should grow the hell up already. I like Jason Whitlock, and think he should be embraced as an ally to

I have watched Whitlock for a long time also. True, he is anti thug and is for blacks taking personal responsibility for their actions. However, he is a Barry Bonds supporter, I've seen him play the race card, and he would NEVER admit to white discrimination under any circumstances.

I believe he's bitter towards ESPN for firing him from The Sports Reporters.
One thing I've yet to see mentioned in the MSM about this is how many other NFL players are involved. Given how brazenly Vick, an incredibly popular player among blackNFLers,financed and ran a large dogfighting operation, it's logical to believe that other NFL players, perhaps many others, bet on dog fights.

There was an article inone of the local papers here today about how this area (western Pa.) is a "hotbed" of underground dogfighting.It begs a logical question -- do any Steelers participate? There was a nationally circulated dogfighting publication based here that was bustedin 2004, andalso a sellerof dogfighting videos. Who knows how big dogfighting may actually be?

Since Vick is supposedly going to "fess up" to everything, the first thing I'd want to know is what other NFL players are involved. We already have quotes from several basically supporting dogfighting. Given the facts already known, who seriously believes Vick was alone among NFL players in participating in dogfighting?
Don Wassall said:
One thing I've yet to see mentioned in the MSM about this is how many other NFL players are involved. Given how brazenly Vick, an incredibly popular player among blackNFLers,financed and ran a large dogfighting operation, it's logical to believe that other NFL players, perhaps many others, bet on dog fights.

Very interesting post Don.I had similar thoughts. You would think that some of the sports mavens would have brought up the same questions. I would not be surprised to learn that many players were involved.
Very interesting indeed. I'm thinking no way in hell Vick is the only offender. These guys run in packs. This situation is ripe for some young investigative reporter to dig into. He'll probably have to get in line behind Goodells' snoops, though.

Edited by: Hockaday
InfamousOne said:
Iron: There is a big difference - one is legal, one is not legal. They are trying to muddy your conviction to weasel out of this one, don't let them.

Um, there's this little thing Whites are fond of
called logic, perhaps you have heard of it, the ancient Greeks, the foundation of Western Civ, etc? Anyway,
circular logic, which you are engaged in here, is an
invalid form of argumentation. Yes, one is legal, one
is not. The question, of course, is WHY is one legal
but the other not. Try thinking about it.

Michael Vick is an amazingly stupid man and I am quite pleased to see him lose 150 MILLION dollars for his gruesome actions. But to go to jail for killing some dogs? The fact that so many whites are quick to adopt a very dubious proposition simply to castigate one foolish black man reminds me of the proposition concerning glass houses.
Warnipple said:
InfamousOne said:
Iron: There is a big difference - one is legal, one is not legal. They are trying to muddy your conviction to weasel out of this one, don't let them.

Um, there's this little thing Whites are fond of
called logic, perhaps you have heard of it, the ancient Greeks, the foundation of Western Civ, etc? Anyway,
circular logic, which you are engaged in here, is an
invalid form of argumentation. Yes, one is legal, one
is not. The question, of course, is WHY is one legal
but the other not. Try thinking about it.

Michael Vick is an amazingly stupid man and I am quite pleased to see him lose 150 MILLION dollars for his gruesome actions. But to go to jail for killing some dogs? The fact that so many whites are quick to adopt a very dubious proposition simply to castigate one foolish black man reminds me of the proposition concerning glass houses.

I must have missed this lovely post.

Vick is going to jail for running an entire illegal gambling/dogfighting ring funded solely by him, crossing multiple states. The cruelty aspect is not really relevant. I'll simplify it for you - he's not going to jail for killing some dogs.

Your assertation that a white man would have been treated differently in this situation is laughable. Vick will most likely get softer treatment because of his race. look at the Jena 6 case for an example of this.
jaxvid said:
Vick tests positive for pot.

I guess now we know why had the hidden compartment in the bottle at the airport. What a total dunce.
Vick's PETA test: class test.pdf

They gave him a C. I think PETA is probably more worried about their position as gatekeeper to Vick being reinstated, and the accompanying money they can accrue, than helping to keep him out.

Edit: If you read nothing else by the distinguished writer Michael Vick this year, please do read his section on "Loyalty". Sometimes people say that our colleges have lax admission standards for affletes, but this essay proves that even if this is true, we once in a while will find a true gem of an author.

I don't know what school he went to (Marshall, I think?), but whichever one it was is a complete and utter joke.Edited by: DWFan
Vick would never have passed English class in my school. My Junior High School that is. His grammar is pitiful. His answer on loyalty was for entertainment purposes only. Yet he got a 5 out of 5 for that answer.

Even if Peta doesn't care about his grammar, his answers often were not on point and said nothing.

Thanks for posting that DWFan.
LOL I'm seriously thinking that PETA would have given him a C no matter what. If they'd given him an A or B, it would give him a means of getting past their crowd. D or F, he'd probably have said "to hell with it". They have to keep him on the hook.

I can't stand PETA, but I'm still getting enjoyment out of this.
For anyone else that enjoys the possibility of Michael Vick squirming, is keeping an updated list of teams that have already expressed that they have no interest in considering his acquisition, or in the case of Atlanta, playing him. So far: Atlanta (wants to trade him), New York (Jets), Tampa Bay, Detroit. /

The list links to supporting articles.
Well if Vick would have to play again, I would choose to send him to the uber-caste Cowboys, the thug Bengals, or the horrible Raiders.

I still don't won't to see him again at all though, these are just teams I think would try to pursue and sign him.
Jack, I wouldn't be surprised if the Steelers signed him to be Big Ben's backup. I think Leftwich is an UFA so he's probably gone to another team. The Steelers had three black QBs after Ben this past season, nothing would surprise me giventhe demographic direction the teamis headed.
I know Don, that is what I am afraid of more than anything. Anything is possible with the ultra-librals that run the organization. If Tomlin and Colbert sign him, I will loathe and dislike them more than ever.
I'm thinking the Raiders are the strongest possibility, since many of their players have expressed support for importing Vick. I believe I heard about it somewhere on this site--a few players willing to take pay cuts to get Vick.
i dont understand how black football fans can support vick in such a way. if one of them were caught dog fighting, they'd be jailed and the key would be thrown away.

Vick is a terrible qb. He might have some use as a change of pace player for wildcat formation, but to have a team built around him is setting yourself up for failure. Plus he's the scum of the earth.
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