The defense of Vick


Jan 12, 2007
What comes as no suprise is the african american community's defense for vick.. Stupid marbury comparing it with shooting deer, deion saying it was vicks passion with dogfighting.. Unreal, its sickening.. The naacp now saying we should forgive vick cause he made a "mistake".. Mistake? LOL.. He knowingly broke laws, savagely killed innocent dogs ,gambled.. I hope vick never plays again in the nfl.. Look at pete rose, he gambled and cannot even get into the HOF.. But with Vick, double standard as usual.. The black community still thinks they only reason the feds went after him is because he is black.. It will never end..
When this story first broke out, Clinton Portis made the comment "what Michael Vick does in his private life is nobodys business". Which is almost as good as one of the Vikings players, turned sea lawyer who tried to defend their behavior on the loveboat by claiming they were on "international waters" and could not be charged by the police. It's funny and sad at the same time.
No what it is can be explained in this way. Blacks will always no matter how bad the crime or how many people or animals are killed or mutilated stick up for their own kind. It is an unwritten rule in the ghetto metality that the majority of blacks have that whitey is just trying to keep them down, and they have to some way some how over come any and all obstacles in order to overcome. This I beleive is instilled in them just like radical islam is instilled in some Muslim children. The majority of blacks have an us against the world mentality that literally has one beleif protect your own and never ever talk bad about your race. Mind you these are the same people who re-elected disgraced DC Mayor Marion Barry need I say more on how they act or beleive. It is high time that all whites truly realize that we have two enemies in this country muslims who want to kill us and blacks who want to ruin us by instilling their thug culture into our society and especially our children. This must stop if we as a people want to preserve our culture and our way of life. Michael Vick is only the latest black celebrity that was truly given everything without truly earning anything to fall from grace from his own stupidity. I guess in the end no matter how they try to conform to soceties norm some of them always resort back to their up bringing and thug mentality, and end up disgraced like the con-vick to be in question. I am so happy this poster boy for the new age quarterback will now be doing hard time for at least a while. Roger don't fail us now. Throw the book and the con-vick.
In keeping with the leftward slant of the Negrodelphia Daily News and Inquirer, Bill Conlin of the former advocates "No time for these two" (Vick and the crooked NBA ref). Obviously Conlin, who is white, doesn't want to pay for their lodging.
smiley11.gif ill_Conlin___No_time_for_these_two.html

I am still struck at how John Rocker simply believed and then SPOKE his beliefs about New York and its citizens. He was run out of the sport and never really ever played again. For his beliefs and something he said. And no group or organization said we must forgive him and he should be allowed to play. compare that to Vick. His actions, ACTIONS, were a crime and were physical actions. He commited a federal crime. But he is supposed to be forgiven and allowed to play again. And I believe he will eventually. There is a big difference in what they did. One simply said something and one did something illegal and reprehensible. And yet the groundswell of support goes to the one who did the illegal act. Now I wonder why that is?
you know why they will never be satisfied until every white person is enslaved like their ancestors. Well I got news for them in is'nt going to happen so there in lies the battle that we face. Slavery to them is an excuse to steal, rob, break laws , kill dogs and all must be forgiven because of this nation's so called pass sins. I say the hell with that, and the hell with them and there way of thinking this is my country, and I dont care what happened in the past. Until they realize that they all must live under our white standards their will always be hatred and comtempt between both races. Now I would like to ask how can anyone who is not black take the NCAAP seriously. I mean come on their a joke, and every time they defend the undefensible the continue to make fools of themselves.
In other news Michael Vick just keeps getting dumber by the day. Now according to all the news outlets Michael Vick will only plead guilty to the charges on interstate commerce violations regarding the dog fighting, but will not plead guilty to charges of gambling or killing dogs. Michael Vick and his lawyer are complete morons. TNB thinking that he is in control and can somehow dictate the outcome of his trial. Blacks just don't get it, they really do think they are above the law. The feds have him red handed and 3 of his cohorts have already plead guilty to all charges and have implicated him in all activities as well. I hope the feds withdraw any plea bargains with this moron and he gets the book thrown at him. He will be convicted and should get the maximum sentence on all charges because of his sheer stupidity and arrogance.Edited by: Bear Backer
Bear Backer said:
In other news Michael Vick just keeps getting dumber by the day. Now according to all the news outlets Michael Vick will only plead guilty to the charges on interstate commerce violations regarding the dog fighting, but will not plead guilty to charges of gambling or killing dogs. Michael Vick and his lawyer are complete morons. TNB thinking that he is in control and can somehow dictate the outcome of his trial. Blacks just don't get it, they really do think they are above the law. The feds have him red handed and 3 of his cohorts have already plead guilty to all charges and have implicated him in all activities as well. I hope the feds withdraw any plea bargains with this moron and he gets the book thrown at him. He will be convicted and should get the maximum sentence on all charges because of his sheer stupidity and arrogance.

I can't speak for other countries, since I have only lived in the USA, but Uncle Sam's red, white, and blue clothes are unraveling more and more daily. At what tragic point will the Almighty see America as we (or at least I) do?

It's things like the Vick circus (and other blackifying [crumulent word] events and trends in and out of sports) that make me yearn for a bumper sticker saying, "God Implode America".

Bear Backer said:
The feds have him red handed and 3 of his cohorts have already plead guilty to all charges and have implicated him in all activities as well. I hope the feds withdraw any plea bargains with this moron and he gets the book thrown at him. He will be convicted and should get the maximum sentence on all charges because of his sheer stupidity and arrogance.

I can't think of any well known blacks that have been convicted by a jury in recent years. OJ, Ray Lewis, Jason Williams, various rappers ... the list goes on. IMO, Vick is dumb for NOT going to trial. This thing is already getting more and more racial. Black jurors always stick up for their own.
Gambling and the occasional drunk driving it seems are the only crimes the establishment can constantly pin on white athletes. Somehow blacks never get involved in gambling (yah right) and when they do nobody cares. While Pete Rose, Art Sleister (sp?) and others are ban for life from their sport, the media conducts a countdown to the return of black athletes from their real criminal activities.

BTW, how is it that NBA players are allowed to do some novelty gambling but the Officials are not. Seems to me that players can throw games much more easily than officials.
I was completely shocked this morning by what was said on the usually unwatchable "Mike & Mike in the Morning." I believe it was Eric Casilias (sitting in for nerdy Jewish coward, Mike Greenburg) along with Mike Golic (former DT for the Eagles, and current caste-supporting dumb-ass), and Casilias said:

"You can't say it isn't a black and white issue; because if this were a white athlete who had committed these crimes, the man would be radioactive...there would be absolutely NO-ONE defending him for this. There are plenty of people speaking up in defense of Vick in this country, saying let the man do his time and move on."

I've never heard a comparison such as this one; especially broadcasted by an ESPN radio and TV show. Hopefully this is a sign of good and honest sports writing in the future....riiiiiight. Normally, that idiotically childish show can barely make sense of even the least complicated sport-related's good that someone finally told the absolute truth. Casilias will probably be banned from the media forever and be living the in gutter, haha, that's what all those liars deserve.
Edited by: Thrashen
How about Stephen Marbury saying that dogfighting is a "sport". He compared it to hunting. When does the media come down on him?
as much as i hate to admit,i think Marbury has a point somewhat.i dont see any difference between dog fighting and deer hunting.watching dogs rip eachother to pieces is not my idea of sport but i have to question what sort of man hunts and shoots dear for nothing more than the thrill of it.In many ways,deer,fox and other cruel hunting sports are even more morally reprehensible.Dog fighting is unfortunately a big sport[spectacle] in Northern European country's like Germany and Britain with huge underground networks spawning hundreds of events each year with big money waged on the outcomes.Despite the illegality and regular police busts,it has'nt stemmed the tide of popularity.
Seems like Vick's old man is jumping on the bandwagon of ratting Vick out.

Blacks always give each other up. Always. Ask any detective.

Tom Iron...
Iron: There is a big difference - one is legal, one is not legal. They are trying to muddy your conviction to weasel out of this one, don't let them.
Here is an article about Vick's father(I still don't believe the paternity it has to be Arthur Blanc)coming to the rescue, I don't know whether he was imparting the wisdom to Vick to keep the gravy train running or because he believes in these values.. Report: Vick's estranged father said he asked QB to quit dogfighting

Associated Press

ATLANTA -- Michael Vick's father said he asked his son to give up dogfighting, or to at least put property used in the venture in the names of others to avoid being implicated, according to a report in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

In The Journal-Constitution report posted on the newspaper's Web site Thursday night, Michael Boddie, who is estranged from Vick and the quarterback's mother, also said some time around 2001 his son staged dogfights in the garage of the family home in Newport News, Va.

Boddie told the newspaper Vick kept fighting dogs in the family's backyard, including dogs that were "bit up, chewed up, exhausted." Boddie claimed to have nursed the dogs back to health.

The indictment against Vick does not mention the parents' former home in Newport News.

In the report, Boddie dismissed the idea that Vick's longtime friends were the main instigators of the dogfighting operation.

"I wish people would stop sugarcoating it," Boddie told The Journal-Constitution. "This is Mike's thing. And he knows it ... likes it, and he has the capital to have a setup like that."

The report said Boddie and the Atlanta Falcons quarterback have had a volatile relationship for years and that his son has refused to speak with him directly for the last 2½ months.

Boddie, 45, lives in an apartment his son has paid the rent on for the last three years. Vick, who has a $130 million contract with the Falcons, also gives him a couple of hundred dollars every week or two, the father told the newspaper.

In the report, Boddie also said he asked Vick for $1 million, spread out over 12 years. Vick declined, the father said. Recently, Boddie asked Vick, through an assistant, for $700,000 to live on.

On Monday, Vick agreed to plead guilty in the federal dogfighting case in Richmond. He faces up to five years in prison and the possible end of his football career. Three co-defendants already pleaded guilty and were expected to testify against Vick if the case went to trial. In addition, a Virginia prosecutor is considering bringing state charges against Vick.
Whether dog fighting is like hunting or not is irrelevant to me. Vick's legal troubles are simply karmic justice for a guy who has received far more than he deserves, who has no appreciation for what he has received, and has treated others with nothing but disparagement and contempt, starting with the woman to whom he knowingly gave an incurable disease, the inspectors at the airport, and the fans who he flipped off when they finally began to express displeasure at his ineptitude on the field.

He deserves everyday he spends behind bars.
Dog fighting like hunting! WTF! Didn't think I'd ever see such a case of poor moral relativism on this site.

Deer are wild animals. They are not domesticated. Their whole existance is lived with the knowledge that any carnivore will hunt and kill them if given the chance. This is their life.

There are many ways for a deer to die, starvation and disease which linger for days or weeks of miserable suffering or the sudden attack of a carnivore which rips the animal apart killing it from shock or loss of blood.

Unquestionably the best death for the deer is to be killed by a hunter. A bullet is quick and lethal, usually the deer lingers but not like the death from the teeth of another animal. Hunters will also finish the animal off if necessary to avoid any needless suffering. The meat is ALWAYS used as a food source which is the whole frickin' point of a "game" animal.

The only arguement that could possibly be made against deer hunting is that the deer would live a bit longer if not hunted. Which is true but his life would almost certainly end in starvation from over population.

This same arguement can be made in opposition to killing cows. Cows are killed in a similar manner and used for food. I guess Iron is going to pass on that steak tonight and any other meat that comes from an animal killed by a human.

Dogs on the otherhand do not exist in the wild, at least the breeds Vick was involved in, their whole purpose in life is to be a pet for a human. There is no expectation that they will be killed by their masters as they are not meant to be used for food.

Furthermore the instinct to fight was breed into the dog so that it would aid it's human masters and provide protection. To turn this honorable quality of man's best friend into a sport for entertainment is sick. And then to top it off go and kill the animal for some demented pleasure is a sign of sickness.

Please don't be among the a-holes that confuse the natural instincts of humans to provide protein to themselves and their family with the degenerates that enjoy seeing animals forced to bring a bloody death to each other.

And BTW I don't believe that it is popular in "Northern Europe" which somehow also includes England. I think that is a smear to bring the idea that this is popular amongst whites too.
You can read how the blacks are dealing with the issue of hunting v. dog fighting @

It's a good read.

Iron said:
as much as i hate to admit,i think Marbury has a point somewhat.i dont see any difference between dog fighting and deer hunting...

Iron, how can you not see the great difference between hunters shooting deer and lowlifes doing cruel things to canines?

Anti-hunters have caused suffering and death -- suffering among deer who have to deal with the unglamorous reality of overpopulation (disease, starvation, etc.), and death among humans who are far more likely to crash into deer while driving on rural roads.

If you live in an area where hunting has been banned or severely restricted, chances are you know someone who has run into a deer with his vehicle. It is our duty as stewards of the entire ecosystem to manage the herd's numbers. If and when their numbers get too low, we can and do restrict hunting of deer and other game animals.

Hunters are the ultimate conservationists. Hunters definitely do not torture game animals. Hunters don't beat deer to death, or electrocute them, or drown them.
I happen to think both are cruel and unnecessary.
TorontoArgos said:
I happen to think both are cruel and unnecessary.

Unecessary? Do you live in a major urban area or just love Bambi? I've had two deer smash in to my car in the past four years, both times doing over $3000 worth of damage. The deer population needs to be controlled. If you don't want hunting then do forced sterilization. Humans are the only predators left for deer, we're the ones who have to thin out the herd. As others have said, hunters don't try and torture the deer to death. As a hunter you want a quick kill. If the deer doesn't go down immediately then meat can get ruined.

I don't think dog fighting is anywhere near as serious as rape or murder, but it is still a felony. I'm amazed at people who think that Vick should be given another chance, to keep earning a living in his millionare profession. That's not how it is in the real world. Most corporations have policies against hiring convicted felons. In many companies, even being charged with a felony will get you canned. So I wonder were these people work who think that Vick is somehow being treated unfairly. Edited by: RedBeard
What about Wolves?

Yes I do live in a major urban area.
The deer have become so tame where I live, it may not be long before the cute little thingsjoin cats and dogs ashousehold pets.
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