The Aryan really is the master race, though the "lords and masters" mock it!


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
i very often hear that people were smaller in ancient times, it always sounded ridiculous to me
if anything, they were bigger, stronger etc
the white race is the best physically because of all the eugenism that our ancestors had, and that we no longer have


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
White giants found in China too, and in America too. You can be sure the USSA's controlled ziomedia and the occupational government will immediately memory-hole this too, nor will it be in their school curriculums, which are carefully designed to make white kids ashamed of being white, results seen in the recent mass riots and demonstrations.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
i very often hear that people were smaller in ancient times, it always sounded ridiculous to me
if anything, they were bigger, stronger etc
the white race is the best physically because of all the eugenism that our ancestors had, and that we no longer have

The European Cro Magnon cave men from over foty thousand years ago were larger than modern men and also had larger brains.

The white giants found in America were in the Smithsonian in Washington, but now they have "vanished".

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
We can't possibly be the "master race".

We let a group of people who represent 2% of the population control our media, brainwash us, divide us and gradually destroy our societies!

If we were really a strong and highly intelligent race, we'd take our countries back before it's too late.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
There have been remains of ancient White civilizations unearthed in all parts of the globe. From Florida to Ohio, to Washington State. From Japan to China to Baffin Island. From Peru to Arizona. These discoveries are always explained away or simply reburied because some amerindian tribe says it is there ancestor. Basically wherever there is anything that resembles civilization there must have been White men at some point to teach the savages. Non Whites have shown no evidence that they can build civilization. SOMEBODY must have shown them.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
We can't possibly be the "master race".

We let a group of people who represent 2% of the population control our media, brainwash us, divide us and gradually destroy our societies!

If we were really a strong and highly intelligent race, we'd take our countries back before it's too late.


Unfortunately, it seems to me that the majority of Western whites are incredibly weak minded, and have an absence of morals and/or values. Part of it is an absence of religion, because it is religion that instills these values and strength in people.

I do consider myself extremely right wing and racially - real, and I do appreciate the shared viewpoints of the guys on this site. But in my day to day life 95% of the whites I encounter seem to have some sort of white self hating complex and are effectively "yes men", liberals, marxists, or wusses.

I can't relate to these Whites.

I've stated my opinion in the past which is that Islam would have been a great religion for Europeans to embrace because it teaches discipline, strength, perseverance, and traditional morals. There is no divorce, female independency, turning the other cheek, bowing to Zionists etc.

Christianity and the Church have become a god damn disgrace by becoming soft and forgetting their true purpose. It's disturbing how these institutions have welcomed divorcees, single parents, gays, and women priests. All these are in direct violation of God's Word. At that point these people are ceasing to follow their own religion. Then these White liberals try and justify it by some bull**** like "Well the Bible can be interpreted differently". Nope. The cold hard fact is they're corrupting their own religion.
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Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Christianity and the Church have become a god damn disgrace by becoming soft and forgetting their true purpose. It's disturbing how these institutions have welcomed divorcees, single parents, gays, and women priests. All these are in direct violation of God's Word. At that point these people are ceasing to follow their own religion. Then these White liberals try and justify it by some bull**** like "Well the Bible can be interpreted differently". Nope. The cold hard fact is they're corrupting their own religion.

The corruption of Christianity is due the the successful propaganda campaign which has brainwashed Christians into thinking that the impostors who call themselves "jews" are the people of the old testament.

They think Jesus was a "jew" like Adam Sandler is a "jew". In actuality the REAL Israelite of the Bible are the Germanic/Scandinavian/Anglo-Saxon, and kindred European people. If we would understand that we could begin to make headway. The reason all this bad is happening is because our people have denied the Savior, and turned to false jew worship. As long as the Savior (our brother, and kinsman Christ) is mocked, and/or denied we stand no chance in this struggle.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011

Unfortunately, it seems to me that the majority of Western whites are incredibly weak minded, and have an absence of morals and/or values. Part of it is an absence of religion, because it is religion that instills these values and strength in people.

I do consider myself extremely right wing and racially - real, and I do appreciate the shared viewpoints of the guys on this site. But in my day to day life 95% of the whites I encounter seem to have some sort of white self hating complex and are effectively "yes men", liberals, marxists, or wusses.

I can't relate to these Whites.
I've stated my opinion in the past which is that Islam would have been a great religion for Europeans to embrace because it teaches discipline, strength, perseverance, and traditional morals. There is no divorce, female independency, turning the other cheek, bowing to Zionists etc.

Christianity and the Church have become a god damn disgrace by becoming soft and forgetting their true purpose. It's disturbing how these institutions have welcomed divorcees, single parents, gays, and women priests. All these are in direct violation of God's Word. At that point these people are ceasing to follow their own religion. Then these White liberals try and justify it by some bull**** like "Well the Bible can be interpreted differently". Nope. The cold hard fact is they're corrupting their own religion.
Here we go again. People who aren't Christian talking about Christianity!

BS2, the Bible is clear on the subject of false teachings. Just because someone claims they're Christian doesn't mean they are!

"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he does the will of my father who is in heaven will enter." Matthew 7:21.

BS2, Christianity isn't a disgrace. The people who claim to be Christians is a disgrace!


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
here are some white european values:

If you're ever in the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan you can see their wonderful collection of Roman busts, many just ordinary working people. Handsome people, men and women. And then you go out on Fifth Avenue and see what's left of the white race. Degeneracy. De-evolution.

I just read Jack London's book, *Adventure*, written just a century ago. It's main theme was the mastery of the white race. It just took one century to bring us down to simpering little bisexuals lying on the ground in Grand Central Station to protest the death of some Congoid criminal!

I received this email from a very well known person in response to my email, same subject as this thread:

"NO question. Enrages one to realize the coverups, the genocides and the TRUTH of the past all hidden and covered up."

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I "credit" modern technology, especially the visual media of television and movies, for being able to "speed up history" and divert and destroy Western Man and his accomplishments much more quickly than before.

Ancient knowledge of methods of subversion + wondrous technology = White Man on the ropes, to the detriment of all humankind except for the small number of revolutionaries and their abettors.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
There are still plenty of REAL White men in this country. Go to your nearest Rodeo, and you will see hundreds of them.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There are still plenty of REAL White men in this country. Go to your nearest Rodeo, and you will see hundreds of them.

Wes, I was just in Vegas for several days, which coincided with the National Rodeo Festival which has been held there annually in early to mid-December for a long time. Didn't watch the rodeo, but the participants and their fans were easy to spot -- the men wear cowboy hats and boots, are generally tall and fit, polite, and their womenfolk were likewise easily distinguishable by their dress and manners. There were tens of thousands of them in Sin City and I'm sure they represented but a small fraction of Real America.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Wes, I was just in Vegas for several days, which coincided with the National Rodeo Festival which has been held there annually in early to mid-December for a long time. Didn't watch the rodeo, but the participants and their fans were easy to spot -- the men wear cowboy hats and boots, are generally tall and fit, polite, and their womenfolk were likewise easily distinguishable by their dress and manners. There were tens of thousands of them in Sin City and I'm sure they represented but a small fraction of Real America.

Very well said Don. I was just now watching the replay of the NFR on CBS sports, and Arnold Schwarzenegger was in the crowd dressed in full western wear. I though that was funny.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Very well said Don. I was just now watching the replay of the NFR on CBS sports, and Arnold Schwarzenegger was in the crowd dressed in full western wear. I though that was funny.

And Arnold Schwartzenneger has long since sold out to become a made member of the government.


And most of those rodeo fans are brain-washed too. They watch tv and they vote for the "republican" faction of the occupational government and they're trained to say, bomb Iran and Russia and China and whoever else they tell them on tv is the currently demonized enemy of Israel and Wall Street, and it's all the same to the Vampire if Republicans or Democrats win their phony pre-programmed no paper trail diebold voting machine elections, because as Governor George Wallace observed before they shot him down, there ain't a a dimes worth of difference between them.

Governor Huey Long presented a much bigger threat to the "lords and masters" than did Governor Wallace.

"They've got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side, but no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen." - Huey Long. They shut him up in 1935.

So, in short, unless something surprising happens pretty soon - we're screwed. Rodeo fans and "real America" aren't going to save us. They all happily did the bidding of the masters when they destroyed Europe and western civilization in what they now call their "good war". All it takes is one nice false flag, like the Lusitania or Pearl Harbor or 911, to rally them.

Something surprising will definitely happen eventually - it always does - but it will probably be very ugly when it does. It usually is. I was hoping for a military coup. A lot of mid level people in the military know what really happened and didn't happen on 911 and the attack on the Liberty and Sadaam's "weapons of mass destruction" and all the other false flags - but they've purged the military pretty well, at least the top level. There are also almost a million police officers in the country who well know that the media masters are their mortal enemy.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
More on white giants in America, now "disappeared" by the Smithsonian in Washington DC.

Newspaper article from 1930:


Lots more here:


Note: I can't post the image of the newspaper headline from 1930 that reads "How our white indians are rising out of legend into fact" because the idiotic censoring software here censors part of the image name, but you can see it, and much more, on the link above...which is also censored by the idiotic software, so change the asterisks into c o c k. The dumb thing censors the guy's name!

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
And Arnold Schwartzenneger has long since sold out to become a made member of the government.

Wolf i Know Arnold is a sellout. Did you think I was trying to equate him with actual western lifestyle folks? I just found it funny that this chameleon was all decked out in western duds. I guess if he went to a football game he would wear full pads, and a helmet.


I "credit" modern technology, especially the visual media of television and movies, for being able to "speed up history" and divert and destroy Western Man and his accomplishments much more quickly than before.

Ancient knowledge of methods of subversion + wondrous technology = White Man on the ropes, to the detriment of all humankind except for the small number of revolutionaries and their abettors.

This is very interesting, could you please elaborate more on that ? What do you mean by speeding up history and what are the ancient methods of subversion ?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I "credit" modern technology, especially the visual media of television and movies, for being able to "speed up history" and divert and destroy Western Man and his accomplishments much more quickly than before.

Ancient knowledge of methods of subversion + wondrous technology = White Man on the ropes, to the detriment of all humankind except for the small number of revolutionaries and their abettors.
Very true.

And the saddest part of it is, the technology they use to destroy our people was invented by white people.

Philo Taylor Farnsworth


John Logie Baird


Eadweard James Muybridge


Thomas Edison

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Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
And most of those rodeo fans are brain-washed too. They watch tv and they vote for the "republican" faction of the occupational government and they're trained to say, bomb Iran and Russia and China and whoever else they tell them on tv is the currently demonized enemy of Israel and Wall Street

Rodeo fans and "real America" aren't going to save us. They all happily did the bidding of the masters when they destroyed Europe and western civilization in what they now call their "good war".

I was hoping for a military coup. A lot of mid level people in the military know what really happened and didn't happen on 911 and the attack on the Liberty and Sadaam's "weapons of mass destruction" and all the other false flags - but they've purged the military pretty well, at least the top level. There are also almost a million police officers in the country who well know that the media masters are their mortal enemy.

There IS a lot of truth in what you say here warewolf. However I must point out that its not entirely accurate.

"Most" western lifestyle folks are NOT brainwashed. The ones I know (which is many) DONT watch TV. In fact they refer to it as "the idiot box". The ones I know DIDNT vote for Romney, or McCain, these last two elections. They either voted for Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, or didnt vote at all. These people ARE "real America". And compared to football/basketball/baseball/mma/boxing fans (who are mostly retarded, and obese) theyre astronomically superior! As Don said, unlike city slickers, they tend to be physically fit (mostly from the hard lifestyle of ranching, and farming), and they are polite, and giving. Very selfless in the best way. Truley the salt of this corrupted world.

As far as hoping for a military coup, well thats just insane. American service men and women are the most brainwashed people on Earth. They have been trained since bootcamp to stand still while your superior insults you. They will never rise up against their masters. Neither will the police. They will only be good little boys, and girls like they have been trained to be. Lets face it. If your wearing the uniform of the police, or the military you are representing evil. You ought to take off that uniform, and get an honest job like picking peaches.

I hate when I come on a pro White website, and look at a pro White thread, about an amazing pro White discovery, only to read posts about how pathetic, sissified Whites are! Some of you guys act like there ARENT any real White men left (except for yourselves of course).

Thats why I bring up the small circle of people I associate with. They arent PERFECT by a long shot, but they are the closest thing to it in this country. Remember the Bundy Ranch drama? The great American cowboys proved that they will at least TRY to stand up against this evil government.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Sure there are good people, WW. You run into good and intelligent and aware people in surprising places, but they've - we've - been disenfranchised. You won't hear their voices in the media or in politics. But, yeah, I'm pretty cynical about American white people on the whole, what's left of them.

I don't know nuthin' about rodeo, except I went to two, one in northern AZ and one in TX, and yes, there were a lot of long lean people with fancy belt buckles there. I also met a retired rodeo rider way out in the wilderness a couple of years ago. He was all busted up with many injuries, but still cool and real western. That is a terribly rough sport.

As for the military, I said the mid-level officer class. Enlisted men are either young naive kids or powerless to make any changes. Top level are political appointees, politicians. Mid level is my slim to none hope, especially if the occupational government starts one war too many, like with some country that has the capability to actually fight back, and maybe missiles start sinking the sixth fleet, there's going to be serious unrest then. Dr Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College, came right out and said that "the military knows that Israel did 911", which they did, with the full collaboration of Washington.

As for Arnold Schwartzennegger, I heard a story about him when he was a young body builder. Some guys were handing out National Socialist pamphlets in CA, and he came by, and he ran over to them to shake their hands and pat them on the back. His father was a National Socialist and a police chief in NS Germany (Austria).


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
There IS a lot of truth in what you say here warewolf. However I must point out that its not entirely accurate.

"Most" western lifestyle folks are NOT brainwashed. The ones I know (which is many) DONT watch TV. In fact they refer to it as "the idiot box". The ones I know DIDNT vote for Romney, or McCain, these last two elections. They either voted for Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, or didnt vote at all. These people ARE "real America". And compared to football/basketball/baseball/mma/boxing fans (who are mostly retarded, and obese) theyre astronomically superior! As Don said, unlike city slickers, they tend to be physically fit (mostly from the hard lifestyle of ranching, and farming), and they are polite, and giving. Very selfless in the best way. Truley the salt of this corrupted world.

As far as hoping for a military coup, well thats just insane. American service men and women are the most brainwashed people on Earth. They have been trained since bootcamp to stand still while your superior insults you. They will never rise up against their masters. Neither will the police. They will only be good little boys, and girls like they have been trained to be. Lets face it. If your wearing the uniform of the police, or the military you are representing evil. You ought to take off that uniform, and get an honest job like picking peaches.

I hate when I come on a pro White website, and look at a pro White thread, about an amazing pro White discovery, only to read posts about how pathetic, sissified Whites are! Some of you guys act like there ARENT any real White men left (except for yourselves of course).

Thats why I bring up the small circle of people I associate with. They arent PERFECT by a long shot, but they are the closest thing to it in this country. Remember the Bundy Ranch drama? The great American cowboys proved that they will at least TRY to stand up against this evil government.

Wes, there are indeed "real" White men out there (& here)...just not as much as used to be (or oughta be).

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
i very often hear that people were smaller in ancient times, it always sounded ridiculous to me
if anything, they were bigger, stronger etc
the white race is the best physically because of all the eugenism that our ancestors had, and that we no longer have

You must have heard that from some God denying liberal who doesn't want you to know the truth.

One only has to look to God's word the Bible to know about Giants and everything else!

"there were Giants in the earth in those days.. Genesis 4:6

"and there we saw Giants, the sons of Anak, which come of Giants: Numbers 13:33.

Giants are also recorded in Deuteronomy, 2 and 3 and also in the book of Samuel.

Dinosaurs are also mentioned in the book of Job.

Before the flood in Noah's day the earth was like a green house, it had not rained, and surrounded by a canopy, so it stands to reason, everything grew enormous, including humans!

The flood was the first time it had rained upon the earth, ..for the Lord God had not caused it to rain.. Genesis 2:5.

People who deny the existence of God want you to think the Bible is a bunch of fairy tales. If these giants had not been discovered and we only had the Bible to tell you about them, they wouldn't believe it.