The Aryan really is the master race, though the "lords and masters" mock it!

Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
We can't possibly be the "master race".

We let a group of people who represent 2% of the population control our media, brainwash us, divide us and gradually destroy our societies!

If we were really a strong and highly intelligent race, we'd take our countries back before it's too late.

It's history repeating itself. The US is now a giant, twisted, bizarro version of the Weimar Republic. It's going to cave in on itself. The folks in charge always overreach, it's their innate greed and self deception that always do them in. In some ways they realize they have blown it, again. But their self deception won't allow them to say or admit or in most cases even see that it is their own doing. I think they are going to do their best to destroy the US as quickly as possible and then make a run for it (the head sheds will run for it that is). With things having cratered, that will give whites a chance to straighten things out and take back the US proper, if they can become unified enough.

This may seem like a pipe dream, but read this:

The nation wreckers are hedging their bets. The elections in Europe are swinging farther to the right - they are going to lose in Europe, no doubt about it. The US practically needs a collapse. Once that happens, and if whites collectively get their heads screwed on straight, then they can clean things up. The black and brown population in the US and around the world will drop by huge margins without welfare and/or charity from whites. Their population levels are artificially huge due to YT having his pay confiscated in the form of taxes, never mind brainwashed whites throwing so much money, time, and effort into charities for third worlders who do nothing but smile back, squat, and pop another gang-banger in-training into the dirt.

As for the nation-wreckers themselves, they won't be in the US, and Europe won't be letting them pull their shenanigans, so they'll be in desperate to find a new land of rubes to parasitize. They did buy up most of Patagonia, but they'll have to import people to do real work, lol.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
...The folks in charge always overreach, it's their innate greed and self deception that always do them in. In some ways they realize they have blown it, again. But their self deception won't allow them to say or admit or in most cases even see that it is their own doing....

They don't know when to stop. They get drunk with their own power. Hubris. They call it chutzpah. That's why they've eventually been kicked out of every country they ever infested.
Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
They don't know when to stop. They get drunk with their own power. Hubris. They call it chutzpah. That's why they've eventually been kicked out of every country they ever infested.

It'll happen here too. It's going to be up to whites to band together and clean up the mess after the collapse. If whites can't unite in whatever situation there is after the current incarnation of the US tumbles, I'm not sure what the hell would arise in N. America. I think Europe is on the way to straightening out.
Jun 30, 2012
More on the vast Aryan graveyard in Egypt:

Cemetery with one MILLION mummies unearthed in Egypt: 1,500-year-old desert necropolis is the largest ever found

Read more:

Fascinating find. The ancient peoples of the Middle East and North Africa were what we would identify as white. Their descendants are still there, in the dwindling Christian populations of Copts, Maronites, etc ... and among what's left of the Berbers. They have mixed some with the Arabs over the centuries, but not as much as one would think, due to the religious differences. In addition to the original Levantine people, there was mixture with Greeks, Romans, Germanics, and even some with Slavs and Crusaders. This basically white concoction of people was mostly intact until the Arabs overran the Middle East (followed by the Turks).

This find could be a large group of Germanics brought there by the Romans (seems likely), or it could be a representation of what the Egyptians looked like then. I wonder if anyone can perform this research in today's academia.

We know a lot less about these ancient peoples than we should. The propaganda is strong, and drowns out a lot of truth.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
And China.

Mummified Aryan woman, still beautiful after 3,000 years! - "Perfectly preserved Caucasoid mummies and pyramids discovered in China, thousands of years before the Silk road, the earliest inhabitants to the area." -


Aryan mummies of ancient China - man 6'6" tall! -


Note: The Chinese government, after years of covering this up, is now exhibiting these mummies all over the world. I saw the Aryan woman mummy in person at the Houston, TX museum a few years ago. She looked even more beautiful than the photo above - after three thousand years!!!
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Fascinating find. The ancient peoples of the Middle East and North Africa were what we would identify as white. Their descendants are still there, in the dwindling Christian populations of Copts, Maronites, etc ... and among what's left of the Berbers. They have mixed some with the Arabs over the centuries, but not as much as one would think, due to the religious differences. In addition to the original Levantine people, there was mixture with Greeks, Romans, Germanics, and even some with Slavs and Crusaders. This basically white concoction of people was mostly intact until the Arabs overran the Middle East (followed by the Turks).

This find could be a large group of Germanics brought there by the Romans (seems likely), or it could be a representation of what the Egyptians looked like then. I wonder if anyone can perform this research in today's academia.

We know a lot less about these ancient peoples than we should. The propaganda is strong, and drowns out a lot of truth.

I'm guessing you haven't met too many Copts. I've met a couple and they both looked like they were very heavily mixed with negroes. Here's a picture of the Lebanese Maronite Christian that the neocons love, Bridgette Gabriel. She's definitely White right ?

The Middle East used to be White for thousands of years and plenty of holdouts still exist but it has nothing to do with religion. Even the Arabs were mostly White until they started mixing with their black slaves. There are lots of Whites in turkey too and it's a 100% Muslim country. This is the founder of Turkey



Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States