The anti-doping racket


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
.... wrote:
Yesterday, 15:55
"Many cases have been decided in favor the the boxers for "inadvertent usage"... James Toney was given a 6-month suspension... Roy Jones was given no suspension... Erik Morales was given no suspension because it was supposed in “something he ate” ... Andre Berto was given a suspension that was equivalent to no suspension…

Mayweather’s cases were swept under the rug… Lamont Peterson kept his World Title after he asked for his B Sample to be tested in a lab of his own choosing – and when the B-Sample also came back positive for synthetic testosterone – he suddenly “remembered I was taking testosterone for low-T. I had completely forgotten about that.” His org excused his behavior and he's been taking synthetic testosterone ever since. All these cases have been decided one way... Ortiz, Povetkin, Bute and other "outs" have been treated with a different standard.

If Tyson Fury took a PED “inadvertently” why treat him any differently than dozens of North Americans have been treated??? Including Bermane Siverne was totally excused for PED usage VADA and the WBC discovered when he was training for Povetkin. It was an "accident" after all."

The anti-doping businesses are political ploys. They are selectively enforced, just like the "war on drugs" in the USA. How many otherwise totally innocent men have spent years in prison for possessing a beneficial (unless used in excess, like everything else) natural herb, marijuana, while at least three of their presidents in a row, GW Bush, Obama, and Clinton (whose own brother said he "has a nose like a vacuum cleaner" referring to his cocaine usage) were known dopers?
It is for sure a racket. It's a convenient way to manipulate fighters careers to fit their liking. We've seen it time and time again. I am not sure how this problem will ever be fixed though. As in everything else in life, there are always ways to bend or get around rules.
"The Vada crew. "Your friends in the business!"


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Big Baby Miller tested positive for a banned substance. I don't have a clue what it is but a quick Google search should provide a clue, I suspect it's a weight shedding drug that has anabolic steroids to speed up the body metabolism.

Aside from the rare NFL player I have never seen a 6'3" to 6'4" boxer hold 300 pounds that well. It's not like he looked like a body beautiful but he looked fairly tight considering his considerable girth. If the rules of the various sanctioning bodies are strictly adhered to Miller should be out and Hearn will have scramble for a marketable opponent.

I would love to see Kownacki step in and challenge Joshua as he has been on a similar roll to Miller and would bring a local fan base too.
Povetkin got royally screwed. They had to get him out of there to protect their black hope Wilder. They just aged Povetkin out, stalled him off til he was past his shelf life like Floyd did with Manny Pacaio.
It looks like Big Idiot Miller was a walking drug store and he failed a subsequent PED test for HGH, so his unbelievable, dog ate my homework excuse for the first failed test is as believable as your average serial killers denials against murder charges......

PS, Big Idiot failed a third test, this is too comical and now he has an "apology" for his fans. He is as vague as any politician who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

I hope if he is clean in his comeback he gets tortured by a top contender and then is violently ko'd with a count to a 1000 knockout. He's cost fans 1000's with wanton disregard for any sense sportsmanship.....
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