Terror Attack in New Zealand

Shows how easily they can manipulate the bipedal herd animals., same as ever. When they had a use for the white man they'd manipulate war hysteria with some false flag or setup attack and atrocity stories and stories about how the enemy du jour wants to take over the world. Then white New Zealenders and Aussies would go marching off singing songs, to kill other white men for them, to Gallipoli and the trenches. Now they don't want the white man anymore. They want him to become extinct. Expect to see NZ importing black africans and mohamedans as fast as they can.

Crisis actor actually filming himself shooting down the streets and through his windshield (which doesn't break) and side windows - at nothing at all, and no cops, people leisurely driving and walking down the street, brass ejected and vanishing in mid air, mohamedans stacked up in a pile - and if u ask a question about it in NZ they sentence u to 14 years! Pretty wacky, huh?

They don't care. They've already lost interest in it. They're interested in tv and football.
There's a Russian-American film from 2015 that was made in Russia called Hardcore Henry which is shot entirely in the manner used by the New Zealand perp, tons of graphic violence. I came across it when channel surfing on cable TV one night but I have no interest in movies with over the top violence so only watched a small portion of it. YouTube has a number of clips from it. It may have been the inspiration for how the Christchurch event was filmed.
QUOTE="Don Wassall, post: 739117, member: 6"]There's a Russian-American film from 2015 that was made in Russia called Hardcore Henry which is shot entirely in the manner used by the New Zealand perp, tons of graphic violence. I came across it when channel surfing on cable TV one night

--- I did see that while internet surfing for truth material on the new zealand crisis actor show.

but I have no interest in movies with over the top violence

--- same here

so only watched a small portion of it. YouTube has a number of clips from it. It may have been the inspiration for how the Christchurch event was filmed.

--- as many have noted - except in the caliphate of new zealand where it's illegal to notice or note anything - the shooting in that production looks just like a video game - brass vanishing in mid air - generally all making no sense as analyzed in the vids i linked above and others ...

He is shooting a shotgun in his car through the windows at nothing at all, same as he was doing on the street, shooting at nothing at all. He should have attracted every cop in the county by now plus helicopters, but nothing. 13:10: 12 gauge pump action shotgun fired through windshield. Windshield looks exactly the same after as it did before!
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Sandy Hook Hoax's analysis:

At 6:00 in he gets out of the car with a rifle in hand. Then he opens the trunk and pulls out another rifle as the one he had in his hand just disappears !
6:27 well dressed couple has no reaction to a man carrying a rifle?
6:39 as he approaches the front of the Mosque, the music has magically followed him from the car! 6:45. The shooter has been shooting straight ahead, but the victim is laying on the ground to his left. He has his face covered. There is no blood!
6:47 the "victim" is crawling away? Why ?
7:01 the "victims" are already piled up in the corner
7:04 the guy comes running around the corner TOWARDS the shooter! Who would do that?
7:25 the shooter has fired 20 rounds towards a pile of dead bodies. Not a single bullet hits the wall? In fact, not a single bullet hits the wall in the entire shooting!
7:52 gives us a clear view of the "carnage" and for some reason there is absolutely NO BLOOD on anyone!!
8:55 as he exits the building the music is playing. Why ? Where is it coming from?
8:58 - 9:06 he shoots at absolutely nothing as the Ejected cartridges disappear into thin air! CGI 10:02 again shooting at nothing. Isn’t he worried that the cops could show up by now?
10:33 returns to the scene for some unknown reason. Anyone would be heading for the hills by now as cops are surely on the way there by now. His absence has allowed for some better staging of the scene as fake blood has been added! There is blood coming only from the victim on the right. The victim on the left has no blood and his whites shoes are even spotless!
10:51 still no blood from the dozen or so victims laying on the floor
10:55 offers a better view of the "dead victims" who have no blood on them and somehow manage to all lay face down! Also note that there is absolutely zero damage to the walls!!
11:06 the shooter decides to double kill some of the dead people just for good measure! We see their bodies jerk with the impact of the "bullets" and yet their clothes remain intact and there is no flesh exposed. At least they tried to jazz it up a little with just a tiny bit of fake blood!
BTW, 11:02-11:06 he shoots directly at the walls and there is not any sign of impact!
11:20 the music resumes! I guess we needed a soundtrack for this shooting!
11:25 one guy in white pants covered in fake blood as everyone else remains unscathed (and face-down)
12:06 is when he shoots the woman. We see her "hair" being struck, but it’s actually a hoodie. It’s just airsoft bullets hitting the hoodie. That’s why there is no blood splatter!
12:50 he shoots at his windshield twice! The windshield doesn’t break
13:22 he places the barrel of the gun against the side window and it break. The glass falls inward. In summation, I would recommend that everyone watch this with a critical mind. There is nothing scary about it once you realize that it is just stage acting combined with some very poor special effects and an airsoft rifle. Nobody got hurt in Christchurch thank God! -


Excellent analysis! Some more I just noticed: He shot THREE times into his windshield with his 12 ga. shotgun - and the windshield remains intact, looks exactly the same after as before! Then at about 13:20 The first shot from his 12 ga. pump action shotgun into the car’s side window does zero damage to it! The second one - still shooting at nothing at all - he put the gun right up against the window and then it broke, inwards as you noted!
NZ Gun Confiscation Nightmare: Gun Confiscation Begins as Police Show Up Unannounced At Homes, Workplaces
I agree with Neon Revolt's take from his latest article:

No, by now, all my readers should be well aware that the massacre in New Zealand was more about laying the groundwork for various Cabal members to flee to their boltholes there, and make sure the locals were disarmed so that they could ensure a greater degree of safety once their crimes were uncovered for the whole world to see.

Because, let’s face it: if it comes out that you’re raping, murdering, and partaking in cannibalistic sacrifices to Molech… I don’t think real New Zealanders will want you in their country either.


Same reason they had the Smollet FF to pass the anti-lynching bill in Congress here.
Kiwis will cough up their guns without a fight.

So will Americans except for some isolated cases...following a big shooting event, either real or, more likely staged, like this phony thing and so many staged crisis actor staged events they've already held in the USA...but most of you won't even remember them except for the official story...remember all the questions about them that are never answered...and now in NZ they are not just ignoring the questions but they are declaring that there is a 10-14 year prison sentence if you even watch the alleged shooting video - that looks like a computer game! - and ask any questions about it - or don't ask questions about it - either way - about the obviously phony thing. They count on modern people having about a one day attention span.
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So will Americans except for some isolated cases...following a big shooting event, either real or, more likely staged, like this phony thing and so many staged crisis actor practice events they've already held in the USA...but most of you won't even remember them except for the official story...remember all the questions about them that are never answered...and now in NZ they are not just ignoring the questions but they are declaring that there is a 10-14 year prison sentence if you even watch the alleged shooting video - that looks like a computer game! - and ask any questions about it - or don't ask questions about it - either way - about the obviously phony thing. They count on modern people having about a one day attention span.

I agree. Like Americans, Australians pride themselves on their supposed rugged individualism and they meekly submitted their guns when ordered to. All it will take is a military-style takeout (slaughter) of a holdout group of Americans that is shown repeatedly on the boob tube to scare 99% plus into obeying gun confiscation.
I agree. Like Americans, Australians pride themselves on their supposed rugged individualism and they meekly submitted their guns when ordered to. All it will take is a military-style takeout (slaughter) of a holdout group of Americans that is shown repeatedly on the boob tube to scare 99% plus into obeying gun confiscation.
I would have disagreed with this a few years ago but I agree with it now. Americans, more importantly white Americans, have been indoctrinated into a lifestyle of dopamine hits and fear. Addicts to a smartphone, anti depressants and the constant need to fit in. Honestly, something like #timetoevolveandgiveupguns trending on Twitter is all it will take for the sheep to give in without a fight. Western whites are all but finished.
I agree. Like Americans, Australians pride themselves on their supposed rugged individualism and they meekly submitted their guns when ordered to. All it will take is a military-style takeout (slaughter) of a holdout group of Americans that is shown repeatedly on the boob tube to scare 99% plus into obeying gun confiscation.

Australians turned in their guns as meek as kittens - and then the invasions began - mohamedans and black africans imported en masse all air fare expenses paid!

More on the phony NZ shooting tape -

This is absolute proof that the NZ tape is fake.

Check this out - plain as the nose on your face! The "white supremacist gunman" (yeah right - fresh from extended stays in Israel, Turkey, and North Korea) enters the mosque for the 1st time - clearly nothing unusual has been going on since there are casual people hanging out chatting on the street as he enters...BUT THE PLACE IS STREWN WITH PEOPLE ALREADY LYING AROUND ALL OVER THE PLACE - INCLUDING IN TWO BIG PILES (!) So who "killed" them and stacked them up? He’s just shooting with his toy gun into crisis actors, or dead bodies as the case may be, already lying down! Watch it again. Tell me how that worked! See 7:20 a big pile of them right by an open door! How did they get in that pile? They were already piled up when the guy entered and starting shooting all around at already prone bodies or actors. If there was a lot of shooting before by others there wouldn’t have been casual pedestrians chatting right outside the mosque.

Any honest person will have to admit that this top secret ******** tape is as phony as it can be - and that’s why NZ has outlawed it!
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The gun control legislation was written BEFORE the false flag, same as Project For A New American Century and The War On Terror was written BEFORE 911! I remember how that New York newspaper published the names and home addresses of legal gun owners in NY state, including correction officers and police, immediately after Sandy Hoax. They were all set to print it and just waiting for the false flag show to start.

NZ Gun Confiscation Nightmare: Gun Confiscation Begins as Police Show Up Unannounced At Homes, Workplaces


They'll be doing the same thing here
Most people don't care. They've already forgotten it. In NZ they're disarming the population using this false flag as an excuse. But people don't care, even when confronted with absolute proof that the setup to the gun confiscation - and probably massive importation of mohamedams and black africans into NZ - was a hoax. Western men and women have one day attention spans now. If something wasn't on the tv "news" that day they're not interested. They won't even look at it. If they say anything at all it's just to call names to the few who try to wake them up.
American Freedom News