Supreme Court rules for white firefighters


Apr 6, 2007
I'm getting tired of looking at that car wreck known as Michael Jackson. While not an unanimous decision the Supreme Court ruled correctly in this case:

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
It's about time something gets ruled in our favor. It's not their fault no blacks scored high enough on the test. They all had the same oppurtunities to study. At least the court was smart enough to get it right.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great news! I just hope I read about it somewhere other than here. I'd also love to see something about it on TV, in reference to the anti-white Sotomayor. I'm not going to hold my breath though.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
Great news! I just hope I read about it somewhere other than here.

Enjpy it while you can. Gee, I wonder how Breyer and horse face Ginsburg voted? Against Whitey of course.

A small victory against racial quotas and affirmative action.

Enjoy it while you can, white folks. Because when Obama is done packing the court with Jews, homos, Hispanics and other minorities, you won't see any more decisions like this one. In multiracial America, wanting the best and brightest, most competent firefighters is HATE.

These important jobs shouldn't go to the best qualified people; anyone who can tie his shoes should have an equal chance at getting in. That's why more and more cities will soon start doing what Chicago already does â€" allowing anyone whose IQ is bigger than his shoe size into the applicant pool, and then selecting firemen by lottery. The hell with safety and thinking fast in a crisis and saving lives â€" we want Equality! And don't miss the part where the Jewish journalist quotes a Mexican that we shouldn't hire firefighters by test scores, because white men tend to study for the test, which gives them an "unfair"Â￾ advantage.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Glad to hear the Supreme court got this one right. I'm glad Samuel Alito hasn't turned out to be another flaming liberal (in disguise) without a paper trail like ass clown David Souter. I think Alito is going to make a name for himself as the 4th most conservative on the court- just to the right of Kennedy.

Hopefully Obama will lose next election and we'll get another Alito, Roberts or Scalia to replace "old senile fogie" John Paul Stevens.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
gentlemen, don't get too carried away with the feel-good sentiments. as Jared Taylor over at AmRen points out, the Supreme Court ruling danced around the main issue ... leaving it still to be resolved.

an excerpt:
... as Justice Anthony Kennedy conceded in his majority decision, the court dodged the central question of whether it is constitutional to discriminate against white people in the name of "fairness" for non-whites. This decision is not even half a loaf for whitesâ€"it's more like a few crumbs.

As Justice Antonin Scalia pointed out in a concurring opinion, today's decision "merely postpones the evil day on which the Court will have to confront the [real] question,"Â namely whether "disparate impact"Â is legitimate grounds for throwing out employment standards.

The problem is this: In the 1971 Supreme Court decision of Griggs v. Duke Power and in the Civil Rights Act of 1991, our government decided that an employer can be guilty of racial discrimination even if he has absolutely no intention of discriminating. If he has a hiring criterion that is racially neutralâ€"but that weeds out more blacks than whites, that is to say, has a "disparate impact"Ââ€"he is guilty of discrimination. The purest intentions are no defense ...

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Reb, I was watching FOX news tonight, and I believe Hannity was talking about it some.

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
It is still good news. Decisions like that get passed around and it has some echo effect on others. An honest court really had only one decision anyway. What is surprising is how long it took to rule the obvious.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Maple Leaf said:
It is still good news. Decisions like that get passed around and it has some echo effect on others. An honest court really had only one decision anyway. What is surprising is how long it took to rule the obvious.

And the fact that it was 5-4 is also scary, one heartbeat away from a bad decision. It's probably one of the last decisions that will go our way. Sooner or later they will have the majority and then any pretense of fairness or following the ways of soon-dead-white-america will be over.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
jaxvid said:
Maple Leaf said:
It is still good news. Decisions like that get passed around and it has some echo effect on others. An honest court really had only one decision anyway. What is surprising is how long it took to rule the obvious.

And the fact that it was 5-4 is also scary, one heartbeat away from a bad decision. It's probably one of the last decisions that will go our way. Sooner or later they will have the majority and then any pretense of fairness or following the ways of soon-dead-white-america will be over.

Yeah you are probably right, jaxvid. The future isn't pretty.

Jimmy, thanks for posting the Jared Taylor piece. It is right on!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jax and Col Reb, I respectfully disagree.

Racially "controversial" supreme court rulings like this are a critical peice to the revolutionary puzzle. I'm actually shocked that a white male is not instantly found guilty / wrong during any and every "racially sensetive" case. In fact, I wish these firefighters would have gotten screwed even harder. I wish the supreme court wouldnt have overturned Sotomayor's descision.

I wish every single white person on planet earth could experience the wrath of bigotry and the harsh reality that has become of cultural marxist AmeriKa (and every other white nation). I want every white man and woman to lose his/her job to a less qualified minority. I want every white student to lose his/her college spot to a less qualified minority. I want every anti-white liberal to get mugged and beaten until they realize how pathetic they truely are. I want every single white athlete to be persecuted (even more so), despite how gifted and productive and accomplished they may be. I want every jock-sniffing white sports fan to abandon their idol worship in disgust of how sub-par their beloved professional and collegiate sports have become (too late, I know).

I want the white race to be enslaved mentally, physically, and psychologically. Totally controlled until they have absolutely no other choice....than to fight back.

I'm of 100% German decent (you know, the most evil white race of them all)...and there isnt a day that passes that I don't think about the great men and woman who fought through hellish days so that I could live. The least I could offer them is my loyalty to their sacrifice.

Literally billions of other whites share this ancestory...yet they are devoid of all pride, devoid of all courage, devoid of all ability for free thought. I know for certain that one day that pride will be restored. For this goal to ever become real....we need the media news-jews, we need a "black" president, and we need affirmative action to completely ruin our cushy little lives.
Edited by: Thrashen


Nov 26, 2004
Scalia's opinion included an account of the black politician saying in effect, 'there's too many applicants with too many vowels in their names'. I suppose that passes for black wit.

It's fortunate Scalia and Alito are on the court. Many of these reverse discrimination cases involve white ethnics, skis and vowels, being screwed over.

I think there is a chance Obama may not be able to pack the court. The right side isn't too old and could last for another 8 years. As far as morale is concerned the core of 4 rightists are good buds. All remaining 8 members reportedly get along well. Scalia is the acknowledged intellectual heavyweight among all members.

There is even a chance Sotomayor could be pulled right. 'Hey babe, party's over here, come hang out with the Catholics. Just RC chllin'. Ginsburg and Stevens have to take their naps and who knows what Breyer is doing. Remember in college when those snotty rich Jewish kids looked down on you? And look where you wound up. Ha, you showed 'em.'


Apr 6, 2007
Thrashen said:
Jax and Col Reb, I respectfully disagree.

Racially "controversial" supreme court rulings like this are a critical peice to the revolutionary puzzle. I'm actually shocked that a white male is not instantly found guilty / wrong during any and every "racially sensetive" case. In fact, I wish these firefighters would have gotten screwed even harder. I wish the supreme court wouldnt have overturned Sotomayor's descision.

I wish every single white person on planet earth could experience the wrath of bigotry and the harsh reality that has become of cultural marxist AmeriKa (and every other white nation). I want every white man and woman to lose his/her job to a less qualified minority. I want every white student to lose his/her college spot to a less qualified minority. I want every anti-white liberal to get mugged and beaten until they realize how pathetic they truely are. I want every single white athlete to be persecuted (even more so), despite how gifted and productive and accomplished they may be. I want every jock-sniffing white sports fan to abandon their idol worship in disgust of how sub-par their beloved professional and collegiate sports have become (too late, I know).

I want the white race to be enslaved mentally, physically, and psychologically. Totally controlled until they have absolutely no other choice....than to fight back.

I'm of 100% German decent (you know, the most evil white race of them all)...and there isnt a day that passes that I don't think about the great men and woman who fought through hellish days so that I could live. The least I could offer them is my loyalty to their sacrifice.

Literally billions of other whites share this ancestory...yet they are devoid of all pride, devoid of all courage, devoid of all ability for free thought. I know for certain that one day that pride will be restored. For this goal to ever become real....we need the media news-jews, we need a "black" president, and we need affirmative action to completely ruin our cushy little lives.

I take it you believe in the "worse is better theory."

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i won't encourage violence on this forum. anyone who is familiar with firearms and/or death knows how simple and easy it is for death to come ... to anyone. hence, it would be stupid to talk about such a serious issue in a flippant manner.

however, sometimes there is a time and place for violent action.

that being said, i stumbled across a short two-part video series on "the right of revolution." it uses clips from movies to illustrate the premise. here is">Part 1, and Part 2.

Part 2 answers most of the questions that Part 1 brings up, so make sure to watch it, too. i'd like to hear any thoughts you guys might have on the issue.


Apr 6, 2007
Good video. I don't know what the tipping point would have to be for Americans to openly revolt. I would imagine though that times would have to get a lot worse. I will say this though being a veteran and having fought in Panama and the first Gulf War... I'm VERY GLAD that I retired before the latest Middle Eastern Wars. Too many people confuse the cool stuff they see in movies with actual combat.


Oct 26, 2008
I' m becoming more of an Anarchist. No state and no wage slavery. Then we wouldn't have to worry about being hired. We would be allowed to freely associate and form organizations to make products and services and trade with each other. We wouldn't be a worker, but a participant in the enterprise. Maybe it's not practical and it's just a dream, but why not try to think of something other than this system.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The lefties tried to screw up even this open and shut case. I know this they certainly wouldn't want Dejuan or Rufus guiding a fire crew to their rich enclaves. Let the lower middle class and poor get those captains...

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Years ago, there was a black guy on the NYPD who took the exam for seargent and failed. He was told that they'd make him a seargent anyway because he was black. He said, no way. I failed this exam, but there'll be another one come up and I'll take that one and maybe pass it. That was the last black guy I ever heard of standing tall like a man and saying saomething like that. The black firemen who took this New Haven test could have really done some good if they'd have stood by their White buddies and said the same thing as that black guy in NYC all those years ago. But no, they're just not up to it anymore. That was a long time ago and there'll never be anything like that again (it's called acting like a man).

A couple years later after that black guy on the NYPD said what he said, there was a small piece buried in the paper that he took the next exam and passed it and was promoted.

Tom Iron...

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Tom, you are correct sir in that FAR too few blacks stand up and take responsibility for their own actions. it is a pandemic problem with them. however, there are a few black men who do stand up and speak up. Bill Cosby was the most famous i'm aware of. however, these blacks are then universally condemned as sell-outs or what have you.

this may have been posted before, but this is a video of a black preacher who gets it. of course, he's not considered by any mainstream outlets as a rational voice for black America despite his acknowledgment of many hard truths.

CAUTION: some of the language is inflammatory and politically incorrect. you might not want to play it at work.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
A rare correct decision by the "Supremes". However...if/when the Marxist Latina gets the official nod, it will get much worse. For the time being, I applaud this outstanding decision.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Here is a story about today being the Promotion Day for the white firefighters who had to take their case to the Supreme Court. It's actually a fair story, coming from the CasteMedia. I do like the closing story comment from Frank Ricci, who was the lead plaintiff in the case: "achievement is neither limited nor determined by one's race but by one's skills, dedication, commitment and character."