Study finds white people associate superhuman words with black people


Oct 21, 2011
Study finds white people associate superhuman words with black people
By Kevin Lewis | OCTOBER 19, 2014

BACK IN MARCH 2007, David Ehrenstein wrote in the Los Angeles Times: “Like a comic-book superhero, Obama is there to help, out of the sheer goodness of a heart we need not know or understand. For as with all Magic Negroes, the less real he seems, the more desirable he becomes. If he were real, white America couldn’t project all its fantasies of curative black benevolence on him.†A new study suggests it’s not just Obama; in general, white people are more likely to think of black people as magical and mysterious. In a series of experiments, psychologists show that white people were quicker to associate superhuman words (ghost, paranormal, spirit, wizard, supernatural, magic, and mystical) with black faces relative to white faces. Also, when explicitly asked, white people indicated that a black person was more capable of possessing superhuman qualities—and would need less medication to alleviate pain—than a white person.

Waytz, A. et al., “A Superhumanization Bias in Whites’ Perceptions of Blacks,†Social Psychological and Personality Science (forthcoming)
A Superhumanization Bias in Whites’ Perceptions of Blacks

Adam Waytz, Kelly Marie Hoffman, Sophie Trawalter

The present research provides the first systematic empirical investigation into superhumanization, the attribution of supernatural, extrasensory, and magical mental and physical qualities to humans. Five studies test and support the hypothesis that White Americans superhumanize Black people relative to White people. Studies 1–2b demonstrate this phenomenon at an implicit level, showing that Whites preferentially associate Blacks versus Whites with superhuman versus human words on an implicit association test and on a categorization task. Studies 3–4 demonstrate this phenomenon at an explicit level, showing that Whites preferentially attribute superhuman capacities to Blacks versus Whites, and Study 4 specifically shows that superhumanization of Blacks predicts denial of pain to Black versus White targets. Together, these studies demonstrate a novel and potentially detrimental process through which Whites perceive Blacks.
Study finds white people associate superhuman words with black people
By Kevin Lewis | OCTOBER 19, 2014

BACK IN MARCH 2007, David Ehrenstein wrote in the Los Angeles Times: “Like a comic-book superhero, Obama is there to help, out of the sheer goodness of a heart we need not know or understand. For as with all Magic Negroes, the less real he seems, the more desirable he becomes. If he were real, white America couldn’t project all its fantasies of curative black benevolence on him.†A new study suggests it’s not just Obama; in general, white people are more likely to think of black people as magical and mysterious. In a series of experiments, psychologists show that white people were quicker to associate superhuman words (ghost, paranormal, spirit, wizard, supernatural, magic, and mystical) with black faces relative to white faces. Also, when explicitly asked, white people indicated that a black person was more capable of possessing superhuman qualities—and would need less medication to alleviate pain—than a white person.

Waytz, A. et al., “A Superhumanization Bias in Whites’ Perceptions of Blacks,†Social Psychological and Personality Science (forthcoming)

....yet blacks have higher death rates than whites in most of the leading causes of death including diabetes, Cancer, AIDS, and stroke just to name a few.

....and of course the gap between whites and blacks academically is considerably wide and according to some reports is not getting any better and some say it's widening. now, how are they superhuman? More proof of the agenda. Too bad white people in general, are still asleep.
White guilt fed by propaganda is one of the most amazing social forces of all time. The power is near ultimate, and never really seems to wane. The election of a completely empty suit like Obama is only the most obvious example. Only slightly less obvious is literally anything Cris Collinsworth says.

The authors of this study could have simply focused on the NFL Draft. Hip swivels, wrist flicks, burst, and all of the rest.
Another total bull**** "study" probably financed by your tax money, like the big budget studies that show that if people sit on their rear ends in front of their tv sets and stuff their faces with bon bons and junk food they are likely to get fat, or that almost everybody really secretly admires and wants to be a sex pervert, or that it generally gets darker at night than during the day.

They didn't consult me or anybody I know for this so-called "study", because I don't know anybody who associates "superhuman words" with black people". Yeah right, I look at President Barryetta, or her tranny "wife", or the cannibals rioting in Ferguson (and their white bolshevik handlers), and I immediately think of "superhuman words". Yeah right. More like I think of monkeys that have escaped from the circus. Try associating "black people" (I thought they wanted to be called "African-Americans this season) with semi-human simians from the African jungle that never even invented the wheel or a system of writing for your next study there, academic geniuses.
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Then most people are stupid.

There's nothing superhuman or mystifying about Negroes.

They've always seemed to me to be a step back in evolution.
They didn't consult me or anybody I know for this so-called "study", because I don't know anybody who associates "superhuman words" with black people". Yeah right, I look at President Barryetta, or her tranny "wife", or the cannibals rioting in Ferguson (and their white bolshevik handlers), and I immediately think of "superhuman words". Yeah right. More like I think of monkeys that have escaped from the circus. Try associating "black people" (I thought they wanted to be called "African-Americans this season) with semi-human simians from the African jungle that never even invented the wheel or a system of writing for your next study there, academic geniuses.

How true! What group of panty waist yuppies was this survey taken from? Everybody I know, and that includes a lot of liberals thinks of blacks as barely civilized. Of course if they were asked by a poll taker how they felt maybe they would get the kind of results seen here.
This is just wishful thinking by idiots who fantasize that Black people actually are the helpful, sagely individuals seen in propaganda Hollywood trash like "The Legend of Bagger Vance" or whatever wise person that Morgan Freeman plays in movies.

Hollywood tries to portray Blacks as hardworking, deep thinkers and intellectuals.

TV commercials almost ALWAYS try to portray Blacks as if they are suburban Whites. The picket-fences and tuck-in-your-shirt variety.

Reality is quite different.

We all know the truth is Blacks are, in general, a bunch of lazy, ghetto fatasses who die at fifty and are INCREDIBLY dumb and are the first to cry racism and the last to get a job. Not because they can't get one, but because they'd rather watch TV all day. Of course there are exceptions. But this is a rule in far too many cases.

Is that a racist point of view? Hell yeah it is. It's also a REALISTIC appraisal of what Black people are to this country.

They take more than they give, destroy more than they create.

That's not to say Blacks can't improve.

The trouble is, those Blacks who act like sh*t need to be called out on it, so that they can fix their lives and improve themselves.

Instead, they are coddled and feted and told that whatever TITANIC failures they've experienced in life aren't their fault, but are the result of racist Whites.

That solves nothing.

Those who feed into bullsh*t surveys like the one mentioned above in other posts are part of the problem.

They are racist, but in a completely UNHELPFUL way.

Calling an idiot a genius helps no one.

Calling an idiot and idiot, and then offering to HELP HIM GET BETTER so he won't be an idiot anymore, but a productive, respectable, and SMART member of society is the way to go.

Sadly, liberals just can't seem to get that.
This is just wishful thinking by idiots who fantasize that Black people actually are the helpful, sagely individuals seen in propaganda Hollywood trash like "The Legend of Bagger Vance" or whatever wise person that Morgan Freeman plays in movies.

Hollywood tries to portray Blacks as hardworking, deep thinkers and intellectuals.

TV commercials almost ALWAYS try to portray Blacks as if they are suburban Whites. The picket-fences and tuck-in-your-shirt variety.

Reality is quite different.

We all know the truth is Blacks are, in general, a bunch of lazy, ghetto fatasses who die at fifty and are INCREDIBLY dumb and are the first to cry racism and the last to get a job. Not because they can't get one, but because they'd rather watch TV all day. Of course there are exceptions. But this is a rule in far too many cases.

Is that a racist point of view? Hell yeah it is. It's also a REALISTIC appraisal of what Black people are to this country.

They take more than they give, destroy more than they create.

That's not to say Blacks can't improve.

The trouble is, those Blacks who act like sh*t need to be called out on it, so that they can fix their lives and improve themselves.

Instead, they are coddled and feted and told that whatever TITANIC failures they've experienced in life aren't their fault, but are the result of racist Whites.

That solves nothing.

Those who feed into bullsh*t surveys like the one mentioned above in other posts are part of the problem.

They are racist, but in a completely UNHELPFUL way.

Calling an idiot a genius helps no one.

Calling an idiot and idiot, and then offering to HELP HIM GET BETTER so he won't be an idiot anymore, but a productive, respectable, and SMART member of society is the way to go.

Sadly, liberals just can't seem to get that.
Awesome post! Fully in agreement.
Hang on! hang on! We must be dealing with an orthographic error for surely they must mean SUB-human. Oh, sorry! Silly me - I forgot. This is the "enlightened" 21st century in which simpering poofters advise people about how to decorate living rooms and raise children; crew-cut lezzers advertise for sperm donors via I-Phone while getting their latest tattoos and nail gun "piercings"; and Negroes are popularly portrayed as all-round Renaissance men descended from the ancient Egyptians.

If such scrotum-sniffing "experts" happened to ask me to engage in a simple word-association exercise I'd happily oblige...

"So, Rebajlo - which words do you associate with black people?"

"You mean ******s? Right, where do I begin? Here we go: brainless; worthless; sub-human; ****; crime; prison; murder; rape; bestiality; disease; cowardly; crass; trash; garbage; filth; scum; refuse; vermin; dregs; despicable; squalid; sordid; uncivilised; illiterate; ugly; fat; blubbery; balloon; lips; unwashed; unbearable; stench; disgusting; simian; piano; key; teeth; indolent; lazy; parasite; social; security; Jobcentre Plus; Centrelink; headache; inducing; cacophony; urban; decay; gangs; drugs; whores; syphilis; AIDS; cheap; booze; kidney; failure; waste; government; funds; tax; dollars; graffiti; ridiculous; sagging; pants; skid; marks; weeds; society; remove; nail; studded; baseball; bat; bullet; automatic; firearm; high; powered; rifle; blast; every; last; dirty; empty; headed; ******; hell...

Is that enough? If you want more, I've also got a few pithy phrases: 'genetic dross'; 'about as useful as a VTOL system on a potato'; 'effortlessly outwitted by a parsnip'; 'straight out of the trees'; 'will copulate with absolutely anything - alive, dead, or inanimate'. Say, how about we try the same exercise for Yids..?"




Superhuman, indeed... :der:
I actually do believe that they have the ability to perform feats that whites and Asians cannot. For instance, if 70% of the population of an African nation were to suddenly vanish, I would fully expect the remaining 30% to almost immediately develop a land shortage. I have no idea how, other than "superhuman abilities".
Some white leftists seem to worship blacks as if they were gods.
Corrected the typo:

[h=2]Study finds white people associate subhuman words with black people[/h]
If lazy, lack of accountability, playing the race card are superhuman words than yes i will associate them with blacks.
Of course blacks are superior people, look at how more advanced Africa is than the rest of the world.
Most Americans deep down know they're intellectually inferior, but the jew media has done a great job of portraying them as superior athletes.
I think you guys are missing the point of this study. It's not BS. There are certain whites out there, particularly those who have little experience with blacks, that really do buy into the media created myth of black excellence. They think blacks are cool, interesting, smart and better than whites.
I think you guys are missing the point of this study. It's not BS. There are certain whites out there, particularly those who have little experience with blacks, that really do buy into the media created myth of black excellence. They think blacks are cool, interesting, smart and better than whites.

This is true. We must make brainwashed whites aware that there is a deliberate campaign to portray blacks as superior to whites and we must make them aware about the truth about blacks.
The phenomenon is called negrophilia and was described in a 2010 book of that name by Erik Rush - a black guy. Incidentally Sport received only a passing mention but it is worth a read by everyone on this site.
I noticed than many of the criticisms made by posters here of the study alluded to black intellect (or lack thereof). The study and word association were primarily visual and imaginative, not cognitive. This ties in perfectly with the Caste System and its roots, the myth of black athletic superiority. And yes, since whites have been conditioned to believe that blacks are virtual superhumans athletically, the wordplay of the study would elicit black imagery.
I think you guys are missing the point of this study. It's not BS. There are certain whites out there, particularly those who have little experience with blacks, that really do buy into the media created myth of black excellence. They think blacks are cool, interesting, smart and better than whites.

The younger generation has been brainwashed since birth - and they are the masters of brainwashing. Almost everything on tv and in the movies, on the news, magazines, newspapers, and taught in schools, is now brainwashing propaganda- either overt or covert -anti white, especially anti white male, pro-homosexual, pro-black, and of course pro-Jewish.
The younger generation has been brainwashed since birth - and they are the masters of brainwashing. Almost everything on tv and in the movies, on the news, magazines, newspapers, and taught in schools, is now brainwashing propaganda- either overt or covert -anti white, especially anti white male, pro-homosexual, pro-black, and of course pro-Jewish.

Absolutely correct.

Part of the brainwashing is to make the victim antagonistic toward any attempt to counteract the brainwashing, as anyone who's tried to enlighten the brainwashed can attest.
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