
Stormfront is 'White Nationalism for dummies' really.

VNN is far better!:rockon:

Fun Fact: Christians are not allowed to post on VNN.

#Justsaying :becky:
Stormfront is 'White Nationalism for dummies' really.

VNN is far better!:rockon:

Fun Fact: Christians are not allowed to post on VNN.

#Justsaying :becky:

Personally I trust both of those places just as far as I can throw them.
Here's a little forum that's totally legit, sort of an offshoot of the late great Liberty Forum. Maybe I can build up their membership a little, just as I try to talk up this place amongst sports fans.

Tell em I sent ya.

Thanks for the link Wolfman. :thumb:

BTW, i found a site back in 2004 from stormfront.
I miss the liberty forum. What happened to it ?

Nobody knows. It was great in its heyday, and there was some material on there that I've never been able to find again - lost in cyberspace - like when someone posted photo copies of an old US Army booket entitled "famous Jews in American History", and in it was great granpappy Bush, ancestor of Papa Doc and Baby Doc Bush.

I think it may have been co-opted into a honey trap in its latter days. Someone once said that they traced it to a government site. Also, a lot of those big forums seem to tip their hand when it comes to appointing mods, and LF did that too.
Thanks for the link Wolfman. :thumb:

BTW, i found a site back in 2004 from stormfront.

You're welcome - and I just found out about Caste's former connection to Stormfront a couple of days ago when someone mentioned it on the place I just linked to.
If anyone is looking for complete honesty and truth that doesn't pull any punches, the site to go to is incogman.

I don't trust some of the others.
Big discussion on Alex Linder who runs VNN here:

I didn't want to bring it up here,but since you have,I'll talk.

Alex Linder seems jewish alright.

There's pretty much one rule at VNN(enforced by their 'IT guy'):

Do not call someone a jew unless you can prove it.

Of course,it is put into place to protect Linder from those allegations.

You cannot speculate on anyone's 'jewishness' there,without providing 'absolute proof'.
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If anyone is looking for complete honesty and truth that doesn't pull any punches, the site to go to is incogman.

I don't trust some of the others.

Yeah,the site is honest,but perhaps a little 'primitive',though to be honest I haven't spent days reading posts there.

But then also,I think that Incogman's target audience dictates that it remains in that state.
Kind of retarded. Jews can have any last name because they trace "jewness" by the mother. There are Jews with Irish or Anglo last names, that doesn't suddenly make everyone else that shares those surnames a Jew. Linder is just a German name, not particularly associated with Jews.

Point well taken. But the guy rubs me the wrong way, whatever that's worth.
Linder supposedly admits he's a Jew at the beginning of the thread, but the thread is private so there's no real source for it. I'd be very surprised if he's Jewish or part-Jewish. A lot of Jews have "typical" Jewish last names but many don't, and many common surnames can be both German and Jewish. And even if he is, so what? Does that mean his 30,000 posts on his very anti-Jewish VNN forum are all clever subterfuge?
I think many white nationalists make a mistake in demonizing Jews. Yes, it is true that an awful lot of the people who have contributed to the downfall and undermining of Western/white civilization have been Jews, and the initial plan to do so was certainly conceived of by some Jews, but we have plenty of multicult-loving enemies amongst regular ole' white people as well. I think the problem is simply that the tendency to subscribe to liberal poisonous ideas is much more common amongst Jews, but that doesn't mean that ALL Jews hate white people and want to see white nations flooded with non-whites.
Re the above:

Sure there are some good Jews who transcend their ancient and hateful talmud cult, and some of them are the very finest people in the whole world. Hell, I'd make Mordechai Vanunu and Israel Shamir presidents of Israel and presidents of the UN if I could, and I'd take them over a thousand posturing skinhead play actors who'll fold up as soon as two suits appear at their door!

That being said, the kings of old should have outlawed the Talmud hate cult centuries ago when it was still within the realm of possibility. Now it seems more likely that they will outlaw us!
Re the above:

Sure there are some good Jews who transcend their ancient and hateful talmud cult, and some of them are the very finest people in the whole world. Hell, I'd make Mordechai Vanunu and Israel Shamir presidents of Israel and presidents of the UN if I could, and I'd take them over a thousand posturing skinhead play actors who'll fold up as soon as two suits appear at their door!

That being said, the kings of old should have outlawed the Talmud hate cult centuries ago when it was still within the realm of possibility. Now it seems more likely that they will outlaw us!

Do you have to defend Jews here?
Do you have to?:ranger:

Jews hunt us in every aspect of life.
At work,at college,at sport,at music,at religion....everything......and you care to say a good few words about the supposed 'good jew'.

Don't fall for that BS.

They like playing every side of every game.Like it is said here,in the Soccer section:

jews like to be everywhere, there's a joke about it: if an antisemetic party would be created in france, the chairman would be a jew
it's important for the UMP (copé's party) to be popular amongst whites, so he has to act like he's white friendly
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The following is my take on the issue.

And even if he is, so what?

Surely,there are implications to this?
I know he's no authority on WN,but still,surely?

Does that mean his 30,000 posts on his very anti-Jewish VNN forum are all clever subterfuge?

He is a good writer and has many excellent arguments,essays but his writings lack the 'warmth' that Dr.Pierce's had.

I'd be very surprised if he's Jewish or part-Jewish.

Make your mind up:


Many(don't ask me 'who?'..its all out there)also say that Linder keeps VNN from growing and let's it remain like the circus it is.

Don't get me wrong,I am a regular poster on VNN(like I've said many times),and I hope he isn't one.
But there is little proof to make an argument for other side,so for now we can just look at him,his work and decide for ourselves.

But,like Werewolf said - "the guy rubs me the wrong way, whatever that's worth".
Can't say I'm very familiar with VNN, but my impression has been that just about anything can be said about anything, including Jews. So what does Linder's background have to do with it? Are you saying he secretly has a pro-Jewish agenda in spite of the hundreds of thousands of posts on his site criticizing Jews and Jewish behavior?
WN are indeed a paranoid bunch.

Are you saying he secretly has a pro-Jewish agenda in spite of the hundreds of thousands of posts on his site criticizing Jews and Jewish behavior?

No,no I'm not saying he has a 'pro-jewish' agenda at all.He is a 'vicious anti-semite'.That is documented fact,proven by his thousands of posts on his site criticizing Jews and Jewish behavior,as you said.

But there is a possibility of an element of this being at work:

jews like to be everywhere, there's a joke about it: if an antisemetic party would be created in france, the chairman would be a jew

And yes anything can be said about everything,much like every 'WN figure' has been called a jew by someone or the other at some point in time....but there's no smoke without fire.
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Like I said,no smoke without fire.

Those who claim that Linder has jewish roots aren't clutching at straws.This man has made a good forum into a freaking circus,in my opinion.

Over the last few months most of the committed WN have been banned for rather 'trivial' reasons to say the least.
While troll,santi-whites and SPLC agents(just use google) roam free.

Then,there was this time when VNN made a notorious pornstar a 'moderator'(while competent mods were relieved of such duties).
VNN actually resembled a hardocre porn site for a few days,all under the watch of Linder,and only after repeated,shrill cries of the other members did he budge from his stance and do the necessary 'cleaning up'.

Why would a serious WN let such^^ things happen?

Then,there is this tendency of Linder and his 'IT guy' to ridicule,mock,humiliate most of the 'serious WN's' at a time.Questioning their sexuality is where it begins.

Linder also has plans to make the forum one for 'Real persons' only,where everyone will have to post under their real names only.

Qui bono?

Also,Linder will out you,without a thought:


That is just one illustration^.

Finally,VNN has its own Gaysott act.
Actually,it is even more Draconian:

Do not call someone a jew unless you can prove it.

It was put into place by their 'IT guy' on the behest of Linder.

Let me assure you,that the above was not done because posters were accusing others of being jews left,right and centre.Not at all.

There were murmurs,mere murmurs,mostly by 'pm' that Linder's actions were suspicious and a tiny few were questioning his allegiance(brought up because of the rapidly deteriorating state of the place).

And suddenly,said act is passed,to stifle any discussion of Linder's allegiance,ethnicity.

Why resort to such tried and tested jew tricks?

There are far too many questions and few answers.In conclusion I'm slightly leaning towards a 'jewish Linder'.But nothing is certain or indeed proven.

P.S.-I refrained from naming people and putting up their photos as I'm not certain if it would be a transgression of the rules on my part.Also,it would derail this thread,if it hasn't already happened.
Also,there is this hilarious story of Linder being asked to take a fully paid for 'DNA test' at a place very close to his home....which he refused.

See for yourselves,here.
Re the above:

Sure there are some good Jews who transcend their ancient and hateful talmud cult, and some of them are the very finest people in the whole world. Hell, I'd make Mordechai Vanunu and Israel Shamir presidents of Israel and presidents of the UN if I could, and I'd take them over a thousand posturing skinhead play actors who'll fold up as soon as two suits appear at their door!

jews like israel shamir are the absolute worst

they are the biggest advocates of a world without borders
American Freedom News