Statement on Black Quarterback Derangement Syndrome

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This has been on my mind for quite a while now. I am very happy that Joe Biden is out of the White House and Donald Trump is back in. The new administration has started off better than anyone could have hoped and the next four years may be the best of my lifetime and everyone else’s and hopefully sets the stage for an enduring upswing. At the least I’m going to think and act that way and hope and pray that this country can experience a revival on many levels. So this is a good time to write this as I want Caste Football to get back on track and be a positive force again.

This is directed to Leonardfan but also to the entire community as I don’t think it’s possible for anything to penetrate Leonardfan’s very thick skull. I wrote a few weeks ago that just as the recent presidential election was a repudiation of Trump Derangement Syndrome, so was Black Quarterback Derangement Syndrome being repudiated on Caste Football. I meant it.

I’ve written many times my opinion that everything Caste Football has done over the years when it comes to the intelligent, logical and sometimes funny and sarcastic presentation of our case and our methodology in exposing the Caste System and working towards its abolition has been thrown out the window when it comes to quarterbacks, specifically Black quarterbacks, who we are supposed to ritually and unthinkingly denounce and dehumanize and obsess over and never admit to having any positive qualities or genuine talent.

I can’t think of a more ridiculous or illogical position to advocate and believe it has been harmful and counterproductive to Caste Football. Despite asking Leonardfan many times what the strategy of his “crusade” is, he’s never answered nor has he ever acknowledged the validity of any of my viewpoints on the matter. He simply has a deep dislike of Blacks, all Blacks, and the thought of a Black quarterback is more than he can take and he wants everyone here to know that, endlessly. He has otherwise contributed much to Caste Football, which I’ve always credited and still do, but he’s warped the site and it’s clear he has no intention of letting up.

So. . . after a decade or so of patiently trying to persuade him, writing enough words to fill a small book only to be ignored every time, this conflict needs to be resolved.

I don’t care what people think personally about Blacks or anyone else and how they express themselves outside of Caste Football. It’s none of my business or concern. What I do care about is how views are expressed on Caste Football. It’s my site, my vision, my guidance, and I’m associated directly or indirectly with every post anyone writes. It’s never been a “free speech” site nor have I ever proclaimed it to be one. The posting guidelines specifically state that no trolls or other opponents are permitted.

And supporters also don’t have free rein. There are several rules posted on the guidelines, including one about not coming here with the main objective of expressing one’s dislike of any race or ethnic group, including even White nationalities.

Then there’s the common sense unwritten rules that have developed over the years:

1. We don’t claim that every sporting event is scripted or choreographed. Legitimate discussion of the effects of gambling on particular games, or other possible ways a game or games can be “massaged” is fine, but going over the top and claiming everything is rigged isn’t.

2. We don’t sit behind the comfort of our computers or laptops and nitpick White athletes for the way they dress or talk. This has been taken to extremes at times, as for years various White QBs were and still occasionally are randomly singled out and attacked for not publicly advocating for White athletes, for not becoming what the media would attack as “racist” and “White supremacist” just to please the posters here.

3. While acknowledging that the Caste System has finally made noticeable strides at the quarterback position, we don’t react by hysterically denouncing all of the Black quarterbacks themselves as no good, as always we acknowledge that the Caste System is a top-down construct. The beneficiaries of the Caste System on the playing field are not themselves the cause of the increase in Black QBs. Those sincerely interested in seeing more White quarterbacks should argue their position by showing biases in the ranking of high school prospects, the differences in how they’re recruited and the opportunities they’re given in college, biases in how measurables and production are skewed in a way that often disfavors Whites, the role of the media, and in other ways. In other words, the way we have always gone about things here until BQDS struck.

If given enough opportunities, some Black QBs will be successful and are. That’s undeniable. And it actually strengthens our case. Just as I know that Blacks can be good quarterbacks, even great ones, so do I know that Whites can be great running backs, great wide receivers, and great at any position on defense.

What the Caste System has done is systematically deny Whites fair opportunities in sports that Blacks do well in. In football this is particularly true of certain positions but all of them to varying degrees, a process that begins with how young White boys are racially slotted toward only a few “acceptable” positions, then later how the “scouting services” rate high school players, which then greatly affects how college scholarships and opportunities are given out, followed by the well-documented biases of the NFL and how college players are ranked and drafted by the league each year.

Sooner or later there was going to be more Black quarterbacks. It was inevitable. Can anyone seriously think that in the year 2025, when The Great Replacement is well on the road to completion, when White men are practically invisible as positive role models as presented by the advertising industry and corporate media, that 30 or 32 NFL teams would still be starting White quarterbacks??? Black quarterbacks are here to stay. Anyone who can’t accept that, who can’t react rationally, proportionately and in context to that fact of life is delusional.

I’ve been around a long time and experienced a lot, including in the so-called “movement,” and when I think of Leonardfan my best comparison is the mindset of a Klansman in the Jim Crow South of the 1950s, to whom the thought of a Black quarterback was the ultimate horror and would never under any circumstances be accepted.

I write that not to disparage any group, as I know we have a former member here. And he has written thousands of posts and never have I found any of them the least bit objectionable. He gets Caste Football and is respectful toward how we do things.

What I do disparage is the fixation on Black quarterbacks, never rooting for a team that starts one no matter the demographics of the rest of the roster, the obsession over celebrating their every bad game or interception, as if it never happens to White QBs, to instantly write them off as busts while believing that White ones should be given years to develop and if need be go to teams that will develop them better. The obvious double standards and hypocrisy are the things Caste Football is supposed to be against. It’s perverted Caste Football from a site that roots for and advocates for White athletes to one obsessed with Black quarterbacks.

Leonardfan, if you can’t or aren’t interested in ending your crusade or whatever it is, and it’s clear you’re not, it’s time for you to go your own way. I acknowledge again your many contributions to Caste Football over the years but I believe you’ve become more of a detriment than you are an asset. Your obsession has devolved into parody and buffoonery. And those who support his approach and think it’s productive or appropriate might be best served by also leaving at this time. I appreciate all the posters over the years, you’ve kept CF going through the past eight years of censorship and search engine blackouts, but BQDS is now finished on Caste Football, kaput.

This may end the annual college previews that Leonardfan organized, and the great information about who was invited to various college bowls, etc., though any motivated member can do the same. It may result in a mass exodus that slows posting to the point that it marks the end of Caste Football. If that’s what happens, that’s what happens. So let me further explain my position:

If Caste Football goes offline I will be sad but not overwhelmingly so. I derive no financial benefit from CF and have done most of the financial heavy lifting for it from the beginning. I’m paying for various work that needed to be done on the site just this week by my webmaster. I’ve attached my name and reputation to Caste Football and have stuck my neck out for it for 20 years.

I provide Caste Football as a service to those who understand that the Caste System in sports is very real and who support our efforts to educate others about it. I’ve come very close to shutting it down a couple of times in the past for different reasons, though not for several years, so again if it does go under it may be more of a relief than something I’ll feel overly sad about. That said, I’m hopeful that CF can prosper during Trump 2.0 if search engine censorship ends and free speech in general returns. There may be significant short-term damage but I believe that this is for the best for the long run.

I enjoy the topic of sports and the racial dynamics of sports and hope CF continues. It will continue to be one of my interests whether CF exists or not. But what I don’t enjoy is coming here to my site, my creation, and seeing Leonardfan’s agenda being pushed. I’ve asked nicely for a decade for a halt to it, to no avail.

My motivation in starting Caste Football was never to have it be a place for people to come to mainly to express their dislike of Blacks (and Jews). Leonardfan has been in violation of the posting guidelines for many years, but I let it go because of his positive contributions. But just because someone posts a lot and makes positive contributions doesn’t give them the right to push an agenda and an m.o. with which I strongly disagree.

From the beginning my objective in trying to expose the Caste System wasn’t to stir racial animosity or “get back” at anyone or any group. I am respectful toward everyone as long as it’s reciprocated and enjoy interacting with people from all kinds of backgrounds. I root for White QBs but seeing a Black one doesn’t cause me to become apoplectic or lose all sense of reason. It’s the Caste System after all.

My intention has always actually been to improve race relations by provoking an open and honest discussion among people of good will on the topics we discuss in the hope that we can move closer to that mythical “color blind playing field.” Of course such doesn’t exist, but it’s a goal worth striving for. And mindless, insatiable dislike of Blacks only discredits Caste Football.

I care what football fathers of aspiring young athletes think of the content here, not to mention the athletes themselves. I care what anyone who has become interested in the topic of Whites being discriminated against in sports finds here. I care what people in the alternative media with open minds see and read here. And Leonardfan’s approach is stupid, illogical and immature and does nothing but turn away the kind of people we should be trying to reach. I know that if I was curious about the topic of anti-White discrimination in sports and came here only to read that all Black quarterbacks suck, that Patrick Mahomes sucks and his three Super Bowl wins are attributable solely to referees fixing outcomes, I would quickly write off CF and not return.

Whatever time I have left, when it comes to Caste Football and my days on this mortal coil, which are much nearer to the end than the beginning, I want to be a positive influence, a realistic and forward thinker, including when it comes to racial issues. Divide and conquer is a time-honored method of control, one which way too many alleged White advocates still fall for rather than focusing on making themselves the most admirable and respected White man they can be and caring about and for their own community, which overall is in bad shape. Improving the quality of our people by adapting and learning to thrive in what is now an irreversibly multi-ethnic, multi-racial country is the way forward, not moaning and whining about "others," who aren’t going anywhere. If you want positive change the opponent is much further up the food chain than the masses of whatever background who are exploited and struggling in America 2.0.

To briefly summarize, I reject and repudiate the Leonardfan approach. I don’t want to be associated with it. I criticize individual Black QBs often when appropriate and have been writing for decades now about how increasing the number of Black quarterbacks was an important and logical goal of the Caste System.

But I do so proportionately and in proper context. White athletes are supposed to be Caste Football’s “obsession,” not Black quarterbacks. Leonardfan, you have lots of energy and motivation but I think on the topic of Black quarterbacks you are misdirected to the point of indeed seeming “deranged.” It’s time for you to start your own thing and do what I did and attach your name to it and I mean that sincerely not with animosity. Build a better mousetrap than I have. Good luck whatever you decide to do.
I'm out. Delete my account. You're welcome for keeping this site afloat with content for years.
Great me saying Lamar is overrated sparked an argument that got Leonardfan canned…

(I will die on the hill that Lamar is Teddy Bridewater with athleticism)

I understand wanting to create a better reputation for caste football, but I’m not sure about all this… I mean, I get it but Leonardfan is on the mt Rushmore of posters and does an insane amount of work for the site.

Not my site, just my opinion, but being funny and trashing on players is a huge appeal of the site and there’s no denying that. At the end of the day we’re just guys on a football message board, it’s HILARIOUS throwing around terms like “q u o t a b a c k” and “afflete” and making fun of some of the bums of the league, wether it’s their outfits, stupid things they say, or horrible play. I also feel like that behavior doesn’t even take up a lot of the content here…

Once again I get that you want CF to be respectable.. If there are serious rules now and no more crazy caste talk I’d abide by that (begrudgingly), just don’t know about banning Leonard fan
I don't know if Leonardfan has been deleted yet, but I sure hope not. I agree with jacque as far as Leonardfan being on the Mt. Rushmore of posters! Although I disagree with him/Leonardfan on the black QB, argument, you need to agree to disagree and move on for the betterment of CF! Leonardfan hold your belief for now, but just let it go and abide by the rules Don has set for the betterment of this site. You're too valuable here! I consider this like a family of brothers, and I don't want to lose a brother.
I hope you gentlemen will reconsider!
I'm out. Delete my account. You're welcome for keeping this site afloat with content for years.
Take a break when the playoffs have a one week break, similar to a self ban that gamblers take from casinos. You might be slightly burned out as you post prolifically and with a fulltime job (I assume) burnout can occur.

Without you and a few other posters we wouldn't know about fairly obscure DI and DII and even DIII prospects in football. I remember I came to this site to look up running backs either fullbacks who got touches or tailbacks and posters like you and others pointed out non marquee prospects.

Just my 2 cents and I will erase this post in a few days.....
Not my site, just my opinion, but being funny and trashing on players is a huge appeal of the site and there’s no denying that. At the end of the day we’re just guys on a football message board, it’s HILARIOUS throwing around terms like “q u o t a b a c k” and “afflete” and making fun of some of the bums of the league, wether it’s their outfits, stupid things they say, or horrible play. I also feel like that behavior doesn’t even take up a lot of the content here…
I agree. But those afflicted with BQDS have no sense of humor. Try and find a single post by Leonardfan that's intended to be funny when it comes to Black QBs. Same with the poster Lew/Bruce/Dick Butka/jimmyjerapolo who pops up here periodically like a bad penny. I think this guy's idea of fun is spending the day going from funeral to funeral.

Lightening up when it comes to Black QBs is what's needed, having some fun with them just as we do with everyone else White or Black, putting it in perspective as yet another thing we dislike about the Caste System and life in America 2.0, but Black QBs are this dead serious, ultra-important, all-consuming obsession with some.

At any rate, Carolina Dad, Leonardfan isn't banned. I doubt he even read what I wrote as he posted almost immediately after I did and what I wrote is very long. I don't want to see him leave but at the same time this has been building for a long time and needed to be said from my perspective.