Sports Illustrated Racism - - Nothing New

I was going to chide Don for making that immense faux pas but at the risk of being labeled a fanboy I gave him a free pass--but only once! LOL!

Sports Illustrated used to be a good magazine at one point and its layout back in the late '70s-mid '80s was awesome! It started going downhill starting around 1991 (didn't everything started to go that way around that time??). SI never really ventured down the path of chest-beating when it came to their own political agenda before the '90s. Sport magazine, on the other hand, did (and this was a magazine I did like to read back in the '80s). Sport wasted no time in trumpeting the poor, persecuted Neegrow in any way they could. I have the entire year of 1984 issues in my collection and they managed to portray Dale Murphy as some sort of pariah for being Osmondesque, the Brigham Young football team for being Osmondesque (and not very friendly towards worshipping blacks-sniff sniff), the New York Mets for being a horrible baseball team, some white baseball pitcher (his name escapes me at the moment) for being--GASP!--"right wing". Interestingly enough, they had the balls to publish letters to the editor which opposed their agenda. Sport magazine folded years ago, and it's not a surprise. Its last good year was around 1988-89.

The sports media will always treat Mandarich like a piece of merde. I can remember SI doing a story on him back in the early '90s which probably had the same content as this recent article contained. Yada yada yada...

Edited by: OldSchoolBoy75
This time of year, the "All-Time Draft Bust List" is yet another brainwashing opportunity by ESPN andNFLN.

This mandatory list-based special willalways include the same old white players (Don onlyfailed to mention DT Steve Emtman). However, they never mention complete flops like #1 overall from PSU, DT Courtney Brown. That's just a for instance, as there have probably been nearly500 times more blacks drafted in the first round than whites.

Can you imagine being Ryan Leaf? To have your name dragged through the mud every single season, by every single talking head, by every single network? They basically decided to ruin his life because his NFL career didnt work out (while starting on the worst team in the NFL).

I absolutely guarantee that if you ask any drunken white football fan who they think the biggest bust was...they'd scream Leaf's name like trained seals. They onlyremember what the media remembers for them. Edited by: Thrashen
The media is still picking on Leaf. He asked a player on a team he was coaching in Texas for some painkillers and of course it was reported. Why is that national news or even local news? They don't care that our country and jobs are being stolen from us, but they have to report something that is irrelevant to everybody just to rub it in on a guy.
I am really convinced that the sports media's plot against Ryan Leaf is indeed a plot. Just like John Rocker and Tony Mandarich and Brian Bosworth and a few others (if you wish the keep the chain going). Any thing these players do that would have gotten nary a blip in the papers if it was done by a non-White will be front-page news for a White player. Just another reason to treat the sports media with contempt.
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
I was going to chide Don for making that immense faux pas but at the risk of being labeled a fanboy I gave him a free pass--but only once! LOL!

Sports Illustrated used to be a good magazine at one point and its layout back in the late '70s-mid '80s was awesome! It started going downhill starting around 1991 (didn't everything started to go that way around that time??). SI never really ventured down the path of chest-beating when it came to their own political agenda before the '90s. Sport magazine, on the other hand, did (and this was a magazine I did like to read back in the '80s). Sport wasted no time in trumpeting the poor, persecuted Neegrow in any way they could. I have the entire year of 1984 issues in my collection and they managed to portray Dale Murphy as some sort of pariah for being Osmondesque, the Brigham Young football team for being Osmondesque (and not very friendly towards worshipping blacks-sniff sniff), the New York Mets for being a horrible baseball team, some white baseball pitcher (his name escapes me at the moment) for being--GASP!--"right wing". Interestingly enough, they had the balls to publish letters to the editor which opposed their agenda. Sport magazine folded years ago, and it's not a surprise. Its last good year was around 1988-89.

The sports media will always treat Mandarich like a piece of merde. I can remember SI doing a story on him back in the early '90s which probably had the same content as this recent article contained. Yada yada yada...

Good observations, except thatSI and everything elsestarted to go downhill well before 1991. I'd pinpoint 1968 as the year in which the glorification of the black athlete (and blacks in all other spheres) began in earnest. The late '60s saw this country turned upside down by a radical left counterculture from below that was financed and directed from above (to put it simplistically, by the well-heeled parents of the radicals on the streets and in the universities).

The media has been anti-White and opposed to all traditional values and virtues pretty openly for the past 40 years. The envelope was constantly being pushed in the '70s and '80s too. Non-White immigration and "rap culture" provided new openings to exploit beginning in the '90s. Once the mass media went Cultural Marxist, effective opposition became very difficult and wearying.

The history of this country has been a continual slide to the "left,"if defined bytheundeniable growth of anever stronger central government, and accompanying institutions of power promoting "multiculturalism" and other anti-White policies. One can go back to 1913 (when the Federal Reserve and the income tax were established) as the key year, or even back to the 1860s, when the black worshipping Northern abolitionists (who would fit in just fine in today's zeitgeist) helped instigate the War Between the States.

The way to defeat the powers that be is to ignore them and their Cultural Marxism (except to mock them) and establish our own separate institutions, which the Internet is slowly making possible. That's why keeping the Internet free and unregulated is absolutely vital.Edited by: Don Wassall
Thesickening thing is,reading Don'saccuratepost of the past 50 years of American historywould belike reading a foreign language to "joe-six pack."

How can they learn right from wrong when the media perverts every historical fact, every war, every story, and every person as they see fit?

Lack of information is the most blatant problem facingthose with "eyes open." You know something, I guarantee that 95% of white males (regardless of their birthright racial conditioning),would fight this war alongside us....if they're only allowed to see a little truth. The media, quite obviously, has been hell bent on depictingthe exact opposite....thus far, it has worked like a charm. But soon enough, they'll push their luck until even the braindead will see the light.Edited by: Thrashen
A few tidbits from last week's SI: There is a five pageexcerpt from a new book on Roger Clemens. From the intro it looks like the book is written from the viewpoint of Brian McNamee, Clemen's former trainer who turned on Clemens and made the steroid use accusations. As the front cover shouts: "Roger Clemens: The Fall." As with Tony Mandarich, Mark McGwire and others, Clemens will continue to be hounded and persecuted for many years to come. McGwire did the right thing by going into hiding to minimize the non-stop negative media coverage.

By contrast, Ken Griffey's return to Seattle is entitled "It's Like You Never Left, Kid," with the subhead: "Grown men reduced to tears, a rock star downloading 14-year-old playoff footage on his iPhone, an entire city falling in love all over again: Ken Griffey Jr. is back in Seattle, and, damn, it feels good." Griffey may or may not have juiced, but he was a spoiled prima donna who used to complain when Jim Edmonds' great catches were shown on Sports Center, presumably instead of footage of Griffey striking out or getting injured.

Dan Patrick's
page has an interview with Cal Ripken, wherein it's revealed that Ripken received death threats as he closed in on Lou Gehrig's "unbreakable" consecutive games played streak. I've heard seemingly a thousand times about Henry Aaron being threatened when he neared Babe Ruth's home run mark, but never about Ripken getting threats. Who were they from?Embittered nonogenarianGehrig fans? Racist blacks? Mindless DWFs? Who cares -- Ripken is white and therefore there will never be any interest or sympathy for any ordeal he went through because it doesn't fit the script of omnipresent white racism against blacks.Edited by: Don Wassall
"Grown men reduced to tears, a rock star downloading 14-year-old playoff footage on his iPhone, an entire city falling in love all over again: Ken Griffey Jr. is back in Seattle, and, damn, it feels good."

Hahahahahahaha. I needed that.
Edited by: StarWars
Thrashen said:
Thesickening thing is,reading Don'saccuratepost of the past 50 years of American historywould belike reading a foreign language to "joe-six pack."

How can they learn right from wrong when the media perverts every historical fact, every war, every story, and every person as they see fit?

Lack of information is the most blatant problem facingthose with "eyes open." You know something, I guarantee that 95% of white males (regardless of their birthright racial conditioning),would fight this war alongside us....if they're only allowed to see a little truth. The media, quite obviously, has been hell bent on depictingthe exact opposite....thus far, it has worked like a charm. But soon enough, they'll push their luck until even the braindead will see the light.

The push comes not only from media and entertainment, but also from education. The rewriting of history is prevalent, </font><link style="font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif;" rel="File-List" href="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Matt/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml" target="_blank" target="_blank"><!--[if gte mso 9]><>
/* Style Definitions */
p.Msonormal, li.Msonormal, div.Msonormal
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
@page Section1
{size:8.5in 11.0in;
margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;
--></style> and most high school teachers preaching liberal agendas to
America's teens are as uneducated and misinformed as the placated
masses.Every book - not just history - is touched with the graces of
cultural Marxism, from the Math book with an Asian on every other page, to the
constant negative depiction of white males in verbal sections of both the SAT
and ACT. I tutor both these tests, and I have never seen a reading
comprehension section portray a male or European country positively. On the contrary, if European men were
mentioned in historical context, it was done so to illustrate their "Euro
centric" attitudes and the effect these attitudes had on Native American or
African American culture; or to downplay their scientific or mathematical acheivements. Articles exemplifying black identity and culture, women writers, and Native Americans were, of course, venerated. The indoctrination is engrained; books to the contrary are banned.
These teachers - if you even call them that when the standards have been so
lowered - simply carry out their duties like pawns, upholding the system's
carefully selected materials. </font>

A memorable moment of my own indoctrination occurred in 7<sup>th</sup> grade
Global Studies. </span>We were shown a film: a
primitive African tribe still practicing ancient customs such as nostril bone
piercing. If we didn't think nice thoughts about this tribe, we
were labeled with the dreaded term - "ethnocentric." Since none of wanted to be
the pariah, nor experience shame, guilt, or a failed grade (very similar to the
adult reality of being fired), we submitted without question to the liberal

Two years later, in a mandatory home economics class, the class was shown a
video of working class people: fireman, police officers, etc.Our teacher
- a bitter middle age woman who undoubtedly projected her failures with men
upon her male students - took great pleasure in informing us that it was
politically incorrect to call a fireman, a fireman; rather, fireperson
was most appropriate.
</font></font>Not all students are blind to these agendas. Most, with a little prodding, have courage to at least be cynnical about the multicultural love affair. I have faith of a point beyond all illusion and conditioning where the people will awake. The questions is how much leverage before we reach it?</font>
</font>Edited by: Alpha Male
To Alpha Male:

fireman to fireperson?

the what is another term for terrorist?

Man-caused disasterer?

There has definitely been very few reading materials that give the white male or any European country a positive image. They always talk about the negative aspects of colonialism, never the positive impacts it had for the world. If European colonialism did not take place the whole world would be a very different place as we know it.

It's a shame most people don't see it that way. Colonialism made the world what it is right now, it reflects the West's superiority to the rest of the world. Now, Jewish-led propaganda's, and many brainwashed whites want to reverse every accomplishment whites have done over the past 500 years, to the point that whites have no historical pride in the accomplishments of their great forefathers.
Alpha Male,

Good morning sir. Just wondering. I never had to sit through such indoctrination. When one of these "Indoctrination classes" ends, and you're among your own peers and you talk about it. Are the young men able to understand they've just been told a bunch of baloney, or do they buy what they've been told? Nobody ever goes into detail about this. All that is ever said is that such classes are given to school children I'm just curious as to how perceptive young males are about this issue. I would think young women very much buy into such nonsense when they're younger. Not later in life though. Please enlighten me. I'm interested.

Take care and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
Alpha Male said:
Two years later, in a mandatory home economics class, the class was shown a
video of working class people: fireman, police officers, etc. Our teacher
- a bitter middle age woman who undoubtedly projected her failures with men
upon her male students - took great pleasure in informing us that it was
politically incorrect to call a fireman, a fireman; rather, fireperson
was most appropriate.

Nothing worse than a broad academic letting students know that correcting English is her specialty. I put up with that b.s. in college. Interesting how people like her think "person" is neutral. Notice that the suffix is -son? That's masculine. I'm shocked that feminazis haven't created a completely alternative language yet.
From what I can remember, the conditioning had different, though predictable, effects: some women became the championed it, others were numb, caring less; some of the more athletic or popular boys snickered at the tribesman, but were severely reprimanded by the teacher.

Regarding the policeman/police person lecture, I forgot an interesting part: she asked what race a professional basketball player should be (or something to that effect), and stated that they could just as well be white too. I'm sure that part of the lecture is now just a memory though.

Edited by: Alpha Male
You are dealing with a cult, rather easy to brush them aside. As with all cultees none of them can take responsibility for the cult's actions/results. If you place responsibility upon them personally they fold rather quickly. Robert Whitaker's Mantra would be inserted here if I knew how.
This is worst. The toxic worm of racism had now entered in sports.
I am pretty disappointed by this news as what is the sense of doing such an ugly thing.
Many dirty minded people think that the mankind should be separated on the basis of the race, but they don't think one that what is happening with the victim who is facing it.
I think we all should fight against this racism by joining Anti-Bullying Organisations.
This is the only way left for common people when government don't take some strict steps.
It's hard to believe this, but I saw SI's fantasy football issue on the newstand and on the cover was Jason Campbell. I can't think of a more inappropriate choice for the cover.

How desperate is SI to make a black QB seem relevant?Edited by: GWTJ
Sportscenter is particularly revolting today. An ESPN(no surprise here) reporter is reporting how split the Vikings are on Brett Farve. There is an eight minute segment glorifying Michael Vick and their breakdown of top college QB's has no mention of Tim Tebow. The one reporter even made a comment about a Tim Tebowless segment.

I guess with the football season upon us ESPN can turn it up a notch in their predudice reporting of events.
GWTJ said:
Sportscenter is particularly revolting today. An ESPN(no surprise here) reporter is reporting how split the Vikings are on Brett Farve. There is an eight minute segment glorifying Michael Vick and their breakdown of top college QB's has no mention of Tim Tebow. The one reporter even made a comment about a Tim Tebowless segment.

I guess with the football season upon us ESPN can turn it up a notch in their predudice reporting of events.

In all fairness, divos and overexposed players come in all colors. Favre will no doubt be better known as a drama queen who can't decide what the f he wants to do than as a venerable quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. Tim Tebow--that brouhaha over some college football coach not voting for him (the ONLY one who didn't) and then publicly rushing to change his vote to please the status quo? Please. Yes, all the stories about Vick are pathetic enough but what do you expect from ESPN? Do you expect them to actually treat White athletes better than non-White ones?
ESPN had a Heisman preview special, the three featured players were: Tebow, Bradford and McCoy. They even talked about how good of an athlete McCoy was, as well as a good pocket passer. It was Robert Smith (former Vikings running back) who made the comment. Robert Smith to me is one of the fairest commentators out there...
Yeah, Robert Smith better half-white side is yelling out of his body.
LOL! yeah I thought he looked mixed, anyway hes alot better than Herbstreit, or whatever his name is...