Someone totaled my car, was it deliberate?

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I recently had an incident happen in my personal life so want to know people's thoughts on this matter. I'm just looking for honest opinions, please read my story and tell me what you think:

I live in Calgary, and we have public parking on residential roads all around my house and the neighbourhood I live in. People park their cars on the street sides, generally in the area around their residence.

For the past couple of weeks I have been parking my car one street over from my house. Because the parking is public, legally, I can park anywhere I want and I don't need to give a reason. However, the reason I've been doing so is there has been construction ongoing in front of my house. So, I have been parking my car one street over (about a 1 minute walk) from my house. Yesterday, as I parked my vehicle, a man came out of the house in front of where I parked it and asked me to move my vehicle because his wife needed to park there to access the house. I told him that I would not move it now, as I just parked it, but said the next time I use my vehicle I may park it somewhere else. At that point he became rude and demanded that I move the vehicle now. I told him no. He then said "Don't be surprised if you have no tires". We were alone, just the 2 of us when this happened, and what I've written here is exactly how the conversation went in all honesty.

At that point I walked away and contacted the police and explained the situation and that this man had just threatened destruction to my car. The police came out a few hours later and spoke to me at my house, and spoke to him at his house. I asked them to press charges against him for threatening to destroy my car, and they refused to do so, even though I specifically said I think there is a good chance he would carry out the threat. They did however, create a police report over the incident which I have a copy of and basically just outlines my allegations against him. While the police were talking with me, they seemed to imply that I was taking things too seriously, should "man up", and should just move my car, and he was right and I was wrong, and I was the instigator because he was older.

You guys have seen my pic at this site, I'm a mid 20's male, the male who threatened my car is probably in his 60's. He was the same height as me perhaps a bit heavier. I felt it unfair that the police seemed to be taking his side when it was me who was actually threatened.

After the police had left. I made my own decision to move my car back to my own street. I did this because I was satisfied with the conversation police had with him and I didn't want to cause an unnecessary issue.

Literally, the next morning I woke up, and my car is totaled. There is extensive damage to the rear and front passenger wheel area. Another car obviously hit my parked car with a huge force, causing extensive damage. My car is totaled. I haven't seen the car which hit my car, but I would guess that it also suffered quite extensive damage. There was a "witness report" sticker left on my car this morning advising me to go to the Police. I went to the police, and they do have the identity of the driver, as well as his insurance information. Apparently someone had witnessed the accident and phoned it in to police. It seems that the driver did not flee the scene of accident and stayed on scene as police and fire arrived and took down his information. I was asleep for this entire time. The accident happened right in front of my house but I am a deep sleeper and never once woke up.

So financially, I'm ok with it. I will be taken care of by his insurance company and I've already started the claim on that. Obviously he is at fault for the accident, and his company will either pay for repairs of my vehicle and/or pay the entire value of my vehicle. So, financially I am OK. To be honest, my car needed a bit of work done, and I was planning on possibly selling anyway. So, if I receive a pay out for the value of the car, I'm happy with that. I am happy the driver has been identified and it was not a hit and run.

The driver who hit my car is not the same man who threatened me. The police also told me, the driver who hit my car does not actually live in this city. What exactly he was doing here is uncertain, and I am not sure where he lives. I told the officers that because I had been threatened only hours previous to my car being totaled, I felt the accident may have been deliberate. They sent a crew over to question the man who threatened me, and the driver of the vehicle that hit mine, and they told me there is no relationship between the 2. Apparently the vehicle that hit my parked car was a Dodge SUV.

I'm a bit confused here... on the one hand its very fishy that I was threatened and then my car is totaled a few hours later. It is possible it could be his friend from out of town that he's contacted to come and hit my car. But if that's the case, you would think the driver would have left the scene right? Why did he stick around then? Also, why would you use a newer model Dodge SUV to hit my car, when its going to also cause a lot of damage to his car, and since he's at fault his insurance rate will now be massively increased. So, if anything it seems that the driver has suffered much more from this than me.

Could it have been an attempted hit and run, but because a witness saw it the driver had to stay?

I've done some boxing in my life, I would have been happy to settle this dispute with this man in a boxing ring, and part of me said I should have just physically attacked him when he threatened me. The reason I didn't do that, is I don't like trouble, I try to live my life honestly, and I don't want a criminal record on an assault charge. I have had a couple of incidents with law enforcement in the past, but thankfully, I have a clean record and never been convicted of anything and I'd like to keep it that way.

I was just trying to mind my own business and out of nowhere this guy just threatens me.

I just want honest opinions of what people think happened? Also, do you think I handled the situation well?

I'm doing OK, and I will likely be paid full amount by his insurance company for my car. So I'm doing OK. It inconveniences me for a few weeks, but I also have a work vehicle so its not too bad.
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Like do you think it was an attempted hit and run? But then why would he use his friend's car, which also likely suffered extensive damage and seems to be a newer vehicle. Not to mention, they now have his identity so his insurance will cover all damage and he will now have to pay a much higher premium.

Or do you think it could actually be un-related to the threats I received?


Jul 6, 2011
It sounds like a coincidence. I'd move on, though I'd keep an eye out for the guy who made the threat just in case.


Jan 27, 2016
I think it was a warning. Next time it will be you. I would act accordingly.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I think it was a warning. Next time it will be you. I would act accordingly.

Possibly. I'm really not sure what to believe. On the one hand I suspect they are related, the threats and then my car being totaled.
On the other hand, it doesn't make sense in some ways. Suppose he got his buddy to drive out here and total my car, then why did the driver stick around? A hit and run would have made more sense no? Also, why would his buddy willingly damage his own car in the process? (From the police I learned the car that hit mine was a newer model Dodge SUV). Atacking my car with a weapon would have made more sense than willingly smashing his own vehicle which was quite new.

In any case, I can defend myself and I will be semi-armed after this.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
I've been single for the past year and the male who threatened me is White, not Arab.

Should have taken a preemptive strike and knocked him down; then, immediately, found another place to park it. I had this sort of problem before. You have to move like lightening and then protect your property. Reason doesn't sway those rosy buggers.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Should have taken a preemptive strike and knocked him down; then, immediately, found another place to park it. I had this sort of problem before. You have to move like lightening and then protect your property. Reason doesn't sway those rosy buggers.

I've been charged with assault in the past, but I lawyered up and had the charges dropped. I am not embarrassed to admit that, it happens to a lot of men at some point. The important thing is I got off and learned from it. So, I have never been convicted, and I have a completely clean criminal record. I want it kept that way and it's extremely important to me. What I learned from that experience is to obey the law, and try my best to stay out of trouble. I am educated, have an awesome job, love it, and I just try and stay out of trouble, live a simple life. Ive been doing great in my life the last year and a half, I can really say Im happy with my life. I dont want to change that and thats why I try and stay out of trouble, live a quiet and law abiding life.

This guy just threatened me out of nowhere. Not cool. I'm just trying to mind my own business not looking for any problems.

I would like to settle it with him in a boxing ring, but that's not going to happen. I'm not willing to risk being charged. And even still, I'd rather not fight. I try to live an honest, quiet and law abiding life. Even when I get involved with females sexually or in a relationship I always take precautions to make sure things are done in a law-abiding fashion.

Maybe you are right that I should have attacked him but it also would open me up to being charged, not sure I wanted to go down that route... I have before and its not fun.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
A few logical questions about the “case”…

How did the 60-year man who lived on another street even know where you live and where your car would be parked after the altercation?

If this man sought to destroy your car, why on earth would he solicit a “friend” who lived in another town to drive past your house (which seems like an inner city location where there would be plenty of witnesses) and slam his newer Dodge SUV into your parked vehicle, likely ruining his own car along with yours?

How did he arrange this hit-and-run within a few hours? After the altercation with you, did he memorize your license plate, use the internet to find where you live, call up his friend, and have him drive from another town to bash into your parked vehicle?

There are so many ways to ruin the vehicle of an “enemy” without getting caught...who would choose an obtuse method like hit-and-run? Blocking the exhaust, pouring brake fluid on the paint, slash tires, remove valve stem cores, sugar in the gas, mothballs in the gas, motor oil on the brakes/rotors, cut the starter cable, cut the brake lines, etc. Why didn’t he use any of these alternatives that wouldn’t also ruin his friend’s car in the process?

If you ask yourself all of these questions, it seems as if this was indeed a coincidence.

BTW, someone hit my car (2001 Ford Focus with over 300,000 miles) last summer in a parking lot. It was a true hit-and-run that damaged/scratched 3 different body panels and crushed the driver’s side headlight cover. They didn’t leave a note and there were no security cameras.

At first, I was all excited...thinking that they'll give me a big check, "total" the car, then I'd buy it back for scrap value with an R-title. The car is worth nothing, so I have minimum coverage, which apparently does not cover hit-and-run. I pulled out the dents myself and got a used headlight cover for $20. Consider yourself lucky that your insurance covers the damage and you’re probably getting a nice check. If the offending party was actually the man you had the altercation with earlier in the day, give him a hug!

If you were from my area, you'd just cash the insurance check and fix the damage with whatever you have on hand, haha...

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Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
It was a coincidence. Work with the insurance company and move on.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Maybe his wife is disabled and needed easy access to their house? Were there any other parking places available when he asked you to move your car?

I moved into a plan of townhouses some years ago and found out right away from a crusty old man who lived next door that I had parked in "his" place. He was right, but being old and grumpy he let me know in an inappropriate manner. Not a big deal. I deferred and moved my car because he was much older than me and what would have been the point of escalation. If it turned out he continued to harass me over various things that would have been different, but that was the only problem I had with him in the four years I lived in that neighborhood. In fact I ended up selling him a beat up van I owned for $125 rather than junk it.

I would have moved when your neighbor asked you to, unless there wasn't any other parking places available, and from what you've written there probably were. A lot of people are very territorial about parking places; here in Pittsburgh it's a tradition for people in some towns and neighborhoods to place chairs on the street to protect parking spots when they go out. And it's highly unlikely someone would go to the extreme of calling a friend and having him total his car, and also stick around and wait for the police to show up and get his info, just to get back at you.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Anyone who confronts you is the enemy...& the enemy deserves NO MERCY! Mercy is for the weak!!! ;-)
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Thank you to all for your comments.

I was a little bit stressed out when it happened, it was quite a shocking experience to just wake up in the morning and then realize that my car had just been totaled and I am now without a car. I do have a separate work vehicle though, so it's not too bad, getting to work is not a problem. I also have an awesome job and saving up a good amount of money. So at the moment I am negotiating with insurance personnel on the amount I will receive to write off my vehicle. My vehicle is literally totaled and the damage to the vehicle exceeds 80% of the total value, so the car will be written off and I will be paid the value agreed upon. I am not sure what the next steps will be for me, I need to spend some time and think about that and I will do so after I collect this payment.

To answer some of the questions, Thrashen asks how he could have known where I live, but I believe he had seen me once or twice before and the direction that I was walking upon leaving the vehicle. My house is just around the block from his house, so about 30 seconds of walking down his street would have revealed where I am living and where my car was parked when it was totaled. So, I believe he knew where I lived.

Don Wassall suggests I should have taken the high road and just moved my car. Maybe you're right. I don't know what to say really. I didn't like the way he asked me, and I did agree to move my car only I said I'd do it next time,. He was not satisfied with that and that is when he began demanding I move it immediately and subsequently threatened to vandalize my car. In hindsight, maybe I would have moved it, but just to avoid a problem not because I actually care about that man or what he is saying because I completely do not.

I've spent the last week analyzing what happened and I've arrived at 2 likely conclusions:

1) A drunk driver hit my car and he was totally unrelated to the man who threatened me. This is possible because the accident occurred just before 2 AM last Sunday morning (so just before last call on Saturday night). However, according to the police I've spoken with the driver apparently was not drunk. I'm not sure if an alcohol test was administered. But my car is absolutely TOTALED, you would have had to be drunk to do that much damage to a parked car on the side of the street. I mean it would be one thing if he just nicked my car, but it is TOTALED. It looks like the driver was drunk... or it was deliberate which brings me to # 2)

2) It was an attempted hit and run that didn't work out. After I was threatened, he may have contacted his buddy to come do a job on my car. The reason he may have chosen to do a hit and run is because I had already filed a police report against him and maybe he felt if he vandalized or attacked the vehicle with a weapon the cops would tie it back to him. So he chose to attempt his buddy to do a hit and run. Only the hit and run didn't quite work out and his buddy damaged his own vehicle more than he had planned. I've learned from witnesses who were there that the driver's vehicle was leaking an incredibly large amount of fluid and his front end and likely engine was severely damaged in hitting my car. So what I am saying is they may have tried to do a hit and run, but they screwed up. The fact that the driver has full insurance is notable because after the hit and run he may have tried to claim he hit a pole, fence, or animal and repair his own car for free. So I think there is also a possibility it was an attempted hit and run, but they damaged their car too severely and could not leave the scene.

If I am being completely honest I think #2 is the truth about what happened to my car. I believe he attempted to get back at me via a hit and run, only his buddy screwed up and damaged his own car so badly that he could not leave the scene. If I am correct then they really screwed up because his buddy now has 2 insurance claims against him plus his own car is totaled. Its going to cost him a great deal of money on insurance in the future. Probably 2 to 3 times what he is paying before this.

So I believe I am the victim of an attempted hit and run.

I am not angry about anything, I will be paid for my car, and to be honest I think it's kind of funny how things worked out. If I am right, and it was an attempted hit and run, then they really screwed up. And for the record, I saw the guy who threatened me, and I do believe he is dumb enough to do this scam and also dumb enough to screw it up like they did.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Also I'd like to point out that I am very close with some older gentlemen in my family and I do have a respect for elders. I also am not a troublemaker, and even in this incident I was completely minding my own business, this guy instigated the conversation in the first place and also threatened me.

I personally would never ask someone to move their vehicle even if they parked in "my spot". Live and let live. I don't bother anyone, so don't bother me in return. If I was in his position I would just chill out, and park my vehicle somewhere else. If I really needed that spot, he should have asked me politely no?

So, when he asked me, I felt immediately the tone he was using was rude, and not just that but he looked like a lowlife, probable welfare recipient who's never worked a day in his life. He then confirmed my suspicions when he began threatening me in a manner you would see on the "Jerry Springer" show. I do believe he called up one of his buddies from outside of town to do a hit and run on my car (probably offered his buddy 500$ to do it) only they screwed up and couldn't get away because they are retards.

But hey, I'm cool with it. I'm getting paid, and if I'm right about what happened then they screwed themselves up very badly that night. So I'm cool with how things went down.
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