Jimmy Chitwood
Hall of Famer
Mike said:They don't always travel out "to the islands." There are many people of polynesian ancestry living in Utah and having success at the high school level. Wow, imagaine that, a program recruiting kids from its own state!
Also, I really wish you'd rethink your first statement. I know what you meant, but by saying something like that you discredit anything fairly intelligent written here. It's great that you can cite news articles about gang violence, but infering that every white football player in the world is a shining example of a citizen while every non-white football player is not is the kind of ignorant statement which makes most people laugh at the otherwise fairly persuasive arguments made for white football players on the site.
I don't know what your beef is with BYU. Should DiLuigi be getting more carries? Yea, I like to think so, but then again Unga and Fui have been a very good backs for them.
We can sit here and pick this program apart further if you'd like, but the way I see it the problems are elsewhere in the game and getting caught up on the "polynesian question" at BYU is a waste of time considering what's going on in oh I don't know, the SEC or ACC.
first of all, those Utah "natives" are anything but. the polynesians wouldn't be there at all if they hadn't been imported by "compassionate" missionaries who apparently love diversity. and much like mexican "americans," the polynesians are not assimilating into their Utah heritage. rather, they are staying true to their polynesian heritage (just look at the names and crime rates of the polynesian community for two obvious examples). they hold themselves apart by their own actions, so why should i consider them to be just like white Utah mormons?
secondly, when white athletes commit violent crime at similar rates to non-white athletes, then get back to me. until then, quit crying about how non-whites are victimized by the evils of misrepresenation. how is dealing with facts somehow discrediting this site? it's not. so you can take that bleeding heart whining on the road.
thirdly, my beef with BYU is no different than it is with other programs. they should be recruiting more white kids. you are correct in that they do a better job of recruiting whites than schools in the ACC, SEC, and so forth. i agree with that 100%. i think they could all still do much better, though.
finally, you are the one who felt the need to defend BYU's recruiting of so many polynesians. so it appears you were the one that got caught up in the "polynesian question." you'll pardon me if i don't ask for forgiveness for responding to your misleading statements.