Society’s effects on the white pysche


Jan 3, 2009
Fyodor dostoevsky said "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."

Although I don't have an agenda of letting criminals go or abolishing the death penalty you see certain elements in this video to where our cultures lambaste us for defending ourselves aggressively. We are being conditioned to be victims and over time this could very well be our undoing.

[url] _page=3[/url]

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I saw thata fewyears ago. Troy Kell could have been an asset to whites under different circumstances if he had been able to channel his energy in a positive direction. Then again I don't know if he had much racial awareness until he got to prison.

U.S. prison inmates have it worse than the inhabitants of zoos. Many deserve that fate, but the system is set up in a way that rehabilitation is almost impossible for any inmate. As I recall, Kell's accomplice was in prison for a minor crime and ended up doing life with no chance of parole.


Oct 26, 2008
Why do we have such a high percentage of our citizens in prison? Is it the idiotic war on drugs? Is it because we have a large minority population? Japan and Western Europe have much lower percentages. Prisons should be for violent people.As soon as you take people out of society , it's very difficult for them to fit in again.We can correct non violent behavior by means other than prisons in many cases. I can make more "criminals" we can punish by making alchohol and cigarettes illegal. There will be a nice illegal market for these. We also allow gambling to be legal now.We allow people to lose everything they have at a casino, but we tell them not to smoke weed or even take cocaine. We have to have our healthy french fries by banning transfat, but we can drink as many milk shakes and eat as many donuts as we want--for now.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Europe said:
Why do we have such a high percentage of our citizens in prison? Is it the idiotic war on drugs? Is it because we have a large minority population?

Every neighborhood, city, state, country etc. with a large percentage of blacks experiences the same problems. Blacks and civilization don't mix.

[url] black-shootings-and-murders-rip-apart-cincinnatis-fabric/ [/url]

Black shootings and murders "rip apart Cincinnati's fabric"

Today's Cincinnati Enquirer has a special seven part report on how black violent crime, especially murder, is destroying the city.

Black gun crime in Cincinnati is so bad that the US Air Force uses the city hospitals to train doctors who are headed to Iraq and Afghanistan on how to work in combat zones:

The violence is so traumatic that University Hospital, the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and the U.S. Air Force train emergency medical teams in how to evacuate wounded personnel from combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan by treating the city's gunshot victims. (snip)</BLOCKQUOTE>
Oct 24, 2005
reduce the number of blacks, hispanics and illegal citizens and violent crime will go down.
Lets run an experiment. I will deport all blacks, hispanics and illegals from Chicago. Let's see how few crimes we will have. Unfortunently, the mayor won't allow this. We will be kicking out all the people who vote for him.


Jan 3, 2009
I don't think we have that high of a rate of our men in prison compared to other races. I think that is one of the reasons our guys either turn into killers or end up being attacked and abused by other races. We are being ingrained with the belief we should not stick together and take up for one another.


Oct 21, 2004
Even taking into account the disproportionate propensity of blacks towards violence, there are far too many Americans imprisoned. I have long advocated that prisons be abolished; they have demonstrated definitively that they don't deter crime and certainly don't rehabilitate anyone. On the contrary, the maximum security prisons are cesspools of corruption and incivility. That fact that homosexual rape is considered a part of "the system" should tell anyone that no one cares what happens there.

We also have to factor in our corrupt injustice system, which ensures that some percentage (and who knows how high that percentage is) of those imprisoned are actually innocent. The unholy alliance of power mad police, ambitious prosecutors, disinterested public defenders, lordly judges answerable to no one and clueless juries leaves little room for confidence that at any given moment, the individual charged with a particular offense is actually guilty of anything. With the advent of DNA evidence, several "guilty" people have been reluctantly (and I do mean reluctantly) freed from unjust incarceration. In some cases, these unfortunate souls spent decades in prison for something they never did. That ought to scare the hell out of every citizen, because there is no guarantee that it couldn't happen to any of us. While I oppose the death penalty on moral grounds, this horrible dysfunction and dishonesty in our injustice system certainly makes that opposition a lot easier.

Certainly we have to do something with the violent criminals in our society. Since prisons don't work, I would bring back an altered form of penal colonies. There are lots of deserted islands in the world; why not send the truly violent individuals, whose guilt is beyond doubt, to these places? I'm sure they'd prefer the relative freedom an island would provide, and the cost would be almost nothing. You wouldn't need guards- only perhaps a small ship to monitor the island from a few miles out. The savings to taxpayers would be astronomical. The other option, for the truly violent, would be to send them to the front lines in our many foreign skirmishes. They'd almost certainly welcome the excitement, and would provide a lot more logical cannon fodder than our innocent children.

Finally, one reason we have so many "criminals" is the fact we have so many laws. Drug laws are completely ridiculous; the "war" we've waged against them was lost a long, long time ago. Most people don't realize that none of these drugs, not even heroin, was against the law until circa 1930s. Many of the hapless prisoners in our country are guilty of nothing more than making poor choices and coming from terrible backgrounds. While poor and working class Americans are charged with crimes for their drug use/possession, rich Americans are "treated" for their "addictions." The double standard is clear and obvious. But then our whole injustice system is filled with such double standards. Okay, end of long rant.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
No more prisons? In your area before mine I hope!
The prison system is a mess because our society is a mess. Furthermore the prison system was developed for white people and it's filled with non-whites, no one complains about Swedens prison system (except now it's filled with Arabs and Turks).

Penal colonies would be madness. If you think the prisons are violent now with attacks and rapes just imagine them on a desert island with NO supervision. It would be unfair to a whole lot of people, old, sick, and white. Would never happen anyway.

Some change of the drug laws is a good idea but as I have said many times on this forum--strict drug laws imprison thousands of blacks that would otherwise be running around on the street committing much worse crimes.

If you are a law-abiding non drug using white person then it is in your best interest to have the strictest drug laws possible. I want them to build huge prisons, enough to incarcerate every black male in America. Hand out life sentences for failing a drug test. In a year this country would be paradise. While I'm kidding about the life sentences higher rates of incarceration would be fine with me.

That's another thing that bugs me. People complaining about the high rates of incarceration, or that the US has more people in jail then any other country. I say--GOOD! If we have so many frickin' criminals then jail their ass. It's no secret we have an open society with millions of criminally prone blacks. Of course we are going to have a lot of criminals. The best place for them is jail (actually the best place for them is on a ship back to Africa-but that's another issue).
Nov 30, 2008
I had a job overseeing a state's corrections budget. First of all, non-violent drug users are almost never put in jail or prison. They are given probation unless they have many offenses. There are people who have been convicted of 6-7 crimes and never gone to jail or prison. If you're in prison you deserve to be there, unless you were innocent. It is hard to go to prison.

For work, I went to a workshop by a black Democrat district attorney. When he was asked about non-violent criminals in prison, he laughed and said there are NO non-violent offenders in prison. He said, if they have not committed an act of violence yet there is no doubt they would if they had to protect their drugs or whatever illegal activity they were involved in. Coming from a black Democrat in a very liberal area, that was pretty eye opening.

Edited by: Fightingtowin
Jul 14, 2007
I think the problem with our prisons is who we have working in them. Jobs in the prisons are rife with affirmative-action. Most of those employed are mentally instable and have no education. Their only goal in life is to get through their miserable 8 hours every day and get their paychecks and benefits.

I do agree with Jaxvid though, we actually need more prisons to put more criminals in there. The problem with our prisons is that they do little to stop the culture of criminality. People go in, they "conduct business" there, and they get out after a few years and hit the ground running again in their criminal network.

We need solid, upstanding, and tough but fair people to be working in the prisons who have a clear understanding of their purpose. They need to totally disrupt the pattern of criminality, by not allowing crimes to happen within the prison, to not allow corruption by the prison employees, and to effectively and efficiently operate the prison.

I would also tweak the sentences so that violent crimes recieved significantly longer sentences. Clear cut cases of rape should receive a minimum of 25 years before the possibility of parole. I say clear-cut because cases like Duke Lacrosse come to mind. Gun crimes would get 30 year minumums. Attempted murder would get 50 minimum, with murder getting life without parole, or death for certain cases.

To improve the system, corruption by police officers, prosecutors, and prison employees would receive 15 year minumum sentences.

Again, there's a lot of things to fix, but our biggest problem is the people we have in charge.


Oct 21, 2004
Penal colonies would hardly be unfair to old, sick and white people. The only ones on those deserted islands would be the violent criminals themselves. I could care less what happens there amongst them; the point is it would remove those individuals from our society and save us a lot of money. Also, it couldn't be any worse than the present system.

The "get tough on crime" mentality is one of the primary reasons I could never be a conservative. Given the corruption and dishonesty in our injustice system, we can never be certain that those we "lock up and throw away the key" are actually guilty of anything. While our crime rate would certainly drop dramatically without blacks in our society, that isn't going to happen at any point. Innocent blacks shouldn't be imprisoned any more than innocent whites or anyone else.

Building more prisons is like rich white elites building bigger fences around their gated communities. It doesn't solve anything, because the problem is still there. Making more laws, thereby creating more criminals, is also not the answer. Btw, it doesn't surprise me a bit to hear those type of comments from people who work for some part of the injustice system; I've never known any of them to feel differently. It's an instinctive defense of an indefensible system. Saying "They all say they're innocent" and "there are no innocent people in prison" makes everyone feel better about the fact that, every year, we discover another poor soul who was convicted of a heinous crime by our injustice system, proven innocent years later by DNA evidence. It's too late, at that point, to get back the years that were stolen away from them by corrupt and/or incompetent cops, prosecutors, judges and juries. I don't believe for a second that these are isolated cases.

Finally, this mentality ensures that cops will continue to feel free to plant drugs whenever they can't find them, in order to send troublesome derelicts to prison. Their justification, which I've heard from many of them, is that "I know he's guilty of something" and "the system will just send him back out on the streets again." They feel no remorse about planting evidence to make sure the "guilty" will be convicted of something. I'm telling you that I have first hand knowledge that this is an all too common practice among our vaunted law enforcement officers.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Paul Craig Roberts has written some outstanding articles on the U.S. justice system. Also a very good book. He always sarcastically puts a [sic] after any mention of the Justice Department.

The failed U.S. prison system is a predictable result of the failedsystem of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is the U.S. Empire's equivalent of what communism was in the failed Soviet Empire. It's backed by non-stop, and unchallengeable, Cultural Marxist ideology that blares at us 24/7.

A forced multicultural state can only exist through police state measures. There are too many innocent men in prison, and too many men convicted of non-violent crimes who are thrown in with hardened criminals. Very few working class whites can afford decent lawyers. Most end up plea bargaining instead of fighting for their innocence because the odds are so stacked against them.

Getting "tough on crime" means not only going after legitimate criminals, but people who get swept up in the resulting mania. Just look at how huge the "entrapment industry" has become, along with the amazing growth in nazi-like roadblocks (and the accompanying media propaganda that has gone hand-in-hand with them). The law enforcement arm of the Total State is too big, too corrupt, and too ineffective. Prisons have become a huge growth industry that utilize slave labor. And like every other institution, it will only get worse as long as Americans are forced to endure multiculturalism and all the poisons that go along with it.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I appreciate taking power away from the police state. And I'm all for more freedom and less surveillance. But I don't think those are options.

Would you prefer a society that let black criminals rove free to prey on whites in your desire for less government control? Or would you rather have a situation where blacks were imprisoned at a high rate and a few whites who choose to use drugs were thrown in with them? Those are the only choices right now.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Black criminals already pretty much rove free to prey on whites. It's only because they tend to take out their impulses in their immediate neighborhood rather than traveling into non-black areas that the situation isn't much worse.

I don't think whites who "choose to use drugs" should be imprisoned. Dealers of dangerous drugs yes, but weed should be decriminalized and the "War on Drugs" ended.

I don't disagree with your logic, it's pretty much irrefutable. The problem is that in the U.S. it's always about choosing between the lesser of two evils. Until that paradigm with its tiny spectrum of "respectable" ideas and options changes things will only get worse.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Don Wassall said:
Paul Craig Roberts has written some outstanding articles on the U.S. justice system.  Also a very good book.  He always sarcastically puts a [sic] after any mention of the Justice Department.

The failed U.S. prison system is a predictable result of the failed system of multiculturalism.  Multiculturalism is the U.S. Empire's equivalent of what communism was in the failed Soviet Empire.  It's backed by non-stop, and unchallengeable, Cultural Marxist ideology that blares at us 24/7.

A forced multicultural state can only exist through police state measures.  There are too many innocent men in prison, and too many men convicted of non-violent crimes who are thrown in with hardened criminals.  Very few working class whites can afford decent lawyers.  Most end up plea bargaining instead of fighting for their innocence because the odds are so stacked against them.

Getting "tough on crime" means not only going after legitimate criminals, but people who get swept up in the resulting mania.  Just look at how huge the "entrapment industry" has become, along with the amazing growth in nazi-like roadblocks (and the accompanying media propaganda that has gone hand-in-hand with them).  The law enforcement arm of the Total State is too big, too corrupt, and too ineffective.  Prisons have become a huge growth industry that utilize slave labor.  And like every other institution, it will only get worse as long as Americans are forced to endure multiculturalism and all the poisons that go along with it.

Paul Craig Roberts is extremely intelligent & knowledgable & continouslly calls out the Neocons and their Machiavellian, Globalist policies. The judicial & prison system is very far gone & needs drastic changes (which will probably never come to fruition). The Orwellian police-state is bolster by this "get tough" mentality.
Jul 14, 2007
It seems like I agree with a few parts of what everyone here is saying. The violent criminals absolutely need to be thrown in prison. Most of the people in prison would never get out if they were convicted of all the crimes they actually committed. That's why I see we absolutely need MORE prisons, and more people locked up because most of the criminals are still out there on the street. The sentences need to be upped, and reforms need to be made within the system to prevent the culture of criminality from perpetuating itself.

I'm all for libertarian thoughts being entertained, but I for one am not the biggest fan of buzz-words and catch-phrases that tend to come from many of the anti-establishment thinkers. It seems that while they may have several good ideas, they stick to one ideology because that's what their leaders tell them to do. It's much like the socialist network that we are all rallying against. I say take in good ideas from many areas and think critically and logically about everything that enters the mind. I can think of bad ideas from every great thinker that I respect.

I bash liberals and socialists, but I do not bash conservatives just because a few have adopted liberal ideas. Conservatism with a liberatarian leaning to me is the best solution to our problems in society.

I also cannot stand people who cannot take responsibility for their actions. I know people who have been in prison, and they say everyone there moans and bitches about the hardships they face. Yet, they will not take responsibility for crimes they committed which landed them there. To me, this is the liberal ideology in a nutshell. Nothing is your fault, it's all someone elses fault. This is not to say that we shoulden't rally against bad ideas and policies, but we to not chaulk up our entire existence to the "powers that be," but do what we have in our power to make a positive impact in society. At the same time we need to make people aware of dangerous things that are taking place, such as the caste system, but also encourage people to take a stand and not just say "well, I couldn't do it because of the caste system, so it's not my fault."

I respect what every poster on this thread has said so far, and I have learned from it. Yet, that does not mean I will go along with that ideology. I will always strive to learn more and make up my own mind on these issues.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
The system is far to corrupt to garner even a iota of respect from me. Someone has already alluded to plea bargains being the main source of conviction. That is so very true. All you have to do is put yourself in this situation.
1) You get arrested on a bogus charge.
2)You have already spent 4 months in the local county Jail awaiting your trial.(Because you lacked sufficient money to post bail you have to sit in Jail while awaiting your "Speedy trial").
3) You have been given a public defender who already has a caseload of 600-800 other cases.(You lack the 5,000 upfront to obtain a private criminal defense lawyer)
4) The state has numerous lawyers, profilers, investigators, doctors, (who will testify on behalf of the state in regards to anything Medical with their "professional" opinions)forensic teams, etc.
5) The prosecuting attorney visits you in your jail one day and says "look guy, we are gonna give you an offer. If you plead guilty we will hit with you 5 years. You have 4 months in, we will consider good time served day for day, in 18 months you will be eligible for parole". "I must tell you if you decide to fight it, we will hit you on all charges and go for the max of 16 years with no possibility of parole before 2025. Make your decision wisely".

Now, taking into consideration everything I have listed. Only a fool would fight against the state only to lose in court and have to do the full 16 years. If you think the above scenario is bullsh*t then think again, for this is how about 80% of all convictions are actually obtained. Plea bargains (out of justified fear) are the NORM, not the exception.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"Many of the hapless prisoners in our country are guilty of nothing more than making poor choices and coming from terrible backgrounds."

Terrible backgrounds? Poor choices?

How do you suggest we change that? Hand-outs? We tried that, we taxed white americans to the max, and exploited their "good choices" and "good backgrounds."

Bigunreal, what's the difference between building bigger prisons (the same prisons you suggest we eliminate) and giving bigger hand-outs to financially alter the lives of the minorities we live among? Not much.

In fact, they have the exact same end result...the further exploitation of "rich" american whites. By your posts, it seems as though you're suggesting exactly what the media overlords have been smashing into the american sheeple for decades....that privilaged whites are responsible for the choices, living conditions, and godaweful family life of american blacks. It's called "victimization," and it's as lame an excuse as can be.

Obviously there is corruption that results in innocent people sitting in prisons....but similiar to the media you commonly insult on the football forums, when human beings get involved, things always become "corrupt." The only possible solution to this is to replace human being with perfect robots who dont make mistakes and arent swayed by money or power.

Also, getting "tough on crime" in no way makes you a "conservative." For god's sake, in today's hilariously fake political world....being pro-life doesnt even make you a conservative. I always laugh when my racially oblivious friends and co-workers refer to themselves as a "conservatives."

You're a castefootball all-star, perhaps one of the best posters in the history of this site....but suggesting penal colonies without supervision for the most violent american criminals is true lunacy. In one breath you said you're morally opposed to the death penalty....yet you'd allow horrible people the opportunity to murder each other at will? How on earth does that make sense?Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Slightly off-subject, but good quote from David Lane...

Will the castrated, fat, lazy, programmed pile of walking camel dung which is the modern White man put down his six pack of beer and his television channel changer, in order to obey nature's highest law? Television where he worships negro ball players, as the pretty White cheerleaders in their short skirts get wet panties over those who never invented a wheel or a written language. The subliminal message is clear and constant!


Oct 21, 2004

I value your thoughts. Let me try to clarify my position.

I take a back seat to no one in being repulsed by the chronic pathological behavior of all too many blacks. That being said, however, I don't have any faith that every person, black or otherwise, that is arrested for something is actually guilty of anything. I don't trust the average police officer any more than I trust the average black street thug. They are actually alike in many ways. When I mentioned the backgrounds of those in prison, I think I was accurate. I believe almost all studies show that the vast majority of prison inmates come from less than ideal environments. That doesn't excuse their behavior in the least, but it is a fact. Thus, if someone from one of those heinous neighborhoods is arrested for a crime, but was actually innocent, that would make him guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or more aptly, living in a neighborhood renowned for its crime and violence. As I said before, I don't think it's right for any one, including blacks, to be convicted and imprisoned for something they didn't do. I suspect that this happens far more often than we think.

I think it's been established that the prison system doesn't work. Sure, it holds back violent predators from society, at least for a period of time, but it also rehabilitates no one and makes the less violent criminals there, for whom there should be some hope, more violent and likely to become better criminals once they are released. It also is a living hell for those who were framed by our injustice system for something they didn't do. As I noted before, the recent cases of DNA evidence freeing persons who served long sentences for crimes they obviously didn't commit proves this point quite clearly.

Penal colonies would be far more humane than maximum security prisons. First of all, only those whose guilt was established beyond any doubt would be sent to them. I don't think they'd necessarily kill each other, but if they did, that happens in "supervised" prisons as well, far too often. I believe most prisoners would prefer this relative freedom to a life behind bars. I also would prefer this, as a taxpayer, because of the tremendous financial savings. Morally, I would have no guilt about what happened in those penal colonies, because the individuals were granted relative freedom there, and it would not be on my conscience the way a planned electrocution or lethal injection would.

I am a populist-libertarian hybrid. I don't like big business or big government, and believe power should never be concentrated too much in any one place. I do feel the "tough on crime" stance is part and parcel of the police state, which I feel we are on the verge of in Don King's America. Roadblocks, undercover agents, hate crimes, etc., could not exist in a truly free society. Americans seem anxious to give unlimited power to the police, in order to place ever more citizens behind bars. There are a great many nonviolent whites caught up in this mania, as well as nonviolent persons of all races. I don't think that people who haven't harmed anyone other than themselves should be imprisoned. Period. If they're rich or famous, the system sees to it that they "get help" for their "addiction." If not, the same system makes sure they "pay" for their "poor choices."

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree here. There is still a lot of the civil libertarian in me, and I simply don't trust the injustice system.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
bigunreal brings up some very valid points. If "this proposal" could smooth out many of the grey areas sure to arise, I may support an idea like this.

There are many historic references of penal colonies: the Brits used Georgia as one and then Australia in later times. Many other European, Asian and South American countries had colonies as well. Studying how successful or unsuccessful these examples were would be useful.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
bigunreal said:
I don't trust the average police officer any more than I trust the average black street thug. They are actually alike in many ways.

There were many issues in your post that I would find offense with, but the comment above is the worst. I know many police officers and a lot of them can be a-holes but they are in no way, shape, or form "like" street thugs. This kind of irrational hate for authority figures is ridiculous.

The vast majority of police are good law abiding people with the concerns of the citizens at heart. A very few are problems for the average person. And none of them are similar in any way to street thugs. (I'm talking white cops here!).

Police have problems because there are so many laws and so much hate directed at them that they have problems with which ever decision they end up making. It's a difficult job.

Your previous assertion that cops plant drugs to frame innocents is laughable. I'm sure a few Feds do that once in a while and it's common to see on movies and TV but for your average cop that is just a joke. Why plant drugs on someone? Do they get extra credit for a bust? No! It's just more paperwork and hassle, plus the risk of getting caught is career ending. Sure maybe DA's get some thrill from false busts but it's nothing to a street cop.

And anyway there is no reason to do it. Nearly every guy that's a possible drug bust already has the drugs on them. There up to their asses with drug busts, why the hell would they want more? Sure change the laws and decriminalize pot and the cops will be the happiest guys around. Heck most cops let pot smokers go anyway. It's too much hassle.

I don't like getting traffic tickets either and I have had to deal with cops in more situations then I'd like but I would never equate them with street thugs. Even the black cops.


Oct 21, 2004

While there are obviously a lot of honest, well intentioned police officers, I believe the majority are power mad, unconscionable jerks who salivate over the authority the state gives them. How many videos of these guys abusing their power do you have to see? Thank goodness that some of their behavior is now being caught on tape. I think that you and I agree on how screwed up our society is; who do you think oversees this mess on the ground level?

Police used to be called peace officers; their primary function was the keep the peace. That worked pretty well- they were given limited power, tended to walk the beat in their own communities, and were not likely to abuse or harrass their own neighbors and friends. Gradually, they have morphed into law enforcement officers, with the task of enforcing a constantly increasing number of unconstitutional laws. They are also under pressure to bring in revenue, thus the concentration on petty traffic offenses (illegal u-turns, etc.) Because of this emphasis on nabbing upstanding citizens for tiny breaches of "the law" while driving their cars, they are almost completely unequipped to tackle real crime.

I've extensively researched high profile crimes from the JFK assassination to the Lindbergh kidnapping to the D.C. snipers, and one common thread runs through them; the laughable mistakes and ineptitude of law enforcement. When you pressure these guys to write as many tickets as possible, while they hide behind bushes in order to do so, they are bound to be unprepared to investigate real crime and deal with real criminals. This is especially obvious in areas that don't have a lot of violent crime. Look at the D.C. snipers- these were not rocket scientists, but they couldn't get the cops to look their way, despite trying over and over again. They even tacked a sign to a tree at one shooting site, but the keystone kops never saw it. They actually had to call the FBI hotline (several times, because the clueless dispatcher kept hanging up on them) and direct them to this note, which was pretty conspicuous.

This is not just about race. While I sympathize with cops who serve in city areas, who have to deal with the scum of society on a daily basis, that still doesn't excuse their abuse of authority. And what is the excuse for the attitudes of those police officers who serve in quiet, middle class areas, where the people are mostly white and generally solid citizens? Have you seen some of the jerks who've been caught on tape harrassing young white skater kids? See You Tube for many examples. These kids were not bothering anyone, and the cops in each case acted like military police dealing with dangerous enemies.

I am about as far removed from being a troublemaker as possible, but despite my efforts to mind my business, I have been harrassed by the police myself over the years. On one memorable occasion, about 15 years ago, I was about to leave for work one evening, when a cop car turned on his flashing lights and blocked my way. I was parked in front of the townhouse where I was living then, and needless to say I was startled. The cop jumped out of his car and shouted "what the hell do you think you're doing?" My offense- I had placed a bag of trash on top of my car, as I often did, to drive over to the pickup site for our development, which was about 100 yards away. I did this regularly, as most of my neighbors did, in order to save a little time. I then had to listen while this ignorant fool, drunk with his little bit of authority, lectured me for a full 10 minutes over the "danger" inherent in what I was doing. I tried to reason with him, but this is always a mistake with cops. The less you say, the better. This clown wasted his time, and abused his authority, in order to harrass a solid, law abiding citizen, over nothing. Nothing! There are other examples, but that one really stands out. Keep in mind, I lead a nice, middle class existance, and don't consort with street thugs. There would be no reason for me to have anything other than positive experiences with law enforcement. Like many other people, however, that hasn't been the case with me.

If you really think cops are the "good guys," then there is really nothing else I can say.


Nov 7, 2004
bigunreal, couldn't you have placed that bag in the trunk of your car, rather than on the roof?


P.S. Yes, I've a couple of unnecessary run-ins (not physical) with authority-intoxicated LEOs in my own lifetime.

P.P.S. I sometimes usher at my small-town church alongside a fellow (not much younger than my stepdad, who's 82) so gentlemanly that you'd never know he was once a cop, probably the Andy Taylor variety, in another part of my state. Fwtw, bigunreal.


Oct 21, 2004

Putting the bag on the roof was a time saving measure. Opening the trunk and reopening it would have defeated the purpose. The pickup site was so close, and right on the way out, that it was simply convenient for most residents, including me, to put in on the roof of your car and just drop it off on the way out of the development. At any rate, it was nothing for any law enforcement officer to concern himself with.