Soccer getting whiter


Oct 15, 2004
From the British newspaper the Guardian, they saw all the white success at the World Cup and of course they see racism!!!!!!

One step backwards: The World Cup is a marvel of global representation. So why is it getting whiter?
By Martin Jacques

The World Cup is not just a great global sporting event, it is also inscribed with much deeper cultural and political importance. Any evaluation of this World Cup, therefore, should not be confined to the quality of the football (surely a disappointment, with a truly great team failing to emerge) but also deal with its broader cultural meaning. In this respect it has been an even bigger disappointment. With this World Cup, global football has taken a step backwards.

The importance of football has grown in direct proportion to its ability to become genuinely global and not primarily European. Unlike virtually every other human activity - from politics and economics to universities and the military - football has managed to give a growing place in the sun to those who are normally marginalised and unrepresented. The growing importance of Africa and Asia in football are testimony to this.

But, alas, not in this World Cup. In the last sixteen there was only one African side and no Asian. In the last eight, there were six European and two Latin American: the last four was a European monopoly. (Compare this with the last World Cup, where there were only three European sides in the last eight and just one in the semi-finals.) ...

But this feeling of regression is not just related to the over-representation of European sides - linked no doubt to the fact that it was held in Germany - during these championships. It is also about the question of colour. We are now familiar with the incidence of black and brown players in European sides. This traditionally, however, has only been a characteristic of the French, English and Dutch sides. I haven't tried to make any precise statistical analysis of the European sides this time around but it feels that here again there has been a retreat...

But the matter cannot rest there. There is also something else that is deeply regrettable about global football, namely the overwhelming predominance of whites as managers and coaches. Even Brazil - a team invariably with a majority of blacks and browns - always has a white Brazilian manager. The same is always true of all European sides. Alas, it is also generally the case with African sides. Exactly the same state of affairs, of course, prevails in European club football with barely a black or brown manager to be found - yet the manager of the best club side in world football today is Frank Rikaard of Barcelona...

There may be nations and races galore on the field, but racist assumptions continue to imbue and shape football. And this World Cup has been a step backwards.
Thanks for posting this article, Jaxvid--its very revealing, especially the following quote.

"But, alas, not in this World Cup. In the last sixteen there was only one African side and no Asian. In the last eight, there were six European and two Latin American: the last four was a European monopoly. (Compare this with the last World Cup, where there were only three European sides in the last eight and just one in the semi-finals.) ..."

Notice that he is not complainingabout some (non-existent, anyway) restrictive policy, butabout theactual competitive results!!!So what are the white teams supposed to do??Deliberately lose to accomodate his feelings regarding racially appropriate results?
In the freindly before the world cup the germans played a black African. The anoncer went on and on about about wow great it was that it was the first time a black was playing for the german national side.
why is it that any time whites dominate on the playing field it is because of racism, but when blacks dominate then it is because of their superior talent?

can no one else see that huge double standard? jeez!

furthermore, why is it encouraged, no- required, that we must all worship at the black altar? they don't cheer for us, but we have to cheer for them and give them endless opporunities, too? give me a break.
Guys, what about this gem:

Martin Jackass said:
But this feeling of regression is not just related to the over-representation of European sides - linked no doubt to the fact that it was held in Germany - during these championships.

What the hell does that mean???
It's total rubbish as an African team actually got to the final this year. France played two european outfield players - and one (reberey) was subbed before the end.
I cant believe how liberal England has become. Is this a reflection of feelings held by the greater English population or just the liberal left.
This guy Jacques ranks amoung the worst out there. Lets put our heads together and get him fired from his cushy job at the Guardian. What an ass. This guy is so pissed off whites played well at the WC he is catatonic. Go screw yourself into the ground Jacques you race baiting creep..He has an agenda--check out his past articles.
At least there are people out there calling this jerk's bluff. Check out the Guardian website and the comments responding to the article above. Seems like 95% or more of the responders let Jacques have it sometimes with humor. Maybe he will get fired. He should.
For the record, basically Germany had one, generally introduced as a substitute; Italy none; Spain one; Portugal one; and so on. More seriously, the Netherlands had hardly any: yet this is a country which more or less ever since Gullit and Rikaard has had a core of black and brown players. Why? Is it a dearth of talent or is it related to the racist atmosphere now gripping the country? Even the English team took a step backwards, with only two black players normally in the starting line-up, compared with five in the match against Brazil in the 2002 World Cup. (It is not widely known, incidentally, but an English manager of the early 90s has said he was advised by the FA not to select too many black players. Hopefully that word in the ear is no longer spoken.) The glorious exception is France, with a majority of non-white players. This is why the French national side has become such a powerful emblem in the fight against racism there - both in 1998 and in 2006.

omg....where did they dig this guy up from?
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