Came across a most interesting article by Tom Sunic. This may help clear up some misconceptions about the Germans and Slavs. Please read. Old link not working. Try this one.
The Beauty and the Beast: Race and Racism in Europe, Part III
Some of the highest ranking German generals in the Wehrmacht were of Slavic-German origin. Their family names are clearly Slavic and their skull morphology points to a large variety of all European subracial types, from the Alpine ("ostisch"), the Mediterranean ("westisch") to the Nordic: Hans Hellmich, Curt Badinski, Bruno Chrobeck, Emil Dedek, Heinrich Domansky, Walter Dybilasz, Erich Glodkowski, Kurt Mierzinsky, Adalbert Mikulicz, Bronislaw Pawel, Georg Radziej, Hans Radisch, Franz Zednicek, Walter von Brauchitsch. So were the other high German officers such as the master of panzer warfare, the round-headed Heinz Guderian, who was of distant Armenian origin, or the tall and big-nosed Wilhelm Canaris, who was of Italian/Greek origin. (See the important book by Christopher Dolbeau â€" practically unknown in France â€" Face au Bolchevisme: Petit dictionnaire des résistances nationales àl'Est de l'Europe: 1917â€"1989. (Against Bolshevism: A Little Dictionary of National Resistances in East Europe: 1917â€"1989).
The Beautiful Beast?
To assume, therefore, that the Institute for Racial Hygiene in Germany or the Gestapo were checking the names or the cranial index of high German officials, before admitting them to high military positions is academic lunacy. Yet a type of deliberate lunacy is still alive in some influential anti-German conspiratorial circles in the West and in America. The alleged racism of Germans against Slavs was part and parcel of the Allied propaganda and later of the Frankfurt School, whose goal was to whip up Slavs during and after WWII into anti-German frenzy. By accepting more than one million volunteers from Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovakia, etc. in the Wehrmacht and by allowing half a million non-German European volunteers in the Waffen SS, the German high military command thought it could create its own version of united Europe and successfully fight the war on two fronts.
Even the very bad guys â€" the men most feared by Communists and Jews all over Europe and only trusted by Adolf Hitler in the last year of the war â€" were not quite the paradigms of the "Nazi Nordic" supermen. Or were they? (snip)
Edited by: Bart
The Beauty and the Beast: Race and Racism in Europe, Part III
Some of the highest ranking German generals in the Wehrmacht were of Slavic-German origin. Their family names are clearly Slavic and their skull morphology points to a large variety of all European subracial types, from the Alpine ("ostisch"), the Mediterranean ("westisch") to the Nordic: Hans Hellmich, Curt Badinski, Bruno Chrobeck, Emil Dedek, Heinrich Domansky, Walter Dybilasz, Erich Glodkowski, Kurt Mierzinsky, Adalbert Mikulicz, Bronislaw Pawel, Georg Radziej, Hans Radisch, Franz Zednicek, Walter von Brauchitsch. So were the other high German officers such as the master of panzer warfare, the round-headed Heinz Guderian, who was of distant Armenian origin, or the tall and big-nosed Wilhelm Canaris, who was of Italian/Greek origin. (See the important book by Christopher Dolbeau â€" practically unknown in France â€" Face au Bolchevisme: Petit dictionnaire des résistances nationales àl'Est de l'Europe: 1917â€"1989. (Against Bolshevism: A Little Dictionary of National Resistances in East Europe: 1917â€"1989).
The Beautiful Beast?
To assume, therefore, that the Institute for Racial Hygiene in Germany or the Gestapo were checking the names or the cranial index of high German officials, before admitting them to high military positions is academic lunacy. Yet a type of deliberate lunacy is still alive in some influential anti-German conspiratorial circles in the West and in America. The alleged racism of Germans against Slavs was part and parcel of the Allied propaganda and later of the Frankfurt School, whose goal was to whip up Slavs during and after WWII into anti-German frenzy. By accepting more than one million volunteers from Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovakia, etc. in the Wehrmacht and by allowing half a million non-German European volunteers in the Waffen SS, the German high military command thought it could create its own version of united Europe and successfully fight the war on two fronts.
Even the very bad guys â€" the men most feared by Communists and Jews all over Europe and only trusted by Adolf Hitler in the last year of the war â€" were not quite the paradigms of the "Nazi Nordic" supermen. Or were they? (snip)
Edited by: Bart