Slavs? Germans?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Came across a most interesting article by Tom Sunic. This may help clear up some misconceptions about the Germans and Slavs. Please read. Old link not working. Try this one.

The Beauty and the Beast: Race and Racism in Europe, Part III


Some of the highest ranking German generals in the Wehrmacht were of Slavic-German origin. Their family names are clearly Slavic and their skull morphology points to a large variety of all European subracial types, from the Alpine ("ostisch"), the Mediterranean ("westisch") to the Nordic: Hans Hellmich, Curt Badinski, Bruno Chrobeck, Emil Dedek, Heinrich Domansky, Walter Dybilasz, Erich Glodkowski, Kurt Mierzinsky, Adalbert Mikulicz, Bronislaw Pawel, Georg Radziej, Hans Radisch, Franz Zednicek, Walter von Brauchitsch. So were the other high German officers such as the master of panzer warfare, the round-headed Heinz Guderian, who was of distant Armenian origin, or the tall and big-nosed Wilhelm Canaris, who was of Italian/Greek origin. (See the important book by Christopher Dolbeau â€" practically unknown in France â€" Face au Bolchevisme: Petit dictionnaire des résistances nationales à l'Est de l'Europe: 1917â€"1989. (Against Bolshevism: A Little Dictionary of National Resistances in East Europe: 1917â€"1989).

The Beautiful Beast?

To assume, therefore, that the Institute for Racial Hygiene in Germany or the Gestapo were checking the names or the cranial index of high German officials, before admitting them to high military positions is academic lunacy. Yet a type of deliberate lunacy is still alive in some influential anti-German conspiratorial circles in the West and in America. The alleged racism of Germans against Slavs was part and parcel of the Allied propaganda and later of the Frankfurt School, whose goal was to whip up Slavs during and after WWII into anti-German frenzy. By accepting more than one million volunteers from Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovakia, etc. in the Wehrmacht and by allowing half a million non-German European volunteers in the Waffen SS, the German high military command thought it could create its own version of united Europe and successfully fight the war on two fronts.

Even the very bad guys â€" the men most feared by Communists and Jews all over Europe and only trusted by Adolf Hitler in the last year of the war â€" were not quite the paradigms of the "Nazi Nordic" supermen. Or were they? (snip)
Edited by: Bart


Nov 13, 2005
Interesting article. In my studies of this time I've noticed this issue too, such as the fact that the Sudeten German leader Konrad Henlein's mother was Czech, or that the Gauleiter of Vienna was Odilo Globicnik.
On the other hand, Germany failed to win over the Poles once they conquered that country. A first step might have been to set up a new Polish government, which Mussolini recomended to Hitler that he try to do. Also, when Germany invaded Russia they failed to set up a counter government, which could easily have been staffed, and served as a powerful counterforce to Stalinist propaganda. Imagine if all the millions of Soviet POWs would have had the option to serve under a newly minted anti-Stalinist Russian regime. I believe the volunteer from the POWs, or drafted men from the occupied territories would have flocked to join such a government. Talk about a road not taken.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Poles and Germans freely worked in either country before WWII. So it's logical that many Poles settled in Germany proper. Also Western Poland was German territory for about 50 years. Many famous German athletes have Polish surnames, Litbarski, Nowitzki and others. My own family worked in Silesia which is now Western Poland and I have in laws that fled the Russian invasion of the area.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Here's a book review of:
Heinrich Himmler and the Non-Unique Extermination of Jews and Slavs,
By Jan Peczkis "Scholar and Thinker"

This book includes both biographical and historical information on the thoughts and policies of Reichsfuehrer S. S. Heinrich Himmler. Although written decades before the Holocaust became an exclusive term for the extermination of Jews and was treated as a unique historical event, it contains information that contradicts the premises of uniqueness, specifically the view that only Jews were targeted for extermination and that the Third Reich had a singular mission of exterminating EVERY possible Jew in its grasp (as, for example, advanced by Yehuda Bauer and Steven T. Katz).

Much detail is provided about Himmler's decisive rejection of his onetime Catholic faith and his strong antagonism towards Christianity in general (p. 41, 70-71, 80-81, 176, etc.). In fact, the vituperative character of Nazi anti-Catholic propaganda rivaled that of its anti-Semitic propaganda (p. 80). Himmler, ironically, at one time resorted to occultists for guidance (p. 207). In common with other Nazis, Himmler also supported sexual promiscuity at least insofar as it enhanced the productivity of German women (p. 97).

When did the Nazis actually decide to engage in the genocide of Jews? Frischauer (pp. 127-128) discusses the difficulties of arriving at a clear answer. But, against the widespread view that this decision was made at Wannsee in early 1942, Frischauer (p. 128) cites testimony that makes both Himmler and Hitler responsible for this decision much earlier, in fact shortly after the conquest of Poland in 1939 (p. 128).

Pointedly, German Nazi obsessions were not limited to Jews. Although restrictions were eventually relaxed for practical purposes, membership in the S. S. initially required proof of absence of either Jewish or Slavic blood in one's lineage going at least as far back as 1750 (p. 32). Himmler strongly opposed the notion, advanced by Alfred Rosenberg, that Slavs should be won over as permanent collaborators of the Reich (p. 150, 190).

The modern notion that Jews were to be unique victims was foreign to Himmler's thinking. The exploitation of both Jewish and Slavic forced labor went hand-in-hand with each other: "Manpower shortages had already forced Himmler to postpone the `final solution' and preserve `inferior types' as labour slaves." (p. 210). Himmler (p. 86) is described as having a "preoccupation with eastern `living space'" for Germans, and he repeatedly mentions Jews and Slavs disdainfully in the same sentence: "...Himmler looked upon the Jews and the Slavs and failed to feel any compunction, far less sympathy or mercy, towards them." (p. 150). Also: "To regard other races, particularly Slavs and Jews, as inferior was the logical conclusion at which the young Nazi hopefuls were expected to arrive almost automatically." (p. 42).

The Polish and Czech intelligentsia were exterminated (p. 149), and the genocide of Slavs intensified after the invasion of the Soviet Union: "It is not surprising under the circumstances that Soviet civilians and prisoners of war were subjected to the same treatment as Jews...Jews, Russians--what was the difference?" (pp. 164-165).

Of course, owing at least partly to the fact that there were vastly more Slavs than Jews, the two could not be all exterminated at the same time. However, the eventual German exterminatory intention against the Slavs is clear: "There were obviously too many Slavs in the east to allow the Germans to move in and to live on the fat of the land. Some of them might be useful as slaves to work for their S. S. masters, but many of them, perhaps many millions, would have to disappear. Those with `Indo-Germanic' roots he hoped to lead back into the Nordic-German fold, to Germanize them or their offspring. But the rest--and only one or two of his friends knew what was in his mind--might have to be exterminated." (p. 98). Initial plans, discussed by Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski (Zalewski), called for the extermination of 30 million Slavs (p. 148). Apart from that, methods were also being developed for the mass, covert sterilization of thousands of people daily (pp. 183-184), with some three million Soviet POWs to be the first large-scale victims.

Adolf Hitler is repeatedly quoted as saying that, regardless of who won the war, the Jews would face complete extermination (p. 236). But it is obvious, even within the context of the information presented just in this one book, that "all" did not literally mean ALL. For example, Himmler was willing for Austrian Jews to go free if Americans agreed to pay their way (p. 111). Also, the former Swiss President visited Germany to plead for the release of captive Jews, with the following results: "He had persuaded Himmler to give his consent, but the plan had collapsed when Himmler had sought Hitler's approval. `Not unless the Swiss pay for these Jews, so that we can buy some lorries for the Wehrmacht of Switzerland!' was Hitler's blackmailing reply." (p. 237). The fact that Himmler and even Hitler himself were willing to spare Jews in exchange for bribes refutes the claim, advanced for example by Steven T. Katz, that Jews were invariably targeted for complete extermination and that the extermination of Jews was the highest (let alone singular) goal of the Third Reich, much less that at the expense of all other considerations!
Edited by: jaxvid


Nov 25, 2004
More fairy tales from a "scholar and thinker." No written order to exterminate the Jews was ever found nor of any plan to exterminate Slavs. The allies had broke the German code and were listening to their plans for years and no such plan ever surfaced. Hitler wasn't all that shy and secretative about his racial beliefs. I suggest that you dissect his own written or recorded spoken words on the issue.

Part of the problem of with discussing what so and so thought of Slavs is the difference between being culturally Slavic and racially Slavic. What's considered the Slavic race is so mixed and diverse that it's difficult to even discuss the issue because no one is talking on the same grounds. In short, Slavic culturally is not the same as Slavic racially, and Slavic racially lacks a universally accepted definition.

From what I have read on Hitler own words, he had no intention of either exterminating Slavs or Germanizing them. He saw the Slavic movement as a racially diverse movement that would eventually infect the purity of German (Pure Nordic) genes and bring about their own genocide. He certainly was aware that a lot of Slavic peoples (culturally) were racially the same as pure Germans and many were not. Since he was clear that he saw race as purely genetic, I'm sure that Slavic people that shared German genes would have been the same as German in his book. That's why he wrote about actual physcially distinquishable traits when determining race.

It's undenable that the further East and South you go of Germany, or nearly anywhere else in the world, that the purity of white genes lessens. While a more "diverse" race wanted to move West towards Germany, Hitler wanted to push them back East. Let's remember that WWI started because a Slavic people wanted independence in Yugoslavia. How soon would it be before some people wanted a chunk of Austria or even Germany? All in all its a very complicated issue that should have been left for the people living on the ground to fight out amungst themselves.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
More fairy tales from a "scholar and thinker." No written order to exterminate the Jews was ever found nor of any plan to exterminate Slavs. The allies had broke the German code and were listening to their plans for years and no such plan ever surfaced. Hitler wasn't all that shy and secretative about his racial beliefs. I suggest that you dissect his own written or recorded spoken words on the issue.

Part of the problem of with discussing what so and so thought of Slavs is the difference between being culturally Slavic and racially Slavic. What's considered the Slavic race is so mixed and diverse that it's difficult to even discuss the issue because no one is talking on the same grounds. In short, Slavic culturally is not the same as Slavic racially, and Slavic racially lacks a universally accepted definition.

From what I have read on Hitler own words, he had no intention of either exterminating Slavs or Germanizing them. He saw the Slavic movement as a racially diverse movement that would eventually infect the purity of German (Pure Nordic) genes and bring about their own genocide. He certainly was aware that a lot of Slavic peoples (culturally) were racially the same as pure Germans and many were not. Since he was clear that he saw race as purely genetic, I'm sure that Slavic people that shared German genes would have been the same as German in his book. That's why he wrote about actual physcially distinquishable traits when determining race.

It's undenable that the further East and South you go of Germany, or nearly anywhere else in the world, that the purity of white genes lessens. While a more "diverse" race wanted to move West towards Germany, Hitler wanted to push them back East. Let's remember that WWI started because a Slavic people wanted independence in Yugoslavia. How soon would it be before some people wanted a chunk of Austria or even Germany? All in all its a very complicated issue that should have been left for the people living on the ground to fight out amungst themselves.

I was waiting for you to "Poop" on that post. Once again you deny the written word that is backed by research with an unsubstantiated accusation.

You also go back and forth, you say Hitler had no intention of killing Slavs yet you then state that he felt they would "infect" the "purity" of German genes, sheesh! The information I provided shows the enmity that Germans in the Third Reich had for Slavs, the actual history shows the killing that was done to them and yet you still deny it because "From what I have read on Hitler own words" tells you so. What do you have? special emails from the fuhrer himself?

And you also get off a castefootball all-time whopper with: "It's undeniable that the further East and South you go of Germany, or nearly anywhere else in the world, that the purity of white genes lessens." Nope sorry, the purest white genes are in Ireland and Scotland, they make the German white genes look like baboon genes in comparison.

Germans were slobbering animals while the rest of Europe was creating the great societies of antiquity, Germans came to the table late and f'ed it up for everyone else by trying to take over the whole show and opening the door for the anti-white world of today.

I know you agree with me now so that's all I have to say about it.


Nov 25, 2004
Obviously you have dug your heels in on this issue because I hurt your feelings in our last admittedly less than civil discussion. I won't respond to all the things I see in your last post because I'd rather not have someone elses thread locked again. Just don't let your anger make you look foolish. We've both already name-called and looked the fools for it. I probably overreacted a few days ago to a disagreement and a little bit of what I thought was unwarranted ridicule. Let's keep it academic and keep the thread open.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
My feelings weren't hurt, I like heated debate. But I know Nazi stuff is bad for the site so......I'm done.
Aug 29, 2009
jaxvid said:
What do you have? special emails from the fuhrer himself?
</div><div>There were loads of Slavs in service to The Reich in the Waffen SS!!! (

Nope sorry, the purest white genes are in Ireland and Scotland, they make the German white genes look like baboon genes in comparison.
</div><div>Laugh out loud!</div><div>
</div><div>The British Isles have seen waves of immigrants through out all of History. First semitic Phoenicians, then Normans, Germanic Angles, Saxons, and even Norse Vikings! Also the British Isles have been crawling with semitic hook-nosed, beady-eyed Jews since that race-traitor Cromwell let them back in!</div><div>
</div><div>The place is a racial pig pen for cying out loud!</div><div>
</div><div>Heck even Queen Elizabeth 2 is partially German! </div><div>
</div><div>The location of the most homogenous White Genetics is Iceland! (

Germans were slobbering animals while the rest of Europe was creating the great societies of antiquity, Germans came to the table late and f'ed it up for everyone else by trying to take over the whole show and opening the door for the anti-white world of today.

I am half-German and this is the biggest pile of dung ever! One needs only to read the High Praise given to the German Tribes by Tacitus in his ethnographic work 'Germania' to prove this misguided assertion wrong!! (</div>


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Gentlemen, the British Isles AND Germania have strong traditions and heritage of the White race, so we need not squabble amongst ourselves. Our strength on CF is our unity against the caste system, cultural Marxists & the Globalist Elite who empower them!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Rehol Doommace said:
jaxvid said:
 What do you have? special emails from the fuhrer himself?
<div></div><div>There were loads of Slavs in service to The Reich in the Waffen SS!!! ( )
Nope sorry, the purest white genes are in Ireland and Scotland, they make the German white genes look like baboon genes in comparison.
</div><div></div><div>Laugh out loud!</div><div></div><div>The British Isles have seen waves of immigrants through out all of History.  First semitic Phoenicians, then Normans, Germanic Angles, Saxons, and even Norse Vikings!  Also the British Isles have been crawling with semitic hook-nosed, beady-eyed Jews since that race-traitor Cromwell let them back in!</div><div></div><div>The place is a racial pig pen for cying out loud!</div><div></div><div>Heck even Queen Elizabeth 2 is partially German!  </div><div></div><div>The location of the most homogenous White Genetics is Iceland! ( )
Germans were slobbering animals while the rest of Europe was creating the great societies of antiquity, Germans came to the table late and f'ed it up for everyone else by trying to take over the whole show and opening the door for the anti-white world of today.
I am half-German and this is the biggest pile of dung ever!  One needs only to read the High Praise given to the German Tribes by Tacitus in his ethnographic work 'Germania' to prove this misguided assertion wrong!!  ( )</div>

I was kidding about the Germans, and you're right about everything else, you have changed my mind, I agree completely, there is nothing else to say on the issue. Welcome to the board.


Apr 27, 2005
I visited the Dachau concentration camp last Fall and came away with this thought. The Nazis imprisoned and killed anyone, including Germans, that did not support the Nazi party. Of the prisoners killed there, only about 1/3 were Jews (according to camp records). The rest were political prisoners, POWs, etc from over 30 different countries, including thousands of full blooded Germans. While you all can argue the semantics of the Nazi extermination programs, it is my opinion that the Nazis' goal was to exterminate anyone that did not support Nazi politics, no matter their race, culture, or ethnicity.

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
Germans were slobbering animals while the rest of Europe was creating the great societies of antiquity, Germans came to the table late and f'ed it up for everyone else by trying to take over the whole show and opening the door for the anti-white world of today

I'm part German and I think this is one of the most retarded sentences I have ever read on castefootball by a member. Blaming the defeated Germans for mass third world immigration???? It was the Allies that illegally made slaves out of millions of German POWs for years, after the war ended. It was the Allies that opened the flood gates for massive third world immigration, to blame it on the Germans is beyond grasping at straws. The Nazis correctly identified the true enemy of the White race..the Jews.

Look at America, it needed no rebuilding after the war but it is now filled with third world people. The same would have happened to Europe without ever having been in WW2. All evidence points toward the radical Jews for massive third world immigration around the world, the Nazis correctly identified the problem and now get blamed for it is a full 180 degree twist of logic. I wonder what the "victorious Allies" countries will look like a mere 100 years after the great defeat of "evil Germany". It is not much of a victory when White people are on the endangered species list.It has been almost 65 years since the Nazis have been around, what other current problems can we blame on them?

The whole WW2 evil Nazis, holocaust fairy tale has got to go before White people will ever shed the yoke of Jewish power, White guilt and minority take-over. The fairy tale of WW2 will always be used a weapon against White people. This issue needs to be confronted not covered-up, the truth needs to be told.

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
Most of the people that died in Dachau died of typhus. It was not a death camp, at first the allies tried to falsely claim gas chambers existed but were proven wrong. If the Germans wanted to kill everyone that did not support them why did so many survive? The Nazis had them rounded up it would have been pretty easy to kill them all. Even to this day it is estimated that 350,000 survivors are still alive.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Rehol Doommace said:
The British Isles have seen waves of immigrants through out all of History. First semitic Phoenicians, then Normans, Germanic Angles, Saxons, and even Norse Vikings! Also the British Isles have been crawling with semitic hook-nosed, beady-eyed Jews since that race-traitor Cromwell let them back in

The Phoenicians never settled in Britain. Much has been written about them trading there, but it happened infrequently. They focused more on the Mediterranean and to a lesser degree, the west coast of Spain and France.

1) The original Britons who built Stonehenge, 2) Picts, 3) two waves of Celts during the first millennium BC, 4) Romans, 5) Saxons, 6) Angles, 7) Jutes, 8) Danes, and 9) Normans made up the racial mix in Britain from 1066 to the seventeenth century.

From 1650 to 1900, some Gypsies and Jews arrived in Britain, and in the 20th century, the UK has been overrun by negroes, Chinese and especially by South Asians.

The Republic of Ireland still has a mostly white population. Edited by: Parody

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Mr. Lutefisk and Rehol Doommace,

i don't want to speak for jaxvid, but i am thinking his statements were completely sarcastic in nature and were meant to make a point through humor by being over-the-top ridiculous.

of course, humor and sarcasm don't always translate well in the written word, which is likely the cause for the misunderstanding.

just my two cents.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I said I was kidding about the Germans. I was responding to the idea that the Germans were the pure "white" genes and the farther you went from Germany the less pure the white genes are. I think that's ridiculous so yes I responded in a ridiculous fashion.

As far as Germans/Slavs, I don't know, just what I read. Maybe it's wrong, I agree with Steve B, they probably killied people that opposed them first, it's how all governments work.


Nov 25, 2004
"It's undenable that the further East and South you go of Germany, or nearly anywhere else in the world, that the purity of white genes lessens."

That's my exact words and certainly not "ridiculous" by any reasonable standards. Scotland and Ireland are North and West of Germany, not the exact opposite - South and East. I was clearly generalizing also.

I have no special emails to Hitler. He wrote a well-read book called "Mein Kamf." He made numerous recorded speeches, was televised, and had his secret orders intercepted by the allies. What is ridiculous is that this important historical topic gets some people so uptight that it is almost considered too taboo to discuss - even on this site! I hope we never ever become like some watered-down mainstream media site, or one that finds it OK to bash blacks, muslims, chicanos, and liberals but never questions the aspects of the holocaust when they are brought up. I can take constructive criticism - in fact I like to engage in it as long as it remains constructive and isn't questioned with the "its bad for the site" stuff. The only thing that is bad for the site is being afraid to offend somebody because of an opinion that is well within the posting guidelines and being uncivil in disagreement. I'll try to defend myself without any blatant bashing from now on even when I think I'm being bashed.


Apr 27, 2005
Mr. Lutefisk said:
Most of the people that died in Dachau died of typhus. It was not a death camp, at first the allies tried to falsely claim gas chambers existed but were proven wrong. If the Germans wanted to kill everyone that did not support them why did so many survive? The Nazis had them rounded up it would have been pretty easy to kill them all. Even to this day it is estimated that 350,000 survivors are still alive.
I don't deny that many died of typhus at Dachau, but to say that a gas chamber did not exist there is stupid. I walked through the damn thing. It was obvious what the room was used for. It was right next to the crematorium where they took the bodies out and burned them. Have you ever been to a concentration camp?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

have you ever seen the simple, but hard-hitting, documentary by David Cole? you can see it by clicking here. Cole is a Jew who questioned the validity of the claims made about the gas chambers you mentioned, so he went there and filmed his tour. and his questions.

his documentary thoroughly debunks the many myths associated with Nazi death gas chambers.

not surprisingly, Cole had his life threatened by fellow jews shortly after going public with his views, and apologized. but he never refuted the facts he presented in his documentary or other works.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div> </div>
<div>have you ever seen the simple, but hard-hitting, documentary by David Cole? you can see it by clicking here. Cole is a Jew who questioned the validity of the claims made about the gas chambers you mentioned, so he went there and filmed his tour. and his questions.

Very interesting Jimmy. Truth seekers should also aquaint themselves with the works of Dr. Fred Toben. He has been hounded and imprisoned for daring to examine the facts. Check out videos before it becomes a crime to do so.
Aug 29, 2009
Jimmy Chitwood said:
of course, humor and sarcasm don't always translate well in the written word, which is likely the cause for the misunderstanding.
<div>just my two cents.</div>
</div><div>Well then use &lt;sarcasm&gt; tags around the post then!
</div><div>Here is an example:</div><div>
</div><div>&lt;sarcasm on&gt; 'Vick is the greatest afflete eva'! &lt;sarcasm off&gt;


Nov 25, 2004
SteveB said:
Mr. Lutefisk said:
Most of the people that died in Dachau died of typhus. It was not a death camp, at first the allies tried to falsely claim gas chambers existed but were proven wrong. If the Germans wanted to kill everyone that did not support them why did so many survive? The Nazis had them rounded up it would have been pretty easy to kill them all. Even to this day it is estimated that 350,000 survivors are still alive.
I don't deny that many died of typhus at Dachau, but to say that a gas chamber did not exist there is stupid. I walked through the damn thing. It was obvious what the room was used for. It was right next to the crematorium where they took the bodies out and burned them. Have you ever been to a concentration camp?

I, myself, have never toured a concentration camp. I have toured the Magic Kingdom, but I still don't believe that Jimminy Cricket is a real talking cricket. Crematoriums exist in every decently sized city in this country, but that does not tranlate into a holocaust. Besides, I thought Dachau was a camp in West Germany where homicidal gas chambers are now admitted to have never been used. Besides, why would Germans in the middle of brutal war that they were losing try to find expensive inefficient ways of killing people? If they wanted to kill everyone under their own control then they were pretty darn bad at it. Why wouldn't they kill people like their enemies, the Bolsheviks, killed millions of Germans and Russian Christians - with a bullet to the back of their head wherever they found them - or simple starvation? Or they could have used the method that American Lt. Bushyhead used to on Germans at Dachau after liberation - line them up and machine gun hundreds all at once. Did they tell you that on your tour? If not, maybe you should ask yourself why they didn't. How much of Dachau was "reconstructed" to fit the propaganda?

You know they gave Germans tours of these concentration camps immediately after the war. They showed how the Germans used Jewish skin for lampshades, shrunken heads, Jew-fat soap etc. All of that has been exposed as a lie and those claims are no longer made - at least by any reputiable historians. I'm convinced that not one person was killed in any ficticious gas chamber during WWII. After all Germans had the most sophisticated and largest supply of real chemicals warfare available to them and they refused to use it on their enemies even as their own country was being overrun and their cities fire-bombed. It just doens't make sense. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Jun 3, 2009
Bart said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:


<div>have you ever seen the simple, but hard-hitting, documentary by David Cole? you can see it by clicking here. Cole is a Jew who questioned the validity of the claims made about the gas chambers you mentioned, so he went there and filmed his tour. and his questions.

Very interesting Jimmy. Truth seekers should also aquaint themselves with the works of Dr. Fred Toben. He has been hounded and imprisoned for daring to examine the facts. Check out videos before it becomes a crime to do so.
</div><div>What's funny is how the tour guide frikken' lies about numerous "facts", and the other people associated with the camp all have different stories about the "renovations". Looks to me, when the Russian's went in they made it look a lot worse than it was.</div>


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
This is a powerfully-built White man from Ireland. That's purity.

I'm posting this because I'm confused by some of the discussion, and I don't seek to imply something towards anyone because I'm not sure they were talking about Ireland in the first place.

Nonetheless, in the age of the TanEveryman, an argument can be made that fairer skin is crucial to the survival of the White race. All the tanning-bed nonsense needs to stop, that's for sure. Be proud of your coloring like the man in the video I posted!