
An article entitled ""Man"Â￾ And "California Woman"Â￾ Convicted In Sex Trafficking"

When I saw these headlines"Man Found Guilty for Forcing Women and Juveniles into Prostitution"Â￾ and "California Woman Sentenced to More Than Three Years in Prison for Human Trafficking Charge,"Â￾ on the DOJ website, I thought "I bet there's something those headlines aren't telling us."Â￾ It turns out that the "Man"Â￾ is a Mexicanâ€"not a Hispanic, or Mexican-American, but an actual Mexican "of Mexico"Â￾ who is facing life i prison for forcing young illegal immigrant girls into prostitution. The California woman is actually a Chinese woman. Oh, it's possible she's acquired American citizenship, since they're not talking about deporting her, but she's Chineseâ€"that's how she could go to China and recruit a Chinese victim. She's getting 37 months on "forced labor"Â￾ charges, since her victim "provided cooking, cleaning and child care services"Â￾ instead of being forced into prostitution.
Dear Michael,
How do you keep coming up with the worst posts ever?

whiteCB said:
Dear Michael,
How do you keep coming up with the worst posts ever?

I like his posts,
An article entitled "Clinton/Bush aided Albanian Muslims at center of white sex slavery."

The end result of US military intervention in Europe is sex slavery, drug trafficking, and Jihadists.
by Kyle Rogers

Muslim Albanians (whom the Clinton administration fought a war to help set up an Islamic rouge state in the Balkans) have lured tens of thousands of Moldovan ladies into sex slavery in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Israel, and elsewhere.

The Clinton administration bombed Christian Serbs to aid Muslim Albanians, most of whom were illegal aliens, in taking over Albania. Now Albanian Muslims have flooded into Macedonia, Greece, Italy, and elsewhere. They now overwhelmingly dominate drug trafficking and white slavery in Europe. Some have even set up shop in the United States.

Over the past twenty years as many as 10% of all Moldovan woman have been lured into a life of prostitution or outright sex slavery.

Sounds very much like the "Russian" Mafia that is really Jewish!
whiteCB said:
Dear Michael,
How do you keep coming up with the worst posts ever?

Yeah I know this is happy hour and things are always bleak with this guy...
Edited by: white is right
Michael said:
An article entitled "Clinton/Bush aided Albanian Muslims at center of white sex slavery."

The end result of US military intervention in Europe is sex slavery, drug trafficking, and Jihadists.
by Kyle Rogers

Muslim Albanians (whom the Clinton administration fought a war to help set up an Islamic rouge state in the Balkans) have lured tens of thousands of Moldovan ladies into sex slavery in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Israel, and elsewhere.

The Clinton administration bombed Christian Serbs to aid Muslim Albanians, most of whom were illegal aliens, in taking over Albania. Now Albanian Muslims have flooded into Macedonia, Greece, Italy, and elsewhere. They now overwhelmingly dominate drug trafficking and white slavery in Europe. Some have even set up shop in the United States.

Over the past twenty years as many as 10% of all Moldovan woman have been lured into a life of prostitution or outright sex slavery.

Sounds very much like the "Russian" Mafia that is really Jewish!

This is seen inthe film "Taken". Liam Neeson has to show these scum bags whats up.. Its too bad that we(The U.S.) has to meddle in every other countries affairs.
From what I have read Moldovian women are overwhelmingly foreign prostitutes in Asia and Europe. I saw a documentary on pimps luring these women to work as domestic servants and then forcing them to be prostitutes in Turkey.
Michael said:
An article entitled "Afghanistan: Women Are Commonly Bought and Sold"

For the diversity file: in Afghanistan (which Washington wants to improve) women and girls are sold just like animals. Islam says that oppressing females is the right of men, so nothing is changing on that front.

The Muslims won't take this gal without incurring casualties:
Ann Barnhardt

Cattle commodity trader by day.
And anti-Muslim and anti-Obama warrior as time allows, since 2008. And trying to urge the real men to step forward and play their rightful role of leadership.

She's the bomb. I'd like to see her go through the Talmud, as she did on the Koran. Maybe she will do so yet, because she seems to be a work in progress (as are we all).

Edited by: Observer
Africa has a long, long history of slavery. African Blacks were slave owners for hundreds of years before the European and Jewish Americans broughtblackslavesover to the USA. The European and Jewish slave traders bought african blacks from the African black slave owners.

The Arabs also were slave owners and slave traders. Arabs owned black and European slaves. Muslim pirates would raid the coasts of Europeto capture European men, women, and children who would be then brought to north africa to be sold and used as slaves.

Jews also have a long history of slave traders and slave owners. I have read that Jews would capture slavic people, then sell those slavic slavesto arabs. In the Old American South, jews also owned black slaves. Jews also owned and staffed many of the slave ships that brought black africans over the USA.

But the media in the USA and Europe only talk about European slave owners, ignoring the Black, Arab and Jewish slave owners and traders. The point is to use the issue of slavery to demonize European peoples. I wonder which media owning ethnic group is behind that?
Prior to what is called the African slave trade Arab and African slavers raided Europe as far north as Iceland to capture Caucasian slaves to sell in Africa. Somehow this never seems to arise as a topic in most academic discussions of the slave trade.
An article entitled "Florida's JD Alexanderâ€" Blueberry Emperor Of The New Plantocracy

What is most striking about the modern Slave Power is how it uses the same Antebellum arguments to thwart the democratic will. (I should say here that I speak as a son of the South who would have supported Southern independence for other reasons).

(1) There are jobs that Americans won't do.

In the nineteenth century, slaveowners argued that a degraded "mudsill" class was necessary to "do the jobs that no self respecting White man would do."

(2) Restricting immigration will injure the economy.

In the nineteenth century, slaveowners argued for reopening the African slave trade on the grounds that an artificial labor shortage was hurting the Southern economy.

(3) The people cannot be trusted.

In the nineteenth century, slaveowners argued against expanding the franchise and in favor of reserving important public policy decisions to elites. South Carolina was the most undemocratic state in the Union.

(4) They are our people.

In the nineteenth century, slaveowners often looked down on the "rednecks" and "peckerwoods"â€"the non-slaveowners who lived in the Southern hill country and piney woods areasâ€"and adopted a paternalistic attitude toward "their people." Hispanic family values, anyone?

(5) The highest principles of Christianity and morality are advanced by this economic system.

In the nineteenth century, slaveowners were convinced that they were the real humanitarians and the real Christians. They used moral, humanitarian, and theological arguments to defend slavery against its free labor critics.

Sound familiar?

Indeed, it almost sounds at times like Sen. JD Alexander of Florida has read the original pro-slavery script, John C. Calhoun's Slavery: A Positive Good.

There are echoes of Calhoun in Alexander's idea that only illegal aliens from Latin America are fit to pick blueberriesâ€"even though Floridians drive into the countryside to pick their own blueberries on U-Pick farms all the time.
An article entitled " Travellers 'who kept, beat and starved slaves were organised crime ring running the family business'"

An article entitled " Gypsies held 24 whites as slaves in London. MEDIA CENSORS."

Gypsies living in London kidnapped and held 24 white men in cages and forced them to work 12 hour days re-blacktopping driveways. One man was found stuffed into a small cage full of dog feces. Another man is believed to have been a slave for fifteen years.

Media outlets in the US and Europe are blatantly lying about the race of the perpetrators. The New York Daily news calls the perps “Irish travelers.â€￾ They are Eurasian Gypsies who migrated from northern India to the Ottaman Empire and then into Europe hundreds of years ago.
I noticed the media is either lazy or stupid when it comes to travellers(Irish) and Roma(Gypsies). Both are labeled together, when they are seperate non-related ethnic groups. When it comes to scams they may work together but by blood they are completely different. Case in point in English boxing both groups have contributed to boxing because it draws from the lower classes. Zelko Mavrovic was trained by an ethnic Roma trainer named Joe "Darkie" Smith who looked East Indian. Tyson Fury is a traveller (too pale and Irish looking to be a Roma), yet the media claims he is a gypsy?
I always wondered if a traveler or gypsy is another term for tramps and hobos.
An article entitled "Mexican Slavery In Immokalee, Florida"

Both slaves and slavemasters are immigrants, mostly illegal--the example he gives is an illegal Guatemalan victimized by a Mexican.

Immigration enforcemt could free the slaves (and send them back to their home countries) but it's blocked by the National Council of La Raza, the NAACP...and the growers. You know, the people we have called "the New Slave Power"?
An article entitled "Horrific white slavery uncovered in Chicago."

What happens when you have a mayor and a police chief who actively hide and make excuses for black crime?

The owner of a Chicago spa, a black man, was convicted of holding three white females as sex slaves. The women where lured to the US with promises of high paying jobs. Then Alex “Daddyâ€￾ Campbell tattooed them with his moniker, beat them, and held them as slaves.
On tonight's episode of the NBC family tracing show, Who Do You Think You Are? Negro actor Blair Underwood discovers his black ancestor owned two (negro) slaves. Hilarity ensues.
American Freedom News