Silver as an Investment


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Considering the ever decreasing value of the US fiat $, you might think about investing in silver.

I found a pretty interesting article about recent trends and developments that might be of interest to some here.

<center>Silver Leads Gold as Dollar Teeters</font></font>

By: Jim Willie CB</font></center>

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
silver is a great long-term investment. over the short term it could be very volatile. since we are in a debt deflation you want to own lots of cash along with physical gold and silver.

David Morgan said in one of his latest articles that there are only 3 ounces of silver per person in the United States. silver is scarce in the coin store i go to.

owning physical gold and silver is a good idea. the potential for a devaluation of the dollar in the next several years is high.

... if you have any questions send me a private message!
Yes pistol pete, silver has been a long term winner, as has gold. 15 years ago silver was in the $3.50 an ounce range and gold was around $350. Now gold is $900 and silver is close to $14.

Silver is scarce everywhere! There is very little being mined now and many foreign countries are recalling theirs, so its getting even harder to come by. My favorite coin store went out of business last year because the owner died, RIP Dan. Now, I look all over the country for dealers with silver at decent prices, and on ebay as well.
Silver's been surging upward pretty good the past week or so. It's at $14.23 today.

As far as how good an investment it's been, it depends on when you bought it. Considering it was briefly $50 an ounce back in 1980, most people that have bought in the past 28 years have lost money, sometimes a lot. A year ago it went up to $21 before sharply declining.

However, it's pretty much a given that the silver futures market is rigged. Ted Butler has been writing about this for a long time. His articles are worth searching and reading for anyone seriously thinking about investing in silver.

Silver is definitely scarce and the price for the real stuff, as opposed to options and futures, is notably higher than the quoted $14.23. I think it's a good investment, possibly an incredibly good investment, but do the research and don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Gold and silver have both been doing very well over the past year. Gold hit an all-time high yesterday and again today and currently sits at $2,863 an ounce. Silver is still well below its all-time high of $50 a ounce, set when it briefly spiked in 1980 when the Hunt Brothers were trying to corner the market, but it's currently over $32 an ounce, compared to $14.23 in the post above from 2009.

Central banks have been buying gold in record amounts in recent years and silver has more and more vital industrial uses, so the bull market in both precious metals may continue for a while. International tensions are also fueling strong demand.
Gold and silver have both been doing very well over the past year. Gold hit an all-time high yesterday and again today and currently sits at $2,863 an ounce. Silver is still well below its all-time high of $50 a ounce, set when it briefly spiked in 1980 when the Hunt Brothers were trying to corner the market, but it's currently over $32 an ounce, compared to $14.23 in the post above from 2009.

Central banks have been buying gold in record amounts in recent years and silver has more and more vital industrial uses, so the bull market in both precious metals may continue for a while.

If the prices weren't mannipulated by computer the true price would already be between 60 to 100 dollars an ounce. Manipulation that is getting harder and harder to do through the paper silver certificates. Only buy silver and gold that you can hold in a bank or a safe.
Yes, gold and silver have been held down for many years through COMEX manipulation and other unscrupulous actions by various major banks, particularly JP Morgan, but it's breaking down now.

I just noticed Ted Butler passed last year, he wrote a tremendous amount of useful information about silver manipulation over the years, RIP.
Various people have speculated for many years that Fort Knox doesn't hold nearly the amount of gold that the fedgov claims. Now it's going to be audited by DOGE and the findings should be interesting.

Also, the fedgov still values its gold holdings at just $42.22 an ounce whereas IRL it's nearing $3,000 an ounce. There's also speculation that it may finally be revalued at 3k or more, which would help reduce the national debt, which is a major goal of what DOGE is doing. Silver is nearing $33 an ounce; both precious metals still look like good investments, or insurance as others prefer to put it.

I think gold and silver have to be the safest way to go for the average investor like me. I made the mistake of investing a small amount of money into the Lithium market. So I have lost most of my small investment in over a year. That is the chance you take with every stock buy though.
I think gold and silver have to be the safest way to go for the average investor like me. I made the mistake of investing a small amount of money into the Lithium market. So I have lost most of my small investment in over a year. That is the chance you take with every stock buy though.
I'd say the best strategy is not to put too much of one's portfolio into precious metals as both gold and silver go through prolonged bear markets. The current bull market looks set to run for a while but as always no one knows. If the U.S. government revalues the price of gold significantly higher in order to reduce some of the national debt, it could really go on a run as central banks in China and India have been purchasing huge amounts of gold for years now.
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