Should we root for Pacific Islanders

White Power

Feb 25, 2007
I pose this question mainly to Colonel Reb many teams both college and professional have players from Hawaii and American Samoa now I know this site mainly is to support the white athlete. However I follow some teams who have island pacificers and they seem to be fighting an uphill battle as well for playing time and recognition against blacks as well. So I pose the question can we root for Ray Stowers and Vai Funkapinga just to name 2 players that come to mind . I find myself pulling for them they don't get in trouble they're very family oriented and lets face it a part of college and pro football. Your opinions are welcome.
You should root for who you want.

I don't think any success by non-whites helps the cause of white players though. And I think there is a PC caste in their favor also as they are non-white minorities who don't deserve to be in US universities and are only there as part of diversity promotion.
I'm not going to tell you who to root for, White Power. While I do not think Pacific Islanders and Polynesians get the same treatment as blacks, I don't think they are discriminated against anything like whites. There are a few non-white, non-blacks who I like, but not many. I list PI/Polynesians for some teams because I realize they do not get the breaks blacks do, and with the exception of a few teams, they do not make up a significant portion of the starters. For me, if a college team has only black and PI/Polynesian RBs on it, I would rather see the PI/Polynesian do well, but if there is a white RB on the roster, I want him to start. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Yeah root for who you want to no matter what race they are.If people think this site is only about propping up white athletes, while constanly disparaging minorities, then the cause is not going to be taken seriously, and people will write off castefootball as a hate site.
Well we are about propping up white athletes, but we shouldn't be disparaging other races.

Back to the topic; I think I heard somewhere that Somaoans are the most likely group to make it to the NFL percentage wise. I don't really root for them b/c I don't think they get much caste treatment at all. They also are very dark, so drunken fans may perceive them as black. I root for whites or any underdog which would mostly include East Asians (not Somaoans) in football or non-black Hispanics especially small ones. I would pull for Hawaiians though.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Some one pointed out that they should not be allowed in american universities, but last I recall Hawaii is a state and American Samoa is a U. S. territory so how exactly do they not belong in U. S. schools. Now their are quite a bit of them who play and start my question was simply to maybe assume that their are some who don't feel they are a threat to whites in the football game as blacks are. You don't see or hear island Pacificers disparige white players like their black counterparts do so in all honesty I would rather see whites excel before them but if it's between and Isand pacificer or black for the same postion then I tend to root for the island pacificer because at least he's not a gang banging thug who beleives society owes them a living because they can run fast. So I will leave it at that for now.
I didn't say they shouldn't be allowed, I said they don't DESERVE to be there. I'm sure their GPA is too low and the only reason they are admitted is to boost minority enrollment.

Furthermore just because the American Empire is expanding out doesn't make them Americans IMHO. Does every sh*tbag territory that the US absorbs automatically get to draw benefits off of the land my ancestors struggled to develop for their offspring?

Hawaii is a good example. They have turned the 50th "state" into a japanese/pacific islander welfare pit for American tax dollars. They refuse to allow white Americans to settle there but non-white Asians are allowed in. They also want to withdaw from the US and set up a Hawaiian kingdom.

Just try to go to American Samoa, Puerto Rico, or Hawaii and enroll in their universities and they will kick your ass out. Natives only is their policy. I feel the same way about White American lands.

Yeah they're better then black gangbangers, so what? so are the Hmong, I wouldn't cheer for them either.
In general, my list for all sports goes:

1. Normal Whites
2. Wiggers
3. Non-blacks
4. Blacks who have shown themselves to be decent people and that do not hate whites.
Just because I root only for white athletes doesn't mean I disparage athletes of other races. Also, I reject the notion that I can't always root against minorities without attacking them.
Will PIs, as a group, cheer for a white player just because he's good (ie not on their home team)?
If the answer is no, then I have no use for their players either.
It is axiomatic that blacks will not cheer for white players just because they are star players (and sometimes won't cheer for those on their favorite team).
Liverlips said:
In general, my list for all sports goes:

1. Normal Whites
2. Wiggers
3. Non-blacks
4. Blacks who have shown themselves to be decent people and that do not hate whites.

Nice bell curve, lol, lots more 2-3's than 1s n' 4s, at least in the NFL.
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