Should Businesses Be Able to Refuse Service to Minorities?

I've always felt a company has the right to serve whoever it chooses. The free market will dictate whether the company thrives or goes out of business. I would like to see a lot less government involvement in things like this.
I've always felt a company has the right to serve whoever it chooses. The free market will dictate whether the company thrives or goes out of business. I would like to see a lot less government involvement in things like this.

Every business should have the right to decide whether to serve them, or perhaps conclude that "Muh Norities" are more trouble than they're worth.

Of course, that right isn't coming back anytime soon, not in this political environment. A lot of smaller steps would have to happen first, and it's not looking like they have much of a shot either.
A few years ago the restaurant Greg Norman's was fined $100,000 for closing down during black biker week . It is located in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The management also had to take diversity courses .
A few years ago the restaurant Greg Norman's was fined $100,000 for closing down during black biker week . It is located in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The management also had to take diversity courses .

Utterly outrageous! The dirtbag politicians who drummed up such asinine, un-Constitutional BS “laws” should be publicly tarred & feathered!

My god, what a story!!! The cake thing is taking over! Rep. Clark is right, of course. The RIGHT TO CONTRACT -- OR NOT TO is among the most absolutely sacred rights we have, ergo among the most embattled and destroyed in our hellish age. Everything from lunch counters to "open housing" to racial black quarterbacks falls under its aegis. As far as restaurants are concerned, the late segregationist hero Maurice Bessinger offered the perfect solution: each business should choose for itself whether to be for blax, whites, browns (or whatever) or whatever combination thereof -- and the law should butt out. (It was only black and white in Maurice's paradigm and autobiography, because 1950s liberalism never stopped hounding him.)

The commies in power wouldn't have it, of course -- because if there's no social strife they're out of business. But it shows that sensible solutions exist based on liberty and reality.
Businesses should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. It's the owner's right to do what he wants with his property.
American Freedom News