SEC Watch


Mar 16, 2013
I mentioned Iowa starts more white defenders than the entire SEC. Am I right? Also keep in mind there doesn't seem to be any white back ups either. If there are there are only a few. Below is a list of white starters on defense for each team.



Mississippi State-0

Texas A&M-0





South Carolina-0



Now I am not certain on the following. Arkansas who I have not watched this year may have started out with two white defenders but I suspect that is not the case now after briefly glimpsing them recently. So I will split the difference. I don't think Vanderbilt has any? So I will go with the following:




If anyone has additional information that is contrary to what I listed feel free to chime in.

The SEC has made a statement and it is an ugly one. The SEC has been at the forefront of caste and it seems they are digging in even more.
Yes Vanderbilt starts 2 White D-Lineman ....&
Kentucky starts LB Kash Daniel...teams leading Tackler

Not sure about Arkansas

Yeah the SEC has nearly declared a white defender not allowed.
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Year after year during the draft we hear how the SEC is the conference that has the most players drafted so it's no coincidence the NFL mirrors the SEC. It's always fun when Iowa plays an SEC team in a bowl game and crushes them. Love the Big 10 - SEC bowl game match ups.
Around 90-95% of “Southern Ebony Conference” fans are hardcore DWFs. Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of those jock sniffers would be labeled as “rednecks” by the SJW, libtard crowd. Those same (so called) “rednecks” who consider themselves ‘country’ (albeitfauxcountry) are negrophile sports idolators.
Around 90-95% of “Southern Ebony Conference” fans are hardcore DWFs. Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of those jock sniffers would be labeled as “rednecks” by the SJW, libtard crowd. Those same (so called) “rednecks” who consider themselves ‘country’ (albeitfauxcountry) are negrophile sports idolators.

Yes, it's such a blatant contradiction to (((The Narrative))) Americans are constantly fed that almost all Whites are irredeemably anti-black racists. I remember several years ago the area where I live (Western PA) was called the most racist area of the country by some political candidate. In reality this area is packed to the gills with mindless DWFs who live and die by the 80 to 90 percent black Steelers. It's been only the very occasional person locally who comprehends and is interested in combating The Great Replacement taking place, same as everywhere else in this fallen country.
I think a major problem is that politically Blacks simply cannot be ALLOWED to fall beneath their current majority, because all the liberal crybabies, Black and other shades, consider it a Black birthright to constitute the majority of whatever sport they play. If Blacks don't happen to be the most numerously represented ethnic group in a sport, that sport is either written off as racist or not interesting.

Interesting enough, when a "boring" clearly White dominated sport like tennis or golf or swimming or hockey or power lifting or rugby or actual wrestling or surfing or snowboarding or skateboarding or or or or or or or... has a non-White standout player, suddenly that player is awesome and the sport is awesome and the person of color is showing all the incompetent honkeys how it's done.

In a fair world Whites would comprise a wide majority of the NFL but even if a team approaches CLOSE to 50%, here come all the lesbian gay queer Black trans gender neutral "I identify as a puppy" LOSER FREAKS...

I have a feeling that an NFL (or college) team that is about 80% White (or, eff it, even 100% White) that consists of players that most other teams would ignore in the draft or recruiting process, that team would not only win regularly, but would basically be like the prime 1980-1987 Celtics versus the local middle school GIRLS basketball team.

That is a narrative that simply cannot be allowed to happen, just as we are being fed the great lie in education that women and minorities are underrepresented in certain majors because of racism or sexism, when in reality it's simply because White straight guys are a superior group. Sorry not sorry.

Look at all these laughable shows on TV where half or more of all the trauma surgeons in an ER are Black or female.

In reality they're ALL White/Asian/Indian MEN.
3 pale faced defensive starters. Main reason i avoid Plantatation Ball. Loathe this conference.
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