Scofield's KJV: Turning Christians Into Zionists


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Through my own research over the past two years I came to the conclusion that the 1909 Oxford publishing of the Reference Bible by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield was the single biggest reason for the acceptance of Zionism in America during the 20th Century, largely through fundamentalist and (later) evangelical Christian churches. For those of you who may not know about the Scofield KJV Reference Bible, it was THE Bible of many fundamentalists and evangelicals (Judeo-Christians), including many in the King James Only movement. It has also influenced many evangelical church leaders and millions of lay people. When I began to study the way this Bible was made and what it said, I began to discover that C.I. Scofield was influenced by Jews and Zionists who came before him and whose works he read. The infamous Plymouth Brethren, which included the originator of dispensationalist premillenialism John Nelson Darby, were responsible for spreading the idea of a eminent, pre-tribulational rapture of believers in Christ from the earth (the secret rapture). Around the same time, they began to teach that there were distinctions between the New Testament Church and ancient Israel. Scofield popularized two false teachings, the Pre-Tribulation rapture view (rapture mania) and Christian Zionism through twisting many Scriptures in his own "Bible." It seems to me that the Fundamentalists of the early 1900s missed out on this stockpile of theological error when they currycombed much of the modernism and false teachings that they saw around them. Now, Zionism and the pre-trib rapture "contributions" of Scofield are so deeply embedded into Christian and American life that they would be very difficult to remove. Still, some of us are trying! I personally know a couple of Baptist pastors who have exposed some of Scofield's error. While I was doing my own research into Scofield and his teachings, a documentary was being made exposing the false teachings of Scofield as it relates to Zionism. I just found this clip this morning and had to share it and my own findings here. I look forward to getting a copy soon.



Jul 16, 2005
sacred scripture, sacred Tradition, and the magesterium, let these be your guide.


May 10, 2008
moose said:
sacred scripture, sacred Tradition, and the magesterium, let these be your guide.
...and they kind of all work together, mutual cause-and-effect.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I'm LDS, and while I've never really had any issues with Evangelicals per se, I do take issue with "Christian Zionism" which is not really Christian at all. The Jews have found a way to infiltrate the Christian church and have been using trojan horses such as Scofield, Hal Lindsay, Hagee, et al in order to dilute the true meaning of Christs message and replace it with a form of psuedo-Judaism which places an emphasis of racial superiority on the Khazar tribe. Creeps like Hagee even go as far as to say that Christ didn't come to earth to be the messiah and that the Jews won't be punished for not accepting him as their savior because salvation was "never offered to them" What a load of crap! I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it was revealed that this fat turd Hagee was on the CIA payroll


Mar 23, 2009
Lance Alworth said:
I'm LDS, and while I've never really had any issues with Evangelicals per se, I do take issue with "Christian Zionism" which is not really Christian at all. The Jews have found a way to infiltrate the Christian church and have been using trojan horses such as Scofield, Hal Lindsay, Hagee, et al in order to dilute the true meaning of Christs message and replace it with a form of psuedo-Judaism which places an emphasis of racial superiority on the Khazar tribe. Creeps like Hagee even go as far as to say that Christ didn't come to earth to be the messiah and that the Jews won't be punished for not accepting him as their savior because salvation was "never offered to them" What a load of crap! I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it was revealed that this fat turd Hagee was on the CIA payroll

Good post. Christians today wrongly believe the Jews of today are the Israelites in the bible. Not so. They are Ashkenazi/ Khazarian, and have links to Jesuits and virtually every other not-so-secret secret society. Even the Vatican has been infiltrated (supposedly since 1958).


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks for the input everyone! I'm glad this topic managed to generate at least a little bit of interest.
Dec 9, 2007
Yeah, the Christian Zionists are scary. They promote a great big holy war to bring about the End Times on the one hand, and on the other hand are secretly working with other religions (Pope, Dalai Lama, Scientology) to promote a Luciferian One World Religion.This is part of the "falling away" of Revelation.

In the last days the Bible's book of Revelation speaks clearly of the mark of the Beast (which is the microchip). Today's corporate churches won't even talk about this.But the KJV clearly states that one should not take the mark. In the last days before Jesus Christ comes back there will be frauds which will probably be promoted by today's bogus churches. The false preachers will be the ones pushing the microchip, Luciferianism, and will be the ones herding us into concentration camps. All those big guys are either members of secret societies or are CIA or tied to those movements. For example, Billy Graham is a high level Freemason.

I have a KJV and it is the only one I read.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Do not confuse Christian Zionists for solo scriptura Christian Evangelicals.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
...and don't confuse the Judeo-"Christians" w/ fundementalist KJV/Geneva minded Baptists like the good Colonel & myself.


Aug 27, 2008
pistol pete said:
DixieDestroyer said:
...and don't confuse the Judeo-"Christians" w/ fundementalist KJV/Geneva minded Baptists like the good Colonel & myself.


Can anyone explain the difference? I am not trying to be a jerk, but in my area (North Alabama), Baptist=Zionist. I have never seen one exception. They also never stand against Jewish control over our country, no matter how obvious it is.

Is this another branch of baptists?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
DWFan said:
pistol pete said:
DixieDestroyer said:
...and don't confuse the Judeo-"Christians" w/ fundementalist KJV/Geneva minded Baptists like the good Colonel & myself.


Can anyone explain the difference? I am not trying to be a jerk, but in my area (North Alabama), Baptist=Zionist. I have never seen one exception. They also never stand against Jewish control over our country, no matter how obvious it is.

Is this another branch of baptists?

In most cases, Baptists of all stripes (fundamentalists and evangelicals) are Zionists to varying degrees, but not all. I think the difference is obvious, but you won't usually find it on a church by church basis (there are a few exceptions). You'll most often find these differences of belief on an individual basis. Some supersessionists (aka replacement, covenant, or fulfillment theology) view Christians as God's chosen people because of the Jews rejection of Christ while he was one earth. Other supersessionists see the Old Testament covenant with the Jews as being superseded. These views aren't bound to any particular denomination of Christians. Feel free to add to that Dixie or anyone else.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Glad it helped, DWFan!


May 10, 2008
Colonel_Reb said:
Through my own research over the past two years I came to the conclusion that the 1909 Oxford publishing of the Reference Bible by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield was the single biggest reason for the acceptance of Zionism in America during the 20th Century, largely through fundamentalist and (later) evangelical Christian churches.
Thanks Colonel, for this topic. I know only a little about how modern Zionism developed in America, but I do know some things about how the historical environment was formed in several European countries that may have eventually made Zionism more likely to succeed when it did finally arrive in its modern form. An Internet search on a term such as "Protestantism revolutionary Judaism" will pull up some information.

It was of course not the same situation in every country, but as a minority people who really does not wish to become a diluted majority, the Jews have had a historical tendency to be revolutionaries against the established cultural and political order. In the Catholic countries of Europe since the mid-1500's, this sometimes meant aligning themselves against the established monarchy, and building an alliance with the new revolutionaries on the block -- the Protestants. (An example of this revolutionary spirit in a non-Christian environment was that of the "Young Turks" at the end of the Ottoman Empire -- basically, Jewish "conversos" to Islam.)

Here's one account of the Jewish revolutionary spirit as it played out in the Anglo environment of Puritan England:

The Revolutionary Jew and His Impact on World History
The Jewish/Puritan Alliance

The Jewish/Puritan alliance was born in a mutual rejection of the cross and all it stood for, and the substitution of King David or Simon bar Kokhba or Sabbetai Sevi or Oliver Cromwell or Napoleon Bonaparte as an alternative to the suffering Christ. The Jews were so enamored of Cromwell as a potential Messiah that they sent a delegation to examine his baptismal records in Huntington, to see if he were descended from the lineage of King David. Cromwell, as Graetz points out, was driven to consummate this revolutionary alliance between Jews and Puritans on both the theoretical and the practical level:

"To bury oneself in the history, prophecy, and poetry of the Old Testament, to revere them as divine inspiration, to live in them with every emotion, yet not to consider the people who had originated all this glory and greatness as preferred and chosen was impossible. Among the Puritans, therefore, were many earnest admirers of "God's people" and Cromwell was one of them. . . ."

The consummation of this revolutionary alliance against the Catholic Church and Catholic countries like Spain involved, in other words, not only rummaging through the Bible for images that would justify regicide, it also entailed bringing Jews, so recently expelled from the Iberian peninsula, out of their temporary home in the low countries into the land now governed by the Puritan saints. According to Graetz:

"A desire was excited in the hearts of the Puritans to see this living wonder, the Jewish people, with their own eyes, to bring Jews to England, and, by making them part of the theocratic community about to be established, stamp it with the seal of completion. The sentiments of the Puritans towards the Jews were expressed in Oliver Cromwell's observation, "Great is my sympathy with this poor people, whom God chose and to whom He gave His law; it rejects Jesus because it does not recognize him as the Messiah." Cromwell dreamt of a reconciliation of the Old and New Testament, of an intimate connection between the Jewish people of God and the English Puritan theocracy. But other Puritans were so absorbed in the Old Testament, that the New Testament was of no importance. Especially the visionaries in Cromwell's army and among the members of Parliament, who were hoping for the Fifth Monarchy, or the reign of the saints, assigned to the Jewish people a glorious position in the expected millennium. A Puritan preacher, Nathaniel Holmes .. . wished . . to become the servant of Israel and serve him on bended knees. The more the tension in Israel increased . . . the more public life and religious thought assumed Jewish coloring. The only thing wanting to make one thing [was the return of the Jews]."

Cromwell's followers felt that by readmitting the Jews to England they could bring about the second coming of Christ, the millennium, and the fifth monarchy mentioned in the book of Daniel. In short, the middle of the 17th century was suffused with an apocalyptic vision of Christ's kingdom being actually established in the here and now. Jewish refugees from Spain and English Ranters and Fifth Monarchy men were of one mind on this issue. The Kingdom of God was at hand. Something like this had been held by Christians for over a millennium and a half, probably because its advent had been pronounced by Christ himself. What had changed, though, was the kind of kingdom Christ's followers were supposed to expect.
Dec 9, 2007
The Christian Zionists are more like Fascists who want to unite Jews and Christians and later Muslims into a One World Religion. They are using guys like Hagee to get everyone all riled up to fight bull sh*t Mideast Wars while turning a blind eye to world government (which will go hand in hand with a one world religion), and microchipping (the mark of the Beast as referred to in the KJV's book of Revelation).

No doubt, Hagee and his ilk will the sheople uniting with the future Antichrist which will be the Whore of Babylon. The Whore of Babylon is the system which will bring forth the final Anti-Christ, either a Pop
Dec 9, 2007
The Christian Zionists are more like Fascists who want to unite Jews and Christians and later Muslims into a One World Religion. They are using guys like Hagee to get everyone all riled up to fight bull sh*t Mideast Wars while turning a blind eye to world government (which will go hand in hand with a one world religion), and microchipping (the mark of the Beast as referred to in the KJV's book of Revelation).

No doubt, Hagee and his ilk will the sheople uniting with the future Antichrist which will be the Whore of Babylon. The Whore of Babylon is the system which will bring forth the final Anti-Christ, either a Pope or a scion of a wealthy, powerful family. Some think that the Anti-Christ will be a black African who will be the final pope. Others think that it will be King Juan Carlos of Spain.


May 10, 2008
pistol pete said:
The Whore of Babylon is the system which will bring forth the final Anti-Christ, either a Pope or a scion of a wealthy, powerful family. Some think that the Anti-Christ will be a black African who will be the final pope. Others think that it will be King Juan Carlos of Spain.
I would agree that a final Anti-Christ would need to be someone of that stature. As powerful a country as is America, it doesn't seem likely to me that it would be possible to have an American president be the one who would be in a position to "deceive the Elect". Obama may be America's particular anti-christ, but even if he were smarter, he doesn't really seem to fit the role of a deceiver of the Elect. Perhaps a European monarch could fit this role, at least when the Hapsburgs and the Czars still reigned. But now it would be necessary to have a monarch rise like Phoenix from the ashes and play the role of an emperor. And, as some like to speculate, this would be the European Union.

But I do have a hunch about Arthur, and what drawing a sword out of a rock may actually symbolize.

As an aside, there used to be a saying that the world would soon end because each of the 260+ popes have their portrait sculpted on a wall in Rome -- and there was room for only 2 more popes. Well, my buddy was just over there, and he says not to worry, because the construction workers just extended the room to allow 12 more...


Jul 16, 2005
as a douay-rheims bible believing, council of trent catholic, I do not believe the pope is the anti-christ, maybe you do

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Do the Zionists infiltrate and undermine any Christian organization that doesn't fall into line with their aims?

I remember Jim Bakker was becoming very popular and preaching a more positive message than the Zionist lapdogs like Oral Roberts. A Jewess by the name of Jessica Hahn came along (pretending to be a Christian) and ruined his ministry. The reality is, it's very difficult for a forty-something man to refuse sex with a young woman who comes on to him.

Of course, there was a similar situation with Bill Clinton, when he bucked his Zionist masters a little bit by refusing to invade Iraq. A young Jewess by the name of Monica Lewinsky then got a job in the white house, and the rest is history.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Parody, they certainly try.


May 10, 2008
moose said:
as a douay-rheims bible believing, council of trent catholic, I do not believe the pope is the anti-christ, maybe you do
moose, my school is basically the same as yours, I think. But whoever this final Anti-christ figure is, it would seem that he must have a legitimate, true prestige -- or at least the appearance of such; someone who could deceive the best people, to the point of deceiving even "the Elect".

The usual crass politicians are able to deceive only the self-absorbed and the reprobates.Edited by: Observer


Sep 8, 2007
I just noticed this thread. Thanks for you input. You are most correct in your analysis of Scofield and the impact of his "reference Bible". It amazes me how few "Christians" realize what you clearly explained. They just swallow this bogus nonsense whole. Sadly, it seems to be deeply entrenched these days. Ironically, NO ONE belived anything like this modern pre-trib stuff for the first 1,800+ years of church history.

Thanks again.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
You are very welcome, forty-four!
Dec 9, 2007
forty-four said:
I just noticed this thread. Thanks for you input. You are most correct in your analysis of Scofield and the impact of his "reference Bible". It amazes me how few "Christians" realize what you clearly explained. They just swallow this bogus nonsense whole. Sadly, it seems to be deeply entrenched these days. Ironically, NO ONE belived anything like this modern pre-trib stuff for the first 1,800+ years of church history.

Thanks again.

Yes, the pre-trib stuff is now adopted by the whore curches (churches straying from the KJV and building ministries around money and watered-down preaching), and gets people in the frame of mind that all these wars, the depression, and totalitarian police states don't matter because Jesus is gonna get us out of here before things get too bad. So don't do anything, just send in your money and buy the Left Behind books.

But the Bible speaks of tribulations, the mark of the beasts and antichrists who may fool even the elect. Of course, the atheists will never see this coming, and now neither will most Christians.

This goes hand in hand with the false teaching of "Futurism" which was invented by Ribera, a Jesuit, and refers to the future Anti-Christ coming out of nowhere. That is trying to take our eyes of the truth. The truth being that the NWO has been around for centuries going back through the Bilderbergers, the Knights of Malta, the Masons, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Templars, the Roman Empire, and the ancient mystery religions. Badisically, God created the universe and Satan has spent all of history trying to be like the most high.The seeds of the End Times were planted in the Garden.