Schumer Embraces Infanticide


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Tribesman "UpChuck" Schumer vows to keep our tax (fiat) dollars flowing the Planned (anti)Parenthood's murder mills. Like many of his fellow Globalist vermin in DC, Schumer is a disgrace to humanity (in many ways).

Schumer: Senate Will ‘Never, Never, Never' Defund Planned Parenthood

Friday, April 08, 2011
By Eric Scheiner

( - Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) vowed yesterday that the provision to defund Planned Parenthood that passed the House earlier this year is "never, never, never going to pass the Senate."Â￾

Schumer made the remarks Thursday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., at a "Stand Up for Women's Health"Â￾ rally sponsored by the National Organization for Women, NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

"The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate," said Schumer. "Let me repeat that, so all those who want to stomp on women's health and women's rights can hear us loud and clear. The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate."Â￾

Schumer said House members who voted to deny tax dollars to Planned Parenthood wanted "to go back to the 1950s."

"When it comes to the rights of women, they want to go back to the 1950's,"Â￾ Schumer said, "when women were denied access to safe, affordable and life-saving reproductive health services. Well, we are not going to let them turn the clock back. We are going to move forward. You are standing up for hard-won progress and I want you to know, we stand with you."Â￾
I can't think of any congressman that I hate more than Schumer, save maybe Barney Frank!

That Tribesman is a real piece of work. What a smarmy, self important, pompous @$$ that guy is.

You can just tell that he looks down his crooked nose at all the filthy Goy in this land with complete disdain.
DixieDestroyer said:
Schumer made the remarks Thursday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., at a "Stand Up for Women's Health" rally sponsored by the National Organization for Women, NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

"The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed
the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate," said
Schumer. "Let me repeat that, so all those who want to stomp on women's health and women's rights can hear us loud and clear. The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate."

Schumer said House members who voted to deny tax dollars to Planned Parenthood wanted "to go back to the 1950s."

"When it comes to the rights of women, they want to go back to
the 1950's," Schumer said, "when women were denied access to safe,
affordable and life-saving reproductive health services.
Well, we are not going to let them turn the cl
</span>ock back. We are going to move forward. You are standing up for hard-won progress and I want you to know, we stand with you."
Yes, Charles "Mangina" Schumer wants to "stand up for "women's health"" (abortion) and "women's rights"
(putting 12 year old girls on "the pill" so they can become sluts
without risking pregnancy (now the quintessential right of every
American girl over the past 40 years)) that the "Family Planning" agency
"Planned Parenthood" (Marxist agency of abortions and pill-popping)
provides...all at the expense of taxpayers dollars, of course.

Oh yes, and, of course, please don't forget to make reference to those bad
old days of the 1950's when abortions were rare and we had strong,
intact, nuclear families where wives complemented their husbands instead
of competing with them, producing a litter of children with daughters
that actually earned the right to wear a White wedding dress down the
isle, escorted by her real father, not some stand-in man. What an awful
scenario! Who would want to "turn back the clock" to that! Certainly not the NOW
hags in the audience he was pandering to because that wouldn't be
considered "moving forward" or "progressing". Obviously, those terms can only be reserved for the "hard-won progress" of the "women's rights"
movement of 40 years ago and the millions of abortions and countless
numbers of dysfunctional and fatherless families since then. NOW,
that's "progress".
Excellent post, Highlander.
I myself cannot express how disgusted I am with this.
Highlander said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Schumer made the remarks Thursday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., at a "Stand Up for Women's Health" rally sponsored by the National Organization for Women, NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

"The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed
the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate," said
Schumer. "Let me repeat that, so all those who want to stomp on women's health and women's rights can hear us loud and clear. The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate."

Schumer said House members who voted to deny tax dollars to Planned Parenthood wanted "to go back to the 1950s."

"When it comes to the rights of women, they want to go back to
the 1950's," Schumer said, "when women were denied access to safe,
affordable and life-saving reproductive health services.
Well, we are not going to let them turn the cl
</span>ock back. We are going to move forward. You are standing up for hard-won progress and I want you to know, we stand with you."
Yes, Charles "Mangina" Schumer wants to "stand up for "women's health"" (abortion) and "women's rights"
(putting 12 year old girls on "the pill" so they can become sluts
without risking pregnancy (now the quintessential right of every
American girl over the past 40 years)) that the "Family Planning" agency
"Planned Parenthood" (Marxist agency of abortions and pill-popping)
provides...all at the expense of taxpayers dollars, of course.

Oh yes, and, of course, please don't forget to make reference to those bad
old days of the 1950's when abortions were rare and we had strong,
intact, nuclear families where wives complemented their husbands instead
of competing with them, producing a litter of children with daughters
that actually earned the right to wear a White wedding dress down the
isle, escorted by her real father, not some stand-in man. What an awful
scenario! Who would want to "turn back the clock" to that! Certainly not the NOW
hags in the audience he was pandering to because that wouldn't be
considered "moving forward" or "progressing". Obviously, those terms can only be reserved for the "hard-won progress" of the "women's rights"
movement of 40 years ago and the millions of abortions and countless
numbers of dysfunctional and fatherless families since then. NOW,
that's "progress".

Spot on Highlander keep preaching the truth.

Can you imagine how much civilization may have progressed by now, if not for vermin like Schumer and his cadre of commies? My goodness we'd be Terra-farming Mars.

I yearn for the days of a single bread winner and an intact family. My heart bleeds for the families of today, especially the children.
Schumky Shummer is the most detestable senator besides Barney's Frank and Al Franklin. This Hibe is one that champions negroes bused in good schools, all the while having his kids in private white schools without the shwartzes.
Highlander said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Schumer made the remarks Thursday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., at a "Stand Up for Women's Health" rally sponsored by the National Organization for Women, NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

"The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed
the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate," said
Schumer. "Let me repeat that, so all those who want to stomp on women's health and women's rights can hear us loud and clear. The dangerous, ideological cuts to Planned Parenthood that passed the House are never, never, never going to pass the Senate."
Schumer said House members who voted to deny tax dollars to Planned Parenthood wanted "to go back to the 1950s."

"When it comes to the rights of women, they want to go back to
the 1950's," Schumer said, "when women were denied access to safe,
affordable and life-saving reproductive health services.
Well, we are not going to let them turn the cl&lt;span id="ToolBar2"&gt;
&lt;/span&gt;ock back. We are going to move forward. You are standing up for hard-won progress and I want you to know, we stand with you."
Yes, Charles "Mangina" Schumer wants to "stand up for "women's health"" (abortion) and "women's rights"
(putting 12 year old girls on "the pill" so they can become sluts
without risking pregnancy (now the quintessential right of every
American girl over the past 40 years)) that the "Family Planning" agency
"Planned Parenthood" (Marxist agency of abortions and pill-popping)
provides...all at the expense of taxpayers dollars, of course.

Oh yes, and, of course, please don't forget to make reference to those bad
old days of the 1950's when abortions were rare and we had strong,
intact, nuclear families where wives complemented their husbands instead
of competing with them, producing a litter of children with daughters
that actually earned the right to wear a White wedding dress down the
isle, escorted by her real father, not some stand-in man.  What an awful
scenario!  Who would want to "turn back the clock" to that!  Certainly not the NOW
hags in the audience he was pandering to because that wouldn't be
considered "moving forward" or "progressing".  Obviously, those terms can only be reserved for the "hard-won progress" of the "women's rights"
movement of 40 years ago and the millions of abortions and countless
numbers of dysfunctional and fatherless families since then.  NOW,
that's "progress".

This post was superb.

Nearly every single mainstream Western "woman" has regressed in all quantitative and qualitative capacities"¦intelligence, responsibility, work ethic, mental toughness, loyalty, respect and appreciation for one's spouse, personal contentment, self-respect, common sense, decision making, anger management, sexual promiscuity, basic physical skills, resourcefulness, creativity, the ability to love, maternal traits, spirituality, generosity, empathy, humility, self-sacrifice, personal hygiene, etc.

Wait, silly me, "empowered"Â (har har) women now have the special "privilege"Â of awaking early to screaming alarm clocks, painting on her face while driving to the office, dropping her perpetually-ignored children (assuming she actually has any) at the daycare center, competing in the odious rat-race that is the corporate grind, working non-stop in order to accrue meaningless pieces of green paper so that she may purchase products that no real woman would ever actually need, come home to an equally-ignored spouse (or to any empty house).

This humorously-named "female empowerment" and "female independence" lasts 30-40 years and is a far more rewarding process than motherhood. You know, that "dated" practice of creating a large, close-knit white family, caring for a loving husband who provides for you and protects you, interacting with other families in your community, being responsible, selfless, dependable, maintaining a home, gardening, engaging in personal hobbies, watching your children grow every day, etc. Twas a hellish existence, indeed"¦so incinerate those bras, you "empowered" c-nts!

Personally, I'm vehemently opposed to the abortion of white children, and stalwartly in favor of the abortion of non-white children (AKA - the most efficient tax dollars a white man could ever bequeath to the totalitarian oligarchy).




Edited by: Thrashen
American Freedom News