sal_paradise hello/good-bye


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
jaxvid said:
sal_paradise said:
Like you, I don`t see how bringing up black crime statistics is going to help us make any headway with this problem. We already know there are too many punk black athletes out there who are committing crimes at a shameful rate and have been for years. (I saw the other day that Robert Traylor is in big trouble, for example.) Anti-Jewish stuff doesn`t make any sense, either.

Discussing Jews is also fair game, no matter how you feel about the "tribe" they are a definitive self identified group that wields enormous power due to their great average wealth and unquestionable control of vast segments of our media. How can they not be held accountable for so much of what is wrong with our society if they have so much power and control? There is no rational reason they should get a pass on the problems in society and sports as they have long controlled and greatly profited by it.

Black criminal behavior and Jewish control over the media, are legitimate areas for discussion as they are part of the problem and understanding and admitting those facts is necessary to changing them. No matter how unpleasant that is for people.

As far as my Jewish argument about Bacon, actually Begin, I never look up my information b/c I enjoy straining my mind to try and remember. I know many Israeli leaders Netenyahu, Barak and his meetings with Arafat and Clinton, and Sharon.

As for the comments above, Your use of the word "tribe" for Jews is actually quite factual. Jews see being Jewish as an ethnicity. However, Jewish is a religion not an ethnic group. I do agree that there are a lot of Jews that control the media and most of the non-orthodox Jews are quite liberal and would be unlikely to mention the plight of any white or the white athlete. I'm not sure about Ted Turner being Jewish, the name Rupert Murdock sounds like he could be. However, there are plenty of sports writers like Mitch Alblom that are pro-black Jews. I think the name Rome (Jim Rome) is Jewish also, not Italian as many would think. Just like Ray Romano (everybody loves Raymond) is Jewish. The last name Roman is also usually Jewish from my knowledge. Actually a great deal of Hollywood script writers Sit Com writers (Larry David, the writers of Frasier, Friends, Mel Brooks etc. etc. are Jewish.) Jews do make up much of the rich elite.

In fact, part of what aggravated many Germans in their economic depression in the late twenties and entire thirties was how the Jews controlled the banks and most of the businesses, but wouldn't share the wealth. Obviously the German final solution was a sickening act of a mad man in Hitler. Jews throughout history have often been cohesive and done business mostly with each other. However, western Jews today I think have learned from the past and do business with all races. I know a few Jews who have married Christians and one who actually converted to Catholicism which is very rare to say the least.

I still don't see however, how harping on black crime or negatives of any race does anything to change things other than ease the anger of the ranter. America will never be resegregated. Mentioning blacks constantly as thugs or criminals will not make any lurkers of this site who come here looking for info take us seriously. If we want to talk about how Affirmative Action hurts whites, fine; that is an important topic. If we want to talk about how being a team player no longer helps you in today's NFL and how the selfish black "give me the damn ball" type athlete is glorified by the media, fine. Even talking about the NFL's new rule policy and how character is not taken seriously in the NFL is a very justifiable topic.

Black athletes are constantly appeased and it is part of the no accountability problem. However, constantly mentioning about the negativity of a race of people does not help if it is out of context. I prefer to be Pro-white and not anti-black. I am only anti blacks getting special treatment as we all know they do. I only have had one black friend in my entire life, because I am usually more comfortable with whites, even Asians Hispanics etc. But that does not mean I hate blacks. My opinion is we should keep things in context of the discrimination against whites.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I moved this post here to avoid more discussion in the wrong place as the recently departed Mr. Paradise pointed out and as I wanted to respond to part of TJR's post.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I still don't see however, how harping on black crime or negatives of any race does anything to change things other than ease the anger of the ranter. America will never be resegregated. Mentioning blacks constantly as thugs or criminals will not make any lurkers of this site who come here looking for info take us seriously.

I would like to address this point as it is made many times usually by the drive-by-poster JerveyGotGypped.

The basic idea is that average sports fans might stop by castefootball and have some sympathy with our argument about the lack of white running backs or somesuch and then read more and get put off by negative comments about "negroes" and Jews etc.

I have responded to this argument in the past by essentially saying I don't give a rip what they think. But let me offer another criticism of it.

Who are the types of posters that would read castefootball in the first place? From my occasional reasearch on the issue it is usually people that are linked in from another site or someone that googles white running backs or Luke Staley or a similar item.

When coming in on a link it will, almost 100% of the time, be someone who has been steered here as part of an "agenda". By that I mean that the link will be introduced in some fashion: positively or negatively before the person clicks on it.

The "positive" links are generally from someone already posting here or a another pro-white website and the intro is something like "hey check out this great site about white athletes". Thus the person being referred is already given some positive feedback and is in some manner already inclined to our point of view or at least sympathetic.

The "negative" links are from other sports forums and almost always are preceded by something like: "check out the ignorant KKK nazi inbred sport fans and their stoopid ideas about blacks and whites." Therefore the intro is so negative and always supported by other posters that the person coming here is only reinforced with whatever negative perception they are expecting to see. They are never going to be a castefootball supporter no matter how we put our message.

So it seems that most people that stop here and come back are going to do so based on them having some agreement with our basic premise AND agreement on some of the other underlying themes. Ergo I do not think that negative comments about blacks or their crime rates or jews and their slime rates is going to drive anyone away that comes here in the first place.

I do agree that a non-informed person stopping by here unintroduced who is not familiar with the rough and tough talk typical in cyberspace is going to be scared away. And good riddence say I because who needs the cowards?

But I don't think it's a significant number and thus not a huge concern because (and this is the point I always make) ANY support of anything "white" makes you a KKK loving, nazi-supporting, racist skinhead and there is no other options available. This is borne out whenever Rush or Imus or Hornung or anyone white says the least little thing about race. What would those same people say about this site????? There is no way to sugercoat it so we might as well give it out good and hard!!!!!

Let me add that as moderator I do not expect you to agree with me and I support all comers who agree with our basic premise but will of course debate the issue with anyone and speak my mind as I would want you to do also.

Edited by: jaxvid


May 13, 2006
Nice move moderator. Keep posting factual information regardless if it's positive or negative. If these facts are 100% true and are negative about any groups then so be it.


Aug 16, 2006
We look at the state of white athletes in various sports and we refute the claim that our under-representation is based on a lack of athletic skill. We recognize that there are clearly a number of social reasons behind the disparity in numbers. When we list crimes by blacks aren't we kind of ignoring some of the social aspects that may account for their over-representation in prisons? Numbers don't tell the whole story for running backs, why should numbers be the end all for discussions about crime? What purpose does it really serve to document specifically black crime? Wouldn't we be annoyed if people made disparaging lists contrasting the number of white champion sprinters with black ones? "Well that's justs white people for you, they're slow." I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who sees this as a bit hypocritical. I'll stop rambling now, I'm hungry.


May 13, 2006
jared said:
What purpose does it really serve to document specifically black crime? Wouldn't we be annoyed if people made disparaging lists contrasting the number of white champion sprinters with black ones? "Well that's justs white people for you, they're slow."

The article looks at the interracial rape stats of BOTH white men and black men and reports on the unbelievable disparity.

From the article said:
In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.

If someone is considered slow for running a 2/10 of a second behind another sprinter then that is an opinion. But 37,460 to < 10, is a DOJ fact and a huge discrepancy.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
jared said:
Wouldn't we be annoyed if people made disparaging lists contrasting the number of white champion sprinters with black ones? "Well that's justs white people for you, they're slow."

Yes, we'd be annoyed and rightly so. And they DO say that all the time, lol, that's why we're all here complaining about the double standard and stereotypes of white athletes in sports.

No one makes another person commit a crime, regardless of the societal factors involved that might have an influence on such a person. A criminal is not a victim. The social aspects of discrimination against white athletes is not perpetuated by the athletes themselves; they are the victims of it.

Apples and oranges.


Nov 25, 2004
jared said:
We look at the state of white athletes in various sports and we refute the claim that our under-representation is based on a lack of athletic skill. We recognize that there are clearly a number of social reasons behind the disparity in numbers. When we list crimes by blacks aren't we kind of ignoring some of the social aspects that may account for their over-representation in prisons? Numbers don't tell the whole story for running backs, why should numbers be the end all for discussions about crime? What purpose does it really serve to document specifically black crime?.

It sounds like you are suggesting that black crime statisitics are derived by racial discrimination of "the system". As if police purposefully arrest more black people just because they are black. Do you really believe that? Commiting a crime is a conscience choice commited by the perpetrator - not the victim. Your comparison is like apples and oranges.

To also address toughriggins: So we should all keep quiet about black crime? Just like the Mainstream media does? If the truth cannot be discussed on an internet discussion forum then where will it be discussed? Somebodies basement? the water cooler? I amazed at how many people want the truth to remain hidden.


Oct 20, 2006
I look at this site as a conversation about race, not only as it relates to
sports, but in some forums, also to the society at large. A big part of that
conversation is the differences between groups, and discriminations based
on those differences, or perceived differences, either positive or negative.
That means the whole she-bang is fair game, in my opinion. While it may be
justified to complain about the non-relevance of black crime or jewish
prejudice against white christian gentiles in some forums, such thoughts do
have their place on this site. I say if it bothers people, too bad. Its reality,
and therefore, open to discussion.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Triad said:
If someone is considered slow for running a 2/10 of a second behind another sprinter then that is an opinion. But 37,460 to < 10, is a DOJ fact and a huge discrepancy.

Huuussssshhhhhhh. You might offend someone with your post.


Aug 16, 2006
Travis Jervey, Brock Forsey, Luke Staley, etc, were victims of the system. There are however tons of young white athletes who consciously choose to avoid trying out for sprints, cornerback, RB, and other "black" activities. They are not victims per se because they are making a conscious decision, albeit with some external social factors influencing them.
I'm not opposed to recognizing the statistical facts and I'm not saying people shouldn't be held accountable for their crimes, I'm merely saying that there are social factors that can influence them.
Some people on here give me the impression that they really believe blacks are inherently dumber or more prone to violence simply by virtue of being black. I disagree with that just as much as I'd disagree with someone stereotyping whites as unathletic.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
jared said:
Some people on here give me the impression that they really believe blacks are inherently dumber or more prone to violence simply by virtue of being black. I disagree with that just as much as I'd disagree with someone stereotyping whites as unathletic.

I just went to ESPN's NFL section and here are the first two article headlines: "Jaguars Waive Cornerback Carroll Days After Arrest" and "Assault Charge Tossed vs. Steelers Townsend." This is pretty much a typical day. It's not us here at CF who are "obsessed" with crimes by black athletes; there is in fact an ongoingblack crime wave in this country of long-standing, directed not only at blacks but at whites as well,and when "celebrities," in this case well-known athletes, are charged with a crime it is reported by the corporate media.

We're only acknowledging the obvious; the only thing we do differently from ESPN and other establishment outlets is put the pieces together into a coherent whole for people to see. It is more than fair, patriotic I'd say, to try to alert whites to the reality that blacks are not as portrayed in commercials and TV series, that they are far more prone to crime than whites, especially crimes of violence. When tens of thousands of white Americans are being raped and murdered by blacks each and every year, there is a race war going on so why should we sugarcoat it and pretend it isn't happening? The bigger "crime" is that the media systematically distorts and censors the truth about crime, race, and other vital subjects.


May 13, 2006
jared said:
Some people on here give me the impression that they really believe blacks are inherently dumber or more prone to violence simply by virtue of being black.

Every study I have ever read shows blacks consistently score lower on standardized exams and blacks disproportionately commit more crimes (violent and nonviolent) than other races. You may debate the methods used to determine these figures; however, it's hard to look at the facts and not understand why the above quoted statement is a commonly held perception.

If you have studies that refute what I have seen then please post a link so we can discuss.Edited by: Triad


Aug 16, 2006
Triad said:
jared said:
Some people on here give me the impression that they really believe blacks are inherently dumber or more prone to violence simply by virtue of being black.

Every study I have ever read shows blacks consistently score lower on standardized exams and blacks disproportionately commit more crimes (violent and nonviolent) than other races. You may debate the methods used to determine these figures; however, it's hard to look at the facts and not understand why the above quoted statement is a commonly held perception.

If you have studies that refute what I have seen then please post a link so we can discuss.
My point is that we are vastly outnumbered in our representation in the NBA, NFL, and sprint events. The stats would have you believe we are physically inferior. If you apply the same "numbers tell the whole story" logic to sports then white people must be inherently slower and less athletic. I just don't see how you can have it both ways.


Aug 16, 2006
Don Wassall said:
jared said:
Some people on here give me the impression that they really believe blacks are inherently dumber or more prone to violence simply by virtue of being black. I disagree with that just as much as I'd disagree with someone stereotyping whites as unathletic.

I just went to ESPN's NFL section and here are the first two article headlines:  "Jaguars Waive Cornerback Carroll Days After Arrest" and "Assault Charge Tossed vs. Steelers Townsend."  This is pretty much a typical day.  It's not us here at CF who are "obsessed" with crimes by black athletes; there is in fact an ongoing black crime wave in this country of long-standing, directed not only at blacks but at whites as well, and when "celebrities," in this case well-known athletes, are charged with a crime it is reported by the corporate media. 

We're only acknowledging the obvious; the only thing we do differently from ESPN and other establishment outlets is put the pieces together into a coherent whole for people to see.  It is more than fair, patriotic I'd say, to try to alert whites to the reality that blacks are not as portrayed in commercials and TV series, that they are far more prone to crime than whites, especially crimes of violence.  When tens of thousands of white Americans are being raped and murdered by blacks each and every year, there is a race war going on so why should we sugarcoat it and pretend it isn't happening? The bigger "crime" is that the media systematically distorts and censors the truth about crime, race, and other vital subjects.
I agree with pretty much everything you said. We shouldn't sugarcoat facts. People are free to their own opinions but it seems like the castefootball message gets lost sometimes in what comes of as anti-black, anti-jew dialogue on this site.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
sal_paradise By the Dashboard Light...


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
jared said:
I agree with pretty much everything you said. We shouldn't sugarcoat facts. People are free to their own opinions but it seems like the castefootball message gets lost sometimes in what comes of as anti-black, anti-jew dialogue on this site.

Iappreciate your input. I think it's a healthy thing thatthere are people of varying political persuasionsin the community hereand the idea is for all who agree on the existence of the Caste System and the need toend it to have their say (or no say at all) within reason on non-sports issues. Edited by: Don Wassall


May 13, 2006
jared said:
My point is that we are vastly outnumbered in our representation in the NBA, NFL, and sprint events. The stats would have you believe we are physically inferior. If you apply the same "numbers tell the whole story" logic to sports then white people must be inherently slower and less athletic. I just don't see how you can have it both ways.

You're back to apples and oranges.

Elite athletes are comprised of a fraction of a percentage of any race's population. So even if they are inarguably the best this doesn't translate to all or even the average of the entire population.

In addition, many of these athletes are selected through very subjective means. Often the numbers are overlooked with some athletes. A guy is chosen based on "game speed" in spite of having the same 40 time and height/weight as someone not selected. Athletes are selective based on potential and whatever non-quantifiable means a "draft expert" comes up with.

In contrast, the crime stats show how the majority of a segment relates to society as a whole. There's around 15-18 million US black males and 50% is the amount said to be involved with the criminal justice system in some way- arrested, imprisoned, paroled, etc. - that stat is staggering. Prisons don't recruit or draft inmates. You are sent there usually when an objective process deems you worthy of incarceration.

IMO, there is no comparison between the two sets of stats.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jared said:
Some people on here give me the impression that they really believe blacks are inherently dumber or more prone to violence simply by virtue of being black.

God only knowshow someone could possibly arrive at that conclusion.


Nov 25, 2004
My rule is: discussing the truth is OK no matter who it offends. The truth must be revealed, or we'll just be discussing fairy tales.
Apr 30, 2006
Statistics do not always tell the complete tale. Blacks may disproportionally commit crimes, but one must also look at whether or not there are other factors influencing that statistic. If blacks are also as disproportionally poor, and people who are poor commit more crimes, one must then conclude that it is a factor of environment and class and not race.


Dec 1, 2006
Of course you are right, Sark, statistiks do not tell a complete tale. Simply because the data given in statistics can be a coincidence.

However if the same coincidence recurs year after year after year...


Aug 10, 2005
Even if you compare whites and blacks with the same IQ and income, blacks are more prone to criminality. Read The Bell Curve. It's well researched and written.


Nov 25, 2004
Sark6354201 said:
Statistics do not always tell the complete tale. Blacks may disproportionally commit crimes, but one must also look at whether or not there are other factors influencing that statistic. If blacks are also as disproportionally poor, and people who are poor commit more crimes, one must then conclude that it is a factor of environment and class and not race.

If blacks commit more crimes because they are poor, then they should quit being poor. Why should I care WHY a black man commits a crime? The only important stat is that a crime was commited and I don't have to stand for it for any reason. Besides, stats show higher black crime rates even when class is accounted for.


May 13, 2006
Sark6354201 said:
If blacks are also as disproportionally poor, and people who are poor commit more crimes, one must then conclude that it is a factor of environment and class and not race.

This explains why multimillionaire athletes continue to run drugs, make it rain, assault, fight dogs, rape, and murder.

Sounds like the solution to America's crime problem is to flood the hood with money, I'm sure that would make the place safer.