S. African White Farmers

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York

The South African government has issued new orders to seize land from a small number of white farmers who were not willing to settle apartheid-era land disputes with dispossessed blacks, the nation's agriculture and land affairs minister said.

Minister Lulu Xingwana has said her department would only hold price negotiations for six months with whites who own land taken from blacks during white minority rule. If talks failed, officials would take steps to seize the land.

She said wrangling over prices had in the past often taken years, frustrating officials who are under pressure to speed up the transfer of land to blacks in order to correct the skewed land ownership created under white rule.

"I must say, yes, the majority of white farmers have turned around and come to the table and are offering to sell land to support government restitution, but there are hard-nosed ones and we are dealing with that right now," she told reporters on Friday.

Xingwana said that the government was issuing seizure orders to four white farmers in Bela-Bela, located in South Africa's northern Limpopo province, who had failed to reach settlements within six months of being notified that they must do so.

South Africa has promised to put a third of the commercial farming sector in black hands by 2014, but 12 years after the fall of apartheid only 4 percent of the industry belongs to the black majority.

Restitution is part of this drive, allowing blacks to apply to have their rights to land taken from them restored or to seek financial compensation from the government.

Xingwana's six-month ultimatum has fueled an already politically explosive issue -- especially in a region where memories still linger of the often-violent seizures of white land in neighboring Zimbabwe.

South Africa has rejected any comparison with the turmoil that surrounded Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's land redistribution program in the late 1990s.

Xingwana's office has blamed white farmers for delaying the redistribution plan by demanding exorbitant prices for their property. Farmers say their rates are market-related and blame government inefficiency for holding up the process.

South Africa has stressed that its land program will be orderly and that farmers will be allowed full legal recourse.

Local law allows the minister to seize land without a court order, but farmers may appeal to the courts if they think the claim on land is invalid.

Asked if the new cooperative spirit she has noticed may soon make seizures unnecessary, Xingwana said: "If there is 100 percent goodwill. I don't know when that day will come."

"Where there is recalcitrance, we have no choice."

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I wonder how we'll handle it when our government starts turning over the southwest to Mexico.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Give it some time.

And what will be the difference when the U.S. government decides to start giving land in the southwestern United States back to Mexicans who had a claim to the land prior to the U.S. war with Mexico, or the Texan's secession from Mexico?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
what is the South African government going to do when their people begin starving because the black farmers aren't producing enough food? whose fault will that be?


Dec 28, 2004
Blacks in Africa can't grow enough food to feed there own dog much less a nation.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Jimmy Chitwood said:
what is the South African government going to do when their people begin starving because the black farmers aren't producing enough food? whose fault will that be?

TheSouth African government won'tact rationallybecause it is consumed withanti-white hatred. In "Zimbabwe," formerly Rhodesia, the remaining White farmers are being terrorized, stripped of their farms and murdered. It doesn't matter that the blacks can't produce food or anything else without whites; everything is the white man's fault, just like here, exceptin South Africa and Zimbabwewhites voluntarily gave up control to forces which now are acting on their capability to commit genocide against them.Edited by: Don Wassall

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
From Wikipedia:

South Africa: "Land restitution" was one of the promises made by the African National Congress when it came to power in South Africa in 1994. Initially, land was bought from its owners (willing seller) by the government (willing buyer) and redistributed. However, as of early 2006, the ANC government announced that it will start expropriating the land, although according to the country's chief land-claims commissioner, Tozi Gwanya, unlike Zimbabwe there will be compensation to those whose land is expropriated, "but it must be a just amount, not inflated sums."

Zimbabwe: Very controversial efforts at land reform in Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe has moved steadily from a "willing seller, willing buyer" approach toward outright expropriation, often for the benefit of people close to the government. Outcome to date is 45 percent of the population malnourished.

an interesting read!


Oct 19, 2004
Don Wassall said:
It doesn't matter that the blacks can't produce food or anything else without whites; everything is the white man's fault, just like here, except in South Africa and Zimbabwe whites voluntarily gave up control to forces which now are acting on their capability to commit genocide against them.

Yes, but aren't we voluntarily giving up control as well? Perhaps it's disguised because our corrupt rulers are mostly white. But eventually they'll be replaced by non-whites, just as we are being replaced by non-whites. Their time will come as well, and then the process will be complete....
Edited by: JD074


Aug 8, 2006
Mugabe, the Zimbabwe dictator, was a liberal God for a long time. Still is I am sure in many US college towns.

Just in case any of you are interested, Skrewdriver had an album called White Rider and there was a song on that album about Rhodesia and the "communist ANC" of South Africa.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
JD074 said:
Don Wassall said:
It doesn't matter that the blacks can't produce food or anything else without whites; everything is the white man's fault, just like here, exceptin South Africa and Zimbabwewhites voluntarily gave up control to forces which now are acting on their capability to commit genocide against them.

Yes, but aren't we voluntarily giving up control as well? Perhaps it's disguised because our corrupt rulers are mostly white. But eventually they'll be replaced by non-whites, just as we are being replaced by non-whites. Their time will come as well, and then the process will be complete....

I think the plan for here is for the U.S. to have a white remnant in charge of a "Tan Everyman" population,similar tomany countries in Central and South America. Of course the whites in charge here are whites in name only. They represent a tiny ruling class united by financial and businessinterests and Jewish ethnoracism.

That's their plan anyway, though how things will eventually shake out is another matter. When South African whites voted themselves out of power they were outnumbered by blacks at least 5 to 1 and with thepower structure of theentire worldagainst them the handwriting was on the wall in a sense, though South Africa was a far stronger country than Rhodesia and the whites there could have maintained power indefinitely if they'd had the will to, including being a nuclear power like Israel.

"Whites" and Jews were always behind the anti-white revolutionary forces in Rhodesia and South Africa, as they are everywhere else. Blacks have been empowered in South Africa not by their own efforts but as the tools of others, just as they are used here to help bring down the white population to a Third World level economically and morally.

Whites in the U.S. are without question voluntarily giving up power to anti-white forces. But I don't blame whites because whites have no leaders and no influential organizations to represent them. They have been programmed and mind-washed from the day they were born by cunning and ruthless ancient forces that control the education system and all the major outlets of information. Add in the unprecedented technology and the vast majority of whites don't stand a chance of figuring out what's going on much less effectively opposing it.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don Wassall said:
But I don't blame whites because whites have no leaders and no influential organizations to represent them. They have been programmed and mind-washed from the day they were born by cunning and ruthless ancient forces that control the education system and all the major outlets of information. Add in the unprecedented technology and the vast majority of whites don't stand a chance of figuring out what's going on much less effectively opposing it.

The frightening part is that all the olderfolks who were born and raised before integration and the dumbing down of America are dwindling in numbers, dying off rapidly. Younger people don't have a clue to what America was like.

At a funeral recently, I had the opportunity of speaking with a distant relative who is 92 years old. I had never met him before, so I was somewhat careful when questioning him about the old days. When he realized where I was coming from he loosened up let er rip. He was born before the first world war and lived through a lot of stuff. He was a good story teller and seemed to enjoy the fact thatI was really interested about his life experiences. He spoke of the - Great Depression - like it was yesterday.No money, no jobs, no opportunities and lots of lard ladled over bread.But he told me how the family and neighbors pitched in and helped each other when they could. They seemed to have a much greater sense of community and solidarity than we have now for obvious reasons. I was left with a nagging thought .Thanks to our government, can you imagine going through another depression, while living in a large minority filled city? Whew!


Oct 19, 2004
Don Wassall said:
I think the plan for here is for the U.S. to have a white remnant in charge of a "Tan Everyman" population, similar to many countries in Central and South America. 

Yes, and like Latin America, many of those whites and "mostly whites" will have Spanish surnames. But most politicians don't seem that bright anyway, so I don't think having "white blood" will be a prerequisite.

That's their plan anyway, though how things will eventually shake out is another matter. 

Exactly, that's my point. The transformation of the population (which by all accounts is very intentional) will include the transformation of voters. Non-whites will create huge voting blocs all over the country, especially in cities, and will eventually rip these seats away from white politicians. Just as they are eroding the future of white people in general, so too will white politicians undermine the careers of future white politicians.

"Hispanics" will end the concept of "race" as we know it. As the racial lines blur, non-Hispanic white people will become more and more of a non-factor. Politicians- white, non-white, and mixed- simply won't have to bother with them in most places.

Whites in the U.S. are without question voluntarily giving up power to anti-white forces.  But I don't blame whites because whites have no leaders and no influential organizations to represent them.  They have been programmed and mind-washed from the day they were born by cunning and ruthless ancient forces that control the education system and all the major outlets of information.  Add in the unprecedented technology and the vast majority of whites don't stand a chance of figuring out what's going on much less effectively opposing it.

It can't be said any better than that. Edited by: JD074