Russian attacks on immigrants

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
*sigh*... Blacks are attacking and killing white Americans at alarming rates, all over the country. I just saw a news report on CNN that a black man has kidnapped a woman and her four children as hostage, and is now a fugitive.

But on cable TV, they are airing this program about Russians attacking African immigrants in Moscow and other parts of Russia. They are interviewing black immigrants, getting blow-by-blow accounts of their attacks. Everyone they've interviewed speaks English. They're all complaining about Russians and the hatred they have for Africans. Some of the Africans have even said *gasp* that the attacks are enough to make them consider returning to Africa.

I wonder when one of the cable channels is going to show us a program about immigrant attacks on host peoples, like in the United States, Sweden, and Australia? I wonder when one of the cable channels is going to do an expose on black crime and its impact on white people? No need wonder: the answer is NEVER.
If someone like you keeps talking about this subject, it eventually happen. Never give up!
White Shogun said:
But on cable TV, they are airing this program about Russians attacking African immigrants in Moscow and other parts of Russia. They are interviewing black immigrants, getting blow-by-blow accounts of their attacks. Everyone they've interviewed speaks English. They're all complaining about Russians and the hatred they have for Africans. Some of the Africans have even said *gasp* that the attacks are enough to make them consider returning to Africa.

I am familiar with this "situation". The groups responsible for the attacks on these blacks are Russian National-Socialist Skinheads. And believe it or not, some of them actually posted videos of their own attacks against the Africans on youtube. They don't want the Africans there for numerous reasons. Two of those reasons are:

a.) The diseases they bring into the country.

b.) Potential sexual attacks on native Russian women.

However, it doesn't surprise me that the media is blowing this up into an international concern. It also doesn't surprise me that they're still failing to report all the black-on-White crime that goes on in our OWN country. The powers that be will continue to do everything in their power to make minorities out to be victims, and to make White look like the predators.
White Shogun said:

I wonder when one of the cable channels is going to show us a program about immigrant attacks on host peoples, like in the United States, Sweden, and Australia? I wonder when one of the cable channels is going to do an expose on black crime and its impact on white people? No need wonder: the answer is NEVER.

Sorry to point this out, but you are the descendant of an immigrant. There are not so many host or native people left in North America or Australia I think. I know I am being picky, and I am not trying to deny the problems that uncontrolled immigration is creatingfor you and other law abiding citizens.
devans said:
White Shogun said:
*sigh*... I wonder when one of the cable channels is going to show us a program about immigrant attacks on host peoples, like in the United States, Sweden, and Australia? I wonder when one of the cable channels is going to do an expose on black crime and its impact on white people? No need wonder: the answer is NEVER.

Sorry to point this out, but you are the descendant of an immigrant. There are not so many host or native people left in North America or Australia I think. I know I am being picky, and I am not trying to deny the problems that uncontrolled immigration is creating for you and other law abiding citizens.

What's up with this post?

You know you are being picky, and you say you aren't trying to deny the problems that uncontrolled immigration is creating for 'you and other law abiding citizens.' What are you trying to do then? What is the point of your post?

From reading what you wrote here, one would surmise that you do not consider yourself in the group in which you have placed me: a law abiding citizen. Are you an open borders advocate? Are you upset about the way the white man conquered North America? Do you disagree that unabated Third World immigration is having a negative impact on the 'host' population of this continent, i.e. THE PEOPLE WHO ALREADY LIVE HERE?

If you're interested in seeing what kind of problems unabated immigration of non-similar peoples can have on a nation, see Rome and North America circa 1492.

Whether you like it or not, the descendants of white Europeans ARE the 'hosts' of this nation. We ARE the hosts of our Third World guests.

Word of the Day: Assimilation
I'm thoroughly proud of our Russian White brethren. They are kicking the dreaded African's arse, as we should be doing here.

About Fall 2005 I spent an afternoon with a young Russian Army officer, in an American airport, waiting interminably for a delayed flight. He was attending some sort of exchange officer school in USofA (and was tall, blonde, Aryyan-looking, very well spoken in English).

He told me that in his favorite drinking clubs in Kiev (Ukraine) region, and near Moscow, he and his buddies routinely beat up and run out any Negroes they (rarely) find, because "They don't belong in Russia". Would that we would have such clarity and power!Edited by: Realgeorge
I have spent quite some time in Europe, particularly the East, and I have observed that "education" (i.e. leftist indoctrination) preaches that the Indians were a nature-loving, noble society until evil Whitey (ALWAYS American, never European...which is interesting, as if the USA existed then) came and made the Indians cry with garbage. Whitey polluted the sky and water and killed all the buffalo (myth and exaggeration), Whitey invented war and savagery (lie), the barbarians (the ones who invented guns, ships, a myriad other products!) slaughtered the poor widdle peaceful Indian and "illegally" stole (and defiled) this continent. Indians never, ever hurt "Mother Earth"

Interesting how Whitey who missed the boat (or was too rich and powerful to risk it all on a voyage) then, now likes to bitch about Whitey who created America. But never, ever about the real savages.

(BTW this Whitey didn't come here until the 20th Century, but I am in solidarity with those who came earlier. I prefer what was built, but then again I'm not partial to cannibalism and live human sacrifice)Edited by: son of Radovan

What's up with this post?

You know you are being picky, and you say you aren't trying to deny the problems that uncontrolled immigration is creating for 'you and other law abiding citizens.' What are you trying to do then? What is the point of your post?

From reading what you wrote here, one would surmise that you do not consider yourself in the group in which you have placed me: a law abiding citizen. Are you an open borders advocate? Are you upset about the way the white man conquered North America? Do you disagree that unabated Third World immigration is having a negative impact on the 'host' population of this continent, i.e. THE PEOPLE WHO ALREADY LIVE HERE?

Word of the Day: Assimilation

Wow that's a lot of questions, and I'll try and answer.

What's up with this post? I liked your post. I admittedI was picky, but you picked three countries as examples of "host" peoples being attacked by immigrants.Two of them were not great examples because the obvious counter-argument is white immigrants attacking previous host peoples.

What is the point of your post? To point out you are probably a descendant of white immigrants, and stir up some thought and a few responses. Do you know when your Family arrived in America?

Are you an open borders advocate? No

Are you upset about the way the white man conquered North America? Yes, any reasonable person would feel sympathy for the Native American, but that's life. And that's the way borders and countries were made in those days. No point crying over that now - it's done.

Do you disagree that unabated Third World immigration is having a negative impact on the 'host' population of this continent, i.e. THE PEOPLE WHO ALREADY LIVE HERE? I think that people in rich, well ordered socienties should be aware that there are an great many people in the rest of the world who would like to join us, and we can't take them in. Politicians, the rich, and the shot-sightedwould welcome them in to provide a pool of cheap labour to drive down wages and keep working people in line (OK this may be sounding "commie" to you, but money is what it's all about) And working people means anyone with a job - not just some guy mixing cement on a construction site. The big trick is to con people that we need immigration because we need this labour and expertise. I live in Britain - a nation of 60 Million in a landmass about half the size of Texas. Yet we are still told that we need the energy and expertise and skills of the rest of the world for "our economy" We have so many people here now we even run short of Water, and it never stops raining.
Ground Fighter wrote:
"The groups responsible for the attacks on these blacks are Russian National-Socialist Skinheads. "

I don't know if they should be referred to as National-Socialist. The Russians have hated the Nazis and the Nazis viewed the Slavs and the Poles to be racially inferior to Germans and Aryans. There is a lot of bad blood between Russia and Germany.
You really need to be more skeptical about news reports describing white
gangs. Most gangs are based on ethnicity. I don't even know if I would call
these guys a gang.

The MSM wants to portray any white with pro-white feelings as nazis to
make such feelings seem evil and wrong, when they are natural and logical.
Most of those so-called "immigrants" have no business being in these
countries.They are only there to mooch. I salute the young russian people.
The only way this immigration invasion into white countries will be resolved
is to forcibly throw the trespassers out. I can't see any other way out. We all
know they will turn on whites when they get the numbers. Its really self-
devans said:
No point crying over that now - it's done.

I agree. It's done. I don't care what happened hundreds of years ago. I care about what's happening now, and what will happen in the future.

Politicians, the rich, and the shot-sighted would welcome them in to provide a pool of cheap labour to drive down wages and keep working people in line (OK this may be sounding "commie" to you, but money is what it's all about)

It's not commie, it's absolutely true. Immigrants are scabs. Simple as that.
devans said:

Are you upset about the way the white man conquered North America? Yes, any reasonable person would feel sympathy for the Native American, but that's life. And that's the way borders and countries were made in those days. No point crying over that now - it's done.


As soon as whites stepped off of the boat in North America they were attacked by natives. Natives fought with the French against the English colonies. They fought with the Brits during the Revolution and 1812. They raided and massacered from Spanish Florida. Many tribes were violent and attacked whites every chance they could. The day is coming when we may have to circle the wagons again.Edited by: KG2422
KG2422 said:
devans said:
Are you upset about the way the white man conquered North America? Yes, any reasonable person would feel sympathy for the Native American, but that's life. And that's the way borders and countries were made in those days. No point crying over that now - it's done.


As soon as whites stepped off of the boat in North America they were attacked by natives. Natives fought with the French against the English colonies. They fought with the Brits during the Revolution and 1812. They raided and massacered from Spanish Florida. Many tribes were violent and attacked whites every chance they could. The day is coming when we may have to circle the wagons again.

What would you expect them to do, just give their land up without a fight?

Edited by: devans
devans said:
What would you expect them to do, just give their land up without a fight?

Sure, why not?

We are. Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
devans said:
What would you expect them to do, just give their land up without a fight?

Sure, why not?

We are.

Most people don't realize how slow the displacement of the Indians was. It took over 300 years. Lyndon Johnson and the rest changed our immigration pilicy in the 60s. It will not take 300 yrs to displace us at this pace.
I don't know if they should be referred to as National-Socialist. The Russians have hated the Nazis and the Nazis viewed the Slavs and the Poles to be racially inferior to Germans and Aryans. There is a lot of bad blood between Russia and Germany.

Caste Football Guru

Many Russians are National Socialist. Many russians (espescially white Russians) were National Socialist and fought on the side of Germany during WWII. If you look deeply into who promoted Communism in Russia, and who seized power in the Soviet State at the outset you will see that the Russian people (real Russians) had very little influence. The common Russian peasant who died fighting for the Soviet Union could in many ways be compared to a white male christian soldier who dies for the U.S. in the Middle East today. Both sacraficed their lives for a nation that does not love, respect, or honor them in any way. They both sacraficed their lives for a nation that seeks to subjugate, and enslave them.I believe Russia has went full circle. They were the first Nation (Some may say France) to swing 100% hardcore left. Now they appear to be swinging hard right. The russians and the Germans have much in common. If Russia can boost their birthrate (their is talk of correcting this within the highest circles of the Russian government) they will be a first rate power within a century. They have no Africans their and if they do mix it is with other caucasians such as Armenians, or Georgians. One day (mabye not too long from now at the pace were going here in the west)conditions in the western world may have deteriorated to the point where our Grandchildren risk their lives in a bid to escape to Kiev, or Moscow.
Sterilize welfare parents! Try to deport them too! Russia was a first rate power just 20 years ago. Edited by: Freedom
devans said:
What would you expect them to do, just give their land up without a fight?


It wasn't all "their" land. This land mass was very sparsely populated. There would've been enough room for both natives and Europeans.
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