Russia is now the last hope of the White race


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Shari'ya Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians." -- Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressing the Duma February 4th, 2013. The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a standing ovation for 5+ minutes!"

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"If they prefer Shari'ya Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law..."

Too bad he didn't mention the Satanic Talmud cult and Talmud law too.
Thank God that at least Russia has a leader that is openly against multi-culturalism. That's not seen in any white nation. This is why I believe he has been targeted.
Putin reminds me of Ronald Reagan. A guy who came along at a time when the nation was down and said the right things. Didn't do much of sh*t but sure sounded good. Reagan didn't do much and actually set the stage for the mess we are in now. But he sure could give a speech. I think Putin is the same way. Nice speeches but will sell his people out in the end. Just a sharp con man.
this is a hoax:

putin never said this
he said this however:

We must create the conditions for immigrants to normally integrate into our society, learn Russian and, of course, respect our culture and traditions and abide by Russian law. In this regard, I believe that the decision to make learning the Russian language compulsory and administer exams is well grounded. To do so, we will need to carry out major organisational work and introduce corresponding legislative amendments.

every country in europe says this
take third world immigrants, make them learn the local language, and they magically become swedes, englishmen, frenchmen etc depending on the country they set a foot in
Saviour of Russia "the last hope of the white race", Vladimir Putin, has got a new mission for Europe: Save it from Nazis!

Speaking to a Serbian reporter he said the following:

“Unfortunately, the vaccine against the Nazi virus, developed at the Nuremberg trials, is losing its effectiveness in some European countries. A clear sign of this trend is open manifestations of neo-Nazism, which have become common in Latvia and other Baltic states,” Putin told Politika, according to early excerpts published by the Russian agency RIA Novosti.

“Today, our common goal is to counter the glorification of Nazism, firmly counter attempts to revise the results of world war II and consequently fight any forms and manifestations of racism, xenophobia, aggressive nationalism and chauvinism.

In recent months Putin has also signed a new law criminalising Holocaust revisionists with up to 5 years in jail.
I didn't say Putin, I said Russia. I've been suspicious of Putin ever since I saw him lifting up that little boy's shirt and kissing his belly, and making goo goo eyes at the *** Dubya Bush. Also, I think that Putin quote that I put at the top might be fake. Also, I'm sorry I linked to that phony sheister Rivero's WRH website. Sorry.
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Ironic seeing how Russia has some of the largest numbers of Neo nazis in the world.

I think Putin knows how to play the Western media, and knows exactly who they are. I'm not willing to see him has a white last hope, or anything of the sort, but he is quite shrewd.
I think Putin knows how to play the Western media, and knows exactly who they are. I'm not willing to see him has a white last hope, or anything of the sort, but he is quite shrewd.

Agreed at this point it would be naive to put our faith in any politician. They're not one of us.
I'm no fan of Putin (especially with that cultmarx rhetoric quoted above). However, at least he tries to go about like a man...unlike that cherry 0b0ng0. I imagine ol' Vlad (easily) would beat the everlovin' stew out of the 10 speed riding, ice cream cone lickin', squirt gun totin' , pantywaist Kenyan usurper. ;-)
When I don't know everything about something such as whether Putin really is good, bad, something to be feared, or something to be respected I just look at who his enemies are. Here's a rundown of his enemies:

  • Gay rights activists
  • The World News Media
  • The portion of Ukraine taken over by so-called Neo-Nazis who installed Jewish Oligarchs to lord over them.
  • The Femdom crowd
  • The European Union
  • Georgia - Israel's close ally
  • Obama
  • John McCain - and about every other Zio-controlled US Politician which is almost all of them

Well that enough for me. I'll take Putin vs. nearly any other President. Certainly over our President. For some reason Russia doesn't suffer from massive waves of minorities like all of the other white nations so they must be doing something better than the rest.

His approval rating in Russia is at about 87% - more than twice as much as Obama's. And that's coming mostly from white voters in Russia. Anytime somebody is that popular with his own people he must be doing something right. That's how I see it.
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Good post, K...except Russia does suffer from "massive waves of minorities". Google images for "Moslems in Moscow". Ethnic Russian have a low birth rate and they too are projected to become a minority in their own country by 2050.

PS The most common baby name in England is now Mohammed. And non-hispanic whites are already a minority in U.S. schools
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Simple solution for ethnic Russians,Brits,Germans,etc. Start having more sex with their wives or girlfriends.Then crooked politicians have one less reason to bring in immigrants. Like others have mentioned both world wars killed some of our best young white guys. Before that the American Civil War did the same.
For some reason Russia doesn't suffer from massive waves of minorities like all of the other white nations


approval rating in Russia is at about 87%

Sov..I mean... Russian polling is almost entirely undertaken by organs of the state itself and are thus unreliable. That said, there's no doubt he's more popular than Western heads of government but then so was that halfwit Dubya right after he launched a war, and, unlike Putin, he didn't even have all the media on his side nor did he have a population of former serfs for citizens.
PS The most common baby name in England is now Mohammed. And non-hispanic whites are already a minority in U.S. schools

I don't think the first part of that is true...yet. According to the below list Muhammad is #15 for England & Wales:

Unfortunately, it doesn't specify a source.

'Muhammad' is usually higher in these rankings than the numbers of Muslims would suggest as being an unimaginative people they tend to have less variety in names compared to Western countries. I also suspect that Muslims living in the West are more likely than those in all Muslim societies to give their sons the name 'Muhammad' as being a minority tends to strengthen (somewhat artificially) one's sense of identity.

Sov..I mean... Russian polling is almost entirely undertaken by organs of the state itself and are thus unreliable. That said, there's no doubt he's more popular than Western heads of government but then so was that halfwit Dubya right after he launched a war, and, unlike Putin, he didn't even have all the media on his side nor did he have a population of former serfs for citizens.

My source is gallup, which is an American company. Face it, he is popular with his people.

As far as the Russian media goes, do you really think that our media is more free and offers a more diverse perspective? The war effort in Iraq was 100% supported by our media - which is really the world's media - even a large portion of Russia listens to our media. In spite of the world media attack on Putin he has always had a high popularity rating. I'm sure his lowest rating would beat Dubya and Obama's best.

Now lets address the immigration problem. Is it a problem in Russia? Yes. Is it a problem in Russia in comparison to the immigration problem in America, Britain, France, Sweden etc? NO! Not even close. No contest. I'll take Putin over any leader of any other white nation.
From wikipedia:

"In 2006, in a bid to compensate for the country's demographic decline, the Russian government started simplifying immigration laws and launched a state program "for providing assistance to voluntary immigration of ethnic Russians from former Soviet republics".[SUP][34][/SUP] In August 2012, as the country saw its first demographic growth since the 1990s, President Putin declared that Russia's population could reach 146 million by 2025, mainly as a result of immigration.[SUP][35][/SUP]
There are an estimated 4 million illegal immigrants from the ex-Soviet states in Russia.[SUP][36][/SUP] In 2012, the Russian Federal Security Service's Border Service stated there had been an increase in illegal migration from the Middle East and Southeast Asia.[SUP][37][/SUP] Under legal changes made in 2012, illegal immigrants who are caught will be banned from reentering the country for 10 years"

and from slate:

"In May, Vladimir Putin, alarmed at Russia's declining population, which is falling thanks to short life expectancy and a plummeting birthrate (1.17 children per woman, down from about 2 in 1990), offered a bonus of 250,000 rubles (about $9,200) to women who would have a second child."

Incentives to grow the native population? unheard of. Perhaps Putin deserves a little bit of credit for actually doing things that we all talk about being good for our population - mainly increasing our population.
Very interesting stuff Kaptain. Don't get me wrong wasn't trying to bag on Putin he seems like a great leader with pride in his country unlike our president. An incentive to grow the population should be applauded. The more lax laws helped out Russia I know Kazakhstan in the 90s more than a million ethnic Russians immigrated back to the homeland.
I don't think the first part of that is true...yet. According to the below list Muhammad is #15 for England & Wales:


Matra, that's because it is spelled differently and they list the different spellings of Mohammed separately, but if you combine them all...

Muhammad is now the most popular name for baby boys in England and Wales

Also in Oslo, Norway!


Moslems celebrating Ramadan in Moscow

But, hell yeah, I'll trade for Putin. I'll give them President Barryetta and her tranny wife and little Joey Biden (whose son, by the way just got tossed out of the Navy for drug use...the ziomedia is keeping it mum, huh?), and throw in all their zio animal trainers and speech writers and the whole USSA senate and congress in the bargain!
I'm not to positive on Russia. They have hellava negative fertility and are bordered by muslims like the US is bordered by mexicans so eventually they lose the baby war, like we will. Putin is playing up to his Christian audience which is nice but it will eventually be a losing strategy. Putin will pass and who comes next will probably be much different. Like I said before Putin is the Russian Reagan. Talks a good game but does little and in a generation the deal will be done.