Rush Limbaugh

I'm surprised that so many CF and Amren posters still have a positive attitude towards Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage.

Sure, Limbaugh showed some guts on the Black QB issue, and, when he first hit the scene, his forthright mockery of black and leftist sacred cows was refreshing, but...come on...the guy has shown over the last 15 years that he is a fervent supporter of the Bush family, the New world order, "Free" (actually managed) international trade, NAFTA/GATT, the Welfare State, affirmative action, "Civil Rights", centralization, Israel, and endless wars for "peace" "democracy" and "freedom". And he is not a strong pro-lifer, and not a family values guy (what is he up to now--his 4th wife?). Nor has he ever shown any sympathy towards States rights or Southerners.

And has he been a strong foe of illegal immigration? If nowadays he occasionally indulges in anti-immigration rhetoric, this is just a temporary reaction to the arrogant immigrant protesters we saw last summer, and a sop to his listeners.

It's time for anybody who's remotely conservative--or libertartian, or patriotic--to turn off Rush.

As for Michael Savage (real name: Weiner?), I'll admit he's good and consistent on immigration--and that his over the top rants can be entertaining---but on Foreign policy he follows the strict neo-con, Israel uber-alles partyline.
Solomon Kane said:
..the strict neo-con, Israel uber-alles partyline.

I was in a discussion with a co-worker today. His view point on the Iraq war was that we should pull the troops out; on this he and I partially agreed. I opined however that we are not likely to pull out any time soon, and in fact are likely to establish a permanent presence in the region. I said that Israel is pulling out strings and we'll stay in the Middle East forever to protect Israel.

He said that at least Israel is our ally, along with Great Britain, the only ones that we can ever count on. I said, Israel is our ally because we do what Israel asks of us. And maybe if we didn't go traipsing all over the world imposing our will on on everyone, maybe the rest of the world wouldn't be so aligned against us, and maybe we wouldn't *need* so many allies anymore.

He had no answer.
Solomon Kane, you're absolutely correct regarding Rush; he's indeed a NeoCON apologist. It's a shame (to me), because I cut my conservative teeth in the early 90's listening to Rush every day & reading his early books.

As for Savage, I was a huge fan a few years ago and still agree with a few of his views (illegal invasion reform, ACLU's attack on the Boy Scouts, voluntary prayer in school, etc.). However, I have to say he does embrace the NeoCON's totalitarian attack on our Constitutional freedoms. Two-three years ago I agreed with most all of Savage's views, but since I've educated myself of the truth behind Globalism/NWO....I cannot embrace any NeoCON policies ( for tax cuts & privatizing Socialist (in)Security).
I know Rush is wrong on a lot of issues, but I think he has the ability to point people in the right direction. I know that was my experience. I heard and posted about Rush being challenged by a caller about Lincoln and the history of the War. I doubt Rush will ever step up to the plate on it though.
I am surprised at the animosity towards Rush. The mainstream media is the problem, certainly not Rush Limbaugh. You guys can gripe about his support of the NeoCon crap, but take away Rush and then you all you have is the media and their overwhelming support of gun control, speech codes, minority "rights", anti-military agenda, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, the list goes on and on.

I'd hate to think how many more Ruby Ridge's would occur if we didn't have a nationally known watchdog like Rush Limbaugh out there. Anyone who stands up to the media is allright by me.
I am glad he's there overall, although I wish he'd get right (pun intended) on a lot of things. He helped me sharpen my anti-liberal skills from the age of 14, and I'm grateful because of it. I just find myself shaking my head at some of the things he says nowadays. Your point about him being a watchdog is right on cslewis1, and I too am glad he stands up to the rest of the media on some issues.
His pro's far outweigh his con's. Back in the late 80's and early 90's his conservative voice was truly the only outlet in the media to turn to. Now we have much more choices, but still not enough.
I checked out Rush's website to see if he had any comments about Mcnab's performance last night. Apparently somebody called in about the lack of white running backs in the league.

Here's Chris, a cell call from South Dakota. Nice to know they have cell networks there. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I was just wondering when ESPN is going to have a white running back on to talk about the trials and tribulations of being in their position.

RUSH: Well... (Laughing.) The trials and tribulations of the white running back.


RUSH: Explain that for the people in the audience that may not quite understand.

CALLER: Well, I guess it's a rhetorical question, because I don't know of any white running backs in the NFL, ever.

RUSH: Well, 60% of the players in the NFL are black now, which is fine. Go get the best players. Don't anybody misread anything here, folks. You gotta understand this. If 100 percent of the players in the National Football League were black, the sports media would still treat them as though they just escaped bondage and, in fact, are still in it because they would move the line: "Okay how many general managers are black?" They'd find a problem there. "How many owners are black?" They'd find a problem there. The NFL could be a hundred percent black, and the liberal sports media would still find a way to treat these guys as though they're in bondage and down for the civil rights struggle and so forth and so on.
Rush showing the courage of a pussycat on a racial issue, as usual. So much for any idea that Rush may have any sympathies in common with us.
I disagree Jaxvid. The comments Rush made about McNabb getting preferential treatment because of his skin were very important and still echo with blacks and the media today. He is the only national figure to ever mention this in public and he paid a high price for it.

Of course, it would be nice if he repeated the CF line about discrimination against whites but at least he again mentioned the double standards about race in the NFL and society at large.

Rush is not great on race but he is good. He is certainly better than any other mainstream personality.
When Rush got some heat for his statements about McNabb and the media hechose not tofight, resigned his position and left with his tail tucked between his legs.He likes making millions and millions of dollars and has done nothing to place his empire in jeopardy. If he was on the cutting edge of societal evolution, he'd be reading JB Cash's columns on the air and inviting calls. He's owned by AIPAC and the Neo-Cons. Has his good buddy Charles Barkley been on his program lately? Truth is that he would condemn 90% of the posters on this site.

He fooled me when he had Bush on his show and they both tried to convince us George was anything but a traitorous, back stabbing, conniving, anti-white, Shabbos Goy, who has screwed the white man with a vengeance.
KJV1 said:
If 100 percent of the players in the National Football League were black, the sports media would still treat them as though they just escaped bondage and, in fact, are still in it because they would move the line: "Okay how many general managers are black?" They'd find a problem there. "How many owners are black?" They'd find a problem there. The NFL could be a hundred percent black, and the liberal sports media would still find a way to treat these guys as though they're in bondage and down for the civil rights struggle and so forth and so on.

These last quotes of Rush are good (and would be echoed by CF posters) about the "liberal sports media", etc.

Where he chickened out was in the fact that the listener was obviously inviting him to weigh in on the problem of *anti-white discrimination* in Football, and he refused--showing that for all his big talk he's just another go-along to get along guy.

Rush's "conservatism" goes back to maybe 1989, and has evolved into out and out neo-conservatism. He has *never* shown the slightest interest in the issues that concern *the white community.* He's a big defender of the American establishment who spoke out for Bush senior and Bob Dole, before he embraced the role of non-stop cheerleader for Dubya. He's also a defender of the national welfare/warfare state, and hates the constitution, localism, states rights, etc. He has no sympathy for the South, and will try to shoot down any candidate who approximates real conservatism (i.e. Pat Buchanan or most recently Ron Paul). Examined closely, you can see that the guy is really an intellectual lightweight with no sense of the real history of America or of the conservative movement. The only reason he often "looks good" is because his audience consists largely of yes-men ("dittoheads")and he almost always screens callers.
Back in college, I was a huge "Dittohead" (as I was a hardcore Republican from ages 18-33). However, during the last few years of researching Globalism and the true "Ruling Elite", it has become crystal clear that guys like "Hush Bimbo", "Pawn Vanity", "Shill O'LIEly" are all NeoCON propaganda agents and bow the their Globalist Elite rulers (just as fellow NeoCONs "Skull & Bones" Bush, Cheney, etc.). Currently being a Nationalist/Constitutional (kinda a hybrid Libertarian and Goldwater Republican), I embrace only true paleo-conservative ideals and hold my nose to the stench of the phony NeoCONs (and even the fake liberals (ie - Marxist shell/Globalist core) like Shillary ClinTAX, Obuma, etc.).
Yeah, I too liked Rush at first, and I thought he was fairly good and articulate at refuting liberal platitudes, and expounding a semi-decent conservatism; but even in the early days he was always very deferential to the Republican establishment; and always unwilling to challenge the liberal "civil rights" consensus (the primary root of today's ills, IMO) which emerged from the 60's.
I dug Rush in the late 1980's, when his broadcast was truly funny, irreverent, and politically independent -- at least much more independent than it became once Roger Ailes and Bill Bennett got their talons on him.

In his first year of two, Rush made a lot of sense because he spent most of his time lampooning leftwing activists like Molly Yard, Martin Sheen, and even Jesse Jackson. Those people are easy to lampoon, because they are so obviously nutty. It was when I heard Rush say that he agreed with anti-discrimination law(s) that I began to see past the baloney. A caller asked Rush about Bush 1, who sponsored something called the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Rush went off on "black quarterbacks," but the caller nailed him down on specifics. Rush admitted that he opposed "black quarterbacks," which was a fashionable position, but favored anti-discrimination laws which deny your right to discriminate. He said private individuals should not be ALLOWED to discriminate.

The bottom line with Rush is that he makes fun of personalities like Jesse Jackson, but he agrees with Jesse, at least insofar as it pertains to punishing whites who are not enthusiastic about forced-integration.
I really like to just listen to him talk, rather than listen to him talk to callers.

I don't agree with everything he says, but I find him amusing and pleasant, much more so than that Hannidy (sp?) guy on a competing station.

Rush is on in the morning and Hannidy at lunch where I live.

Sometimes I listen to Korean talk radio. Those guys are merciless in their discussion of blacks and hispanics, and, for that matter, of the vietnamese.
Rush was just talking about the Mike/Mike show on ESPN Wednesday. Some other guy was filling in and talking with Golic about McNabb and said he was over-rated, not an elite QB, has seen his best days, and wasn't as good as A.J. Feely. Golic wouldn't go that far and just said he was inconsistent. Rush said it was funny that now McNabb is being attacked by the drive by media while he is hurt, while he said he was over-rated and being propped up by the media when he was healthy back in 2003.
Rush was a breath of fresh air when he first hit the airwaves. But now him and his impersonators sound like the Chorus of Zion, stale all around. What would shake the mass media world up is someone who is Pro-White which is as unthinkable as Rush's popularity surge in the early 90s.
Rush Limbaugh is a fat, pill-abusing, neo-con loudmouth. I could care less what he says about football. It doesn't change the fact that he is one of the liars that has put America in the mess it is in today. His lies are a big part of the reason why people approved of the war, and why so many of our troops are dead in Iraq. I will never respect him for that reason, no matter what else he does, unless he ever recants and admits he was wrong, which he'll never do.
First post in this thread in 13 years. It's been revealed Rush has advanced lung cancer.

Love him or hate him he had a good impact on a lot of people.
Very a White Western society once you invite peak Negro into a given becomes ruined. The NFL like the NBA and any area of the US where the Negro population reaches a majority demographic you are going to have issues.

The Black affleet today is a protected class.............we don't dare correct their behavior on the field...................or cries of racism will abound.

What do you expect to have in a game where you recruit a people for their physical skills and 80% of them have no greater than a 5th grade cognitive reasoning skill set in their skulls?

Did you see how Negrofied rap culture the whole NFL and its pregame has become?..................other than the Negros running around on the grid iron plantation who are the majority of fans in the stadium during the SB?.....

......well other than a few freebie Black fambly members of some players and the addition of a few Nog celebrities it is all overwhelmingly White Americans paying for all this crap.

Rush just admitted that the NFL has become rooting for one team of Negro gang members being better than another team of Negro gang members.......and Whites are cucks to pay for it.......
Very sad news to me. He was like a friend with similar views that I could count on each day. He has been a bulwark against the creeping decline of the media. I don’t know how he can be replaced.
Very sad news to me. He was like a friend with similar views that I could count on each day. He has been a bulwark against the creeping decline of the media. I don’t know how he can be replaced.
Exactly my feelings. You compare Rush's show to Hannity that follows immediately on most stations and the difference is stark.
All we can do is pray and he survives. No doubt he has the ability to have the best doctors.
Melania Trump just gave Limbaugh the Medal of Honor or something similar during Donald's State of the Union address.

The State of the Union speech is great theater, the main purpose of which is to boost Americans' confidence in the System and Trump was doing a great job until he diverted to the soap opera-style recognizing of various people in the audience, all of them non-White until Limbaugh. My interest quickly declined at that point, but it's sad if Limbaugh is near the end, as much as I have always criticized him for failing to deal honestly with the issues that count. In the 1930s, Charles Lindbergh, Huey Long, Father Coughlin and others told the truth to Americans; now we have Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Savage and company always doing their best to keep conservatives on the kosher plantation even as White America quickly becomes part of the reviled past.
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