Rush Limbaugh

cslewis1 said:
Rush is a man among boys. I freakin' love that guy. He was the first to make a statement about illegal immigration and its effect on our culture, this was while the Repubs and Bush were running the show, while Bush was popular.

I will also never forget what Rush said after Sept 11th. He was very explicit in NOT blaming people just because they happened to be Muslim. He said something about not taking out frustrations on some Palestinians who happend to be in America trying to live a better life.

I will always respect him for that, having the guts to defend those who didn't have many defenders. Similar to white quarterbacks today. Rush is great man who has done more for this country than any of those f'ing politicians combined.

I still believe Rush to be a closet supporter of drug legalization. The way he talks about tobacco prohibition is the exact arguments against drug prohibition. And I respect anyone who's got the guts to say the "war" on drugs is an absolute joke.

The War on Drugs is an absolute joke. I adamantly believe that to the bone.
I am almost totally convinced that Rush is aware of this site. I also believe alot of white athletes, high school, collegiate and pros are aware of this site. I thinks it's inevitable. Most of us discovered or stumbled onto CF by doing word searches on the internet about white athletes, I certainly did. Think of how invaluable this website would be in guys like Charlie Weiss, Mike Martz and other coaches,general managers, scouts and even players. This website could actually make a difference in the thoughts and actions of those people. Food for thought.
whiteCB said:
The War on Drugs is an absolute joke. I adamantly believe that to the bone.

Indeed. I always find it funny when liberals claim they are for freedom and yet want to throw you in jail at the first sign of dope. ANd yet conservatives say they are for freedom and also want to throw you in jail at the first sign of dope.

If I want to smoke dope, why would you care? I don't, don't even drink. But alcohol has caused much, much more problems than drugs. yet noone is banning that. I guess not yet.
I ahve always found it strange that in our culture some drugs are illegal and other are not only legal but sicaially acceptable. Marijuana being an exampled of an illegal drug and alocho and example of a legal sicailly acceptable drug that is at least as dangerous and delibilitating as a marijuana. But you can also add caffien and to alesser extent nicotine to the legal acceptable list
It's not really strange. It's history. Alcohol has been around forever and tobacco and caffiene for quite a long time. Marijuana is newer and had less time to develop as socially acceptable. Also the behavioral effects of nicotine and caffeine are relatively small while marijuana is more pronounced. You don't get "stoned" on coffee or cigarettes.

Alcohol was considered a "staple" as it was a safe liquid to store and drink before the days of refridgeration.
BTW I don't think Rush would like that his thread has been hijacked by discussions of the drug war.

So back to the subject matter. Rush may be wrong about drug legalization but I'm sure everyone agrees he is SPOT ON when it comes to politics and President Bush!
cslewis1 said:
whiteCB said:
The War on Drugs is an absolute joke. I adamantly believe that to the bone.

Indeed. I always find it funny when liberals claim they are for freedom and yet want to throw you in jail at the first sign of dope. ANd yet conservatives say they are for freedom and also want to throw you in jail at the first sign of dope.

If I want to smoke dope, why would you care? I don't, don't even drink. But alcohol has caused much, much more problems than drugs. yet noone is banning that. I guess not yet.

Yeah I always thought conservatives were for a smaller government and yet they want to raid medical marijuana dispensaries, waste millions on ineffective anti-weed commercials(which are always a joke), and spend billions upon billions on people who are really harming no one but themselves. I invite anyone to visit
jaxvid said:
BTW I don't think Rush would like that his thread has been hijacked by discussions of the drug war.

So back to the subject matter. Rush may be wrong about drug legalization but I'm sure everyone agrees he is SPOT ON when it comes to politics and President Bush!

There is noone better at his craft than Rush Limbaugh. I happen to agree with him on almost everything, but what makes him the best is that he makes me laugh. These other guys, Michael Reagan, Michael Savage, just aren't that entertaining to me. Rush cracks me up.
Sark6354201 said:
In's latest Monday Morning Quarterback, Peter King bashes Limbaugh for his comments regarding Grossman.

How infantile. These guys literally are sheep. here's Peter King's thought process, I am sure..."Now is my chance to show the world I am NOT a racist like Rush! Then the blacks will HAVE to love me! And I'll be in with them forever!"

But what King and his elk don't know is that those he appeases will NEVER be on his side because of nothing more than his skin color.

His time will come too. But they are too stupid to know this.
Rush talked about this today and blamed the liberals for always seeing race. After reading the stabs that King took at him, Rush said he'd make a deal with King that if he and the rest of the media would quit reminding him everytime someone black does something or telling a sob story about what obstacles they overcame in their lives, that Rush wouldn't think of the 2008 Presidential candidates in terms of race or gender.

So, Rush will be talking about race and gender through the 2008 election.

On the other hand, Rush did say his comments about Rex Grossman were a joking stab at the media, sort of a reverse McDrab incident. Funny how most of the media hasn't picked up on his comments after a week and a half, but he got fired from ESPN in 3 days after making those other comments.
Rush is the only guy so big that he can tell it like it is. There is literally noone else that big. It's pretty sweet to see.
Rush and Ann Coulter will be doing a skit on a new show on the Fox News channel this Saturday night. From what I saw of the skit, it's nothing short of hilarious. Rush plays the part of the newly elected president in 2008 and Ann Coulter is the VP. Check it out.
guest301 said:
Rush and Ann Coulter will be doing a skit on a new show on the Fox News channel this Saturday night. From what I saw of the skit, it's nothing short of hilarious. Rush plays the part of the newly elected president in 2008 and Ann Coulter is the VP. Check it out.

I hate that Ann Coulter with a passion.
She always gets a extreme reaction, one way or another. I love her. I have always appreciated her defence of a true American hero, the late Sen. Joe McCarthy. A man always demonized by the left in this country with their revisionist history. But she devoted a whole chapter to him in one of her best selling books showing all that he did for the country and the communists he exposed in our goverment, not to mention a few homosexuals too! She does speak her mind, I tend to admire that.
whiteCB said:
I hate that Ann Coulter with a passion.

Bravo! I feel the same way toward Rush, as I feel he's become a turncoat politically. Oh, he'll fire off a few remarks on sports or once in while toss us a bone on immigration, but he and Coulter know what's up, who's doing it, and say nothing. They lick the boots (and everthing else) of their neocon masters when push comes to shove.
I like Ann Coulters passion and her in your face attitude. She's good on immigration and really gives it to Bush on that issue. Yeah she won't touch the tribe though. But for all that what else is there?

As for Rush he can be a real dick sometimes but as was mentioned earlier in this thread, the guy is funny. He actually lampoons Jesse and Al and Calypso Louie, it's hillarious. After all the guy is an entertainer, what's he gonna do anyway? He probably knows the score but c'mon he's got that monster drug habit to feed!
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score-Blind Faith 1969

Not everybody knows, but I wish those who do would tell the world.
jaxvid, we'll have to disagree about ann coulters. she's completely nuts. she thinks we ought to invade the whole middle east and convert them to christianity. newsflash, the crusades ended a long time ago.
cutty..she is joking when she says things like that. Check out the show tonight and you will see the proper context of those remarks. She is just illustrating absurdity by being absurd. Love her or hate her, she does not want to revisit the crusades.
I made a mistake...the show I have been referring too comes on tonight, not last night...I think it's called "the half hour-spin hour".
guest301 said:
I made a mistake...the show I have been referring too comes on tonight, not last night...I think it's called "the half hour-spin hour".

Correct on both counts. Ann is masterful in illustrating absurdity with absurdity. Since she is a six-foot-blonde and conservative, she doesn't need to take on anything involving the "caste system." She gets enough unwarranted grief from the kool-aid drinking left as it is.

I also am somewhat curious about the 'half hour-spin hour."
The fact Ann Coulter has Commies on college campuses attacking her and yet she keeps on, puts her high on my list for respect. I like what she says, because noone else has the guts to say it.
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