Rush Limbaugh

Anyone know if Rush mentioned anything about the Michael Irving firing at ESPN? If I remember correctly when Rush got fired he mentioned one of his co-workers temporarily supported him, but then succumbed to peer pressure. I always assumed it had to have been Irving. There is no way it could have been Jackson or Berman. Just curious what Limbaugh had to say - if anything.
Tom Jackson didn't object on-air at the time, and Michael Irvin actually said something to the effect of "Rush is right. Rush is right"after Limbaugh made his now infamous remarks about McNabb and the media wanting to see black quarterbacks succeed in 2003. It was only after aday or sowent by and the Professional Victim Industry decided it was something that could be exploited and went intoorchestrated hysteria modethat Limbaugh's black cohorts did 180s and turned on him, along of coursewith all the whites in thecorporatemedia as well.
KJV1 said:
There is no way it could have been Jackson or
Berman. Just curious what Limbaugh had to say - if anything.

After Rush was fired, Jackson threw a tantrum on the air. I recall he
referred to Rush as "Those types of people". His anger was on
display for all to see. Berman just smiled politely, and stated that he
doesn't "see race".
Tom Jackson is a simpleton. I never respected him after that little tirade and never will.
Ann Coulter is one of the biggest neocon shills for Israel in the mainstream media today. Her "tough" posturing is annoying and ridiculous. For anyone who believes this fraud has any principles at all, I would suggest you find some old videos of her many appearances on Bill Maher's Orwellian-entitled "Politically Incorrect" t.v. program. You will see her tossing her blonde hair around and giggling uncontrollably at Maher's tasteless pro-communist rhetoric. There is an urban legend that holds that Coulter is not actually a she, but a transexual. Despite the unverified nature of this legend, once I heard it I just see a man every time I look at her. Big hands, adam's apple protruding. I have no idea whether this rumor has any validity or not, but you can Google the stories about it, which name the man she supposedly once was and go more into detail.
Yes, I meant that as an insult to Maher, not Coulter. I never really considered her to be masculine looking. And I didn't think she gave into Maher the time I saw her on his show. I don't agree with all of her opinions, but I've never agreed with anyone on everything. She's more likeable, at least to me, than 99% of her peers.
She's definitely no man! Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder, but I think she is gorgeous.
Maher is a cretin and I'm amazed that guy even still has a following in this country. I would rather watch or listen too Dennis Miller.
You guys may not like Maher but I do find him to me more of a libertarian. I especially agree with his views on marijuana and how were wasting so much money to prosecute a plant that has never even killed anyone. I agree with Maher cannabis should be taxed and regulated just like alcohol. Let's make a profit!
whiteCB said:
You guys may not like Maher but I do find him to me more of a libertarian. I especially agree with his views on marijuana and how were wasting so much money to prosecute a plant that has never even killed anyone. I agree with Maher cannabis should be taxed and regulated just like alcohol. Let's make a profit!

Do you agree with his libertarian views on putting the wood to the sisters?
Maher may take left-libertarian positions on some issues. But he is a big government liberal on everything else. That's why "Politically Incorrect" was such a joke of a name for Maher's show -- because Maher himself is so PC on so many issues.
Maher is part of the Hollywood left. There is nothing unique at all about him other than he has a special gift of being obnoxious.
Little Bill gave a live performance at our local university a while back. They loved him. Politically incorrect my ass. If he was really politically incorrect he wouldn't be popping up on TV so much.
Maher comes off as an obnoxious jack@$$ , but I agree with him on his disdain for Orwellian "Hate Crimes" legislation. Overall, he strikes me as a solid Lefty (ie - pro-abortion, Environazism & supporter of fraudulant PETA).

Although "Hush Bimbo" has been a NeoCON waterboy & Globalist mouthpiece at times, I totally agree with him on this issue.Edited by: DixieDestroyer
"Hush Bimbo?"

Man, Dixie, you have nicknames for everybody and everything! Took me a second to figure that one out.
Deus Vult said:
Maher may take left-libertarian positions on some issues. But he is a big government liberal on everything else. That's why "Politically Incorrect" was such a joke of a name for Maher's show -- because Maher himself is so PC on so many issues.
He is into personal usage for recreational drugs(probably because he uses them),prostitution(probably because he is into escorts, well look it him). Really he is just advocating personal needs for the rich and self indulgent......
Edited by: white is right
Shogun, I can't claim "Hush Bimbo"...that was ol' Michael Savage's. He's got alot of em up ("Pawn Vanity", ABC = Always Bolshevik Crap, Caviar Commies, etc.). I borrow some from Savage & Boortz, but I do like to create some of my own when appropriate...Ted Kommiedy, "KommieFairy" Kerry, "NeoCON" Newt, etc.
Isn't Michael Savage actually Michael Wierner or something like that? I also heard that he donated $5,000 to some lib's political campaign for mayor, I think it was L.A. or San Francisco. Anyway, the gist is that supposedly Savage's on air personality is all a put on for ratings. What do you think?
whiteCB said:
You guys may not like Maher but I do find him to me more of a libertarian. I especially agree with his views on marijuana and how were wasting so much money to prosecute a plant that has never even killed anyone. I agree with Maher cannabis should be taxed and regulated just like alcohol. Let's make a profit!

Taxed and regulated = libertarian? WTF?
Savage is nothing but a fraud. There are rumors about the guy. Anyway, his constant Israel first cheerleading makes me sick.

Bob Grant was the last of the true conservative radio hosts.
White Shogun said:
Isn't Michael Savage actually Michael Wierner or something like that? I also heard that he donated $5,000 to some lib's political campaign for mayor, I think it was L.A. or San Francisco. Anyway, the gist is that supposedly Savage's on air personality is all a put on for ratings. What do you think?
It has to be he sounds like a wrestling manager. When I hear him get into a call in "debate" with a liberal caller it almost makes me harken back to "Classy" Freddie Blassie tv interviews where he called the interviewer a pencil neck.Edited by: white is right
Shogun, I've heard Alex Jones trash Savage saying he's a closet liberal, which doesn't shock me as he's chosen to reside in San Fransicko aka "Sodom & Gommorah West". I personally couldn't stomach living anywhere on the Left Coast myself (being a GA country boy). Although I was an huge fan of Savage a few years ago, I'm now more solidly paleo-Conservative along the lines of Pat Buchanan, Bob Barr, and usually prefer listening to Dr.Stan Monteith's Radio Liberty & Alex Jones. I'll still listen to Savage every once in a while because his rants are hilarious (whether he's putting on a charade or not).

***BTW, good analogy to "Classy" Freddy Blassie, he's a legend!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
whiteCB said:
You guys may not like Maher but I do find him to me more of a libertarian. !
Maher is no libertarian. The left always tries to say they're libertarian, when they're actually straight from the Commissar. If Maher and his ilk had their way, we'd all be in teh Gulag.

Just because he's for legalizing, if he is I don't know because I don't follow him, but if he is, big freaking deal. I'm for legalizing too.

Never understood how such a PC man could get a show called Politically Incorrect. What a farce.

Bill Maher, just anothr spoiled rich white boy, who would give our jobs to the minorities without a second thought.
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