Rooney Rule will be gone soon?

Thanks Mark.I thought I did, but it doesn't really matter now. If something similar happens again, I'll just send a very direct PM to the person.
Now that we have a black messiah... er... president, we do not need the Rooney rule. Just hire the most qualified guy regardless of color.
The nearly coal black NFL and their clownish network doesn't need a Rooney rule it's pure racism favoring blacks. However, 3 black head coaches in all of the FBS is too low. There should definitely be at least a few more than that.

We need a neutral view of race in this country which is something we have never had. If this was the case, there would be for the most part only small deviations from population demographics as far as employment censuses in different sectors.

The Nuclear Physicist sector and Chemical engineering sectors would be noticeably less black than 13%; with a higher percentage of Asians and Caucasians. The Arts may be more black than 13%. Of course their would be certain areas in sport where their would be slightly bigger deviations (like the CB position and the 100 meter dash being significantly more black than 13% and swimming and power-lifting competitions being significantly less black than 13%).

We need to have color blindness in our evaluation of talent and if that were the case even RB would be a white majority position IMO with only CB possibly not.

Maybe whites will begin to wake up to the fact that the real racism today is against whites in almost all areas of society especially with the media coverage.

We now have a black President, proving white racism is very rare today and it is time we start demanding that stand-out talents like Peyton Hillis, Jacob Hester, Danny Woodhead, Toby Gerhart, Jake Sharp and Sam McGuffie receive a legit opportunity to carry the ball in the NFL.

There is no area of workforce that I have heard of in America that is 0% black; even in a 13% black country. It is time we start asking why the tailback and CB positions are 0% white in a 66% white country with so many standout high-schoolers who test out well athletically falling to obscurity playing Division III.

A good Title on a book for this topic would be "Black Men can Lead/ White Men Can Run". It covers that McCain can run, but Obama can lead. Black QBs can lead. Blacks can lead block for whites and white men should be able to run for 1,000 yards in the NFL. That is my dream

"That true color-blindness can come to this country; so their is no-workforce off limits to any race!"
A great post Riggins. I can't say I disagree with any of it, but a couple things bothered me. Like your statement that the Kenyan's victory shows there's very little racism left in America. That may be true, but it also points to other --- dare I say far bigger --- problems. For instance, the media's complete and utter refusal to vet this candidate shows me they have way too much power and influence. If a white candidate had any one of his radical friends, they'd never even be on the ballot let alone winning the damn thing. His victory also points toward the sheer stupidity of Americans nowadays, people more interested in American Idol than the state of the union, willing to throw a socialistic tax and spend president into the White House during a time of economic turmoil. The Kenyan's victory shows that Americans are more interested in style than substance. They love the romantic idea of a black president but don't careto look deep into his policies or past. Phillip J. Berg and many others will even tell you he's not constitutionally qualified to hold theoffice, and I believe that whole-heartedly, but such notions are either ignored or laughed at by the media --- and sincemost people let the media do their thinking for them, that means we're laughed at by the country at large. Racism may be dwindling in America, but a far uglier reality is rearing itsugly head and it's only the beginning.

I hope some of you watched that video I linked about Islam, I really do.Here's another one,much muchshorter, talking about what's happening in Holland right now.Thank God for Pat Condell, out there doing what he's doing and saying what he's saying.
Oh, one more thing which marks the Kenyan's victory as such a shame.

His victory doesn't really end racism in this country, as far as I'm concerned. It just paints it with a pretty brush. And it marks the beginning of a kind of thug politics that we've never seen in this country, not to this extent. How many times did you hear about people who supported McCain being called racist? RACIST, because they didn't like one candidate's policies. Racism may not be dead in America, but free debate certainly is. If you don't believe the status quo, they have a name for you. If you think a few elements of the official 9/11 explanation are a little fishy, they have a name for you: whack-job conspiracy nut. Same if you question whether Obama was born in this country, or if you have the audacity to point out that Obama, by his own admission, had duel America-British citizenship which disqualifies him from the office --- your just a conspiracy loon. And the biggest, the best, the most defaming label of all is that of being a racist. Try to take an intelligent, point by point, critical look at one of the candidates and you're just a biggot, a racist, someone who's opinion doesn't matter and therefore your vetting of the candidate doesn't matter either.

You say racism has ended or is ending in this country? How about the Black Panthers who were standing in front of an election center in Philly on November 11th, holding police batons and intimidating voters as they entered. When questioned by a member of the press, one of them said "A black man WILL be elected president today."

It sounds like racism is alive and well in America, practiced by the only people who are still ALLOWED to be racist: blacks. Because, you see, if you're black, you can think whatever you want to think and say whatever you want to say and no one gives a damn. Many of you probably never even heard that story about the Black Panthers, but if it had been the KKK or a bunch of skinheads intimidating black voters, I guarantee you would've heard it, shouted from the rooftops, bellowed by Katie Couric, plastered all over every newspaper in America.

Racism has not died. The paradigm has merely shifted. And white people, so filled with guilt and self-loathing, are taking up the you-know-what.
MarkQuinn said:
Oh, one more thing which marks the Kenyan's victory as such a shame.

His victory doesn't really end racism in this country, as far as I'm concerned. It just paints it with a pretty brush. And it marks the beginning of a kind of thug politics that we've never seen in this country, not to this extent. How many times did you hear about people who supported McCain being called racist? RACIST, because they didn't like one candidate's policies. Racism may not be dead in America, but free debate certainly is. If you don't believe the status quo, they have a name for you. If you think a few elements of the official 9/11 explanation are a little fishy, they have a name for you: whack-job conspiracy nut. Same if you question whether Obama was born in this country, or if you have the audacity to point out that Obama, by his own admission, had duel America-British citizenship which disqualifies him from the office --- your just a conspiracy loon. And the biggest, the best, the most defaming label of all is that of being a racist. Try to take an intelligent, point by point, critical look at one of the candidates and you're just a biggot, a racist, someone who's opinion doesn't matter and therefore your vetting of the candidate doesn't matter either.

You say racism has ended or is ending in this country? How about the Black Panthers who were standing in front of an election center in Philly on November 11th, holding police batons and intimidating voters as they entered. When questioned by a member of the press, one of them said "A black man WILL be elected president today."

It sounds like racism is alive and well in America, practiced by the only people who are still ALLOWED to be racist: blacks. Because, you see, if you're black, you can think whatever you want to think and say whatever you want to say and no one gives a damn. Many of you probably never even heard that story about the Black Panthers, but if it had been the KKK or a bunch of skinheads intimidating black voters, I guarantee you would've heard it, shouted from the rooftops, bellowed by Katie Couric, plastered all over every newspaper in America.

Racism has not died. The paradigm has merely shifted. And white people, so filled with guilt and self-loathing, are taking up the you-know-what.
MarkQuinn</span>, you are right on the money. This post is remarkable, it's what I have been trying to tell others, especially those who think blacks are right on everything.

I could not have put this any better myself, if there were just other places to post this nail biting, eye-opener of a post message.

Again my message to the rest of America, Obama isn't perfect, and he's not forever.
"Many of you probably never even heard that story about the Black Panthers, but if it had been the KKK or a bunch of skinheads intimidating black voters, I guarantee you would've heard it, shouted from the rooftops, bellowed by Katie Couric, plastered all over every newspaper in America."

Mark, the reason 99% of the sheeple never heard this story is because it doesnt "fit the script." Naturally, the script has been the exact same for over 50 years.

Do you remember 2-3 months ago when a couple named their son "Adolf Hitler?" It was the #1 story on Yahoo! news for over 24 hours. These white "bigots," expressing themselves through something as trivial as a son's name, "fit the script" perfectly. They had all the desirable qualities of a race-baiting news article....

1) They were white, and "ignorant" to multicultural america

2) They were proud of their white race and therefore "racist"

3) They were unapologetic about their "evil" actions

4) They were connected with Adolf Hilter, the media whipping boy for nearly 80 years. The most "villianous" human being in modern history.

Following the script is very important to the powers that be. I'll give them credit, they control the script quite well. The storiesnever really change, they only contain different whites to mock, belittle, and hate....and different minorities to shower praise upon.
Thrashen said:
"Many of you probably never even heard that story about the Black Panthers, but if it had been the KKK or a bunch of skinheads intimidating black voters, I guarantee you would've heard it, shouted from the rooftops, bellowed by Katie Couric, plastered all over every newspaper in America."

Mark, the reason 99% of the sheeple never heard this story is because it doesnt "fit the script." Naturally, the script has been the exact same for over 50 years.

Do you remember 2-3 months ago when a couple named their son "Adolf Hitler?" It was the #1 story on Yahoo! news for over 24 hours. These white "bigots," expressing themselves through something as trivial as a son's name, "fit the script" perfectly. They had all the desirable qualities of a race-baiting news article....

1) They were white, and "ignorant" to multicultural america

2) They were proud of their white race and therefore "racist"

3) They were unapologetic about their "evil" actions

4) They were connected with Adolf Hilter, the media whipping boy for nearly 80 years. The most "villianous" human being in modern history.

Following the script is very important to the powers that be. I'll give them credit, they control the script quite well. The storiesnever really change, they only contain different whites to mock, belittle, and hate....and different minorities to shower praise upon.
I've heard about that Hitler-naming thing, man, when will people realize it's just a name, the man has been gone for the past 63 years and counting</span>. It's not like the boy will become</span> like Hitler, no, it's just a name. These "bigots" are good people, proud of their ethnic and racial heritage. Is it so wrong to do such a thing? N-O!!!!!

America is a free country, not a land of taboos, Hitler is just a name</span>, these f**king liberal WIGGERS need to get a life and let these people be, they are good I'll say again, and they are proud of their ethnic and racial heritage, something every white person in America should be proud of also.

I'm amazed these liberal hobos have no sense of humor, Hitler is just a name, a n-a-m-e!!!!! The child will grow up to be a good citizen of America. If people like are not given given any sort of freedom to do such a small thing, then America is becoming a racist country, against WHITE PEOPLE.

The problem with some people (liberals especially) is that they are paranoid</span> about the past. Let go of the past and move forward.
Edited by: indianwhite
Not sure if anyone knows this, but the child that was named after Hitler, along with his siblings, were taken into child custody by the United Socialist State of New Jersey recently. It was publicly said that this has nothing to do with the news story involving the cake incident, but everyone knows that this is a crock of merde.
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
Not sure if anyone knows this, but the child that was named after Hitler, along with his siblings, were taken into child custody by the United Socialist State of New Jersey recently. It was publicly said that this has nothing to do with the news story involving the cake incident, but everyone knows that this is a crock of merde.
Having worked in politics, I guarantee they got 100s, if not 1000s of calls from voters. Child Services or whatever probably found something wrong to take the kid away, even if it had to be exaggerated.

However, you got to think that somebody who named their kid Hitler in America might be a little crazy, so I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if there was a legitimate reason. The media attention no doubt compelled the gov. to take a look at the family.
Edited by: Fightingtowin
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
Not sure if anyone knows this, but the child that was named after Hitler, along with his siblings, were taken into child custody by the United Socialist State of New Jersey recently. It was publicly said that this has nothing to do with the news story involving the cake incident, but everyone knows that this is a crock of merde.
What then? Have his name changed to Barack Obongo?

These stinking liberals have no sense of humor, always paranoid of the past.
The guy who named his kid Hitler is a fool. And a cowardly one at that. If he really wanted to show his devotion to Nazism he should have changed his OWN name to Hitler.

And Hitler may be just a name, but there are tons of names I would never consider naming my son or daughter. If I named my son Nancy and my daughter Butch, I am as big a moron as that guy and deserve whatever ridicule comes my way.

Is it ethically wrong to name your son Hitler, Y-E-S!!
GWTJ said:
The guy who named his kid Hitler is a fool. And a cowardly one at that. If he really wanted to show his devotion to Nazism he should have changed his OWN name to Hitler.

And Hitler may be just a name, but there are tons of names I would never consider naming my son or daughter. If I named my son Nancy and my daughter Butch, I am as big a moron as that guy and deserve whatever ridicule comes my way.

Is it ethically wrong to name your son Hitler, Y-E-S!!

I know a lot of nationalist-minded Whites will say there's nothing wrong with naming your son after Hitler but let's be honest; the family is moronic for doing so. They also live in southern New Jersey, which will shock some people when I say this, but it is an area that is considerably backwoodsy and--gasp--redneck territory. In New Jersey of all places--it's true! Anyhow, those kids would be scarred for life regardless of those two events.

But aside from that, the everyday mentioning of Hitler and National Socialism is useless in 2009. The people that insist on doing this are the same ones who think that the KKK is as prevalent now as it was eighty years ago. The biggest irony out of it all is that the more the usual suspects invoke Hitler's name, the more awakened White people become to pro-White interests.
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
Not sure if anyone knows this, but the child that was named after Hitler, along with his siblings, were taken into child custody by the United Socialist State of New Jersey recently. It was publicly said that this has nothing to do with the news story involving the cake incident, but everyone knows that this is a crock of merde.

CPS/DFACS is notorious (across the nation) for drawing "under the radar" pedophiles, predators & other such vermin for employment. CPS has a huge record of abusing children (neglect, physical, sexual abuse). In addition, the quack "physicians" usually put these kids on a myriad of psychotropic drugs (aka - poison).

Although it was over-the-top for that mug to name his kid "Hitler", is his right. Demonization & persecution for naming a child something "un-PC" (in itself) is a total travesty, yet to be expected by the Globalist Elite controlled, Zionist infested "mainstream" media.Edited by: DixieDestroyer
As over-the-top it may seem for that loon to name his son Hitler, it was indeed....his right. The Jewish and Negro-loving media sure make a big deal over a name, despite it's historically negative perception.

Not many of you are aware of this but, a Hitler fought for the USA, he was the nephew of Hitler himself, yes, and he was wounded is action.

After he was discharged, he changed his last name to Stuart-Houston. He died in 1987. Check it out.
It's absolutely not the government's business to police the names that parents give their children. We all see and read, and attempt to pronounce, the ridiculous names black parents give their children every day. Do you think Social Services will ever be called in to talk to those parents about stigmatizing their offspring with bizarre assemblages of letters that have no history, no meaning and are often unpronouncable?

There are also a lot of flower children from the '60s and '70s who gave their kids absurd, hippie names. These were often inspired by the parents' drug usage, but again I cannot imagine Social Services had any interest there. If I recall correctly, a few of the most burned out rock stars christened their children with one of the worst cuss words as a first name. I guess they weren't traumatized by that.

DixieDestroyer is right on target about child protective services. They have a horrible track record, hire some complete derelicts and have ruined an untold number of lives with their unnecessary meddling. The same thing can be said for the entire foster parenting system. It's debatable whether any children have ever truly been helped by this unconstitutional arm of the nanny state.

Yes, it was stupid to name a kid living in today's world Adolph Hitler. However, the government has no right to interfere with that, and certainly no right to take the children away because of an ignorant decision in birth names. But this is Don King's America, and we all know how little is left of our civil liberties.
Great post ^^^^^ agree completely. I can only add that how in the hell can a govt agency provide better parenting? Unless the parents were harming the children there is no commonsence reason to burden a poorly performing agency with another ward. Also the "name" was his middle name. It's not like they would be calling him Adolph Hitler at roll call. You never know most people's middle names and unless you publicize it---who cares?
Getting back to Dan Rooney, I learned of his hankering for the First Kenyan in an interesting place: aboard a tourist train in western Maryland.
On Sunday of Preakness weekend 2008, I rode the Western MD RR from Cumberland to Frostburg, and during the 90 minute layover in Frostburg bought a PGH Post-Gazette. On the ride back to Cumberland, I read it. There in the sports section was a feature article on Rooney which stated that he was for BO although he, Rooney, is a Pubbie like his dad was.

I know quite a few people who go by their middle name, but this anti-Hitler name stuff is crazy. Also, I had no idea there were "rednecks" in New Jersey. I'm assuming you are using that word in a positive way, OldSchoolBoy75.