Truly a Happy Hour topic!
I happened to like Reagan, although like any politician, there are things not to like. Here are some of the accomplishments of Mr. Reagan:
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who understood how to revive our spirits, renew our hope, and inspire Americans to feel good about our country and our role in the world.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who declared there is no moral equivalence between our political and social systems and those in communist countries ... and that we ought to stop acting as if there is. That's what ended the Cold War. It led him to call the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire," and to tell Mikhail Gorbachev, "Tear down this wall."</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who engaged the Soviets in a defense-spending war he knew they couldn't win. When they realized they couldn't win, the Cold War ended more abruptly than even the always-optimistic president probably expected.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who realized that one day some unstable tyrant will get control of a ballistic missile â€" possibly with chemical or biological warheads attached â€" and that America better be ready with a missile defense.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who saw the rise of small business and its enormous potential to create jobs and set about making tax and regulatory policies to accommodate these entrepreneurs.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who recognized that lowering taxes is critical to a strong economy</LI>
The POTUS is always disparaged in regards to deficits, but keep in mind, it is the CONGRESS that does all of the spending. During Reagan's years, he had to work with a massive Democrat-majority congress. Clinton is given credit for eliminating the deficit, when the majority REPUBLICAN congress during his years wrote the budgets. "Dubya" had a mixed bag, 4 years with a minor Republican majority, two with a Republican HOR and Democrat Senate, and 2 with a Democrat majority in both houses. Of course, the "compassionate conservative" Bush never met a spending bill that he didn't like..........
As for "Ike", he was the author of the "Great Society" which has given us the massive welfare/affirmative action nightmare that we spend a great deal of time with on CasteFootball......