Ronald Reagan


Apr 22, 2006
Just wanted to share some thoughts on who I think was the greatest president in at least the past 50 years. Yes I know he wasn't perfect as the Iran- Contra affair would ensue, but compared to the current and last president,I think he was a different breed altogether and a true small government minded conservative... Edited by: jcolec02


Apr 22, 2006
blacks hated reagan, maybe he wanted to shut them up


Nov 23, 2008
lost said:
jcolec02 said:
blacks hated reagan, maybe he wanted to shut them up
Well blacks hate all conservatives..

Yeah, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton...the last two great presidents of the USA!

Bush the 1st was not bad....Bush the 2nd, and Obongo...are Bad and Worse!


Apr 13, 2005
Jcolec02, there was a time when I thought Reagan was great as well. I worked on his campaign for the GOP nomination in 1976 and for president in 1980. I cast my first vote for him. But, ultimately, he did very little. He appointed the first "czar" which plagues us under Obama today. He was anti-communist in a time when anti-anti-communism was the dominant view of the elite. His spirit did shake the U.S. out of it's 70s Weimar stupor and change the course of the debate. I still remember the looks on the faces of those liberal TV heads when they announced Reagan's election. They thought the guy was from some seething right-wing swamp. But, I really can't think of much he did materially to turn the country around.
Jul 14, 2007
j41181 said:
Yeah, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton...the last two great presidents of the USA!

Bush the 1st was not bad....Bush the 2nd, and Obongo...are Bad and Worse!

Are you serious that Bill Clinton was a great president??? He raised taxes, put more minorities disproportionately in positions of power, was staunchly pro-Zionist, had pseudo-climatologist Al Gore as his VP, appointed activists to the federal judiciary including anti-white Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer to the U.S. Supreme Court, got us into insane foreign engagements like Somalia, bombed innocent civilians in Iraq, Sudan, and Bosnia, and under his Justice Department he allowed Attorney General Janet Reno attack and murder American Citizens in Waco. Most liberals who were against Bush's wars forget the Clinton wars. They are perplexed when I bring it up, with the usual response being "yeah, he did do that, but Bush was still worse." Non of this is including his liaisons with White House interns, his sexual harassment of some women, and his perjury under oath for which the U.S. House of Representatives impeached him, with half of the Senate voting to remove him from office (66 were needed though). He was an embarrassment to this nation if you ask me!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
j41181, you can thank the republicans who bum rushed slick willie and the demos in 1994. They forced his hand on a number of issues, most notable being the welfare reform act. Clinton vetoed it twice. When republicans took over they forced his hand and signed it. It helped save his presidency, this only being one.

However, what is saving to others is still a failed president to me. He let the scrorn of radical Islamic terrorist gain momenteum to carry out 911. The US and our interest/allies where attacked at least 7 times going back to the first twin towers attack back in 1993.

Oh yeah what about him sodimizing a jewish in the white house with a cigar. Yeah, great president......NOT


Nov 25, 2004
Reagan was a collosal failure. He had the first amnesty for illegals and the national debt soared. Conservative speeches and liberal policies. The fact that he did nothing buy encourage massive immigration on this country alone makes him a massive failure as a President.


Apr 22, 2006
Kaptain Poop said:
Reagan was a collosal failure. He had the first amnesty for illegals and the national debt soared. Conservative speeches and liberal policies. The fact that he did nothing buy encourage massive immigration on this country alone makes him a massive failure as a President.
I didn't say he was perfect, and by the way the immigration issue and the deficit are the 2 things he said he regretted the most


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
KP name a person let alone a POTUS can ever be perfect. That being said who do you think is the best or most effective POTUS in the last 40 yearas. I am dying to hear!!!

Yes Reagan was not perfect but who is???

You sir, sound like another white man thrashing another white who never held the office. Please I am dying to hear who you think is the most effective President we have had for the last 40 yrs. And spare me the Iraeli Puppet Master conspiracies or what ever.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Electric Slide said:
Are you serious that Bill Clinton was a great president??? He raised taxes, put more minorities disproportionately in positions of power, was staunchly pro-Zionist, had pseudo-climatologist Al Gore as his VP, appointed activists to the federal judiciary including anti-white Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer to the U.S. Supreme Court, got us into insane foreign engagements like Somalia, bombed innocent civilians in Iraq, Sudan, and Bosnia, and under his Justice Department he allowed Attorney General Janet Reno attack and murder American Citizens in Waco. Most liberals who were against Bush's wars forget the Clinton wars. They are perplexed when I bring it up, with the usual response being "yeah, he did do that, but Bush was still worse." Non of this is including his liaisons with White House interns, his sexual harassment of some women, and his perjury under oath for which the U.S. House of Representatives impeached him, with half of the Senate voting to remove him from office (66 were needed though). He was an embarrassment to this nation if you ask me!

Don't forget about the atrocities at Ruby Ridge, Idaho either. That was under George Herbert Walker Bush's watch. Reagan as POTUS was a prototypical modern neo-con. He talked conservative and rarely backed it up. I thought he was a decent president back then, but now I know he was part of the problem. Bush I and II and Clinton were all worse than Reagan, which is one reason I think a lot of people are nostalgic for the days of Reagan.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Bush I & Slick Willie Clintax were puppets of the Globalist Elite as their successors. Bush Sr. (a Skull&Bonesman like his father & son) openly made allusions to the "New World Order".

Reagan was a better POTUS than all his successors, but was more (true) conservative during the 1960s & as Gov of CA than he was as POTUS. As POTUS, he green-lighted mass amnesty via his signature of the '86 Immigration Reform and Control Act. In addition, he nominated RINO Sandra Day O'Connor to SCOTUS. He was supportive of the Zionist agenda, and a member of Bohemian Grove. Although he never joined the CFR or TC, he had cabinet members who were (David Regan, SoT), and an CFR member for VP (Bush I). Here's some insight on how Bush was added to the ticket...

"During the 1980 convention, Reagan lieutenants opposed a platform plank that would have denounced the TC and CFR. After Reagan won the nomination, conservatives watched to see if a an elite was chosen for his running mate. The day before Reagan selected his VP, a group of conservative activists visited him to ask him not to appoint from an elitist group. Republicans were furious when Reagan announced that Bush was his choice . The word "betrayal" was in common usage. Sir Henry Kissinger (BB/CFR/TC) and Gerald Ford (BB/33rd M), were present at the convention as agents of David Rockefeller. They assured Reagan the presidency if he accepted Bush on the ticket. Reagan first sought to get Gerald Ford to be his VP. At the urging of Henry Kissinger, Reagan then picked George Bush. Reagan was photographed dining with David Rockefeller before the November election. Afterwards, like Carter, when elected, Reagan offered a cabinet post to David Rockefeller -- which was declined. "

***Reference article...
Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Based on what I've heard, read, learned, etc, Reagan was more of a hindrance to the "true" conservative movement than he was a positive force. Before his Presidency, his political ideology was in line with the Barry Goldwater/Ron Paul branch of the party. His actions as President were far from this which makes me wonder if power corrupted him or he was coerced to change his ways by the big business/big gov't/banker elites types?

For any of you guys interested in an honest ranking of all of our Presidents by a conservative historian, check out Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty by Ivan Eland. You guys will notice that all modern Presidents grossly abuse their constitutional power. We have had very few, if any, small government/constitutional Presidents since after the Civil War.


Apr 6, 2007
I like Ike!


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Truly a Happy Hour topic!

I happened to like Reagan, although like any politician, there are things not to like. Here are some of the accomplishments of Mr. Reagan:

<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who understood how to revive our spirits, renew our hope, and inspire Americans to feel good about our country and our role in the world.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who declared there is no moral equivalence between our political and social systems and those in communist countries ... and that we ought to stop acting as if there is. That's what ended the Cold War. It led him to call the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire," and to tell Mikhail Gorbachev, "Tear down this wall."</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who engaged the Soviets in a defense-spending war he knew they couldn't win. When they realized they couldn't win, the Cold War ended more abruptly than even the always-optimistic president probably expected.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who realized that one day some unstable tyrant will get control of a ballistic missile â€" possibly with chemical or biological warheads attached â€" and that America better be ready with a missile defense.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who saw the rise of small business and its enormous potential to create jobs and set about making tax and regulatory policies to accommodate these entrepreneurs.</LI>
<LI>It was Ronald Reagan who recognized that lowering taxes is critical to a strong economy</LI>

The POTUS is always disparaged in regards to deficits, but keep in mind, it is the CONGRESS that does all of the spending. During Reagan's years, he had to work with a massive Democrat-majority congress. Clinton is given credit for eliminating the deficit, when the majority REPUBLICAN congress during his years wrote the budgets. "Dubya" had a mixed bag, 4 years with a minor Republican majority, two with a Republican HOR and Democrat Senate, and 2 with a Democrat majority in both houses. Of course, the "compassionate conservative" Bush never met a spending bill that he didn't like..........
As for "Ike", he was the author of the "Great Society" which has given us the massive welfare/affirmative action nightmare that we spend a great deal of time with on CasteFootball......


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Sorry, I was just reviewing my last post and incorrectly attributed to Ike the nightmare that was LBJ.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
If you looked at graphs of military spending, deficit spending, and the federal budget in general since WWII, you would be unable to know whether a "liberal" Democrat or a "conservative" Republican was in power as the graphs onlygo one way -- namely in a very sharp upward direction -- no matter which party is putatively "in power." The mega-deficits we have now were pioneered during the Ford administration and then greatly expanded again by Reagan and then again by Bush Jr., so to the extent there are deviations the Democrats would be seen as the more fiscally responsible party, but that's a matter of nuance not a real difference between the two. It's a one party system with rhetorical differences between its two wings that are constantly played up.

Reagan was an FDR-style socialist and activist. He was an outspoken liberal in his days of being a leader ofthe radical left actors union, then pretended to be a conservative when he ran for governor of California, where his m.o. was the same as when he was President -- talk tough, rule liberal.

An argument can be made that Reagan was the worst President, because he had the country behind him and if he had really gone after the PTB the people would have stood with him. Now it's likely too late for any kind of change within the system. But I can't blame Reagan because he wasn't what he pretended to be. He was an actor portraying a role. He slept most of the time and read cue cards when he was awake, much like George W. Bush but much more effectively.

Americans look up to the President as a combination of National Daddy Figure and Mystical King when he's merely a front man for those that actually decide policy; just one of the many pathologies destroying us from within.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The "Gipper," as KP pointed out, completely ignored illegal immigration (mostly from Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, South America, etc) during his time in California, and while president.

For those who still swear allegiance to this b-actor, ultra-liberal impostor, please note some of his ridiculously anti-white, pro-everything-else comments regarding immigration from 1984 in which he yelled to an audience that"¦."immigrants enlivened the national life with new ideas and new blood, and enrich us with a delightful diversity."

New ideas? New blood? Enrich us? Delightful diversity? No wonder this homosexual is the wet-dream hero of so many white American men. He's fluent in their nauseating idiom of self-hatred and engages in their perpetual quest to be completely replaced by everyone and everything non-white.

Ronny-Boy sounds more like the deracinated, zombified drunken white fans swilling beer at an NFL game than a president. Reagan's seemingly innocent "wolf in sheep's clothing"Â￾ routine has been become all but a national tradition for the "men"Â￾ at the "top."Â￾

We should expect nothing less in the always limp-wristed "Home of the Brave,"Â￾ as "our"Â￾ last pro-white president was Andrew Jackson"¦you know, a guy who left office about 175 years ago. Blue Bloods and sissy-boys ever since"¦.mixed with numerous Zionist-controlled finger-puppets (See Woodrow Wilson and FDR). I'm so "proud"Â￾ of my country's nearly unblemished record of racial treachery!


Apr 22, 2006
if he was so anti - white and liberal, then why do black americans dislike him so much? I mean they accuse him of starting aids to destroy there community, as well as crack cocaine, he was also an outspoken critic of socialized medicine, and was against social programs altogether... Edited by: jcolec02


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Don & Thrashen,
good no-nonsense/sugar-coating overviews gentlemen.

JCole02, the bruthaz didn't like him (largely) because they're duped by the bogus "Left vs. Right" paradigm/control mechanism. As Don alluded to (above), the PTB/Globalist Elite control the so-called "leadership" of both parties to have a controlled "opponent". The DNC & GOP are 2 sides of the same (Globalist Elite controlled) coin. Reagan (on the surface) was better than the (Skulln'Bones) Bushes, ClinTAX and Obongo...but (all in all) he was still a puppet of the NWO.

***My favorite Presidents are Thomas Jefferson & Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson...enemy of the Central Bank$ter vermin!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I think the presidency should be abolished. First of all because Americans would then realize that the country would continue just as it always has. Secondly, they might then realize that it's up to them to make changes, rather than investing so much hope and energy in the mostly mythical office of the President.

Americans just love to spend endless hours discussing and arguing about whether Candidate A or Candidate B should be the President, when it makes no substantive difference which one wins. It's a tightly controlled, closed political system that runs a mega-sized, globe-straddling, omnipresent government/media/entertainment/military complex. The symbolic and ceremonial front man ("the President") is an actor following scripts, the same as the Monday Night Football crew. His main function is to build and maintain legitimacy and support for the ruling class. If he gets "out of line" he will be replaced by a new front man.


Apr 22, 2006
Don Wassall said:
I think the presidency should be abolished.  First of all because Americans would then realize that the country would continue just as it always has.  Secondly, they might then realize that it's up to them to make changes, rather than investing so much hope and energy in the mostly mythical office of the President. 
<div> </div>
<div>Americans just love to spend endless hours discussing and arguing about whether Candidate A or Candidate B should be the President, when it makes no substantive difference which one wins.  It's a tightly controlled, closed political system that runs a mega-sized, globe-straddling, omnipresent government/media/entertainment/military complex.  The symbolic and ceremonial front man ("the President") is an actor following scripts, the same as the Monday Night Football crew.  His main function is to build and maintain legitimacy and support for the ruling class.  If he gets "out of line" he will be replaced by a new front man.  </div>
Wow, Ive never heard it explained like that. Very interesting and I agree with the whole "front man" concept of the presidency, but if the president doesn't have a lot of real power, then why are we all get riled up about Obama??Edited by: jcolec02


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
jcolec02 said:
Don Wassall said:
I think the presidency should be abolished.  First of all because Americans would then realize that the country would continue just as it always has.  Secondly, they might then realize that it's up to them to make changes, rather than investing so much hope and energy in the mostly mythical office of the President. 
<div> </div>
<div>Americans just love to spend endless hours discussing and arguing about whether Candidate A or Candidate B should be the President, when it makes no substantive difference which one wins.  It's a tightly controlled, closed political system that runs a mega-sized, globe-straddling, omnipresent government/media/entertainment/military complex.  The symbolic and ceremonial front man ("the President") is an actor following scripts, the same as the Monday Night Football crew.  His main function is to build and maintain legitimacy and support for the ruling class.  If he gets "out of line" he will be replaced by a new front man.  </div>
Wow, Ive never heard it explained like that. Very interesting and I agree with the whole "front man" concept of the presidency, but if the president doesn't have a lot of real power, then why are we all get riled up about Obama??

Personally, I think the election of "Body Odor by Hussein"Â could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to white America. As pathetic as it sounds, politically and socially, it has already been the most significant event in my lifetime.

That is, significant in the sense that it may provide the greatest catalyst for the destruction of the "etched in stone"Â (yet subconscious), anti-white racial apathy shrouding everything and anything which can be physically, mentally, or spiritually distorted.

Instead of the reliable racial treachery common from the "white front man" type presidents (See every president since Stonewall Jackson), lulling white Americans to sleep whilst developing new policies (using their tax money) to be enacted solely for their eventual replacement"¦.we were finally able to elect a vastly under qualified, loud-mouthed, wimpy, pea-brained, conceited "black" man.

I think we're getting "riled up" about his election because it fits the "script of today's world" so sickeningly well. I'm happy that this homosexual won the presidency"¦at least he's been honest and open about his utter revulsion for what remains of white American culture / values / traditions"¦.and his obvious desire to substitute those things with the exact opposite. Even some DWFs, usually in a perpetual state of political drunkeness, have awoken.

In the master script for "our" nation, I think his election was intended to be the "final peice" of the diversity puzzle. It was supposed to be an 8-year ebony and ivory circle jerk. For once in my life, the script backfired against the fat-cat PTB.Edited by: Thrashen


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
I am not in favor of altering the Constitution (other than repealling the 14th and 16th Amendments) so I am against abolishing the Presidency. However, the so-called Obama administration has let slip the dirty secret that our politicians do not write or read the policies they enact. In his clumsy attempt to appear decisive and strong, Obama demanded legislation "on his desk" at such and such times. The ensuing rush to comply resulted in legislation being passed without the pretense of deliberation. This is an "Emperor has no clothes" moment and more should be made of it.