Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

"Maybe you wanted to be fooled, Mr. Goldburg!!!"

Yeah, maybe I did want to be fooled. But would you care to elaborate on the significance of the name you addressed me with at the end of your sentence, Mr A-Hole? Or are you just drunk?


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"Maybe you wanted to be fooled, Mr. Goldburg!!!"

Yeah, maybe I did want to be fooled. But would you care to elaborate on the significance of the name you addressed me with at the end of your sentence, Mr A-Hole? Or are you just drunk?
I thought referring to each other by jewish surnames was how we kidded each other around here? Geez don't get so defensive.
"Maybe you wanted to be fooled, Mr. Goldburg!!!"

Yeah, maybe I did want to be fooled. But would you care to elaborate on the significance of the name you addressed me with at the end of your sentence, Mr A-Hole? Or are you just drunk?
I thought referring to each other by jewish surnames was how we kidded each other around here? Geez don't get so defensive.

That's a new one on me, but OK, I'll get with the program, Mister Cohen.

So how's business? How's duh femily? So vat do you think of duh phony baloney elections over here is dis country here? It's vois den it vuz in Russia I think. At least nobody over dair believed det it vuz real.

"Maybe you wanted to be fooled, Mr. Goldburg!!!"

Yeah, maybe I did want to be fooled. But would you care to elaborate on the significance of the name you addressed me with at the end of your sentence, Mr A-Hole? Or are you just drunk?

That's a new one on me, but OK, I'll get with the program, Mister Cohen.

So how's business? How's duh femily? So vat do you think of duh phony baloney elections over here is dis country here? It's vois den it vuz in Russia I think. At least nobody over dair believed det it vuz real.


Oy vey! You'd have to be mushugana to tink dat dah elections here are on da up and up!

There are many Ron Paul threads and though the 2012 run is obviously over, there is 28 pages of good discussion here. I'm sure some of you have already seen this but the other day Dr. Paul gave his farewell speech to congress. It's an epic 48 minutes in which Ron bluntly describes the countries many problems and proposes his hopes and solutions. My hope for Dr. Paul is that he can become more hardcore in attacking our enemies now free of his congressional burdens. Enjoy.

[sorry I was having trouble inserting the video]
I found something I disagree with with Ron Paul on. He put out some sort of statement about the recently murdered Navy Seal sniper was shot because he, [ lived by the sword so he died by the sword.] Not so. Simo Hayha("White Death"), the greatest sniper who ever lived (killed over 700 Russians in less than 100 days of combat) died peacefully in his sleep, aged 97. 1939 Winter War, Russia - Finland.

Tom Iron...
Hi Ragun, Close enough for me too. Just wanted to mention that guy Hayha. Quite a man himself.

Tom Iron...
I was wondeing if some independent voters never got into Ron Paul because of his age. People will wish he was in office after another rumblin, stumblin and bumblin 4 years of the loony left in charge.
What do you think of Chris Christie? To me the guy would be an incredible president. Not just for right-wingers but for the entire country. I respect any politician that is not afraid to speak bluntly. He will wipe the floor with Hillary in 2016 I hope.
I was wondeing if some independent voters never got into Ron Paul because of his age. People will wish he was in office after another rumblin, stumblin and bumblin 4 years of the loony left in charge.
What do you think of Chris Christie? To me the guy would be an incredible president. Not just for right-wingers but for the entire country. I respect any politician that is not afraid to speak bluntly. He will wipe the floor with Hillary in 2016 I hope.

Christie lost me when he went all in for immigration. A Christie presidency would be disasterous to White people as a group. His recent cozying up to Obama helped sabatoge Romney in appearence if not in fact. Nice thing to do to a guy that was supposed to be a friend. But not to worry, a Christie presidency is an impossibility. If low information, low IQ voters support a half breed foreigner over a competent good looking all-american businessman then a fat guy with an abrasive streak has no chance in hell of being elected.
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