Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

Clark county, the area around Las Vegas is still not reporting everything. I believe I heard that 70% of the population of Nevada resides in this county. Interestingly, the one precinct they counted on camera and out in the open, Ron Paul got 153 votes or 58%, compared to Mittens Romney who got 49 votes. The Nevada state GOP chair resigned at midnight last night, and if you remember the Iowa GOP chair resigned as well. Not getting my hopes up, but there may be proof of voter fraud in this thing. Multiple precincts had more votes than people who had signed in to vote.

It's interesting that the Republican establishment has degenerated to such an extent they'll stop at nothing to stop Dr. Paul, including open voter fraud. I guess they figure they can get one of their friendly judges to throw out the charges.

When the last Czar in Russia was told the revolution had come and he had to abdicate, it's said he was shocked. He had no idea. He thought everybody loved him. He was completely isolated from reality. Same with the demi-republicrat party. They go about their stinking ways just as if everything is running along as usual, completely indifferent to everything going on in plain sight all around them.

Tom Iron...
These primaries and caucuses ought to prove to every American that voting doesn't count. As the saying goes, "If voting works, do you think it would be legal?"

Ron Paul clearly has more support than all the other candidates combined. The idea that he finished behind a discredited nonentity like Gingrich in a place like Nevada, an area ripe for his message, is an offense to our intelligence. In reality, Paul would have won every primary or caucus thus far, if the votes were honestly counted.

I think we can all agree that this issue is "fixed."
Diebold voting machines: Preprogrammed and hacked no paper trail vote counting. Phony elections, phony democracy.

Seems the bigshot republicans are becoming more and more flagrant with their cheating. So much so that a friend of mine who said I was nuts about this stuff has completely changed his mind. He says he can't believe the lying and cheating going on. So if people like him have changed their minds, the powers that be are lousing up big time.

Tom Iron...
So many people are waking up to their phony elections. And then you see them wringing their hands about what they call unfair elections in Iran or Russia. Hypocrisy rules.
The people in my precinct voted tonight as follows:

Paul - 38.5%
Gingrich - 30.8%
Romney - 15.4%
Santorum - 15.4%

What you are seeing on TV right now for Colorado is A LIE!
The people in my precinct voted tonight as follows:

Paul - 38.5%
Gingrich - 30.8%
Romney - 15.4%
Santorum - 15.4%

What you are seeing on TV right now for Colorado is A LIE!
How or where did you get that information? Also, if it's provable, maybe you can pass it on to the official campaign.
How is it possible for sock-puppet extraordinaire Rick Santorum to win MIN and CO? Since I refuse to believe the people in either state can be this dumb with IQs well below 75, we have to safely assume that the whole thing is rigged. There's no doubt in my mind now.
I don't think Paul has much of a chance, mainly due to lack of funding and lack of air time from the Mainsteam Media. I think he'll win Maine and Wyoming, but Romney just has way to much money in his Superpac for anyone to compete with. I think Rand Paul will be a major threat in 2016 however.
If the official "results" tonight don't make every thinking American understand our electoral process is rigged, nothing ever will. Santorum winning Minnesota? One of the most liberal states in the union, falling for this guy? Come on! Paul clearly should have had this state won- his arguments are not going to resonate much better anywhere else.

Those who control us are really coming out in full force now. They fear nothing, and are blatantly advertising themselves. Madonna dressed up as Baphomet during Super Bowl halftime? How obvious can they get? Now, they take the dullest, most unattractive candidates possible- Santorum, Gingrich, and claim they are winning landslide victories in different states. No one goes to Santorums' rallies- he can't draw flies. Meanwhile, Ron Paul signs are everywhere, he crushes all the other candidates in every online poll (the only ones they can't control), yet isn't permitted to win a single state, because they control things.

Read "Votescam" by the late Collier brothers. It's simply undeniable that our votes don't count.

Don't lose heart. The stars are aligning. Something is going to happen. Dr. Paul is doing fine. He's in every primary and at some point, will take over this race. Actually he already has in a manner of speaking. Just by forcing the powers that be to become so flagrant in their cheating. Peoples heads are picking up. Many people are starting to notice. Things are better than they look on the surface.

Tom Iron...

Don't lose heart. The stars are aligning. Something is going to happen. Dr. Paul is doing fine. He's in every primary and at some point, will take over this race. Actually he already has in a manner of speaking. Just by forcing the powers that be to become so flagrant in their cheating. Peoples heads are picking up. Many people are starting to notice. Things are better than they look on the surface.

Tom Iron...

Tom, you gotta share some of that stuff you been drinking with me!!! :icon_wink:

Minnesota? What can you say about a state that has enough people in it to think its a good idea to elect Al Franken as one of their senators!!! I would've thought people that voted in Jesse Ventura would really like Ron Pauls message but maybe it is a case of voter fraud. At any rate I hope they are rewarded with another flotilla of somalian refugees to help them with that lack of diversity problem.

I have been trying to imagine a scenario whereas I am in a voting booth and decide to check the box next to "Rick Santorum", I can't think of any possible reason why a reasonably sane person would do that? One of life's great mysteries.
Good afternoon jaxvid,

Actually, I did have a beer last night. But I had an excuse. I'd just sat through a meeting of a church group I belong to and listening to those well meaning lunatics made me had to go to the bar.

As far as Dr. Paul goes, don't give up. Something's going to happen to bring him to the forefront despite everything. Lookit the bum Gingrich. He wasn't on Missouri ballot. He's off a bunch more too. The Va. primary is only between Romney and Dr. Paul. The others didn't qualify.

The ace in the hole is Dr. Paul runs independant.

Don't be so gloomy.

Tom Iron.
How or where did you get that information? Also, if it's provable, maybe you can pass it on to the official campaign.
I attended the Caucus at that Precinct and was there to witness the count.

When Paul toured Colorado last week, he had overflowing crowds in Fort Collins, Denver, and Colorado Springs on the same day, with one media outlet saying "people were hanging from the rafters" at the Fort Collins event. Someone I know attended the Denver event and said that "at least 5000 people were there...". And this was during a work day during the day, not on the weekend or in the evening after work, so many other people that wanted to go, couldn't. Santorum had, at most, crowds of around 250 people when he toured here. The math just doesn't add up. There's no possible legal way this could happen in my opinion.

My belief is that Santorum's and Paul's percentages were simply switched (I believe the same thing happened in Iowa and probably MO and MN) to keep the overall percentage of votes the same. Romney's and Gingrich's percentages were left alone and accurate so that 100% of the vote would still be shown.
If the official "results" tonight don't make every thinking American understand our electoral process is rigged, nothing ever will. Santorum winning Minnesota? One of the most liberal states in the union, falling for this guy? Come on! Paul clearly should have had this state won- his arguments are not going to resonate much better anywhere else.

Those who control us are really coming out in full force now. They fear nothing, and are blatantly advertising themselves. Madonna dressed up as Baphomet during Super Bowl halftime? How obvious can they get? Now, they take the dullest, most unattractive candidates possible- Santorum, Gingrich, and claim they are winning landslide victories in different states. No one goes to Santorums' rallies- he can't draw flies. Meanwhile, Ron Paul signs are everywhere, he crushes all the other candidates in every online poll (the only ones they can't control), yet isn't permitted to win a single state, because they control things.

Read "Votescam" by the late Collier brothers. It's simply undeniable that our votes don't count.

there are 3 possibilities.

1 polls on internet are very small (but probably it is not so small to make a very big differnce).
2 fraud
3 The Ron Paul supperters are much more fanatical then the other voters of the other candidates just so that internet polls do attract relatively more ron paul supperters.( the voters of the other candidates just more likely only votes when it is for the real counted vote for candidate of the republicans).

I hope for you guys it is the third one.
I attended the Caucus at that Precinct and was there to witness the count.

When Paul toured Colorado last week, he had overflowing crowds in Fort Collins, Denver, and Colorado Springs on the same day, with one media outlet saying "people were hanging from the rafters" at the Fort Collins event. Someone I know attended the Denver event and said that "at least 5000 people were there...". And this was during a work day during the day, not on the weekend or in the evening after work, so many other people that wanted to go, couldn't. Santorum had, at most, crowds of around 250 people when he toured here. The math just doesn't add up. There's no possible legal way this could happen in my opinion.

My belief is that Santorum's and Paul's percentages were simply switched (I believe the same thing happened in Iowa and probably MO and MN) to keep the overall percentage of votes the same. Romney's and Gingrich's percentages were left alone and accurate so that 100% of the vote would still be shown.
I totally agree. While I haven't seen anything personally, I have read countless articles and watched countless videos. It's mindbogglingly other than outright fraud. Paul's total vote is 7,759 with 99% reporting. If 5,000 or even half of those people came out for one rally in one city then he should have a hell of alot more than 7,759 votes. I would not believe for a second that people would take time to go to a rally and then stay home on caucus day.

Unless we can insure that honest elections take place, then I see no way we can peacefully take this country back.

Could someone help me. You all know your way around the computer better than I do, I'd say. Can someone tell me just how many primaries/Caucuses Gingrich is barred from. His name wasn't on the Missouri ballot yesterday. I know he's not on the Va. either. Are there any others?

Tom Iron...
I do think there is some fraud ready to go whenever and wherever need be, but the truth is that vast majority of the American people are idiots - even the ones that take the time to go to primaries and caucuses. RP got 27% in Minnesota - second to Santorum. How and why Santorum goes from single digit status to roughly 50% in three states I don't know. However, we all know that people are sheeple. Between me and my family we attended three separate precincts. RP got second in two of them and tied for first in the third while Santorum was first in all of them. Just like the results revealed. That leads me to believe an even scarier scenario than rampant fraud; rampant incurable stupidity.

My precinct had 46 people. The crowd consisted of mostly old white people (the greatest generation who sold us all down the river) and women (a reminder of the mistake of women's suffrage) and one latino. 14 delegates were elected out of 18 that volunteered themselves for nomination. Everyone gave a brief intro speech. The stupefied non-nonsensical speeches most gave on their politics would be fodder for an SNL skit. I volunteered for nomination and gave a brief speech that I will brag was pretty decent and caused several positive reactions in the crowd. However, I did mention that I was a RP supporter and guess who recieved the least votes out of the 18 nominated? Yep.

We are not fighting an enemy that is overwhelming clever. We are fighting our own people who are overwhelmingly stupid. More proof that no real revolution is done through quietly and peacefully standing in line to vote.
Ron Paul is very popular among politically aware internet users; however that's still a small segment of the overall voting population in the US of Gay. That's why I agree with Kaptain that ignorance and stupidity explains a lot of it. Most "conservatives," especially the older ones, still get their opinions from their local Judeo-Christian Zionist 501 (c)(3) preacher, from Fox News, from Limbaugh and Savage, and from their equally ignorant friends and relatives who are influenced by the same sources.

This country's been hopelessly factionalized and dumbed down. Ron Paul's support -- roughly 15 to 25% of the country because a lot of independents and some Democrats like him as well -- is a good indicator of how many salvageable people there are left in America. The rest are a cross between the effortlessly managed conformist sheep found in totalitarian countries and the dullard denizens of the movie Idiocracy.
That leads me to believe an even scarier scenario than rampant fraud; rampant incurable stupidity.

If this is indeed the case (since I refuse to believe it, but you guys are probably right), then there's no hope. Because if it's all due to fraud rather than pure idiocy, then this still gives me some optimism that people are waking up, but being suppresed by the electronic voting machines and other counting mechanisms which cannot be verified and without a paper trail, you can't prove anything. How any able minded/bodied person can check Santorom's or Gingrich's name, in the belief that they would make a good candidate for POTUS is simply beyond unbelievable to me, and that's why perhaps I'm in denial and try to think of some other reason for these results.
Good morning Gentlemen,

It's my opinion Dr. Paul's been cheated big time. On the face of it, it doesn't look good. But in the massive cheating, the powers that be tacitly admit they're losing their grip, no matter the results.

The country looks to be placid, but I don't think it's placid in any way. Things could easily get out of hand. No one really knows what could set a real bad set of circumstances in motion. It could be anything from a routine traffic stop, to a small demonstration, anything. You can never tell about such things. In Russia, it was a few women walking down the street with a banner proclaiming a beef against their employer.

So, while it appears the powers that be are "winning," it looks to me Dr. Paul's candidacy is sapping their strength. They're just employing too much effort into defeating him and not getting the results they want. He's still there.

Like I say, if he runs Independant or third party, the sh*ts going to really hit the fan.

Tom Iron...

Could someone help me. You all know your way around the computer better than I do, I'd say. Can someone tell me just how many primaries/Caucuses Gingrich is barred from. His name wasn't on the Missouri ballot yesterday. I know he's not on the Va. either. Are there any others?

Tom Iron...

Tom, that's what I've found to be the most helpful tracker of delegates for states that have already voted and states that are upcoming. Gingrich is only barred in those states while Santorum has issues in a couple more as the chart shows.
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