Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

Of course, though, they are correct when they say that Dr Paul has zero chance of winning. And that's because their no paper trail computerized Diebold voting machines are hacked and pre-programmed and de-programmed and the votes are tabulated in private in a little office in Manhattan. Bull**** elections bull**** democracy.


i agree, if somebody they don't like and they see as a threat wins, they will find a way to cheat

but when you say " Bull**** elections bull**** democracy" it sounds like you ask for more democracy

don't forget that democracy (both corrupt or "real" democracy)is one of the things that made the white world look like it looks now
we must see democracy as a way to take the power, but not as a sacred thing, as it is the first thing we would erase if we take the power
Carolina Speed,

No, I don't know his "stance" on China. But I would imagine his stance on any one country is the same as any other. He believes in friendship (most of all, not meddling in other countries affairs as we have been for 50-60 yrs. or so) with all nations, the end to these undeclared wars and bringing our troops home from around the world. I'll say this before someone else brings it up. Just because he would do this doesn't in any way mean he's a pacifist or wants to undermine our defense. He just wants to reign in the military-industrial complex.

Tom Iron...
Carolina Speed,

No, I don't know his "stance" on China. But I would imagine his stance on any one country is the same as any other. He believes in friendship (most of all, not meddling in other countries affairs as we have been for 50-60 yrs. or so) with all nations, the end to these undeclared wars and bringing our troops home from around the world. I'll say this before someone else brings it up. Just because he would do this doesn't in any way mean he's a pacifist or wants to undermine our defense. He just wants to reign in the military-industrial complex.

Tom Iron...

Being a military veteran of the United States Marine Corps, I understand.

I was talking in regards to trade laws. D. Trump said he would end unfair trade negotiations between the U.S. and China, which is a big reason for our failing economy.

The once robust U.S. economy will never, ever be what it once was until we address this problem no matter who we choose to become President!
Carolina Speed, Semper Fi.

I can tell you this about Gingrich. If the guy says it's a nice day, you'd better look outside. A real snake in the grass.

While Dr. Paul is a man from the top of his head down to the bottom of his feet. That's even though he was in the Air force. so for me to say that about an airdale, it's saying something.

Tom Iron...
Carolina Speed, Semper Fi.

I can tell you this about Gingrich. If the guy says it's a nice day, you'd better look outside. A real snake in the grass.

While Dr. Paul is a man from the top of his head down to the bottom of his feet. That's even though he was in the Air force. so for me to say that about an airdale, it's saying something.

Tom Iron...

"Always Faithful" (Semper Fi) Tom Iron,

Thanks, That's hilarious, I know all about Gingrich!

Take it easy on the Air Force, they used to bring us our breakfast every morning after our 12 mile run!

Someone has to feed the animals :caked:
i agree, if somebody they don't like and they see as a threat wins, they will find a way to cheat

but when you say " Bull**** elections bull**** democracy" it sounds like you ask for more democracy

don't forget that democracy (both corrupt or "real" democracy)is one of the things that made the white world look like it looks now
we must see democracy as a way to take the power, but not as a sacred thing, as it is the first thing we would erase if we take the power

I'm not disagreeing with you at all, brother. Democracy might work for a while in small homogenous communities with similar values and goals. For a while. Maybe. Here, it is nothing but a racket: pretend to choose between Zionist billionaire Skull & Bonesman A or B - and then just to be on the safe side they'll run your pretend vote through their diebold voting machines to make sure it comes out just the way they want. In fact their tv networks will tell you who won even before you wander in to the voting booth to cast your make believe vote.

Jar heads are stoopid. I was a sailor.

There's really no "choice" for POTUS 2012. It's either arch cultmarxist Obongo or a Zionist NeoCON...2 sides of the same coin. Thus, I support the (lone) Constitutionalist. When Dr.Paul doesn't get the GOP nod, I hope he gets the CP or Libertarian nod. I'm also curious to see if Dr.Duke enters the race.
I'm not disagreeing with you at all, brother. Democracy might work for a while in small homogenous communities with similar values and goals. For a while. Maybe. Here, it is nothing but a racket: pretend to choose between Zionist billionaire Skull & Bonesman A or B - and then just to be on the safe side they'll run your pretend vote through their diebold voting machines to make sure it comes out just the way they want. In fact their tv networks will tell you who won even before you wander in to the voting booth to cast your make believe vote.

Jar heads are stoopid. I was a sailor.


Wolves aren't real bright either!
The campaign put out a pretty good ad today, It will be aired on ESPN, Monday night football, the golf channel, history channel, and a few others. On a side note Im hoping for there to be a large amount of blowback about his exclusion form the Jewish republican debate.

[video=youtube;MXCZVmQ74OA] d[/video]
Jon Stewart pokes fun and sees which candidate won the "tuches kiss-off" at the GOP Jewish forum. If there are any of you here at CF who would consider voting for Bachmann, Perry, Romney, Gingrich or Santorum watch the video embedded in the link. It's a sickening display. :hail::israel:

You'd think they're running for Israeli Prime Minister.

At the end Jon says they excluded Ron Paul because they didn't want a real debate.
Jon Stewart pokes fun and sees which candidate won the "tuches kiss-off" at the GOP Jewish forum. If there are any of you here at CF who would consider voting for Bachmann, Perry, Romney, Gingrich or Santorum watch the video embedded in the link. It's a sickening display. :hail::israel:

You'd think they're running for Israeli Prime Minister.

At the end Jon says they excluded Ron Paul because they didn't want a real debate.

Exactly. I'll tell you what I don't like one bit though, and that is that Ron Paul surrounds himself with crooks. The whole election charade is rigged, and apparently Ron Paul's paid staff is going along with the rigged computerized no paper trail voting machine scam again, same as they did last time.

What Ron Paul Supporters Must Do To Win the Iowa Caucus 2012[FONT=Arial][COLOR=#0000FF][B]
werewolf, if that is true, what recourse or alternative is there?
Good morning Gentlemen, Did anyone watch the debate last night? What did you think of it? Did Ron Paul hold his own? Were any of the other candidates impressive or did they make any mistakes, etc.?

Tom Iron...
Good morning Gentlemen, Did anyone watch the debate last night? What did you think of it? Did Ron Paul hold his own? Were any of the other candidates impressive or did they make any mistakes, etc.?

Tom Iron...

Mr Iron

I did not view the debate, had pressing family issues to deal with, but I read some site recap of it. "Townhall" said all did well, especially Michelle Bachmann. All ganged up on Newt. Its going to be interesting who wins and comes in second in Iowa in 24 or so days. Right If I had to pick, I would vote for Romney or Bachmann, candidates with a viable shot in the general. If Ron Paul's son Rand was running, it would be a no brainer in me pulling the lever for him.
"all did well, especially Michelle Bachmann"

That bitch sounds like she's running on the extreme right wing radical wing of the Likkud Party in the Israheli Knesset, and Gingrich would be too extreme even for them, and all the rest sound like just ordinary right wing Likkudniks, except for Ron Paul, and that's why they won't invite him to their private parties, though in reality that's all these mock elections are.

Colonel - I think the OWS protesters are making the first step. I don't see how you can beat them playing at their own rigged election and democracy shell game. But white Americans have been too dumbed down and fattened up to produce another revolution. Perhaps when something horrible happens - like the zhids get their longed for WW3 and it goes south - maybe something big will happen then, while there are still enough of us left.

My secret hope is for a military coup. Though the top levels of the military have been carefully purged there are still plenty of thinking people in the middle levels who know what the USS Liberty and 911 was all about. I figure the chances of that miracle happening are pretty low, though, like near zero.

"The military knows that Israel did 911. It is 100% certain that 9-11 was a Mossad operation – period."
- Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College

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Good morning Gentlemen, Did anyone watch the debate last night? What did you think of it? Did Ron Paul hold his own? Were any of the other candidates impressive or did they make any mistakes, etc.?

Tom Iron...
I thought it was one of Paul's very best debates. His answers were precise and informative. His "attack" on Newt was hard hitting. At the end, Perry and Mitt were giving Paul high praise saying they "learned" from him. Based on crowd response, the crowd really loved Ron Paul.

There was way too much time spent discussing Israel (we know why) and as werewolf said all the other candidates sounded like they were running for Prime Minister of Israel. We should have NO entangling alliances with any nations!
Thanks much bearclaw500,

He hit the ball out of the park. Even the other candidates now realize Dr. Paul'll be the nominee.

Ron Paul 2012

Tom Iron...
If Dr. Paul manages to get the nomination, who of these other knuckleheads do you think he should choose as veep?
If Dr. Paul manages to get the nomination, who of these other knuckleheads do you think he should choose as veep?

Dennis Kucinich. All those so-called top tier Republican candidates are the scum of the earth.

I remember how Pat Buchanan deliberately sabotaged his own candidacy - and the Reform Party (which had up to then achieved federal matching funds and ballot status in all fifty states) - by selecting one deranged communist negress after another to be his running mate, that and the fixed computerized voting machines wrote an end to him and the Reform Party.

If Dr. Paul were to win the nomination as the Republican candidate for presidency, he should be very careful of who he chooses for a running mate. with an eye to winning, I think Michelle Bachmann would be an excellent VP. A woman would definitely win him the presidency. But the Republican party would definitely want to hang a real LBJ type bum around his neck, just in case they had to kill him, like I believe JFK was killed.

Tom Iron...
"I think Michelle Bachmann would be an excellent VP"

How about Abe Foxman?
American Freedom News