Ron Paul in 2008!

Fred Thompson is just the media's latest wolf in sheep's clothing. He's a hollywood fake and phony. Here what he really thinks about illegal immigration:

thompson amnesty

Now tell me how is his stance different than the comprehensive bill he pretends to now oppose?
Trouble with Thompson is that no one can say what he stands for. Fred Grandy(Gopher from the LoveBoat) would be a frigging better choice, voted by his Congressional peers as 'Watchdog of the Treasury' all 8 years he spent in the House.

Thompson just comes off as a bum with no stance on any issue.
"Fraud" Thompson would be just another Globalist shill. He too would embrace scAmnesty for illegals and implementaton of the North American Union. Ron Paul is the best man for President (bar none), and is indeed "founding father material"!
[url] xclud.html[/url]

June 19, 2007
<H3 =entry-er>Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa</H3>
<DIV =entry-content>
<DIV =entry->

Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson, and Tom Tancredo will participate.

Ron Paul, however, will not participate. Why? Because he wasn't invited.

We heard about this forum from numerous supporters in Iowa who asked why Dr. Paul was not going to participate. Those supporters assumed that Dr. Paul was invited.

The campaign office had not received an invitation so we called this morning; thinking we might have misplaced the invitation or simply overlooked it. Lew Moore, our campaign manager, called Mr. Edward Failor, an officer of Iowans for Tax Relief, to ask about it. To our shock, Mr. Failor told us Dr. Paul was not invited; he was not going to be invited; and he would not be allowed to participate. And when asked why, Mr. Failor refused to explain. The call ended.

Lew then called Mr. Steve Sheffler, president of the Iowa Christian Alliance, to talk with him. Mr. Sheffler did not answer so Lew left a message. He has yet to respond.

Why are the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluding the one Republican candidate who scored at the top of every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN debates? Why are they denying Iowans the opportunity to hear from the Republican presidential candidate whose popularity is growing by the day?

We couldn't get answers to these questions from Messrs. Failor and Sheffler. Maybe you'll have better luck. Their contact information is below.

It's ironic that on the same day we learned the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluded Dr. Paul from their candidates forum, we received a call from ABC News confirming Dr. Paul's participation in its nationally broadcast August 5th debate to be held in Des Moines.

Kent Snyder, Chairman
Ron Paul 2008

Contact Information

Edward Failor
Iowans for Tax Relief
2610 Park Avenue
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
Phone: 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600
Fax: 563-264-2413

Steve Sheffler, President
Iowa Christian Alliance
939 Office Park Road, Suite 115
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
Phone: 515-225-1515
Fax: 515-225-1826
You beat me to that post Bart. I got the same email from Pathetic sell out type activities going on up there. Shameful!
Let's email them and let them know that we disagree with thier stance. They will beg us to stop calling them, just like the GOP folks who tried to have him taken out of the debates.
i called Edward Failor's office today at the Iowa's for Tax Relief organization, and after sitting on hold for nearly 15 minutes twice ( i was disconnected the first time after having waited), i finally spoke to a secretary or something who sounded very frazzled on the phone.

it was almost as if she knew why i was calling before i ever said a word. i told her i was very disappointed that Ron Paul wasn't invited, and i asked for a reason why. if she couldn't give it to me (she couldn't), i asked for Edward to email me a reason. i specifically pointed out that "Iowans for Tax Relief" should be ecstatic about having the chance to hear the words of a Senator who has never once voted for a tax increase, and i was very curious to know why we didn't get that chance.

she took down my name and email then said, almost painfully, "everyone has a right to their opinion." ha! evidently not everyone, or i wouldn't have had to make the call.
Apparently thier email and mailbox are already full. That's ok, I will call and fax them all day during the business day tomorrow. And the day after that, and the day after that....
Keep up the pressure fellers! I'd bet that some Globalist minded Big-Business interest or funder is pushing them to blacklist/blackout Dr.Paul. It's probably some pro-amnesty, pro-NAFTA, Globalist lackey who thinks he's/they are part of the "Empire"...when (in fact) they're nothing more than tools for the NWO! So many folks that make good money (six to lower seven figures) think they're part of the true Elite. However, if you're not a Billionaire (or close to it) and/or have big-time "Old Money" connections (ie - Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc.), you AIN'T part of the true "Ruling Elite"! So many folks in the upper-middle class don't realize they're being used.Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Ed Failor, Chairman of Iowans for Tax Relief, and Senior Advisor to the McCain Campaign in Iowa Answers Why Ron Paul Was Not Invited to Iowans for Tax Relief Presidential Forum.

Ask Sen. McCain if he supports this censorship !!!
Phone (703) 418-2008

Also, Contact Iowa Forum Co-Sponsors !!!

Remember to be nice when you call. These companies are just co-sponsors of the forum, which means the company probably just forked over some money to have their name show up on the brochure and have some advertising at the debate. The person who answers the phone will likely be a sales clerk or the store manager and likely won't know what the hell this is all about. So be nice. But do call, and politely inform them that their company is a co-sponsor of the event, and the event sponsors have decided to exclude a very important candidate - Ron Paul. We want to put as much pressure on the decision makers as possible - this means putting pressure on them, as well as having the cosponsors put the pressure on them too. But again, be polite.

Light Expressions by Shaw
Three locations:

930 E. River Drive
Davenport, IA 52803

1100 5th Street #100
Coralville, IA 52241

750 Alice's Road
Waukee, IA 50263

Krishna Engineering Consultants Inc
1454 30th St West Des Moines
IA 50266-1305
Phone: 713-963-9023
Toll-Free: 1-800-FAIRTAX (324-7829)
Fax: 713-963-8403

UPDATE: Coldwell-Banker has already had the coalition remove their name from the list of co-sponsors on the website !!!

This alone should be a wakeup call to anyone who supports Knessett members Hunter or Tancredo that they are not on our side. They are shills or else they would be excluding them just like Ron Paul.
LR, I like it. Simple yet good idea of spreading the word about Ron Paul!
I've always liked Ron Paul, actually. I remember his arguments from a decade or so ago, as a true small government advocate. I find it funny the GOP is so scared of their own shadows they won't allow him an audience. Yet, the Dems dont' give a crap and allow clowns like Al Sharpton.

Furhter proof that the GOP is worthless. One guy stands up to the Chamber of Commerce et al. and he is blacklisted. These guys are simply out of control. Sadly, the Dems will now win by default, and that will only quicken the demise. But maybe that's a good thing. Will make people start to FINALLY take inventory and hopefully will stand up for once.
Thursday, June 28, 2007 7:41 a.m. EDT

Rep. Ron Paul to Crash GOP Forum in Iowa

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul will add party crashing to his campaign tactics this weekend.

The Texas congressman, who has struggled to top 1 percent in national polls, wasn't invited to a forum of presidential candidates Saturday in Des Moines. The gathering is sponsored by the Iowa Christian Alliance and the watchdog group Iowans for Tax Relief.

Instead of grumbling, Paul's campaign decided to hold its own party - in the same hall as the forum. They're calling it a celebration of life and liberty.

Campaign spokesman Jesse Benton said it has been frustrating to be excluded, especially since Paul has consistently opposed abortion and is known nationally for his advocacy of lowering taxes.

"It's just a little head-scratching," Benton said.

Ed Failor Jr., executive vice president of Iowans for Tax Relief, said some candidates weren't invited in order to keep the event from stretching on too long.

© 2007 Associated Press.
Message from Ron Paul

Dear friend,

From time to time, I'm going to send you my thoughts during this campaign. Your support is so important to me, and I want you to know what's happening.

Today, we had good news from the US Senateâ€â€￾not exactly a normal occurrenceâ€â€￾when the president's immigration bill went down in flames.

Here we had a vastly expensive piece of legislation that would have made the immigration problem worse, and put more controls on the economy. So naturally, the entire establishment was behind it. It was a slam-dunk, or so they thought. Then the American people got riled up, and despite all the special interests, the pressure, the media, and the money, scared the politicians enough to vote the right way.

If our campaign succeeds, this will happen on a whole range of issues. The politicians will hear from the people on foreign wars, high taxes, Fed inflation, and all the other plagues visited on us by DC. And listen they will.

And speaking of our campaign, I am very excited by the Iowa rally this Saturday ( DHw_3d_3d). This is an historic moment. Of course, the Iowa Christian Alliance and Iowans for Tax Relief had the right to exclude the most pro-life, anti-tax candidate in the race. But when they did so, people rose up. So we are holding a rally that will reverberate around this country. Our campaign goes from strength to strength, but I am convinced that this Saturday will be very important in the fight for a free, peaceful, and prosperous America.

Maybe you can come to the rally. In any event, I know you'll be there in spirit, and I'll write you all about it afterwards. Your support in this race means everything to my family and me.

Warmest regards,


PS: Because of people like you, I don't need the $100 million the establishment candidates will have. But I do need your help. $25, $50, $100, or even more--whatever you can send would do so much good, and be so much help. Thank you!

Donate Here
KJV1, thanks partner...I'll check that out.

P.S. - I strongly suggest ALL you good folks look into investing in precious metal asap. With the fiat U.S. dollar being (intentionally & rapidly) de-valued, dollar-based/attached investments will eventually be worthless (once the private Fed's "house of cards" falls).Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Ron Paul Tops McCain in Cash on Hand

July 06, 2007 1:14 PM

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos Reports: Though often regarded as a longshot candidate for president, Republican Ron Paul tells ABC News that he has an impressive $2.4 million in cash on hand after raising an equal amount during the second quarter, putting him ahead of one-time Republican frontrunner John McCain, who reported this week he has only $2 million in the bank.

In an exclusive interview taped Friday and airing Sunday on "This Week," Paul said his campaign is on a better trajectory than McCain's.

"I think some of the candidates are on the down-slope, and we're on the up-slope," said Paul.

Paul's cash on hand puts him in third place in the Republican field in that important metric, although he is well behind leader Rudy Giuliani, who has $18 million in the bank, and Mitt Romney, with $12 million.

Paul, who polls show with support in the low single digits, said his surprisingly strong fundraising is the best measure of his support.

"I think people have underestimated the number of people in this country who are interested in a freedom message," says the Republican congressman from Texas, who has strong libertarian leanings s-m.html
[url] s-m.html[/url]Edited by: KJV1
McCain is toast even the Bushbots don't trust him. Giuliani had one of his campaign managers got busted on Cocaine charges so he won't last. Romney is the only one of the big 3 not to make an embarrassment of himself so far.

Paul has to be considered the top of the 2nd tier by now. There is going to be a massive push to get rid of all fringe canadidates by Labor Day, so if your a supporter of Ron's get out there and speak for him. Join a Meetup group
Wow, that was one of many articles about Ron Paul on mainstream media sites like ABC news and the Times! Now if we could get them to stop writing that he will never win/has bad polling numbers.

Where is the incredible story on how Ron Paul raised that money on small donations alone! Ron isn't even listed on those polls in some areas, it doesn't account for non-registered repubs converting to vote for Dr Paul, and it uses land lines only, ignoring the cell phones most young people use today. So how is that an accurate measure of reality in those polls?

I have never seen such incredible media bias in my life until I scrutinized the treatment of Dr Paul by the media. When they repeatedly commented that none of the Republican candidates were against the war I almost smashed my television.

You do not dictate who wins or loses elections ABC news! Down with the oligarchy and the liars in mass media! Ron Paul 2008!
Baseball Fan said:
Paul has to be considered the top of the 2nd tier by now. There is going to be a massive push to get rid of all fringe canadidates by Labor Day, so if your a supporter of Ron's get out there and speak for him. Join a Meetup group

I am in a meet up group, an interesting thing I noticed is that 90% of the people are white males under 25 years old. Other then the obvious message of liberty by Dr. Paul, could there be more to this.This would be the first generation of people who have had "diversity" crammed down their throats since birth, and they are not all running out to support Obama or Hillary.
KJ, do those guys all appear to be Internet-geek types or do they appear to come from different social-economic classes, as far as you can tell?
American Freedom News