Ron Paul in 2008!

When the media does cover Paul, it focuses on the "nuts supporters" angle, all they way to Time magazine.

I'd say the odds are 75% that the major "nuts" Ron Paul supporter in my area is a plant by Romney or the Republican apparatus at large.
Fred Thompson has dropped out of the race. This may be a good chance to pick up more of his supporters for Ron PaulEdited by: Lance Alworth
It looks like Ron Paul has won the Louisiana Caucus! That means 24 of the 47 delegates are his, with the chance to get 20 more. Nothing official on any MSM news site, but I expect it will come out soon. With Thompson out and Rudy soon to be, the MSM will not be able to ignore Dr. Paul or his opinion on the real issues. I believe he will definitely be in the race until the convention and may be able to make some noise there. I believe Dr. Paul will win at least acouplemore state primaries and causes between now and the end of March.
That's great news, but do you have a source? Like you said, I haven't heard anything from the MSM.

Don't look back. The bums are scared to death of Ron Paul. They can hear his footsteps getting closer all the time. That's why they're pulling every dirty trick i the book.

Let's just keep driving our legs. Good things are going to come of all this.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

Don't look back. The bums are scared to death of Ron Paul. They can hear his footsteps getting closer all the time. That's why they're pulling every dirty trick i the book.

Let's just keep driving our legs. Good things are going to come of all this.

Tom Iron...

I don't see Dr. Paul making any substantial gains or influencing the republican platform at all. If you remember Howard Dean had a lot of internet support that also didn't spill over into the mainstream.

We'll see.

Something you're missing here as well. At this point, Ron Paul isn't just a man anymore. It's a movement. Whether or not Ron Paul gets this nomination, this movement isn't going to disppear. It's the face of the new Gop.

Tom Iron...
I actually like Dr. Paul's views on limited government but once again he isn't going to influence the "platform" at all.
Ron Paul is worth the trouble, for every White man in the USofA. Certainly for every Nationalist, every White Nationalist, and every patriot. If only for ending the Zionazi war in Mesopotamia, chill-shocking the Federal Reserve (sometimes he says he will kill it, other times he will force it to televise its meetings), shutting down the IRS, putting the country on a Sales Tax Federal Budget ... or any of these or similar policies. Every one of them is radically un-communist and Non-New-World-Order. Paul as President would provide magnificent cover for the simmering but completely underground Pro-White movement. All those good organizations on the list could operate without imminent fear of arrest or IRS audit.

Ron Paul isn't that White Nationalist we all wish we could vote for, but he's the best option in decades -- all the way back to 1968, George Wallace. He doesn't NEED to be a racialist for us. We Nationalists can do all the pro-White work we wish to with Paul in charge. Simply, Paul is not anti-White. The only candidate with that description. That is sufficient.

Finally, Paul will stick in the race until election day. He will never have to drop out, because there is limitless support from hundreds of thousands of supporters who will never even approach the $2000-or-so contribution limit (Thanks Comrade McCain!). Plus he can drop the GOP like a hot rock if they don't nominate him, and go straight to the Constitution Party, which has ballot access in every state.

Lack-of-Faith Paulists are dead wrong. Paul is the horse to back, and he WILL consume many millions of votes. Paul can win the election as the Constitution Party candidate versus any of the main Dems and Repubs. Paul vs Hillary vs McCain? Paul gets LOTS of votesEdited by: Realgeorge
Realgeorge said:
Ron Paul is worth the trouble, for every White man in the USofA. Certainly for every Nationalist, every White Nationalist, and every patriot. If only for ending the Zionazi war in Mesopotamia, chill-shocking the Federal Reserve (sometimes he says he will kill it, other times he will force it to televise its meetings),

Theincredibly powerful, mysterious Federal Reserve is high on Ron Paul's hit - list for good reason, as many of us already know.Funny thing about the chairman and the four current board members -- they all just happen to belong to a certain group. Clue: They aren'tJesuits or Catholics and have no allegiance to the Vatican.
Fun note: during a field goal attempt by the South team in the Senior Bowl, there were two very prominent Ron Paul signs held up by fans behind the goal posts.
This election has really solidified my disenfranchisement with the American Political System. Its broken beyond repair and we can vote until the end of time and never fix a damn thing. John McCain is the F'N AUTHOR of the 1 bill that White America united to defeat and he is going to be the nominee of the supposed conserative party for the presidency? It makes no sense at all. The exit polls in Florida show that the #1 issue with voters is the economy and they elect the guy who said he didn't know much about the economy in a nationaly televised debate? Again, it makes no sense at all.

I've had my eyes opened this primary season to the subtle and not so subtle ways the media guides the sheeple to a desired end. Its truly sickening and it has pushed me from one who had hoped to fight the system through the system to one who now firmly believes that the route to Liberty will have to be done from the outside, against the system. The sh*theads who ru(i)n this nation have been on a steady march to destroy the only true Free Republic in the world from nearly its time of inception. They have pretty much now succeeded. The people are stupid. The culture is diluted. The economic capital has been consolidated. The military technology has been allowed to far exceed that of the civilian weaponry. The religion has been watered down to the point that it is now in lockstep with the religion of those who reject it (see Judeo-Christian).

I'm not sure if Ron Paul would have had a shot in a fair fight, but this has been anything but that. I just hope his "revolution" continues to build support for what must be done to make this nation once again free.

If my choices for president are Obama/Hillary and McCain, I vote for neither and prepare for the coming storm.

NJ is next up. We Ron Paul supportes have been very busy here. We've got signs out everywhere. However, the MSM blackout is in full force here as everywhere else. We'll see what happens.

I get sick to my stomach when I think of a obama/billary vs mccain presidential election.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

I get sick to my stomach when I think of a obama/billary vs mccain presidential election.

Tom Iron...

STAY HOME!!! Not only does it save gas money but there's no use in wasting your valuable time on this planet voting for either Barack, Hillary, McCain, Romney, or Huckabee.
i mean, Mccains policies and looks could be similar to Fire Marshall Bill, but you would think that policies that truly make sense would attract more followers, not even more followers, an overall jump in awareness. Everyone always says they want the american people to have a say, yet they become drones washed up Britney Spears-like media coverage..........ah the land of the free?
The media has sunk to a new low regarding their hatred and vitriol against Ron Paul. I have my radio tuned to the debate on my ride home and it gets to the point where Dr Paul is ready to speak, and the host says "I'm not interested in the Libertarian Point of View, it isn't going to win." and proceeds to speak over Paul so his response cannot be heard.

I've noticed the media has turned up the attack on Paul, and for what? If the guy is truly only a 4% candidate then who cares? What are they so afraid of? Clearly something is amiss here. I don't know what it is, I'd hate to think the election process is really just a fixed scam, but the intensity of the attack on Ron Paul doesn't add up.

I began my political era at age 18 as a Republican (And voted for David Duke) and left the party in disgust after Jorge Boosh's first term and registered as a Libertarian for lack of a better option. I returned to the Republican party specifically to support Ron Paul and I will NEVER make that mistake again. If the Republican Party can treat a candidate in this manner and expect to retain his supporters to vote for John McAmnesty then they are even dumber then I gave them credit for.
reclaimsocal, very valid points indeed sir. As I've said before, (in my estimation) the fix is indeed in & they're pulling out most all the stops to de-rail &/or "black out" Dr.Paul.

On a positive note, it appears that Neocon shill "RINO" Rudy has admitted that Dr.Paul won all the debates (the truth). However, Rudy quickly returned to the Globalist agenda by endorsing fellow puppet "McKennedy"....

Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All The Debates
Rudy expected to drop out, endorse dead horse McCain

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, January 30, 2008

Rudy Giuliani, who is widely tipped to drop out of the Republican race today and endorse John McCain, admitted yesterday that "Ron Paul won all the debates" because of his resonating message of individual liberty and personal responsibility.

"Ron Paul won all the debates," stated Rudy Giuliani in his speech conceding defeat in the Florida Primary to John McCain. "Government works best when it empowers people to take responsibilities for their own lives.�

Such an admission is rare considering the size of Giuliani's ego and his numerous spats with Paul on the campaign trail.

The two famously clashed during the second debate on Fox News in May of last year, when Giuliani challenged Paul's assertion that U.S. foreign policy increases the risk of terrorism.

The Texas Congressman also slammed Giuliani's support of a national ID card on an MSNBC appearance a month later.

Despite the fact that one vote per IP and phone number text polls consistently showed Ron Paul to be the winner in almost every debate, establishment hacks, Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons routinely denied the fact that the Congressman had come out on top.

Ron Paul's prediction that Rudy Giuliani would fail in Florida and be forced to quit appears to have been borne out by the former New York Mayor's poor showing in the Sunshine State.

Giuliani is set to back his fellow establishment Neo-Con McCain with the understanding that he would be rewarded by a role in a potential future McCain administration.

However, with Hillary Clinton being the elite's anointed one with the added luxury of favorable rigged voting machines, it seems McCain's role will be to act as a stooge and ensure the Clinton-Bush dynasty continues for at least another four years.

***Reference article...

[url] ll_debates.htm[/url]

NJ is next up and we've been working hard to get out the Ron Paul vote here. I think he'll do well next week here.

Tom Iron...
John McCainiac is just about the only politician on the planet who could conceivably do more damage as president than Dubya. This guy is a certifiable lunatic. We wouldn't be dealing with merely the typical corruption with him, although he is undeniably and irrefutably as corrupt as they come. McCainiac has acknowledged that, as a child, he suffered from such intense bouts of anger that he blacked out and didn't remember what he did afterwards. He has also admitted to getting into regular physical fights well into his twenties. This is not normal behavior- it is the mark of a psycho.

McCainiac's record as being the biggest promoter of normalization of relations with Viet Nam, as well as being the biggest enemy of POW-MIA activists, belie his public persona as lifelong professional POW. His personal life shows him to be a moral cretin (left his faithful wife shortly after returning from Viet Nam for a much younger woman, who was heiress to a beer fortune). He is well-known as a quick-tempered, immature party hack. Having him as president would be tantamount to having ex- NFL player Jim Brown in the oval office. The only difference would be that Brown could probably control himself around the red button.

McCainiac is the politician I fear above all others. I can honestly picture him playing with his toy soldiers in the oval office, with an army helmet on. I can also picture him angrily lashing out against various countries whenever the spirit moved him, which would be often with his hair-trigger temper. This madman has actually promised the idiotic voters that "there will be more wars." McCainiac has never met a war, or a police action, that he didn't like. With him in office, every country except Israel could easily find themselves attacked for no conceivable reason.

As bad as they are, if I bothered to vote, I'd actually vote for Obama or Hillary against him. I still support Ron Paul, but as long as the media ignores him, and their ridiculous polls show he has no chance to win, the sheeple will never vote for him. Edited by: bigunreal
bigunreal, I agree with your assessment of McCain. I can't believe that the American people have already forgotten that he co-authored the last Amnesty bill, which 80% of the American people were AGAINST. He is against tax cuts, he is against free speech, nor is he a true supporter of the 2nd Amendment. It's scary to think of McCain controlling the power of the presidency- even more so than George W. Bush.
Yeah I too am fearful of a McCain presidency. He's just so war hungry and for what? The guy is a old lunatic. What are the voters in Arizona thinking when they keep on reelecting this guy term after term. Are there no other viable candidates? If McCain wins the Republican nomination then I will be forced into voting for Hillary/Obama. Also what do you guys think about Dr.Paul's chance in his home state of Texas? Do you think he will pick up a lot of votes or what?
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