Robert Mugabe

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Zimbabwe will collapse within six months, possibly leading to a state of emergency, according to a briefing report for aid workers in the country.

Rampant inflation will mean shops and services can no longer function and people would resort to barter, it said.

"The memorandum is talking about a situation where there is no functioning government or a total breakdown," an unnamed aid worker told the UK Times.

Zimbabwe's inflation is already 3,714% - the highest rate in the world.

Business quotes were now valid for just one day or even one hour, said the report written by consultants and sent to workers at the United Nations and other aid agencies.

Some firms were already partly paying their workers in food, rather than money, it said. Shops were doubling their prices twice a month, so they could purchase replacement goods.

If this continues, "doubling the current inflation for each of the seven remaining months of 2007 gives 512,000% thus the economic collapse is expected before the end of 2007," said the report, according to the AP news agency.

The security forces who have remained loyal to President Robert Mugabe were also feeling the effects.

The report said an ordinary police officer earned less than aid workers paid their domestic staff.

It said power and water suppliers were already near collapse. Electricity was last month rationed to just four hours a day to save power for farmers.

Just one adult in five is believed to have a regular job.

Some 4m Zimbabweans - a third of the population - will need food aid this year, according to the UN World Food Programme.

Mr Mugabe denies responsibility for Zimbabwe's economic problems, blaming a western plot to bring down his government because of his policy of seizing white-owned land.

Inflation: 3,714%
Unemployment: 80%
4m need food aid
Life expectancy: 37 (men), 34 (women)



Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
My Mum and Dad used to live in Rhodesia (as it once was) and I visited in 1998. I don't want to go on a full rant because i'd end up writing way too much because the Zimbabwe issue is one BIG depressing story. What I would like to say is the media here in England on Zim, always fails to mention how successful Rhodesia used to be when the white man ruled (British Rhodesians counted about 80% of white population). It was once called the 'Breadbasket of Africa' because they had so much food from the European farmers that they sold it to all the countries that surrounded them such as Zambia, Botswana, Malawi and Mozambique. They didn't even have an apartheid system in place like South Africa did, the only major thing that blacks couldn't do was vote in the elections, although some of the wealthier blacks were allowed to vote. As for Mugabe, well his first 10 years in power were ok, but when his wife died the man lost the plot. I think there's far more to Zimbabwe's decline than just Mugabe himself, there are some very evil people in his government. Amazingly I take one positive out of the whole Zim situation, and that is what has happened to Zim clearly shows us what happens to a country when you take the white man out (complete collapse). I think the ANC in South Africa really need to take note of that!


Jun 13, 2007
New Jersey
every day i read things about black people destroying things. not only their own but other's as well. they self destruct, as if natural selection has made them so. when the rest of the world is evolving - blacks are devolving. maybe they're better of as slaves, at least they'll be warm, happy and fed.
i almost want to say, let them self destruct, maybe they'll see how good they have it...
nah, what am i thinking.Edited by: LittleRebel


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Mugabe has completely lost the plot and the country is descending into chaos. Whites have been fleeing the place for years and now the South African security forces have to patrol the border to try to hold back a flood of people of all races trying to make it out. Black people are suffering even more than the whites, as evidenced by what has happened to the leader of the opposition party Morgan Tsvangirai, and by the hundreds of MDC supporters who have been murdered.
He hangs on to power by winning elections!
The trick is simple. Any village or district that votes against him doesn't get food supplies, just a lot of aggro. (British for aggravation)


Aug 8, 2006
TheEnglishman said:
My Mum and Dad used to live in Rhodesia (as it once was) and I visited in 1998. I don't want to go on a full rant because i'd end up writing way too much because the Zimbabwe issue is one BIG depressing story. What I would like to say is the media here in England on Zim, always fails to mention how successful Rhodesia used to be when the white man ruled (British Rhodesians counted about 80% of white population). It was once called the 'Breadbasket of Africa' because they had so much food from the European farmers that they sold it to all the countries that surrounded them such as Zambia, Botswana, Malawi and Mozambique. They didn't even have an apartheid system in place like South Africa did, the only major thing that blacks couldn't do was vote in the elections, although some of the wealthier blacks were allowed to vote. As for Mugabe, well his first 10 years in power were ok, but when his wife died the man lost the plot. I think there's far more to Zimbabwe's decline than just Mugabe himself, there are some very evil people in his government. Amazingly I take one positive out of the whole Zim situation, and that is what has happened to Zim clearly shows us what happens to a country when you take the white man out (complete collapse). I think the ANC in South Africa really need to take note of that!

Write away my man. I'd like to hear your stories about it. A history lesson for the rest of us, indeed. Important to hear just how bad Mugabe is.


Oct 20, 2006
I find it ironic that many black racists are happy to see the white man kicked
out of Zimbabwe, and to see a few thousand killed, yet now that the white
man is gone, hundreds of thousands of blacks will die of starvation, disease,
and murder. It tells you that their hate is so intense that they don't care how
many blacks die as long as the white man is driven out. Amazing that they
care so little about each other.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Africa as well as the black race are cursed. It is the curse of Ham which goes back to the days of the bible. Zimbabwe should be a lesson for all those who wish to turn America over to the third worlders

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Mugabe, Gaddafi want federal government for Africa

Last updated: 06/15/2007 03:59:16

LIBYAN leader Muammar Gaddafi and visiting Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe want African leaders to agree next month to unite Africa under one government to help it solve its own problems, state media said on Thursday.

The two men, both among the world's longest serving leaders, agreed in talks in Tripoli on Wednesday that the 53-nation African Union (AU) should be turned into an embryonic federal government at an AU heads of state summit in Ghana on July 1-2.

"They consulted on the upcoming African Union summit due to be held in Ghana, and in relation to this they emphasised the establishment of the African Union government," Libya's official Jana news agency said.

"This plan embodies the hopes and ambitions of the continent's people, and the only means for the continent's independence, political and economic freedom and progress and development," it added.

Gaddafi has long favoured the establishment of a United States of Africa as a means of ridding the continent of 800 million people of what he calls Western colonialism. The project attracts emotional support from some in Africa since the idea of a federal United States of Africa was first promoted by Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first president and pioneer of Pan-Africanism, but many doubt its practicality.

The topic is due to be debated at the Ghana gathering, which will take place 50 years after Ghana became the first black nation in sub-Saharan Africa to win independence.

Jana said the two leaders also discussed a number of other issues but did not elaborate. There was no mention of energy ties between Zimbabwe and oil-producing Libya.

Zimbabwe had received oil from Libya under a $360 million loan facility which the southern African country was meant to repay in part by supplying agricultural produce to Tripoli, but the deal collapsed in late 2002 after Harare failed to meet its obligations.



Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
cslewis1, just a little insider into some of my own stories on Zim. When I visited in 1998 (I was only 11), I remember visiting my Mums old town. It used to be paradise but what I saw was a deteriating run-down town. My Mum only knew 3 people who still lived there as most had fled to South Africa, UK, Canada, USA and Aussie. They were all old people who were frail and had had their pensions stolen by the Mugabe government like all the other whites who'd put money into a pension scheme. We then went to visit my grandparents graves. It had been trashed and looted by the local Africans. This was one of the hardest things I have ever had to overcome, because my Mum was absolutly distraught as you can imagine. Another story is of my older cousins husband who owned a minor brick company. Being a white business owner in Zim, he got set apon by Mugabes thugs. They stormed his house at night, and arrested him infront of his family (including 3 kids) whilst beating him with batons. He was completely humiliated in prison where he was once again beaten, pissed on and forced to sing black power song sand anti white songs. When he was released they fled to South Africa. They now own a successful cafe.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Wow Englishman! I really enjoy reading your posts about the nightmares of Africa. My family came from Albania and it was pretty bad there during the communist period but it was probably nothing compared to what your family went through. I think it would be cool if you could get an old green and white Rhodesian flag and display it proudly to let people know that you honor and cherish your Rhodesian roots
Mar 8, 2007
PitBull said:
I find it ironic that many black racists are happy to see the white man kicked
out of Zimbabwe, and to see a few thousand killed, yet now that the white
man is gone, hundreds of thousands of blacks will die of starvation, disease,
and murder. It tells you that their hate is so intense that they don't care how
many blacks die as long as the white man is driven out. Amazing that they
care so little about each other.

Article from June 4, 2007 Neswsweek. Very sad. Contrary to what some would have us believe, racism is not just a white thing.

Books: A Haunting Zimbabwe Memoir
<DIV ="abstract">'When a Crocodile Eats the Sun' is a haunting memoir of Zimbabwe, and a lesson for the rest of us.

<DIV ="caption">By Arlene Getz
<DIV ="source">Newsweek
May 25, 2007 - The wall around the Harare cemetery is gone. Corn grows among the graves. From the soiled clumps of paper and the fetid smell, it's clear the burial ground in Zimbabwe is being used as an open-air toilet. The garden of remembrance is still shaded by wild musasa trees, but the brass plaques inscribed with the names of the cremated are missingâ€â€every single one. Thieves melted them down, explains a cemetery worker, "to make brass handles for coffins for the people who died of this AIDS."
Peter Godwin's account of this 2002 visit to his sister's tomb comes midway through "When a Crocodile Eats the Sun," his memoir about his family in southern Africa. It is one of many poignant moments in a book that serves as both a stark chronicle of the devastation wreaked by President Robert Mugabe and the pain of a son trying to care for his aging parents. Godwin, 49, shuttles between New York and Harare as his father's health deteriorates and his mother's hip collapses. Each visit is complicated by his country's decline: the lack of drugs to treat his father's heart attack, the shortage of artificial joints for his mother's transplant and the AIDS fears that make her refuse a blood transfusion. When his father finally dies, Godwin finds that the local crematorium is out of butane gas and no one else will help. "I'm sorry," says the local Hindu leader. "We can't burn whites." But Godwin persuades the man to declare his father an honorary Hindu so he can use their traditional pyre himself.
Of course, any story of southern Africa has to be seen through the prism of race, and Godwin makes no apologies for his focus on color. He tells the story of a white American who leaves Zimbabwe after employees' greed and tribal superstition stymie his efforts to help black villagers grow pepper to stop elephants from eating their crops. He has more personal tales as well: the Godwins' black housekeeper brings thugs to their house to extort money, and their black gardener shows scant appreciation when the family pays for his daughter's private-school fees. Whites, Godwin says, may never feel securely rooted on the continent again. "A white in Africa is like a Jew everywhereâ€â€on sufferance, watching warily, waiting for the next great tidal swell of hostility," he says.
In an earlier memoir, "Mukiwa," Godwin described growing up in Zimbabwe when it was still called Rhodesia. "Crocodile"â€â€which takes its name from an African superstition that a solar eclipse occurs when a crocodile consumes the sunâ€â€revisits the country two decades later, when Mugabe's mismanagement and disastrous land reforms have sent it spiraling into crisis. Life expectancy has almost halvedâ€â€to 33â€â€since he won office in 1980. The economy, too, is in free fall. Hyperinflation makes a mockery of the currency. When a stamp rises to 2,300 Zimbabwean dollars (about US$1.15), Godwin's middle-class family stops sending Christmas cards.
These accounts aren't new, but part of the strength of Godwin's memoir is his detailed narrative of how mobs forced white farmers out of their homes yet left the soil uncultivated. The 80-year-old Dubble Draper hurls herself at eight menâ€â€one wielding an axâ€â€who attacked her daughter in their farmhouse. The intruders leave, only to spend the night outside beating on a large drum and chanting "Kill the Drapers!" The Bayleys, ages 79 and 89, barricade themselves in their house for weeks while their racehorses and pigs starve, die and rot outside. Police escort an animal-welfare official onto their property to rescue their dogs but refuse to help the couple leave the house because they consider their situation a "political matter."
Godwin doesn't want his book seen solely as a work about Zimbabwe. "It's about the idea of home, about identity, about family secrets," he tells NEWSWEEK. One such secret: the discovery that his father is not a British Christian, but a Polish Jew who lost his mother and sister in the Holocaust. His father's childhood upheaval is part of the reason the parents insist on staying in a crumbling adopted country. But "Crocodile" isn't just about Godwin, or his country. The question of whether a white African is an ideal or an oxymoron goes to the heart of one of the world's most difficult problems: can ethnic strife ever be stopped?

URL: by: highschoolcoach
Dec 6, 2005
Zimbawae must be real bad if they are running to South Africa. Where's PETA on all the elaphants in the Animal Refuges he's killed for food and Ivory tusks?
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
I know a few guys blokes that are descendants of Rhodesians living out by me. Good people and quite intelligent. The mainstream media acts as if Zimbabwe's downfall is due to either a) the totalitarian regime of Robert Mugabe, or B) Past Colonialism.

The reals answer rests in genetics. When you remove the people who created civilization, and replace them with a species that has neither created nor shown any degree of being able to maintain a civilization through out it's existence this is precisely what happens.

The truth is there will be no resurgence of Zimbabwe. The only way such a nation can be lifted would be to once again flood the country with European genes. It is actually quite enteretainingfor me to listen to these marxist pundits (there is probably a little more coverage of the situation here than there is in the states) on the mainstream media try and explain the decline of Zimbabwe while still being a good little egalitarian. I say just leave them there to their own devices while offering the whites in that countrywho have been displaced sanctuary here in the beautiful Australian nation. God knows we could use there ingenuity in agriculture. It would be put to good use all the while benefitting their own people.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Zimbabwe proposes black-run firms
Robert Mugabe aims to give more ownership to indigenous people

President Robert Mugabe's government has published a bill to move majority control of "public companies and any other business" to black Zimbabweans.

The goal is to ensure at least a 51% shareholding by indigenous black people in the majority of businesses.

Critics say it could hurt investor confidence in Zimbabwe, suffering from the world's highest inflation and food, fuel and foreign currency shortages.

Now the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Bill will go to parliament.

'Financing of acquisitions'

It is expected to back the bill, which stipulates that no company restructuring, merger or acquisition can be approved unless 51% of the firm goes to indigenous Zimbabweans.

The empowerment bill says that "indigenous Zimbabwean" is anyone disadvantaged by unfair discrimination on race grounds before independence in 1980.

It also provides for the establishment of an empowerment fund which will offer assistance to the "financing of share acquisitions" from the public-owned firms or assist in "management buy-ins and buy-outs."

And all government departments and statutory bodies will be asked to obtain 51% of their goods and services from businesses in which controlling interest is held by indigenous Zimbabweans.

Dual listings

"For a start, it's not very clear how they are going to implement this, but going by their record it could be another chaotic and disastrous exercise," Zimbabwean economic consultant John Robertson told Reuters news agency.

"Those [companies] already here are likely to hold back on any expansion programmes, while possible new foreign investors are likely to also hold back to watch how this is going to work."

Some firms dually listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange and London Securities Exchange firms include Old Mutual, NMB bank and Hwange.

Multi-national firms that may be affected by the new policy include Barclays Bank, Bindura Nickel Corporation and miner Rio Zim.

LinkEdited by: C Darwin


Dec 28, 2004
The black man is not capable of leading a country. In the history of mankind no all black nation has ever been successful. Never a high standard of living,no manufacturing base-no cars,no planes,no ocean going vessels. Only poverty,superstition and ignorance.
Oct 24, 2005
By African standards Mudage is a success. He is not an alcoholic, doesn't have a harem, no cannibleism, and the international airport still functions.
Famine, inflation, and murder of white people, just facts of life in today's Africa.


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
Dead right screamingeagle. Mugabe is an African hero. It's another example showing Africans are the most racist race in the world (putting into account that Europeans and Indians got kicked out of Uganda and Kenya for being from a different race). Also thanks to Mugabe it's another example of how the black man fails, miserably! Everyone knows Africans can't look after themselves despite the amount of help Africa is getting from the rest of the world. Our modern day politically correct media always has to make excuses for their failures.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
"This is what happens when primitive societies are unsettled by white man's civilization. [After the white man leaves] (gets kicked out), they go to pieces, they disintergate, they become diseased."

-Bill Moyers in a discussion with Joseph Campbell
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
Th important thing for the west in regards to Zimbabwe is to allow for natural selection to take place.

The white world has to refuse any aid requests to Zimbabwe for food, or medicine.

"Let them eat rats".
Oct 24, 2005
aussieaussie31 said:
Th important thing for the west in regards to Zimbabwe is to allow for natural selection to take place.The white world has to refuse any aid requests to Zimbabwe for food, or medicine. "Let them eat rats".
Sending them food just drives down the local price of food. This discourages them from trying to farm- not that they are interested in trying anyway. medicines will never get to where it is needed due to corruption. It is sink or swim time for Zimbabwe.