The Rams are too busy deciding what to use all them first round draft picks on to pay a attention to what RG3 says.
RGIII says Rams played dirt and says "they were definetly trying to get me"

Here is from one source
""They were definitely going after me,'' Griffin said. ''They made it a point, obviously, all week to hit me. Some of the shots were cheap of that nature. But it's nothing I can control. Teams are going to try to hit me because they don't think I can take a hit. I think I've proved over my career that I can.''

Wow he is much dumber than what the media has potrayed him as. Teams are going to try to hit him because he is the QUARTERBACK, that will have the ball on every single play. He is going to get hit more because he runs, and he is going to get hit more because of the zone read, when rading whether to handoff or run yourself, the defense has the right to hit your no matter what decision you make, because it involves deception, they will tackle you even if you handed it off. Tebow got hit pretty much every time he ran the zone read, which is why McGahee was able to revive his career, teams keyed on Tebow, and their objective was to hit him on every single play. Imo compared to the hits I have seen on White qbs, the Rams took it easy on him.

My dad got this new package, I want to go over there, the NFL FINALLY allowed coaches film. want to see what is really going on there. I hope it is actually coaches film and not some watered down version where you can't see the entire field, they call it all 22 or something.

Someone mentioned Cam Newton not having any guts and quitting when the going gets tough, it looks like RGIII may reach that point much quicker. Its only his 2nd game and he is complaining about getting hit by defenders, whose job is to stop the offense, the offense revolves around Griffin whether traditional runs where it is hard to tell if he handed it off or not and the zone read which also can freeze defenders up. The best way to combat this is just to hit the qb every time you can, from my understanding it is legal to hit a qb after a handoff. Ive seen it plenty of times and no flag, that is where Favre was getting hit the most during the last playoff game he had, not during passing plays.

The good news about this is that it puts a target on RGIII's back. Yeah blacks might help a brother out every now and then in the league but overall growing up around them, there is no loyalty, it might be different around the country, I dunno. Where I grew up if a black thought of another as a real friend they were considered a wuss. They believe in staying "hard" and "keeping it real" with never letting people too close to you and only hang out with people that you have something to gain from.

Griffin will be getting plenty more hits, and if he is crying about it in the 2nd game just wait until they play the entire season. I predict Kirk Cousins by week 12.


Jackson says "this isn't the big 12" pretty much saying welcome to the NFL.
This is the second article I have seen claiming RG III should be considered league MVP. He has had a decent year, but I just don't see him as a league MVP.

Robert Griffin III already an MVP candidate

As absurd as that question would have appeared prior to the season, given Robert Griffin III's rookie status on the Washington Redskins, the spectacular performance from the No. 2 overall pick over the first six weeks of the season has thrust him into serious consideration.

I think the hype for Griffin is in part a reaction to the tremendous popularity of Tim Tebow.

Tebow leads his team to the playoffs and a first round win and he's buried behind a mediocre quarterback in NY.

Griffin is already being touted as the greatest player in football and soon they will say he's the greatest player of all time.

I watched a game 2 weeks ago when pass interference was called in the endzone after Griffin missed his receiver. It didn't look as if the defender even touched the receiver which is what one of the announcers said.

The station went immediately to a commercial. When they came back there was no discussion and no replays. Nothing more was said about it.

That tells me that it was a bogus call and the media covered it up. This is the same media that covers up anti-white crimes such as the Christian-Newsom murders.

A conspiracy? You bet it is.

Washington D.C. was the perfect landing spot for Mr. Griffin as there is currently another negro in a high exposure position who similarly received endless hype before his first day on the job there as well. This negro was so magical some people wept when they met him or heard him speak. Others compared him to Jesus. Will Mr. Griffin's hype rise to this level in the National Cesspool, C(r)apitol Hill?

Come on dude. Your pathological resentment toward attention toward black athletes is obvious. Tim Tebow by far is the most over-hyped athlete in this decade. He makes 2 of 8 passes and large segments call him a legitimate pro bowl quarterback. Keep in mind this guy made the pro-bowl. RGIII needs to put up at least 25-10 TD/INT, 3,500 yards and 70% completion percentage for 8 years in order for RGIII to live up to the hype but the blatant disregard for the fact that Tim Tebow is the most over hyped quarterback of all time is simply laughable. However, RGIII is twice the quarterback Tim Tebow has been in the last two years. Tim Tebow is worse than Vince Young. Do you hear about Vince Young possibly getting a starting role as quarterback?
Here is exihibit A why I along with others here savaged Butt Favre a couple of years ago. Man, why can't he promote Luck over this affelet. He is retired. Nothing to lose except surrounding himself with affelets who speak ebonics on Sunday, if he chose to go that route. Disgusting.!
I understand your disdain towards how white athletes are stereotyped but I don't get why you have any hostility towards RGIII and why do you demean him by calling him an affelete? What has Andrew Luck done that RGIII has failed to do which makes Luck more worthy of promotion?

I don't see how the "over-hype" of RGIII pertains to race. Any "running" quarterback is perceived as electrifying thus the over-hype is related to his playing style rather than race. Luck may have the better career but RGIII is considered more electrifying. I think it would be more advantageous for those who are concerned with issues surrounding white athletes to focus on where whites are underrepresented and discriminated against.
I understand your disdain towards how white athletes are stereotyped but I don't get why you have any hostility towards RGIII and why do you demean him by calling him an affelete? What has Andrew Luck done that RGIII has failed to do which makes Luck more worthy of promotion?

I don't see how the "over-hype" of RGIII pertains to race. Any "running" quarterback is perceived as electrifying thus the over-hype is related to his playing style rather than race. Luck may have the better career but RGIII is considered more electrifying. I think it would be more advantageous for those who are concerned with issues surrounding white athletes to focus on where whites are underrepresented and discriminated against.

how's that working out for arguably one of the most electrifying running QBs ever to come out of college ranks, Tim Tebow?
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If running QBs are so electrifying why do we never see their talents showcased in the Super Bowl?
I understand your disdain towards how white athletes are stereotyped but I don't get why you have any hostility towards RGIII and why do you demean him by calling him an affelete? What has Andrew Luck done that RGIII has failed to do which makes Luck more worthy of promotion?

I don't see how the "over-hype" of RGIII pertains to race. Any "running" quarterback is perceived as electrifying thus the over-hype is related to his playing style rather than race. Luck may have the better career but RGIII is considered more electrifying. I think it would be more advantageous for those who are concerned with issues surrounding white athletes to focus on where whites are underrepresented and discriminated against.
How about those electrifying, outstanding running quarterbacks who put up numbers similar to/greater than "RGIII", Dan Lefevour, Chandler Harnish, etc>? What? You never heard of these guys? They were great collegiate running quarterbacks who just happened to be ignored because they lack an ideal characteristic of a "real" running quarterback.

Also, Tim Tebow has NEVER been overhyped by the media. With a couple of exceptions (or maybe only one), the media has blasted and lampooned Tebow from before the draft, and ever since. The only people who "overhype" Tebow are the FANS, who recognize an exceptional athlete and even more exceptional human being.
How about those electrifying, outstanding running quarterbacks who put up numbers similar to/greater than "RGIII", Dan Lefevour, Chandler Harnish, etc>? What? You never heard of these guys? They were great collegiate running quarterbacks who just happened to be ignored because they lack an ideal characteristic of a "real" running quarterback.

Also, Tim Tebow has NEVER been overhyped by the media. With a couple of exceptions (or maybe only one), the media has blasted and lampooned Tebow from before the draft, and ever since. The only people who "overhype" Tebow are the FANS, who recognize an exceptional athlete and even more exceptional human being.

Tim Tebow led his team to the AFC Championship game last year. How do you overhype a young QB that does that? Is RGIII going to do that? I bet if Griffen does lead his team to the conference championship he won't be traded to another team to be a back-up either. Almost seems like a double standard. Tebow had the top selling NFL jersey, where's his Subway/Nike commercials??
Tim Tebow led his team to the AFC Championship game last year. How do you overhype a young QB that does that? Is RGIII going to do that? I bet if Griffen does lead his team to the conference championship he won't be traded to another team to be a back-up either. Almost seems like a double standard. Tebow had the top selling NFL jersey, where's his Subway/Nike commercials??

Minor correction, Tebow led his team to the AFC divisional rounds.
Skip Bayless and Steven A Smiff are arguing about the RG3 MVP discussion. Skip is saying its resonable and to Smiffs credit he is saying Eli and Matt Ryan are the more logical choices.
A GREAT article from Rick Riley, simply explaining that Luck is better than RG3, and that everyone needs to get a grip!

"Yes, he's electric. Yes, Bob has been unBoblievable. Yes, he's cuddly and handsome and the son every mother wants."



What ****ing planet did I magically wake up and find myself on? Surely this isn't planet Earth.

What a country.
Griffin Hype

I think the goal is to portray Griffin as the greatest quarterback ever, better than any white quarterback ever was. Of course he isn't and likely never will be.

The racist NFL will cooperate with this plan. Redskin offensive linemen won't be called for holding. Any defensive player who covers a Redskin receiver too well will get a phantom pass interference penalty called against him. Defensive players who play too well against the Redskins will receive fake penalties.

The league is already doing this and the sports media says nothing. They're right on board with the fraud and deception.
Well hopefully more people see this article, its the guy who invented the qbr that espn picked up, they probably thought black qbs would do better because it included running in there, but Andrew Luck has a higher qbr than Griffin, more efficient runner and also doesn't fumble the ball.

"More than 20 percent of RG3's passes this season haven't even traveled across the line of scrimmage. Only 6 percent of Luck's haven't."

51 percent of his yards have come after the catch. The least amount of 15+ yard throws is pathetic, they have a great running game and he can't capitalize and take advantage of play action. You don't run to just to set up the short passing game, it has been working but you should be throwing deep occasionally, he has done it 3 times this season that I am aware of. I mean yeah its good to bubble screens when the defense stuffs the box for the run but AT LEAST a couple times a game you want to take advantage of it and go for the big play using playaction throwing deep, he usually does play action and throws to the tight end, yeah hes and option but not the first one, more of a safety valve.

When Tebow ran nothing but the one zone read play (nothing complex like the running plays RG3 gets to run) and many of the passing plays (of course on 3rd and long) were deep. His yards per ATTEMPT was 6.4, with a 46 completion ratio, there are qbs completing in the 60 percent range with the similar yards per attempt.
Yes I think its safe to say that Gremlin is now the most over hyped, and over rated player in the history of the NFL. Even I thought that he must be doing better than he is doing. Its always amazing to me how no matter how much Im on guard some castethink will slip into my mind. The media is so skillful at propaganda! There is no telling my neighbors that Gremlin is not the second coming of Christ. They absolutely worship the guy. They laugh out loud when I tell them hes over rated, and that Luck is, and will be better.
THey will continue to hype gremlin boy because this will show the owners that blacks can play the position. With all the recent big time busts at quarterback( Akili Smith, AHDIW, and Russell) they need a new posterboy. I'm surprised he's playing as well as he is though. Even the almight Scam Newton is playing like crap.
THey will continue to hype gremlin boy because this will show the owners that blacks can play the position. With all the recent big time busts at quarterback( Akili Smith, AHDIW, and Russell) they need a new posterboy. I'm surprised he's playing as well as he is though. Even the almight Scam Newton is playing like crap.

What does AHDIW mean?
What does AHDIW mean?

Vince Young, during his first season he had a few come from behind wins thanks to his teammates. The media acted like he was the second coming of Christ, all he do is win.
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They can harp all they want on their "next big black hope qb star." Just like useless cam newton this year, one year after the nfl gets used to griffin he will be what he really is (a C to if he's lucky B qb). blacks will and never hold a candle to White QB'S move onnnnnnn Anti-White media, and the idiot Whites that think espn "analysts" have sports brain cells lol. How's the panthers idiot Whites that go to their games doing this year? LOLLLLLLLLL. I give newton 2 more years TOPS before he is gone/benched.
yeah, Redskin Nation has already coronated Griffin the next Brady after half a season.. and Griffin is havin' a killer year, but it's too small a sample.., & the continuous, overt well-wishing is rooted in helping get a Black QB over.
Could be a lot of long faces tho, when Griffin spends half his career on the bench & in the whirlpool, (a la Michael Vick). A lot of fans don't understand, or acknowledge that the pro game is still for pocket passing.. remember Randall Cunningham, Vince Young, Jeff Blake.. they were all gonna change the game & load up on Lombardi trophies.. where are they now. :wave:
good or bad, Griffin needs a couple complete seasons for a fair evaluation, hopefully un-tainted by motives of political correctness..
yeah, Redskin Nation has already coronated Griffin the next Brady after half a season.. and Griffin is havin' a killer year, but it's too small a sample.., & the continuous, overt well-wishing is rooted in helping get a Black QB over.
Could be a lot of long faces tho, when Griffin spends half his career on the bench & in the whirlpool, (a la Michael Vick). A lot of fans don't understand, or acknowledge that the pro game is still for pocket passing.. remember Randall Cunningham, Vince Young, Jeff Blake.. they were all gonna change the game & load up on Lombardi trophies.. where are they now. :wave:
good or bad, Griffin needs a couple complete seasons for a fair evaluation, hopefully un-tainted by motives of political correctness..
ESPN Black commentator Rob Parker asked today if RGIII is a brother or a "corn ball brother" I guess RGIII is the new Donovan "McFlab". By the way is corn ball brother similar to a corn hole brother...:scared:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHhv7VDab3U
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I'm not really sure what the controversy here is. What Parker was saying is normal everyday conversation in "the hood". Blacks are the most racist people on the planet. Even other blacks are subjects of this racism if they don't toe the line in regards to those things "black". Griffin is well-spoken and educated. Strike! He has a mudshark fiance. Strike! He's Republican. Double Strike! Even a black quarterback who is doing well, there will always be a significant portion of the black community that will view him as a "Oreo".
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