

Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Forget the mule, $48 billion sounds much nicer!"

America is on the precipice of finally introducing a line of credit for Black people without a limit.

$48 Billion to stimulate inner-city spending!

After successfully passing legislation awarding more than $1 billion to imaginary Black farmers, those elected to represent their constituents are mulling over passing a bill to award a stunning $48 billion to be redistributed in inner cities.

All public buildings in predominately African American areas will be painted gold and have diamond encrusted door knobs. Grape soda will be distributed in the lunch programs and school uniforms will be designed by FUBU...
Also all money will be divided up by the local elected officials and 50 percent will filter down to the masses....
We've been pouring resources into this failed race for decades and what we have to show for it is corruption, miscegenation, crime, disease and post-apocalyptic ruins like Detroit.

But I'm sure this latest bit of government waste will be the magical bullet that somehow fixes the pathological nature of the American Negro.
I'm all for Reparation if blacks want the money to go back Africa! it would be a rare "Bargain"
for the white race, give black money and they go, and thats why the jewish media don't support it, they want blacks to rob, rape and murder whites. we pay 100k every year to keep one negro in prison, give the guy the100k to go back to Africa! it's a bargain!!!
Edited by: lost
Billy Sherman and his army liberated them from slavery. That is all the reparations blacks needed. Now it is time for them to get off their lazy rear ends and do some work.

Sir, you bring up an excellent point. But time and technology has passed blacks by. They have no function in the society. That's why the illusion of blacks working has to be maintained through Affirmative Action. After all, who in private industry would hire a black if they weren't forced to?

If you've ever seen the old slave sale posters, they all listed what it was the slaves did (carpenter, mason, cook, blacksmith, etc.). If there were such a thing as slavery today, what would such a poster list as occupations now?

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron:
You bring up a good point. What do we do with them? I am all in favor of sending them back to Africa. American blacks would improve that continent. The problem is they lack the pioneer spirit.Edited by: screamingeagle
Repatriation would be a splendid idea.

Edited by: Paleocon
I forgot to add, we can't keep them on public aid anymore. We will eventually run out of money. We may run out of money sooner than expected.
How much money has been provided through public (federal/state govt.) funds to assist black Americans since the 1964 civil rights legislation?
Now take that money and the number of white Americans that have been killed by black Americans and put it in writing and let it become public knowledge. Attitudes would shift greatly.
Leonardfan said:
How much money has been provided through public (federal/state govt.) funds to assist black Americans since the 1964 civil rights legislation?

Now take that money and the number of white Americans that have been killed by black Americans and put it in writing and let it become public knowledge. Attitudes would shift greatly.

Not just killed but robbed, raped, assaulted, and burglarized by blacks. We are talking millions and millions of innocent white victims. With all these facts in our faces it's amazing that many of these drunk white liberals feel that we haven't done enough for blacks.
An article entitled "Americans Divided on Taxing the Rich to Redistribute Wealth"


Maybe we could use a Huey Long type tax on the egalitarians like the Kennedys, Rockefellers, Gates, Bushes and so on, since they seem to be so supported of tax money going to the minorities. The day the rich scream that taxes are too high is the day that the rich are really getting taxed! The rich often call for higher taxes on "the rich" but it always seems to be the middle and working class that pays the new taxes while the rich benefit from them directly and/or indirectly.
An article entitled "Group demands worldwide reparations from the white man."

“People of the World, It is time to get paid!â€￾ The “reparationsâ€￾ game is going worldwide. A new group is demanding that Great Britain pay 31 Trillion Pounds in reparations to blacks and Asians all over the world.

Some of the “wicked and brutalâ€￾ offenses of they claim the British did are:

Invented the Machine Gun (which was actually invented by an American)
Causing Global Warming (which is actually a hoax)
Invented the Black Plague (this disease originated in Asia and reached Europe via traveling merchants, it is also not an invention)
Oppressed the Navaho Indians (Navaho Indians never lived in a territory controlled by Great Britain)

An article entitled "Americans Divided on Taxing the Rich to Redistribute Wealth"


Maybe we could use a Huey Long type tax on the egalitarians like the Kennedys, Rockefellers, Gates, Bushes and so on, since they seem to be so supported of tax money going to the minorities. The day the rich scream that taxes are too high is the day that the rich are really getting taxed! The rich often call for higher taxes on "the rich" but it always seems to be the middle and working class that pays the new taxes while the rich benefit from them directly and/or indirectly.
It seems like the only rich person who advocates for tax raise for the rich is Buffett but I don't know whether even that is grandstanding. I will say this that charitable donations by the Rockefellers and now Gates have cut into their net worth severely. Back when the the Rockefeller brothers were trying to become president they disclosed their assets and the 4 brothers were "only" worth 150 million (in early to mid 1970's dollars). At one time their grandfather was the richest man on the planet who was among the first billionaires who handed out dimes to homeless people during the great depression.
I can't say that I know all there is to know about Douglas Murray. In about two minutes he crushed any argument for reparations or apologies for slavery. A complete telling of the history of slavery is severely lacking. Thus, millions of White people have a guilt complex. It's mental abuse in my opinion.

Black folks have gotten reparations for the past 60 years to no noticeable effect.

The reality is that reparations of the kind being tossed around won’t happen in my view at least, is that it would allow whitey to finally settle his tab with black America.

Given there are far too many people who benefit from ongoing gibs, I don’t think it will happen.

Course I could be wrong
Instead of giving 40+billion to Ukraine I would have paid reparations to Blacks. On 1 condition. They have to go back to Africa.
Instead of giving 40+billion to Ukraine I would have paid reparations to Blacks. On 1 condition. They have to go back to Africa.
Perfectly fair. But we both know that will never happen. Living off the white mans burden is too damn lucrative for too many of the hucksters to allow it to end, and after living in the us for hundreds of years the likelihood of a back to Africa move is laughably low.
I would give it to them if every one of them agrees to be sterilized.