Rename Cy Young Award?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Yes, this dippy Caste Clown wants it renamed. To what? Satchel Paige!
It never ends with these twits. They want to scrap every aspect of our White heritage and replace it with the imnage and likeness of the Negro.;_ylt=AlCML6EyK6FMKf.9tFfD7.g5nYcB?slug=ge-fullcount061909&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

It's time to retire Cy Young. I'm all for tradition, but baseball has more important people to remember than a man who began his career in the horse-and-buggy age. He's had his name on the award for the game's best pitcher for over half a century, plenty long to honor his place in the game. See ya, Cy.

Let's rename the award after a man who won more games than Young, struck out more batters than Nolan Ryan, pitched in at least twice as many games as anyone else, and had a persona that rivaled Babe Ruth's.

The name is Leroy "Satchel"Â￾ Paige, and it deserves to be etched on a trophy that would guarantee he will not be forgotten. (snip)
Those "facts" thrown out about Paige are black urban legend and aren't backed up by any supporting evidence or stats. Just pro-black tripe designed to belittle white athletes accomplishments. What a freaking joke!
You can have two awards, one for each league and use names like Tom Seaver, Nolan Ryan, Steve Carlton or Greg Maddux to name a few.Greg Maddux.Jim Palmer, Clemens, Randy Johnson.
These guys are a freaking joke. It comes from Yahoo sports. Figures. Those are some of the most caste idiots out there right now. If they even think about renaming it, I am gonna get pi**** off!
I wonder why they don't want Satchell Paige to be forgotten but they do want Cy Young to? Nolan Ryan is 10x better.Edited by: StarWars
Colonel_Reb said:
Those "facts" thrown out about Paige are black urban legend and aren't backed up by any supporting evidence or stats. Just pro-black tripe designed to belittle white athletes accomplishments. What a freaking joke!

Most of Paige's competition in the Negro Leagues wouldn't have been signed to even minor league contracts had there not been segregation, much less have madeit to the big leagues.

White Americans are taught to wallow in the horrible "white racism" of eras past, such as when Paige pitched for Cleveland and the St. Louis Browns in the late '40s and early '50s. ButPaige was always treated well, and even pandered to, as shown by the fact that he made two American League All Star teams during years when his record was 12-10 and 3-9. During his 12-10 season he even finished 17th in the MVP voting for the AL. He was made into a full-blown legend and hero once he hit the majors.Edited by: Don Wassall
I justt noticed that the Sox and Reds played in a civil rights game today. What't that about? Who is discriminating against black people in sports now? It never ends. The announcer said Ali was an agent of change and Bill Cosby is an agent of hope. Why is there such a big push for this now? Black people jusr played in the 70's and 80's without all the hand wringing. Is it Selig?
As I wrote in another thread, media types can't get over the fact that blacks weren't allowed in professional baseball until after WWII. The more distant in the past that period becomes, the more they dwell on it.
"Let's rename the award after a man who won more games than Young, struck out more batters than Nolan Ryan, pitched in at least twice as many games as anyone else, and had a persona that rivaled Babe Ruth's."

Wait a second. This article is flat out false. I don't know a heck of a lot about baseball, but don't Nolan Ryan and Randy Johnson have the first and second most strikeouts in MLB history?

Isn't Nolan Ryan more recent than Satchell Paige? Why don't we just rename every white MVP to a black player, to make up for lost times, haha.

If they're doing what I think they're doing, they're counting his strikouts from the Negro Leagues. Why don't we just count Nolan Ryans college stats, too?
They won't stop until every school, award, and street is named after a black. They want us to totally forget our culture and heroes. This type of crap will continue as long as whites allow it. If they are considering doing something like this whites should protest, protest, and protest some more.
No joke -- Canter's Deli (a Kosher delicatessen) on Fairfax Ave in West Los Angeles has a new painting that shows Obama next to Lincoln.

Surprise, surprise.

And now Cy's to be forgotten? How about we forget about Harriet Tubman? She's dead now too. Or maybe this rule only applies to white icons.

Next we'll hear how Larry Bird only hit 3 pointers because of white privilege. What a stupid country we/ve become.
There is no way Paige was anything of the pitcher these blacks are making him out to be. He pitched at a time when the sport was still developing and techniques were being discovered and refined by white men. On his own with the negroes he would never have learned or developed those skills. He was probably alright against the negroes but couldn't hold a candle to those white pitchers of the day. But that would be reality and reality does not interest the white lemmings in the media like Yahoo.

You in the United States are living in a period where blacks are overepresented proportionately to their population numbers and many in your country seek to find ways to glorify them at the moment for mediocre or meaningless accomplishments in order to be more "inclusive" to them and help them create a history they simply do not have because they simply were doing nothing while the rest of the world was building civilization.
whiteathlete33 said:
Well Giovani, Isiah Thomas already said that if Bird was black he would just be another player.

Bird was the greatest player to ever step on the hardwood. Thomas couldn't carry Stockton's jock on his best day...much less Bird's!

P.S.- Paige is grossly overrated & isn't in the top 50 best all time pitchers. I wish the Caste vermin and their "progressive" allies would leave baseball tradition alone!
Actually, remember when Isiah put it on Stockton after Thomas was left off the Dream Team?
I've had about enough of this fawning for everything black. The only "American" big 3 sport that isn't black dominated is too much for these weasels.

When you count Caribbean blacks- blacks are probably overrepresented in MLB. Baseball is less than 75% white American which is about the U.S demographic, but all the complaints are about baseball being only 8 or 9 percent African American.

Writers like this probably want to name every baseball award after blacks and have Obama's next ten successors for President be black too. Damn self hating whites.
GreatLakeState said:
Actually, remember when Isiah put it on Stockton after Thomas was left off the Dream Team?

And to think Isiah has a white wife. She must really have no pride at all and none for he parents and ancestors.
This needs to stop. It's way beyond the point of embarrassment. Don't they already have the Jackie Robinson Rookie of the Year award and Roberto Clemente Humanitarian of the year award? Isiah Thomas later claimed he was joking when it become controversial, nevertheless, he's a racist who happens to have white friends like a lot of white racists have black friends. In fact, he and Bill Laimbeer have actually said they are best friends. People are strange.Edited by: Fightingtowin
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