Relax Gentlemen, The NFL Is Not So Much

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
In spite of all the bombardment by the sports media in the newspapers, radio, and especially television with their daily sports reports hyping the NFL as if it were the only legitimate sport out there and the only thing worth watching, the NFL is NOT attracting new and more viewers.
NBC's big football bamboozle SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL last week drew a 9.8 television rating (Nielson). That may sound good at a glance but consider this: over 90% of the viewing audience did not tune in! And all of those that did not watch television did not tune in either! Those are significant numbers. Sunday Night Football used to regularily pull in 15.0-17.0 ratings during the '80's.
One could make the case that viewers have much more choice taday than they did during the '80's and some of that is true but no, and I mean NO, other television program is more promoted than football is on U.S. television.
It may not be a cause or it may, I do not know, but one can certainly make the observation that the blacker the NFL the lesser the interest.
I do not foresee any changes in the near future but if the NFL starts to pull 6.0-7.5 ratings I would expect to see some changes in the format...if you know what I mean.
Thank you for the report.

I mostly follow White NFL'ers through the internet because I can't stand the anti-White announcers.

I will not voluntarily be subjected to that garbage.
"I mostly follow White NFL'ers through the internet because I can't stand the anti-White announcers. I will not voluntarily be subjected to that garbage"

Nice post, man. This is EXACTLY how I feel. Besides, what's the point in watching those boring games if there is no chance of having a player you actually care about to root for?

As for the annoucers, I'd love to see ESPN fire all those f*ggots, especially that old, idiotic, bearded P.O.S Tony Korn(hole)eiser.
Thrashen said:
Deadlift:As for the annoucers, I'd love to see ESPN fire all those f*ggots, especially that old, idiotic, bearded P.O.S Tony Korn(hole)eiser.

Thrashen, my thoughts exactly. I CANNOT stand Tony Kornheiser. Whenever PTI comes on ESPN, my father joking refers to him "the senile old fool".
"Nice post, man. This is EXACTLY how I feel. Besides, what's the point in watching those boring games if there is no chance of having a player you actually care about to root for?"

Since very few of our players are on offense, I'm more interested in seeing our players on defense. Most of our players on defense are great tacklers.

But, some defenses are all-black! I certainly have no interest in watching that.

Gotta love it when the announcers go absolutely wild when a black player makes a play that a crippled White could have, due to the absolutely horrendous tackling efforts by the "affletes"! Not one mention that those can't be the best players the NFL can get.

NFL---National FAKE League... or farce league!
The media has straitjacketed itself into a narrow channel of thought dictating what it can and cannot say, whether its by happy cooperation or frustrated helplessness. I'd like to assume that most sports announcers, if they're intelligent, at least personally realize something is not right, though to keep their salary they'll continually spout the party line.

A lot of teachers are the same way, where they know what they should teach but are forced to teach Mexico-loving propaganda.
Yanling et al:

Towing the line to keep one's job is one thing but to swear to keep the code of silence for all of one's life is entirely another. Almost everyone ever employed to work in an NFL head office is sworn to a life-long secrecy to never -and I mean never- tell the truth about what is really going on. These people are so insane they carry the truth to their graves. How many famous coaches and owners alike have died without revealing the truth behind the racial role-playing in the NFL. Who are they protecting?
Those ratings on Sunday Night or Monday still surpass a World Series game,NBA/ NHL playoffs, Indy500, etc. I believe. All sports ratings are down. I assume more people watch other things than sports now that 300 channels are available. Probably a small percentage have stopped watching the NFL because its2/3 dark.
More evidence that the NFL is losing its grip and influence on television:

Television ratings september 24-30 raised even my eyebrows.

#1 CSI @ 14.9
#2 Dancing With The Stars @ 13.5
#3 Grey's Anatomy @ 13.2
#4 Desperate Housewives @12.2

And #12 NBC Sunday Night Football @ 9.4!!!

To put this into perspective, the #20th ranked show was Survivor China, not far behind, @ 8.3!!!

As I have said before, these ratings are extremely important to the business of football and nobody understands the meaning of these numbers like the NFL executives and owners.
You may bitch and complain all you want but the only thing the NFL will listen to is the numbers. If you keep watching the same old junk the owners will take that as an approval to what they are doing. If you don't like it than do what I do and never watch an NFL game on television, or, at least, only watch the whitest of teams like the Patriots and the Colts (the winningest as well ha! ha!).

As I said before as NFL numbers continue to decline you will see changes in the game. Slowly but surely, white americans are turning away from the game. The owners are losing some of their client base and will have to make changes in order to regain lost market share. Expect more white players, especially visible ones. When the NFL is barely ahead of a dimwit show like Survivor China, the owners know they have a problem.
If white football players who star at the high school level and then are stymied, begin realizing in large numbers that they are being screwed in favor of blacks with lesser talent for purely racial reasons, that will affect the NFL's popularity. And if their families and friends realize too, along with all those who learn from this site, well, the numbers can be significant and costly to the NFL eventually. When those that truly love the sport, as so many white Americans do, begin turning on it, it's bound to have negative repercussions.

Also, I think the pool of black players has clearly peaked. Black males are an incredibly dysfunctional group, and the more athletic black males seem to be even more predisposed to criminality than the rest. Growing up without male role models in gang dominated ghettos is not conducive to producing many professional athletes.

That being said, the Caste System in the NFL is still extremely strong. But at least there are some cracks appearing in the foundation. Edited by: Don Wassall
Maple Leaf @ Don,

Exactly correct. For awhile now there has been an inperceptable movement towards bringing back White players. Especially now that blacks are losing all control of themselves and running amok. I think that in five yrs. or so the league will be back to 50% White at least. Beyond that, I see the league going to at least 80% White. That's if the country doesn't blow up before that.

Tom Iron...
tell you what, guys like Tebow, Jordy Nelson, Hester (white runningback starting for number 1 school in the nation, with good results) are doing their part to disperse all the myths.
I agree with backrow. These guys are on-the-field warriors for our cause, whether they recognize themselves as such or not. I think the move back to white players will be a slow one. We will have to see a change in the draft over a 5 year period to say for sure things are changing. We aren't anywhere close to that point. There have been some encouraging signs lately, but most coaches and owners are still anti-white, and it shows in the draft and how they use the players they have. All that will have to change before we will see an upswing in the percentage of white NFL players. It won't be 50% white in 5 years or even 10. In this current political and social climate, I don't see whites becoming a dominant majority in the NFL anytime soon. It will take a major re-awakening and re-thinking in our society before that will happen. We have to realize we are in for a long fight and be ready for it.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Another thing that we seem to forget or never ask, in the NFL's quest for worldwide appeal they will in time come to realize that other nations do not have the same fascination with blacks that Americans and fat German girls have. Now white supremacy is a very touchy and subjective subject to talk about, but let us face facts a good portion of the world outside the liberal fantasyland thinks that whites are superior and that causes all sorts of misconceptions in any dialogue. Now if they could sell an Asian runningback stiff arming a white linebacker, naming the rb the Superbowl MVP and having him stroll off the field with two stunning white cheerleaders the NFL might be onto something. But I know one thing Mike Vick has little world wide appeal.
It is worth noting that the NFL's ratings for the past 4 weeks have been actually stronger than I expect them to be later in the regular season as more competition comes into the viewing market. The baseball playoffs will surely affect NFL numbers as well as other white sports collectively. Clearly, the question needs to be put to them:

Just how long did they think they could go alienating their fan base and at the same time expect to keep it?Edited by: Maple Leaf
wile said:
Another thing that we seem to forget or never ask, in the NFL's quest for worldwide appeal they will in time come to realize that other nations do not have the same fascination with blacks that Americans and fat German girls have. Now white supremacy is a very touchy and subjective subject to talk about, but let us face facts a good portion of the world outside the liberal fantasyland thinks that whites are superior and that causes all sorts of misconceptions in any dialogue. Now if they could sell an Asian runningback stiff arming a white linebacker, naming the rb the Superbowl MVP and having him stroll off the field with two stunning white cheerleaders the NFL might be onto something. But I know one thing Mike Vick has little world wide appeal.

Good points. I was over in Europe a couple of weeks ago and it was kind of strange going into a pub and not seeing football or baseball playing on the TV sets. They were all playing MMA fights(IFL and UFC), boxing fights, soccer games, and (gasp!) NASCAR races (I was shocked that NASCAR is popular in Europe).Edited by: SteveB
A Surprise From Week 5 In The NFL?

Nfl's top show, Sunday Night Football pulled in 4th place on the weekly ratings chart ending october 7 with an 11.2 rating. Not a blockbuster rating by any stretch but a big improvement from last week (12th).

So why the sudden improvement? It must have been a particular interest in the game: Buffalo played unbeaten Dallas in a dubious game with late finish. The NFL knows how to take care of their sponsors if you know what I mean.

Expect a possible 15.5 rating next week, really great for the NFL and likely tops on the chart, as 2 unbeaten teams, Dallas and New England, are going to play each other. This matchup is going to be as big if not bigger than a playoff game so advertising is selling for a premium unless it has already be sold.

Take note that no other sport or show on television is promoted as much as the NFL, in fact it is not even close. So when shows like CSI or Dancing With The Stars beat the pants off the NFL in the ratings it demonstrates how saturated the market is of NFL talk and play. It makes you wonder why advertisers are willing to pay double and triple the cost to advertise on NFL games when the shows that everone is watching are so much cheaper.

Gentlemen, the NFL is not so much, but it is expensive.
Week 6 results, and WOW some predictions are only too true to believe!!!

Fast National ratings for Sunday, Oct. 14, 2007

The National Football League was a boon to CBS Sunday, but NBC's prime-time game of the week suffered some of its lowest ratings ever.

CBS won the night with an 11.4 rating/18 share (with those numbers subject to change thanks to live football). ABC finished second at 8.1/13, while NBC managed only a 5.3/8 for the night. FOX, 3.8/6, came in fourth, while The CW was barely there at 0.8/1.

The adults 18-49 crown also went to CBS, which drew a 5.0 rating in the demographic. ABC took second at 4.6. NBC, 3.3, beat out FOX, 3.0, for third, while The CW fell well below the 1.0 mark.

CBS' coverage of the week's marquee NFL game, New England at Dallas, scored a 16.6/28 at 7 p.m., easily beating the combined totals for the other four networks. ABC's "America's Funniest Home Videos," 4.9/9, was the best of the rest. "Football Night in America" earned a 3.2/5 for NBC. Reruns of "King of the Hill" and "The Simpsons" averaged 2.7/5 for FOX. The CW aired "CW Now" and "Online Nation."

I forecasted a 15.5 rating for the game, but not a 16.6! What I didn't know was NE/Dallas was not the Sunday Night Game. Right forecast, wrong time.

But that is not the big story. AND THIS IS AS BIG A STORY AS BRIAN LEONARD RUNNING 200 YARDS!! The Sunday Night Game only pulled in a 5.3. I don't know if you guys understand the meaning of all of this but the sh*t has already hit the fan monday morning. I have noticed a downward trend in NFL ratings as the league became blacker and blacker but I never thought the marquee show, the show that all the other shows build up to, would go below even a 6.5. Believe me the NFL front office phones were ringing off the hook today with advertisers wanting some answers. Advertisers want to know what went wrong. When the NFL's marquee show is barely ahead of that moronic montage called "America's Funniest Videos", they know they have a problem on their hands.

I don't even know what teams played the NBS game but for the first time since last year's Superbowl I watched an NFL game. Who couldn't? With all of those white stars on the Patriots, 2 of the 3 best quarterbacks, 2 undefeated teams, and the CasteFootball website buzzing about football all the time.

If the Colts and the Pats remain undefeated leading up to their match-up in 3 weeks I predict a 19.1 rating for the game.

As for the rest of the NFL, the loss of fans -the loss of customers- is really starting to appear and this time they REALLY must start to make changes. I don't know if they know how, or even if they know what the problem is, but these teams filled with gangsters and creeps are in want of a change if they are going to be able to stop the slide.

5.3...can we go any lower?Edited by: Maple Leaf
Wow good news! Interesting that the two whitest teams the Colts and Patriots are the ones drawing the most viewers and are also the best and most exciting. Those teams are also known to have very unselfish players and less showboating and criminals in their midst.

We gotta hope that very black teams like the Bengals, Ravens and Jaguars who refuse to treat whites fairly at caste positions will have miserable ratings. I almost hope that more black players get in trouble with the law and suspended so the league starts to realize that the Patriots and Colts have the winning format for building an NFL team, meaning more white players! Maybe we will start to see a few majority white rosters in coming years!
The Packers currently have a waiting list for season tickets of over 74,000 people. Green Bay is the 257th largest city in the U.S. Only 47 season ticket holders gave up their tickets after last season. Those on the waiting list who replaced them signed up in the early 1970s.

Despite some cracks in the foundation of the Caste System, there's still a hundred million or so drunk white football fans in America who worship at the shrine of the NFL.
Isn't Green Bay a bit of an anomaly among NFL franchises though, Don? I read somewhere that Green Bay fans put their kids and grandkids names on the list as birthday gifts and such. How many other teams have waiting lists that long for season tickets? I really don't know but can't imagine that there are that many (not a rhetorical question, I really don't know and would like more information on this subject.)
Green Bay is probably the most extreme case, but many franchises have big waiting lists for season tickets. I know that's the case with the Steelers.Steelers fans comprise avery largeportion of the populace in this area, and they live and die with their team24/7/365.I doubt it's much different in most other NFL cities. The NFL remains far and away the most popular pro sports league ever. Edited by: Don Wassall
Seems a terrible waste of money to me. College games are bad enough, even if you get student tickets. I guess if you like to get drunk and yell with thousands of people each Sunday in the fall, an NFL stadium is the place to be.
Not me.

I have never been to an NFL game and really have no desire to do so.
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