Refugee Invasion of Europe

Police in numerous European countries are indeed "covering up" the fact that blacks/Muslims commit ridiculously high rates of rapes, sexual assaults, and violence of all forms everywhere they're present. In a healthy society, this information would be highly publicized, as it could help white Europeans avoid interacting with these human bacteria at all costs...
are they actually "human" bacteria or just garbage filth bacteria?
Hypocrite George Clooney moving his wife and newborns back to the States to escape the refugee hell of Western Europe.

Another great piece by Paul Joseph Watson:

Particularly sad to see the beauty of Italy being destroyed forever. Here's what one person (from Italy) wrote beneath Paul's video:

I am Italian. I can confirm my country has been completely screwed by 3 years of mass immigration from Africa that is making each and every city a copy of Baghdad or Nairobi and costing italian tax payers 5 billions a year (but our lame ass excuse for a government claims it is forced to tax us even more in order to find out 1.6 billions requested by Eu, just saying). I have escaped to japan with my family last december and all I can say is I'll feel in exile from a country that doesn't exist anymore for the rest of my life. Good job western multicultural liberism.
Source of the pukes and their ideology behind the attacks on the white race: *******. Behind all of this is the envy of our people's accomplishments and living abilities. So much envy and jealousy of whites worldwide!

Get ready. This thing is going to blow the hell up. And that's exactly what the puke designers of the attacks on whites want.
Immigration Crisis Causing 'Unprecedented' Shift in Italy's Demographics

Pretty sad. Looks like Italy is now lost to the Orc horde forever. All deliberate, of course.

Again, George Clooney is such a hypocrite, moving back to his securitized compound in Los Angeles. Why doesn't he stay over there in Italy and partake in the "Joys of Diversity"?

Some telling stories in the comments section. Italians now fear to go outside of their homes in their own country and their traitorous government will do nothing about it. This has been the plan for a long time but "they" first had to take the guns away so that the average Italian (or other Euro country) could not defend themselves to what was to come (and planned long ago).

Thank God our Founding Fathers gave us the 2nd Amendment (and 1st Amendment) and that's why the PTB here, including the media are constantly attacking the Founding Fathers and what they gave us. Right now, it's just the Confederate monuments and statues that are being destroyed or taken down, "tomorrow" it will be Jefferson, Washington, etc.
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Immigration Crisis Causing 'Unprecedented' Shift in Italy's Demographics

Pretty sad. Looks like Italy is now lost to the Orc horde forever. All deliberate, of course.

Again, George Clooney is such a hypocrite, moving back to his securitized compound in Los Angeles. Why doesn't he stay over there in Italy and partake in the "Joys of Diversity"?

Some telling stories in the comments section. Italians now fear to go outside of their homes in their own country and their traitorous government will do nothing about it. This has been the plan for a long time but "they" first had to take the guns away so that the average Italian (or other Euro country) could not defend themselves to what was to come (and planned long ago).

Thank God our Founding Fathers gave us the 2nd Amendment (and 1st Amendment) and that's why the (((PTB))) here, including the (((media))) are constantly attacking the Founding Fathers and what they gave us. Right now, it's just the Confederate monuments and statues that are being destroyed or taken down, "tomorrow" it will be Jefferson, Washington, etc. and that's when the Second Civil War should commence.

I know you're a heretic (;)) but have more faith in the Italians. When this E.U. thing blows apart -and it will blow apart- the Italians are going to put their scarpuzzies up those foreigners asses but good! I'm very confident that will happen!
300 savages storm into Spain territory:
300 savages storm into Spain territory:

Here's what should have been awaiting them...

1000 African savages armed with sticks and spears storm Spain territory

A Spanish government delegate in Ceuta, Nicolás Fernández Curucull, said the injuries occurred as a result of the migrants’ “violent behaviour” as they “overwhelmed the border agents” — a statement slammed by Amnesty International as having the potential to “encourage hateful and xenophobic discourse”.

Amnesty International has highlighted the rise of ‘us versus them’ rhetoric, which it is necessary to bring a stop to, on multiple occasions in recent times,” wrote the NGO in a press release which demands the EU open safe and legal routes of migration for sub-Saharan Africans.
1000 African savages armed with sticks and spears storm Spain territory

A Spanish government delegate in Ceuta, Nicolás Fernández Curucull, said the injuries occurred as a result of the migrants’ “violent behaviour” as they “overwhelmed the border agents” — a statement slammed by Amnesty International as having the potential to “encourage hateful and xenophobic discourse”.

Amnesty International has highlighted the rise of ‘us versus them’ rhetoric, which it is necessary to bring a stop to, on multiple occasions in recent times,” wrote the NGO in a press release which demands the EU open safe and legal routes of migration for sub-Saharan Africans.

P1$$ on "scAmnasty" International & their precious little savages! :mad: I say prosecute ALL those facilitating the "importation" of these untermenschen! For those found guilty, execute them for high treason. Those nasty, barbaric heathen pose a direct threat to all western nations!
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Police officer who could have stopped vile paedophile is sacked and labelled 'grossly incompetent'

Paedophile Bahmani Ahmadi aged 23 of Newcastle has been described by police as one of the "most dangerous" in the UK

With all the sexual offences he committed, he was sentenced to a whopping six and a half years in prison. England is so fu$%ed up it is beyond belief. He should have been drawn and quartered.
Shamnesty International spews the epitome of hateful "us vs. them" discourse. In their propaganda, WE (the White race) are "them," the wicked Other who must be destroyed at all costs.
Boy, 9, found hanged 'was bullied for being white'

  • Aaron Dugmore, nine, found hanged at Birmingham home by his mother
  • Believed to be Britain’s second youngest 'suicide' caused by bullying
  • The schoolboy was rushed to hospital but died of suspected cardiac arrest
  • Family claim Aaron was being tormented by bullies at his new school
  • Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding Aaron's death
A boy of nine who was found hanged is believed to have killed himself after he was ‘bullied for being white’ by an Asian gang at school.

Aaron Dugmore – thought to be one of the youngest children in the UK to commit suicide – was discovered in his bedroom after being tormented for months, his parents said.

They said Aaron was threatened with a plastic knife by one Asian pupil, who warned him: ‘Next time it will be a real one.’

He was also allegedly told by another pupil that ‘all the white people should be dead’ and he was forced to hide from the bullies in the playground at lunchtime.

Aaron’s mother, Kelly-Marie Dugmore, 30, and stepfather Paul Jones, 43, said that despite complaints to the school, nothing was done to stop the bullying.

Aaron had recently started in Year Five at Erdington Hall Primary School in Birmingham, a school where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic minority backgrounds.

According to staff at the school he had already ‘settled in quickly’ with his classmates after he joined the school last September when his family moved nearby.

The school, which caters for 450 pupils aged three to 11, received an ‘inadequate’ rating by Ofsted inspectors last year.

This is coming to Canada very soon and already in full-swing in the USA, is there anyway to stop it when idiots openly defy Trump and what he is trying to accomplish and want more terrorists in America? I saw a clip on Youtube months ago where a male muslim piece of shyte was yelling at some white british men.."we are having 8-9 babies to your every one baby, we will own England and Europe in 25 years and you will all die" Unless British whites start fighting back it is over, Germany is next. Sweden, Norway, Belgium and France are already done, Spain not too far behind.

Obama and Soros are killing themselves with laughter.....
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American Freedom News